Champy and Morris

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Champy and Morris Champy & Morris an unlikely duo who are best friends. They live in northern NSW Australia.

Head boop approaching….

Head boop approaching….

I moved the horses to a new paddock today, unfortunately I still don’t have a permanent home where I can live with them ...

I moved the horses to a new paddock today, unfortunately I still don’t have a permanent home where I can live with them and have Morris back with Champy but how stunning is this place!
They’ll be happy here until I find a permanent home.
I’m still looking everyday but the housing crisis doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I know several people that have been looking for a few years as well and they don’t even have animals and are still finding it impossible. But we keep looking 👀

It’s so funny watching horses in a new paddock they run around checking everything out, said hello to the horses next door. Gorging themselves on the new grass, which isn’t so funny I really have to watch Champy and Dustys weight they’re really prone to getting way too fat. But I have 3 happy horses today and Morris is cuddling on my lap as I write this so life is good.

I’m very blessed to have found this place for the horses and will start to share more of their adventures with you all.

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers 🙏


Volume up ⬆️ Who’s the loudest eater? Champy or Dusty?
Check out the different eating styles, I always knew Dusty liked to savour his breakfast and take his time eating but when I compared maybe Champy eats like a pig 🐽 he doesn’t even come up for air 😂 head in his bucket 🪣 the whole time.
Champys also the messiest eater.


It’s Cocos birthday today she’s 19.
She doesn’t like sharing her breakfast with anyone including chickens 🐓

Dusty showcasing his newly trimmed hooves. All the horses got their hooves trimmed a few days ago, thank you to everyone...

Dusty showcasing his newly trimmed hooves. All the horses got their hooves trimmed a few days ago, thank you to everyone who donates towards this. We all very much appreciate it 🙏

When you’ve got your own lookout security system 😻 there’s nothing to worry about.

When you’ve got your own lookout security system 😻 there’s nothing to worry about.


When you just need to be close to your buddy.

Trick or treat? 👻🎃🐈‍⬛ Show me your Halloween pics 👇 did you dress your pet up?

Trick or treat? 👻🎃🐈‍⬛

Show me your Halloween pics 👇 did you dress your pet up?

Do you need a rainbow 🌈 today?

Do you need a rainbow 🌈 today?


Morris trying to groom Champy but making a bigger mess 😹 Champys very accommodating lol

Anyone getting ready for Halloween 🎃? Champys got quite a sweet tooth so he’d love some treats.

Anyone getting ready for Halloween 🎃?

Champys got quite a sweet tooth so he’d love some treats.

Happy Global Cat Day from Morris 😻Post a pic of your cat below 👇

Happy Global Cat Day from Morris 😻
Post a pic of your cat below 👇

Leap of faith 😻

Leap of faith 😻


Morris shows off his skilful balancing act with a bath whilst on horseback. He makes it look so easy but my other cat Winston has such terrible balance he falls over trying to clean himself on solid ground. If you’ve got cats do you think they could manage a bath on horseback or are they more like Winston?

This is Morris’ version of how he met Champy (I shared Champy’s story last week). Morris- I was born at the rescue shelt...

This is Morris’ version of how he met Champy (I shared Champy’s story last week).
Morris- I was born at the rescue shelter and no one wanted me until Jennifer walked in one day. I couldn’t take my eyes off her and knew I was going to a new home. I was about 9 months old. When we got to my new home she took me outside for the first time sitting together on the front verandah then this big chestnut horse came to say hello. He introduced himself as Champy and stuck his nose right in my face to say hello, I was a bit nervous and hid behind Jennifer but he wouldn’t go away and kept trying to groom me. Everyday we went outside the same thing would happen and I’d hide behind Jennifer, by day three I realised he really wanted to be my friend and so I became brave and jumped up on his back. He wasn’t shocked at all, he was totally relaxed and happy about it like he’d been waiting for me to jump up. I noticed Jennifer was a bit surprised though. I’ve been best friends with Champy ever since. He was the first horse I ever met and I was the first cat he’d met. We’ve had so much fun together and we’re really lucky to have each other.

1st pic is Morris at the rescue shelter, 2nd and 3rd pic besties forever.

True Love True Friendship

True Love True Friendship

I went to have a look at a house today - don’t get excited it was a terrible experience like so many I’ve looked at. I d...

I went to have a look at a house today - don’t get excited it was a terrible experience like so many I’ve looked at. I don’t normally make posts about this but I was so frustrated today. How does a housing/ rental crisis really affect people? If you’re not looking for a rental you probably don’t know of many things going on with this situation- for example- the owner only put the add up yesterday he already had 6 people ready to look at it this morning. When I got there he told me he’d been offered nearly double the amount for rent if he gave it to one of the people, this was over the phone they hadn’t even seen it yet. I would have been struggling to pay rent at the advertised price but when people do this it makes it impossible. This is becoming more common unfortunately. What people involved in this probably don’t think about is they are creating the rent rises everywhere, there are many factors but this certainly contributes. It has a huge knock on effect and in the long run will also affect the tenant but he created the rent rise in the first place. It’s a pretty sad situation. Now what landlord is going to say no to that and then prices just keep going up and up. I never thought in a million years we’d have rent biding in this country but here we are. Sorry for the sad post but this is what I’m dealing with all the time. I’m incredibly grateful for this group that keeps me going through all of this. It’s hard not to lose faith in humanity but I’ve met some wonderful people following Champy and Morris that restore that faith. Thank you all. Morris knew I was upset when I got home and gave me extra cuddles.

