Save a Kitty SA Re-home and Adoption Association Is a registered Charity with an ABN and DGR status. We DO NOT have a physical shelter or a single location that you can come and “shop” for your next cat of kitten. Our network of foster carers, located mainly in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, volunteer to lovingly look after the cats & kittens in their own homes. Arrangements are made for you
to visit the foster carers own home to meet the particular cat or kitten that you that have expressed an interest in. Having the cats and kittens fostered with families in their own homes exposes them to normal family life. It gives them a chance to get used to other cats, dogs and other animals. All cats & kittens are vet checked, desexed, received their 1st vaccination, micro-chipped, flea treated and wormed before rehoming. We will not rehome a cat without full vetting and the price you pay covers this care and provides you with a "2 week care period" which means that should your adoptive cat become un-expectantly ill within this period and the cause is not as a result of your neglect or poor care they can be seen by one of the Veterinary Surgeries as directed by Save a Kitty SA. Privately Funded Not for Profit
Save a Kitty SA does NOT receive any government funding. We are a registered charity and the rescue is solely operated by volunteers and supported by the good will of some amazing veterinary surgeries and concerned cat lovers in the form of donations of food, bedding and financial contributions towards the very large vet bills that sadly are a part of rescue and re-homing. Unfortunately this means there are limited spaces available for cats & kittens within our foster care network. It is important to understand that Save a Kitty SA is not a convenient way of dumping unwanted animals so if you are inquiring about rehoming with us, know that we will help you as much as we can but please be considerate of our limitations. We are always looking for people to assist with transportation of cats or donations of food and bedding. People to advocate on our behalf, look after stalls and fetes or financial support being paid directly to the nominated Veterinary Surgeries ensures that we can continue to maintain their good faith and support for those times when illness or injury becomes a necessary priority. While the foster carers would love to have people to help clean and play with those cats in care we do not have opportunities for people to undertake work experience or day volunteer options caring for the cats. Foster carers provide a safe, indoor home & provide food, litter & love to many cats & kittens. Having cats and kittens in a foster care environment also means that where possible they are well socialised with people, children & other cats and animals. The more carers we have join our team, the more cats we are able to rescue. If you would like to volunteer to be a foster carer please message us on the Save a Kitty SA Page
The adoption includes Desexing, Micro Chipping, Their First Vaccination, Worming and Flea'd
Save a Kitty - Your First Option for Kitty Adoption >^,,^<