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Animals Talk Too Rachel Selikoff helps pet owners communicate with their 4 legged family members by giving them the ability to see, hear or feel the animal's thoughts.



His owner said his favorite thing about Tyson was “everything he does is cute,” and that “this dog is the best!” and said that on walks nothing bothers Tyson…loud noises, small animals, he keeps walking and goes about his day.” Then he abandoned Tyson at the shelter for Tyson’s medical bills. Heartbreaking. A PERFECT FAMILY DOG, ABANDONED.

Let’s preface this by saying what is a known fact – TYSON is an amazing dog. A perfect family pet. A dream! He truly is. Just read his owner surrender notes in the thread below before you read ANYTHING else, and you will see that the Tyson who is at the shelter is “heartbroken Tyson” but this is just temporary, unlike what is facing him in 48 hours – the end of his life. Tyson lived in a menagerie – and we kid you not. Adults, 3 kids, a small female dog and her full litter of puppies, a cat, snakes, lizards. Every living thing was represented, and he got along gracefully, beautifully, and with a playful and happy heart with all of them. There is nothing wrong with Tyson, he was dumped because his family didn’t want to pay his medical bills any longer due to his allergies. And just like that, his world was gone. Tyson is initially shy, but then friendly, outgoing and playful with adults, strangers and other dogs He is also a couch potato; he loved to just lay about in his crate with the door open. He loves baths, car rides, and playing with socks. He knows commands. He hardly pulls on leash. He loves kids. What’s not to love? We really can’t stand the thought of him leaving this earth. He’s such a good, sweet, big hearted boy. He just needs an experienced foster or adopter who understands grief, who can let Tyson decompress and warm at his own pace to his new home and family. Let’s find him that. If it’s you, MESSAGE OUR PAGE for assistance.

VIDEO: Everything he does is cute heart

TYSON, ID # 189027, 2 Yrs. Old, 78 lbs., Male
Brooklyn ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Black / White
Owner Surrender Reason: 12/8/23 – Tyson’s health/allergies
Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope only
No Children (under Age 13)
Medical Behavior Rating: 4. Orange

Tyson needs emergency placement due to behavioral concerns. Tyson has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and is escalating to lunging and snapping at handlers when attempting to remove him from his kennel once leashed. Once out of his kennel, Tyson remains highly fearful and avoids handlers, including all interactions. Medically, Tyson has been diagnosed with Alopecic Dermatitis.

Tyson was surrendered to the Care Centers due to his owner being unable to afford his medical bills. Tyson's previous owner described him as a couch potato who preferred to lounge in his crate with the door open. Tyson loves bath time, car rides, and loves to play with socks. He is reported to need time to warm up with new people, but during his stay at the Care Centers, Tyson has not acclimated well and is not allowing for handling. He has escalated to growling, lunging, and snapping at handlers and their leads when attempting to remove him from his kennel. Once out of his kennel, Tyson avoids all forms of interaction. Tyson would benefit from being placed in an adult-only home through a New Hope Partner that can allow him the time and space to decompress and address his challenges with the use of a certified force-free, reward-based trainer.

Upon intake Tyson was friendly with staff and loved the dog treats that were provided to him. Tyson allowed staff to collar him and owner helped to put Tyson in a kennel. Once inside the kennel Tyson ate food and drank water. Tyson did begin to bark once staff and owner left the room. After a couple of hours Tyson stopped barking.

Tyson is an approximately 1 Yr. old Large mixed breed, unaltered male dog. His owner surrendered him to the Care Center because they stated they can no longer financially provide for Tyson medical bills. Tyson has a skin condition that the owner thinks is a food allergy. His Vet appts were inconclusive. Tyson’s owner tried to find the source of the allergies and was exhausted with food trials and medical lotions. Owner received Tyson from a person on the street who was giving away a litter of dogs. Tyson lived with 4 adults, 3 children (ages 1, 5, and 7), 1 cat, 1 small mixed breed female dog and her litter, lizards and snakes. Tyson is shy in initial contact with strangers and visitors but is friendly, and outgoing once they warm up to you. Tyson was in a home living with 3 children. Tyson would be playful, friendly and outgoing with them. Tyson was in a home with one 2 year old female (not spayed) small mixed breed dog. Tyson would be playful, friendly and outgoing with her and her litter of puppies. Tyson is also playful, friendly and outgoing with unfamiliar dogs on and off leash. Tyson was in a home with 1 cat. Tyson was playful, friendly and outgoing with the cat. His owner stated that Tyson did not have any issues with resource guarding. They were able to take away toys, food, bones and treats. Tyson has no bite history. Tyson’s energy level is medium.

