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Dobermans with vwd support group Talking about dogs with vwd to anyone else who has a dog with vwd


Some days he seems like the rowdy pup of days ago, other days it breaks my heart. He will be 11 in November. That first year I was told he would live a short life due to vwd. We proved that vet wrong. I was quick to become as educated as I could to take the best care of him.
The past year the normal age related struggles have been harder for him.
One year on gabapentin for his pain. His joints hurt and he stumbles and falls. With the medication he bounces back better versus before where if he fell then he would fell over and over. On one of his last vet appointments he picked up some fleas and that treatment was tough on his skin causing dry skin and him licking himself raw over and raw. I have something to help him calm enough to give the wounds time to stop bleeding but I worry about him being too relaxed and falling more.
He has been getting spooked outside and doesn’t want to go outside. Not sure what started that.
Today he pooped on the porch which is not normal.
Then after we went to bed he got out of bed and just started peeing.
Non stop just stood there for what felt like minutes until this bladder was dry. ( only time anything like this happened was a uti where he actually peed on my husband and could only pee in small amounts and had blood in urine .. which is also an issue with vwd)
He knew he did something wrong and was shaking all over.
The thing is I see this as a sad progression. My husband doesnt handle emotional things well.
Usually I would flip out but I had to be the calm one tonight. It’s not something that he wants to even think about at all.
I mean let’s face it no one does.
So after a carpet clean up and laundry of the towels used he is back to bed. Not sure if I’ll sleep tonight or not. Tomorrow I’ll have to get the rug up and clean under it. Then hope it was a one time thing.
I need to try and shake this off but I can’t.
So many things it could be …
A trip to the vet seems likely for urine and bloodwork.
Having a fur baby with an illness is so costly and I always leave feeling like the vet is clueless.
I feel so alone on this… I need a closet cry tonight since I will have to be the strong one.
He is our boy and even if he has broke the bank here it’s the best place for him. Such a lover boy and as gentle as they come.
I know he was meant for us so I could take care of him.
Irresponsible breeders caused this and it so sad.

This is the look of annoyance.Our boy is was licking again and making himself raw.  So mad at myself for not finding out...

This is the look of annoyance.
Our boy is was licking again and making himself raw. So mad at myself for not finding out quicker that they had fleas. He must of picked them up at the vet two weeks ago while we were there with a long wait so lots of walking around outside. The other guess is the feral cats that are on our street that keep coming into our yard. So multiple bathes sprays treatments and lots of cleaning and washing up everything in the house. Now I have to wait a week and see if they come back if so I will get the joy of all of that again for three none stop days.
Now the worst part. Poor Reddmen has several bloody raw spots and areas that are just about there. I had to clean each spot gently when I was scrubbing him then pat dry and treat. Two days I have to give him medication to chill him out enough that he left them alone.
It’s these little things that are such a big problem when you have a bleeding disorder. A lot people think it’s no big deal as long as no traumatic injuries happen. But sometimes it is a tiny bug bite that can cause an avalanche of injuries. Now treating those areas before a bad infection can occur while we also keep an eye on the little demons called fleas.

Some photos to help people see some long term affects of vwd First off the nub Much like ears and dewclaws they are done...

Some photos to help people see some long term affects of vwd
First off the nub
Much like ears and dewclaws they are done before there are ready to go to their fur ever home
You can find perfectly healthy Dobermans with nub issues
The bone is not trimmed as much should be and or skin it pulled too tight or cut too much
When we brought him home we thought it was fine like maybe he chewed on it to make it raw
After diagnosed it made sense what really happened to his docked nub
The snout well that had been an ongoing issue. The white spots are areas with repeated or more of a worse sore could be from
Ingrown hair or doggie chin acne
It’s like his acne is of a teenage boy
Proper cleaning and treating as well as clean metal food and water bowls can help
When he develops a spot he will rub lick and drag his chin for relief
Then Bingo it’s an active bleeding that can take weeks to heal
Hence the scaring
Hindsight is truly 20/20
We have had him for ten years now and he is totally spoiled and taken care of 24/7 but just imagine if he didn’t have all this love and attention as many Dobermans in Shelters and rescues


Been doing some updated readings on vwd in dogs.
Interesting fact it is believed over 70% of Doberman pinchers have or carry the gene
So it is deeply embedded in the breed
Two carriers even if not effected can produce effected dogs
While the largest breed some good news is most cases in the breed are mild
Bad news my boy has a severe case with extreme deficiency of the vwf clotting
Good news he has lived past the predicted range and a bonus he became our boy to a safe home
He is pampered protected and I am very attentive to his needs and I am constantly checking him over.
Makes me sad that the dobermans I love so much has been over and poorly breed
I thought I vetted his breeder finding him through akc best in breed competition and was not a byb but I was wrong because he didn’t double check the bitches medical testing paperwork
Anyway he is my very special mommas boy


Reddmen’s allergies have improved doing an injection medication. He goes back in a week for a checkup and will get another dose they last up to 3 months. Tbh his arm pits and stomach groin area have never looked this good. And his two nails and nail beds have healed finally so it’s a good day


And we are back to the toe nails.
I thought we were done but nope a slightly bloody morning after a slightly bloody night.
Thank heavens for having what I call doggie downers. As you know when you have vwd there are very few medications you can take.
So we are alternating pain medication with chill pills.
With his back legs/hips deteriorating I have to give him pain medication so I don’t like to give him both medications at the same time.
So after his chill pill we laid down on the bed where I literally had to lay over his back foot so he couldn’t lick it and stayed
until he took a nap.
Yup fun day. Not!
And here he going chewing his nails again !!!!
Omg about time for another dose ( I am doing a half a pill at a time so he doesn’t get loopy and trip but just tired.