A picture of Champy and Morris in the chicken coop. At my previous house there was an old chicken coop that they both lo...

A picture of Champy and Morris in the chicken coop. At my previous house there was an old chicken coop that they both loved to hang out near and as you can see from this pic also inside. Morris loved hanging out in there and Champy would go looking for him, he could only just squeeze his head in there. Morris is laying on the horse rugs I used to hang in there. When I first moved there before Morris came into my life I was thinking about getting some poultry but decided not to and I was always glad I didn’t because these two loved this area. Unfortunately it blew over in a bad storm we had and the last few years we were there we all missed it. It was just the right height that Morris would leap from Champy’s back onto the roof of it, it was an amazing playground for them both. The 2nd pic is Morris sitting on the roof of the coop.

Happy 11th Birthday to Dusty! He and Champy are one year and one day apart, so they always celebrate together. The 2nd p...

Happy 11th Birthday to Dusty! He and Champy are one year and one day apart, so they always celebrate together. The 2nd pic is Dusty closing his eyes for his birthday 🎂 wish that we can all find a house soon.

This I believe is the look of defiance! Note the glimmer in his eyes and the one claw threatening to touch Champy’s rump...

This I believe is the look of defiance!
Note the glimmer in his eyes and the one claw threatening to touch Champy’s rump. Every friendship needs to have boundaries and Champy set some claw boundaries with him early on.
Sometime in the first year of their friendship Morris had jumped onto Champy ba****ck and was laying across his rump playing with Champy’s tail. I was sitting on the verandah watching them when Morris must have been getting a bit too enthusiastic and Champy must have felt a few claws. There are so many different responses Champy could have had but the one he chose was surprisingly tactful, he simply dropped his hip and turned himself into a large chestnut slippery slide 🛝 Morris had nothing to grip onto and went sailing off his rump. Morris won’t ride ba****ck anymore and I believe this incident is why. People often ask me about why Champy’s always wearing a rug, it’s mainly to give Morris something to grip onto. I’ve seen Champy making sharp turns and Morris digging some claws into the rug to hang on, but he knows they can only go into the rug not any further lol

Story time I’ve told this story many times from my perspective but here’s Champy’s version. Champy- I’m a social butterf...

Story time
I’ve told this story many times from my perspective but here’s Champy’s version.

Champy- I’m a social butterfly so although I had a big 15 acre paddock I loved spending time close to the house and being involved in everything! I would introduce myself to anyone that arrived at the house, I’d usually greet them at their car, stick my head in their window and say, Hello I’m Champy, who are you? So one summers day in January there was a new arrival at the house, Jennifer came outside carrying a little black cat. Now because I’m the official welcoming committee around here I immediately introduced myself to him. I stuck my nose towards him to say hello but he backtracked a bit with fear that I might eat him, he’d never met a horse before but all I wanted to do was feel his soft fur. He was the cutest little thing I’d ever seen.
I found out his name was Morris and every morning I’d arrive early at the front verandah and wait for him to come out with Jennifer. I’d never met a cat before and I was smitten. Morris was a bit nervous around me for a few days but I was determined to be friends and on day 3 he just jumped up on my back and we’ve been besties ever since. I love having him ride around with me and I’m the only horse here that has a cat friend, I think the others are missing out. But that’s ok because I get to have Morris all to myself, which is good because I get jealous easily.

Morris will share his story next.
Pic is of Champy and Morris on the front verandah.

This is following on from the previous post that not every horse loves Morris. Every horse that Morris has met has had a...

This is following on from the previous post that not every horse loves Morris. Every horse that Morris has met has had a different response to him, mostly fear - except of course from Champy who absolutely loves him. These pics are of the few occasions Morris jumped onto Dusty and Dusty stood frozen in fear and wouldn’t move till he got off. And then there’s the pics of Champy looking really jealous that he was on Dusty but I’m sure Dusty was saying ‘He’s all yours! Take him back!’ Morris doesn’t realise the power he holds in those little paws.

Dusty is happy to say hello to Morris but Morris trying to ride him is a step too far. Morris has been spoilt with so much love and affection from Champy that he was always surprised and disappointed when the other horses weren’t interested in being his friend. You’d assume from all this that Morris is the friendly one who started the friendship with Champy but it was Champy who initiated it. Many long term followers know the story but if you haven’t heard it or want to hear it again let me know in the comments.