Other Notes:
Tyson will use the bathroom outside and inside of the home. His owner placed wee wee pads in the home. Tyson does not have any behavior concerns. Tyson’s owner stated his dog is the best! During walks Tyson is not bothered by anything including loud noises and small animals. Tyson will keep walking and go about his day. Tyson is not bothered when held/restrained, disturbed while sleeping, startled, pushed/pull off leash, feet/paws touched, or collar grabbed. His owner stated Tyson will bark if someone knocks on the front door. Tyson was in a home with Lizards and snakes. He would be curious of the reptiles and paw at their cages in an non-aggressive way.

Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes
Medical Notes: Tyson has sever allergies and has a restricted diet. Owner is still unaware what type of food is causing allergies.

For a New Family to Know:
Owner stated that Tyson is a couch potato. He will spend most of his time in his kennel with the door open. Tyson loves bath time and and has never had his nails trimmed. Tyson will mild to moderate pull on the leash while walking. Tyson is used to 1 hr walks 3/4 times a day. Owner informed staff that Tyson loves to go on car rides. He knows commands like sit and laydown. The owner's favorite thing about Tyson is that everything he does is cute. He loves to play with socks, and run around.


Date of intake:: 12/8/2023

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender

Previously lived with:: 4 adults, 3 children (1,5,7yrs old), 1 cat, 1 small female dog & her litter, Lizards, snakes

Behavior toward strangers:: intially shy, needs time to warm up

Behavior toward children:: playful, social, outgoing with resident children

Behavior toward dogs:: social and playful with resident dogs and other dogs off leash

Behavior toward cats:: playful, outgoing, with resident cat

Resource guarding:: none reported

Bite history:: none reported

Housetrained:: Partially

Energy level/descriptors:: Tyson is reported to have a medium energy level.

Other Notes:: Tyson is reported to relieve himself outside and inside the home. owner placed wee-wee pads in the home. He is reported to bark when he hears a knock on the door. Tyson would paw at the cages of the lizards and snakes out of curiosity.

SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARY - Date of assessment:: 12/11/2023
Summary: Tyson has not acclimated well to the shelter environment, remaining highly fearful and defensive. He has escalated to lunging and snapping at staff and their leads when attempts are made to interact or remove him from his kennel. Due to his behavior, he is not an appropriate candidate for a handling assessment.


Tyson is laying down in the back on his kennel when the handler approaches the handler removes his kennel blocker and Tyson approaches the front of his kennel where he displays a neutral body and wagging tail. The handler gives him treats which he gently takes, when the handler opens his kennel door he begins to paw at his door. The handler easily leashes him and walks him out of the center, once outside he relieves himself and walks on loose leash throughout the walk. Tyson will see novel dogs and tense up displaying a high tail and raised hackles, the handler uses a squeaker which he looks at the handler and shakes off his body and continues walking with the handler. Tyson is lead back to the center where he allows the handler to reclip his leash an he lead to his kennel where he hops inside, the handler gives him a chicken yogurt treat before walking off.

Tyson is sniffing the bottom in front of his kennel when the handler approaches. The handler removes the kennel blocker and begins to feed him chicken yogurt, which he begins to lick and allows the handler to leash him. The handler leads him out of the center where he walks on a loose leash. On the walk, he lifts his paws looking down on them, and walks at a slower pace. Tyson sees a novel dog and tenses up he displays a high tail and raised hackles, he doesn't refocus and is taken out of view. The handler takes him back to the center where he hops into his kennel, the handler uses a hook to remove his leash and yogurt to distract him.

