What Do the Animals Know?

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What Do the Animals Know? Facilitating clarity & understanding between you and your pet, that leads to a deeper bond and ease

Just across this article regarding Tick born disease and what can be done to prevent and treat.

Just across this article regarding Tick born disease and what can be done to prevent and treat.

Finding a tick on your dog can be very distressing, especially with all the tick diseases that are emerging. I’d like to let you in on a little known


How amazing is this? What would it be like to shut down every lab and facility around the world?
My big ask is that all animals are treated with kindness around the world.
Please consider contributing whatever you can in whatever way 💫🐾


Grateful to Dr. Judy for all her work 💖

Great reminder

Great reminder

⚠️ Are the supplements you're feeding your pets day in and day actually safe to use long term?

I was reminded this morning while listening to a gut health podcast that some of the popular herbs and supplements used can significantly damage the gut microbiota.

👉 Berberine is one of those...

Though touted for all of its wonderful benefits, used long term (12-16 weeks) it has been shown to create dysbiosis...

Meaning it can significantly decrease some microbial populations while increasing others (E. coli for example).

👉 Oregano, Colloidal Silver and everything other antimicrobial has the potential to interfere with the gut flora and do more harm than good.

Thus... just because it's natural doesn't mean your pets should be ingesting it long-term.

I'm a big proponent of only giving supplements that are absolutely necessary and even then, I switch it up to provide diversity.

Why? That's what nature provides and has done for billions of years. Nothing is always the same.

This infuriates me.  How many more pets and their human family will have to go through this until it stops?  Please say ...

This infuriates me. How many more pets and their human family will have to go through this until it stops? Please say no to these and all neurotoxins 🌈🐾

From Dr. Odette Suter DVM (for some reason I couldn’t repost what she wrote, which is so so important:“PLEASE READ ... I...

From Dr. Odette Suter DVM (for some reason I couldn’t repost what she wrote, which is so so important:
“PLEASE READ ... Is your pet (or you) reacting to EMFs? All the new "smart" things aren't all that smart and can cause a lot of distress and disease in those who are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

One of my patients became aggressive when her person put a GPS tracking collar on her. Thankfully she figured it out and removed it with immediate relief, but this dog's thyroid gland never recovered from the damage.

A vet from Colorado did a study and found that the risk for lymphoma was increased in those homes that had high magnetic energy readings.

👉Learn more about how you can protect your pets and yourself, through my comprehensive EMF course. https://odette-suter-dvm.teachable.com/p/protect-your-pets-from-emfs

Thanks for sharing your story Russell Rescue TN! I'm so glad you have a smart vet!”

PSA: We adopted our dog, Rowdy, from the shelter 5 years ago. He was already an adult dog, so we estimate he is about 11 or 12 years old at this point. I love this dog. He is the sweetest soul and my BFF. For the past week or so he hasn’t been acting like himself. He licked a raw spot on his foot. He was panting constantly. He was pacing. Sunday morning, the pacing and panting got so bad, and I was REALLY nervous that there was something seriously wrong with him. For 45 minutes, he panted like crazy and constantly paced back and forth. He was keeping his tail tucked down all the time. His ears were pinned back. He would not settle down and he wouldn’t eat. We tried everything. I ended up giving him a trazadone that he takes sometimes when he goes to the groomer. It seemed to take a little bit of the edge off, but not much. He still wouldn’t eat and still wouldn’t settle. I took off work on Monday so I could take him to the vet. We did bloodwork and x-rays. Knowing he is a senior dog, I was trying to prepare myself for the worst case scenario. I was glad to see his bloodwork was great except for some elevated liver enzymes. The x-rays showed he was a little backed up but no major issues. He got an anti-nausea injection and some Gabapentin to help with some tenderness in his back and to hopefully help keep him calm. When we got home, he was ok for a little bit, but eventually started pacing and panting again. We walked around the neighborhood for a long time and he used the bathroom a lot. He seemed pretty happy about that and was in good spirits until we got home and he refused to come back in the house. Every time I took him out that evening, he would hunker down like he didn’t want to come back in the house. When my vet called and I gave her the update, she suggested there may be some new electronic device in the house that was emitting a high frequency noise that is hurting his ears. We had just put new smart outlets in the house about a week ago. His pacing and panting were worse when the lamps were on, so I unplugged all the smart outlets. He stopped panting, stopped pacing, and ate his food. His tail was even up and wagging again. When I plugged the smart outlets all back in and asked Alexa to turn on the lamps, he immediately started panting and pacing again. My husband used an app to test the frequency of the smart outlets. It was off the charts. We've left the outlets unplugged for two days and have confirmed that it is definitely the smart outlets that are causing his stress and discomfort. He's back to being a totally normal dog now. I really thought this was the end for Rowdy based on the way he was acting. I am so thankful for Dr. Newell at BoonesCreek AnimalHospital for figuring out this simple solution. If your pets are exhibiting similar symptoms, you may want to consider checking your electronics first. I cannot express how relieved I am that he is ok now. 😭♥️🐶

What if there was another choice and another way?There is!

