Healthy cells are the key to health and immunity and even a healthy balanced diet will benefit from this unique, blend of pure naturally occurring nucleotides to promote optimal cellular health and production. Nucleotides are the key component to cell replication – the basis for every function in the body. Our pets’ lifestyles are subject to our own modern lives and therefore they have much higher
demand for nucleotides than their wild counterparts. Their bodies cannot always produce enough nucleotides for optimal cell regeneration and it is difficult to obtain additional nucleotides from food as most are lost during digestion. The unique formula of Maxicell supports a good working immune system and an optimal digestion process which utilises more nutrients from any diet. Unlike other supplements, the nucleotides in Maxicell are pure, they have been separated at cell level so they are not lost in digestion; as soon as they are consumed they are ready to be used by the cells that need them. Nucleotides can have a major impact on the immune and digestive systems but any process in the body will benefit from additional nucleotides giving your pet better energy levels, improved allergy resistance, faster recovery times from breeding, injury or operations and much more.