1st handler approaches Tyson. Tyson is slightly whale-eyed and stiff. 1st handler tosses cheese, but Tyson ignores it. 1st handler attempts to leash him. On the fourth attempt, Tyson hard barks at the handler. The 1st and 2nd handler switches places. The 2nd handler approaches. Tyson backs up into the corner of the kennel. Tyson fixates on the 2nd handler. 2nd handler slowly exposes the lead and moves it closer to Tyson. 2nd handler attempts to leash him 4 times before successfully leading him. The 1st handler then slips on their slip lead. Tyson is escorted easily and safely outside. When on walks Tyson will stiffen up tail included, ears up, and would fixate when passing other dogs. Each time he grew slightly more aroused, focused, and anxious. Tyson was escorted back to the building. Tyson is escorted into his kennel and unleashed with no issues.

When the handler approaches Tyson is lying down on his bed hard staring at the handler. Tyson is coaxed with high-value times but looks away from the handlers. Tyson when the handler opens the kennel door begins to whale eye staff and low growl. The handler attempts to lasso him the first time and he ducks and climbs off his bed, pushing his muzzle into the corner. The handler tries once again but Tyson tenses, and lunges/snaps at the leash. The handler walks away and puts an enrichment into his kennel allowing him to decompress.

INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake:: 12/8/2023
Summary:: social, accepted treats

MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial:: 12/9/2023
Summary:: barked, lunged, cowers at back of kennel, sedated


No children (under 13)
Place with a New Hope partner

Recommendations comments:

No children (under 13): Due to Tyson's fearfulness and his escalation to higher-level warnings toward staff, the behavior department recommends that Tyson be placed in an adult-only home.

Place with a New Hope Partner: Tyson has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate his behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home.

Potential challenges:
House soiling
Fearful/potential for defensive aggression

Potential challenges comments:

House Soiling: Tyson is reported to be partially house-trained. We recommend positive reinforcement, reward-based training only. Please see the handout on House Soiling.

Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Tyson has escalated to growling and lunging on multiple occasions during his time in the care center. His signs of discomfort must be respected; Tyson should never be forced to interact, and he should always be allowed to walk away from situations or people he finds uncomfortable. We recommend a slow approach and we recommend ONLY force-free, reward-based training methods for Tyson. More aversive techniques are likely to increase fear, increase the risk of aggression, and decrease Tyson's quality of life. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression.



DVM Intake Exam

Microchip noted on Intake?

History: owner surrender; hx of blood in stool; parvo neg on intake

Subjective: Dog is Q/BARH

Observed Behavior - assistant reports dog barked at her once then lunged at door, cowered to back of kennel when approached, able to toss rope over neck to bring out. Sedated with 0.5mL each dex/ket/torb IM, which provided adequate sedation for exam, intake tasks, and skin scrape.

Is there evidence of Cruelty? no

Is there evidence of Neglect? no

Is there evidence of Trauma? no


T = N/A
P = 70
R = 20
BCS 5/9

EENT: Eyes clear, ears mild ceruminous debris, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: Healthy adult dentition with minimal tartar
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Male intact, two scrotal testicles
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, generalized alopecia (peri-ocular, aural, muzzle, and paws)
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: NE
Wood's Lamp Exam: Negative

Approx 1-3yr old intact male large mixed breed
Alopecic Dermatitis DDx: Atopy, food allergy, open


Completed intake tasks
Skin scrape - NPS
Reversed with Atipamezole: 0.5mL IM
Recommend dermatology workup on placement, which may include but is not limited to 6-8wk food trial
Monitor for blood in stool

Okay for surgery


If you would like to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog please PRIVATE MESSAGE our page at or email us at [email protected] so we can assist and guide you through the process.

PLEASE NOTE: To foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog you need to live within a prescribed range of New York City. States include: NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. If you are outside of this range, you have the option to “direct adopt” where you must go to the shelter “in person” to complete the adoption process. We can guide you through that process.


Level 1
Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes.

Level 2
Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience.

Level 3
Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters.

Level 4
Dogs with Level 4 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters. It is suggested adopters have prior experience with the behaviors described.

New Hope Rescue Only
Dogs with this rating need to be pulled by a New Hope Partner Rescue. Contact our page or email us for assistance



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