What if there was another choice and another way?
There is!

A Prognosis Is, Well, A Prognosis......

A prognosis is nothing more than a prediction based on research and data. All of this information comes from one perspective only. Think about the time when people believed that the world was flat. The obvious prognosis for a seaman would be that if you go too far, you will fall off the edge and die. Pretty much accepted, until it wasn't.

Conventional medicine is a bit like that. Imagine that you took your broken car to an auto mechanic that only had screwdrivers to fix cars. Inevitably, there would be a number of cars that he could not fix. Now, if that mechanic started using wrenches and other tools, his success rate would greatly increase. The same goes with health care. As a small animal vet for over forty years, I promise you conventional vet medicine has extreme limitations in its results.

Let's look at a couple of examples of pets with CKD
Magic was a domestic shorthair cat who was at the state veterinary college hospital. He was in the hands of the best that the state has to offer. He was diagnosed with kidney failure and after all attempts to treat him, his caretaker was told that he was going to die and that if she did not euthanize him immediately, it would be inhumane. She was shocked and told the internist that she was not ready to let him go and that she would take him home for a couple of days and then take him to her regular vet for euthanasia.

The next day she was at work and was telling her workmate about Magic and she asked the caretaker if she had considered an alternative approach to his care. She had not even considered it but she started looking around and that was when she gave me a call. I told her she had nothing to lose and we would give it a try. I started working on Magic using a combination of daily SQ fluids, acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy. Magic rallied, his numbers came down dramatically, he was his old self and lived for five years. He died at 19 years of age from heart failure.
Clifford's pet caretaker called me crying because her little Yorkshire Terrier was in kidney failure and was given less than three months to live. She lived in another state so I could not see him so she sent me his file and after reviewing it I found that her vet had not looked for the cause. I had her to ask her vet for some more lab work to be done and we found out that her dog's kidney disease was caused by glomerulonephritis which was secondary to her dog's chronic pancreatitis. We focused on healing the pancreas while supporting the kidneys using Chinese herbal formulas, diet modification, micronutrients to support the kidneys and daily SQ fluids. The kidneys healed and Clifford is alive and well today after three years and is on no meds or supplements.

Sandy was brought to my office because the was paralyzed in the hindquarter. She had ruptured a disc in her back and according to the neurosurgeons, it had damaged the spinal cord to the extent that it no longer had any function. There were no options except to put her in a cart or to euthanize her. Her general vet prescribed some steroids and after six months and no improvement, her vet told her that it would be best to euthanize Sandy.

Sandy's caretaker would not give up and following a suggestion about possibly using acupuncture, she called me. I treated Sandy once a week for eight weeks using electrical stimulation acupuncture along the spine. After eight weeks, Sandy was up and running normally. Her caretaker was ecstatic but at the same time angry that her vet would not even consider having her look for an alternative approach. Sandy was the fortieth dog that was never supposed to walk again that got up and walked.
These stories are absolutely the truth. None of this was magic or voodo or anything mystical. These pets were treated with an alternative modality that I was educated and trained to do at a veterinary college that offered Chinese medicine training.
When a conventional vet gives you a bad prognosis, remember, it just means that according to his one and only perspective, this is what you can expect. I always tell my clients, "If one pathway does not get you where you want, try another pathway."


When you know better, you do better. Animals are forgiving and one of their messages is to show us to forgive, let go and do better without judging ourselves

Happy National Dog Day, can’t imagine life without these beautiful Beings🐶

Happy National Dog Day, can’t imagine life without these beautiful Beings🐶

I’m thinking now is the time like no other to support independent authentic, caring, kind businesses.  The monopoly is g...

I’m thinking now is the time like no other to support independent authentic, caring, kind businesses. The monopoly is getting bigger and bigger, however, We ultimately have the power of choice and our money speaks. Each and one of us makes a difference. Us choosing how to spend our money makes a difference.