Has Morris ever been bucked off? Yes! But not by Champy. After being such good friends with Champy, Morris had become ov...

Has Morris ever been bucked off? Yes! But not by Champy.

After being such good friends with Champy, Morris had become overconfident that every horse loved him.
He’d try to jump on the other horses and they would tolerate him but then one day he jumped on Ruby. Ruby was staying with us for a short time, I’m not sure if she’d ever met a cat before, she was curious about Morris and had showed a bit of interest in him but Morris trying to jump on her back was a step too far.
I was standing on the front verandah with Morris, Champy and Ruby were close by. Morris leapt from the verandah straight onto Ruby without any warning. It all happened in a split second but when something is unfolding before your eyes that you can’t stop and your heart is in your throat it seemed like it was in slow motion.
Morris went from the verandah onto her rump facing backwards as he often does he didn’t have time to even sit down when Ruby promptly swung her head around to glare at him with an expression of HOW DARE YOU! In her mind she hit the eject button, she bucked as hard as she could and Morris went flying through the air and I mean flying he must have been over 20 feet in the air as he reached the maximum height and then when he started his descent I think I stopped breathing. I couldn’t even run over to try to catch him it all happened so quickly I watched him coming back down to earth, he hit the ground on all fours with incredible grace and walked off calmly like nothing had happened. I couldn’t believe he was ok I ran over to check him and he was totally unfazed by it all. Then the relief hit me and I couldn’t stop laughing and wish I’d been recording it. Although he wasn’t hurt and he played it cool that day he’s never tried to jump on any other horse since except Champy.

Pics are of Ruby saying hello to Morris and lulling him into a false sense of security lol

That feeling when you’re on top of the world.

That feeling when you’re on top of the world.

Just a selection of rainbows 🌈 to brighten everyone’s day.

Just a selection of rainbows 🌈 to brighten everyone’s day.

Morning snoozing in the sunshine is the best.

Morning snoozing in the sunshine is the best.

When you know you look good 😽

When you know you look good 😽

Sunrise sunset

Sunrise sunset

Morris sharpening his claws and Champy hoping it’s not for him. Fence posts had multiple uses. We’re still looking for a...

Morris sharpening his claws and Champy hoping it’s not for him.
Fence posts had multiple uses.

We’re still looking for a home 🥹
Many people have asked me if our government is doing anything, there is currently a national inquiry happening to the worsening rental crisis which I was able to share my story to yesterday. Unfortunately these things take years for any change to happen. But we keep praying 🙏 and I’m incredibly grateful for everyone’s ongoing support here.

They always looked so good in silhouette.

They always looked so good in silhouette.

A rare moment of Morris facing the right way, was the view better in that direction? Not sure what inspired this but I t...

A rare moment of Morris facing the right way, was the view better in that direction? Not sure what inspired this but I think he looks really funny only because I’m used to seeing him face backwards.

Just having a chat, what were they talking about?

Just having a chat, what were they talking about?

Morris was snoozing on the fence and Champy wanted to join him.

Morris was snoozing on the fence and Champy wanted to join him.

I used to grow sunflowers 🌻 for the horses at my old place, along with pumpkins, watermelon 🍉, celery and a whole herb g...

I used to grow sunflowers 🌻 for the horses at my old place, along with pumpkins, watermelon 🍉, celery and a whole herb garden. Unfortunately I can’t do any of that now, I’m sure the horses are missing those treats.

These pics are from when Champy and Dusty busted into the sunflower patch, I walked outside one day to find them both in the middle of the garden having a great time.
Morris used to help me garden, he loved exploring the garden and hanging out with me there.

The last pic was harvesting the sunflowers for the seeds and showing just how big they were growing.

I spoke with someone over the weekend who had applied for over 50 houses 🏠, that’s not uncommon now, I know many others that have applied for nearly 100 before they got something, it sounds unbelievable but it’s what’s happening. If you do have a place rents keep getting bumped up to astronomical amounts. How is any of this sustainable?

Can you caption this?

Can you caption this?

I don’t think I’ve ever posted this before but a few years ago I put Morris’s cardboard cat scratcher on Champy as kind ...

I don’t think I’ve ever posted this before but a few years ago I put Morris’s cardboard cat scratcher on Champy as kind of a little saddle and Morris loved it 😺 I had to put it facing backwards of course, his favourite position.

What do you think? Does he look even more royal ? 👑 Champy just needs his purple rug on and it could be a medieval royal entourage.

I’ve showed photos and videos of Morris grooming Champy, they definitely have a mutual grooming session, here’s Champy r...

I’ve showed photos and videos of Morris grooming Champy, they definitely have a mutual grooming session, here’s Champy returning the favour.

Happy International Cat Day 😻

Happy International Cat Day 😻

If you google ‘friendship’ all the references talk about mutual affection between two people. Clearly animals have frien...

If you google ‘friendship’ all the references talk about mutual affection between two people. Clearly animals have friends as well I think it should be updated. 😁




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