Inspired by a tragedy that happened one of her own dogs, Linda Bach has taken it upon herself to petition the Welsh government, imploring them to slow down the corporate buy-out of independent Welsh veterinary practices. Like many of us, she's worried that overall such a move may not be in the interest of pet health.

What a legend. Some of us talk, others walk.

"This event came out of simple frustration at seeing the havoc a few private shareholder companies have reeked on our veterinary profession. From there, it has snowballed with so many passionate but despondent professionals, animal rescues and campaign groups all getting on board. It's been my privilege to give them all a platform. I am proud of my Welsh Parliament for leading the way and deeply humbled that they listened to a small voice of an ordinary broken-hearted woman".

Thankfully, there are such people out there doing such things on our behalf.

We have never fed more drugs or magic kibble and yet chronic disease in pets continues to spiral. As veterinary costs continue to spiral, pet insurance subscriptions are plummeting. The inevitable result is many pets are not going to get the care they need.

Remember how Mars Inc, the biggest purchaser of vet clinics in the world, wants to treat your dog for itch:

"Banfield’s Pet Ware manual makes for interesting reading. In one example, explaining how the software is used to prescribe treatment, the book shows a checklist of therapies for a dog with atopic dermatitis or itchy skin. Doctors are encouraged to recommend a biopsy, analgesics, topical medications, antibiotics, a therapeutic dietary supplement, an allergy diet, and a flea control package. They’re required to recommend antihistamines, shampoos, serum allergy testing, lab work, a skin diagnostic package, and anti-inflammatories. It’s a treatment course that might run $900 for symptoms that, in a best-case scenario, indicate something as prosaic as fleas. In bold print, the manual reminds doctors: “you cannot change items that were initially marked REQUIRED. They must remain REQUIRED”.

Not all corporate-owned vets are bad, of course. Some allow the previous vet to stay on. After all, a profitable business is all the shareholders demand. Clearly, in light of how Mars chooses to do it, how such businesses get that money is of less importance to them.

Still, on the balance of things, please try support independent vets when and where you can or all that we'll have left is Ronald Mc Donald schools of "health".

[The image is taken from the front cover of her petition - revenue generating units. Ooohh that made me mad 🤬].

A sweet animal friend showed up today on my walk in the forest.  She was not sure if it was safe for her to cross the pa...

A sweet animal friend showed up today on my walk in the forest. She was not sure if it was safe for her to cross the path. stood by my side and we all allowed the doe to feel safe and cross comfortably.

Priceless 😂😂😂😂🐾

Priceless 😂😂😂😂🐾

a weekend chuckle!

So phenomenal what this organization is doing to help our wildlife.

So phenomenal what this organization is doing to help our wildlife.

Please watch this short conversation about what is causing Gut Health issues and skin allergies and what we can do. Than...

Please watch this short conversation about what is causing Gut Health issues and skin allergies and what we can do.
Thank you Dr. Odette Suter abs Dr. Zach Bush

Dr. Zach Bush shares valuable insights into the importance of gut health for our pets and discusses how it affects their overall well-being. Discover how gut...

Spot Light:   and Dr. Jeff

Spot Light: and Dr. Jeff

An Interview With Martita Mestey

I was whispered to post this movieDid your furry companion ask me to?🤔

I was whispered to post this movie
Did your furry companion ask me to?🤔

The film is an in depth look at the commercial pet food industry, it's lack of regulation, and how is has evolved over the years, as it is now owned mostly b...

What do children and animals have in common?  Their energetic connection without any judgment ❤️

What do children and animals have in common? Their energetic connection without any judgment ❤️

A beautiful connection!

Is it time to really consider switching to something different?  These recalls are getting more frequent, and it takes a...

Is it time to really consider switching to something different?
These recalls are getting more frequent, and it takes a lot of pressure for it to be even publicized, so how many have been swept under the rug that we are not even aware of?
Out furry friends count on us!
please consider something different. The days of vets or the drs know what’s best, are no longer exist...

I believed that conventional V and Ds knew everything and I should trust them, until one day, well over a decade ago, I realized that I had to really study, learn, ask a million questions and educate myself...
you don’t know what you don’t know, until it stares you right in the eye, and you take the steps to learn and choose something different.
It’s actually pretty awesome and empowering.


Due to Potentially Elevated Vitamin D

Friday education corner 🐶

Friday education corner 🐶

Somewhere, someone might require this right now. My gift to you.

Somewhere, someone might require this right now. My gift to you.

Losing a pet and missing a beloved Animal Friend/Animal Companion/Fur Baby is NEVER EASY. We can however sense them and recall the physical sensation of their energy. Join me to discover how.

An informed pet parent is an empowered pet parent

An informed pet parent is an empowered pet parent

Does your dog have arthritis, neuropathic pain or chronic pain? Then chances are your vet has prescribed gabapentin. But there have been ZERO controlled research studies on gabapentin to treat chronic pain. And case reports show mixed results. And it hasn’t even been FDA approved for dogs!

And one vet told us it wasn’t helping the dogs and the ones coming to her had bad reactions … like tarry diarrhea, aggressiveness, low energy, tremors, difficulty breathing, anxiety, loss of appetite and digestive issues.

There are better options when your dog has pain. Click the link to find out more about why you should avoid gabapentin ... and learn about natural pain relief for your dog.

There is an alternative to poisons

There is an alternative to poisons

OFFICIAL SITE - Natural essential oil and plant-based alternative to conventional toxic flea and tick products, containing the following products: FleaHex® Wash, FleaHex® Household and TickHex® Spray.

When it feels like between -33C to -35C, I have to get the gear out...   doesn’t like it, BUT, she tolerates it and we g...

When it feels like between -33C to -35C, I have to get the gear out... doesn’t like it, BUT, she tolerates it and we get to go for a nice walk (off leash 👍) and.... no she isn’t cold in the last picture, that’s how she usually stands waiting for action in her border collie glory😊.
Through years of experience I’ve learned that if you are patient, relaxed and have a deep level of communication with your dog, you can successfully convey to them what you would like to accomplish resulting in a fun outing. That’s the beauty of the animals, always inviting us to relax and be present and in the process have joy and fun.

A reminder worth reminding.Happy Sunday

A reminder worth reminding.
Happy Sunday

I get it how frustrating it can be when your dog doesn't listen, jumps up, doesn't come back, barks, or your cat goes outside the litter box, or sharpens its claws on your couch.

It is easy to point the finger at them 👉....
However, if you step back for a second and look at it from another angle:
🐾 is your communication clear?
🐾 are you certain that your body language matches your voice, and matches the feeling or the energy you are being inside?
🐾 are you rushing things?
🐾 are you sending mixed messages?
🐾 are you sure that the litter box is easily accessed? Is it clean?
🐾 are you setting up your dog/cat for success?

Clear communication with any species is vital, and it isn't a solo dance 😀
If you have been doing the solo dance, it is ok, you are not wrong. What would it be like now that you have more awarness around it, and you could perhaps start making more deliberate choices to how to proceed from this point on, so you dance the tango.

Hope this is a contribution to you and your Animal Friend.

How did we all get so lucky? 🐾❤️🐶Do you know and acknowledge that your dog chose you? That’s a start of animal communica...

How did we all get so lucky? 🐾❤️🐶Do you know and acknowledge that your dog chose you? That’s a start of animal communication!

One of the things I desire to see for you and your sweet furry companion is thriving and being empowered when it comes t...

One of the things I desire to see for you and your sweet furry companion is thriving and being empowered when it comes to health and vitality.
Almost nothing in the way that “normal” vetting is done encourages thriving. Mostly what it is, is masking symptoms, adding toxins and stressing the body, the organs and glands with poisons and chemicals that sooner or later will result in side effects creating a bigger problem.
I’m speaking from first hand experience with my own pets and other people’s pets that led me on a path of studying well over a decade ago, seeking what else is available and possible.
It’s my pleasure to share with you links, information and resources that I believe in and resonate with me.
Please take what speaks to you and leave the rest. You may come back to it later, or not at all.
My immense gratitude for these incredible vets that dared to go beyond the “norm”, question and acknowledge that something wasn’t right with what they were seeing in their practices, connecting the dots and willing to look beyond what they have been taught and told is the only way.

Friday Freebie Webinar! From our most favorite Pet Health Webinars, ever... today we invite you to enjoy "Mushrooms for aging," with Dr. Ihor Basko. https://youtu.be/KmHD-U6mu9o?list=PLrb-G1U1PnvTuiD6IH2k_SPnzTlyW2mJu

Good Morning!!!What are you and your sweet animal friends up to today?

Good Morning!!!
What are you and your sweet animal friends up to today?



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