Yesterday my boy had not one but two bloody nails. I have to keep an eye on him when he chews on his nails but I missed the start of it. I was like oh you are bitting your nails so time to trim. He is really good about clipping so front paws went quick. Grabbed a back leg and saw the blood. Clipped the other nails then had to clip some broke and remaining cracks before I started on those nails and nail beds. A quick cleaning and antibacterial spray before applying the quick powder.
Had to blow on it to dry then sit and babysit him.
Luckily it stopped bleeding. Of course we woke up to some blood stains but nothing bad.


Dealing with our veterinary causes me anxiety
Been calling around area for a new vet either not taking new patients or even more expensive then the high cost of the one we use now


A few weeks ago our boy went to vet for an exorbitant amount of money
To a clueless vet that basically I had to teach him about Dobermans and their health concerns. I had to stand up for him since he can’t.
I know my dogs and can almost read their minds
So after explaining over and over what he needed he got the medication.
One month later our senior boy may still be having some mobility issues but is out of pain and being more like his younger self. He isn’t whining all night thank heavens and is playing more with his sissy again.
He will be 10 next month and I don’t regret at all keeping him when I learned he had vwd
I couldn’t send him back to his breeder not knowing if he would be taken care of, used to bread or just put down.
When told he is a special needs dog I agree he is special to us.


Well this was not a fun day. My boy has been having hip issues and front legs knuckling cause him to fall and splay out. He can’t jump into the bed without assistance. And he weighs 95 pounds so that is giving us a workout.
We all know how hard it is to watch our babies age.
I know we have him the best life and a safe environment to live in.
Knowledge is power with vwd.
But today pushed me to a tipping point.
To sum it up we moved in 2020
And had a hard time finding a new vet.
Found one and in the Three years of going there it’s always a new
vet. And new staff the turn over is nuts.
2 hours and 800 bucks later my head is spinning and lucky I have restraint.
Cliff notes
Staff bad talked the vet
Staff and vet complained about bully breeds and aggressive dogs
And how they hate them
Staff wanted to restrain him
Was grilled by tech about drug seeking like I was wanting it for me
Explain vwd
Explain what he can and can’t take
Had to physically stop tech from trying to draw blood from his jugular
Explain again vwd
Ok then do all that again to the vet while yelling as he was old and deaf
Then listen to him trying to send him to a specialist for more scans
Because he can’t diagnose him
Have I heard of this or that I’ll Ed’s
Again yes I am fully knowledgeable about Doberman health issues he is my fourth and I have kept him safe and alive longer then I was told was his life expectancy
Explain again what drugs he can’t have
Be told I was wrong
Then be told I was right
Yeah no sh*t
They want me to bring him back for X-rays next week but we have decided not to do that as of right now.
Giving him some pain medication that I suggested
Doing more vitamins and limit his jumping
I addition to all that …
I witnessed some bad treatment by the one smart ass tech
The one that hates large dogs dealing with an emergency pair of chihuahuas that were poisoned
She got bite when she tried to muzzle the dog to get it in the
crate was yelling at another employee
She saw me watching and yelled
For them to shut the door
Vet finally told her to remove the muzzle and to step back.
Those poor dogs were sick and scared.
Ok time to find another vet.
Let’s hope he does ok until I can figure something out.
Oh and they forgot to give me all his medicine so I had to go back to get it and spend another 200 plus
Oh boy what a day
Loving dogs is a full time job
Ok I’m done venting
Oh and wait
I come home and found a young dog running in the road and almost got hit
I grab his leash and went out and call the pup over to get it out of the road
( momentarily pause and think oh sh*t I hope it is friendly)
It’s a young female very friendly and very hyper
Took forever to get the leash on her
She had a collar and tags but she was jumping and rolling so much I didn’t think I would be able to read tags
Two tags looked like shot tags
One name tag but it was worn down the center
So I know her name started with a C
Saw area code
Next three home
Saw last digits but was guessing
After some tries I got the phone number
Call owner inform her I have her dog
She said ok I’m at blah blah
I’m like that nice but come here and get your dog please
She showed up came to grab dog and took the leash off
As she informed me the last rescue got out and hit a by car
Omg no words
I would of fell out if the pup ran off again
But she got in the car as I hear about it was all her dumb husbands fault she got out.
Again no words

Personal space nope never have that with a Doberman in the house lol

Personal space nope never have that with a Doberman in the house lol


Fun fact
I Never leave my dogs for more than a few hours
But a family emergency occurred
I call to check on the dogs throughout the day but forget to ask my hubby how he is
I remind him he can take care of hisself the dogs can’t

My boy enjoying the spring weather Just a dog and his ball

My boy enjoying the spring weather
Just a dog and his ball

The pillow king

The pillow king



Nap time is serious business Yes he is back to wearing a shirt again He licked  his armpits bloody Now he is back to lic...

Nap time is serious business
Yes he is back to wearing a shirt again
He licked his armpits bloody
Now he is back to licking a leg area from awhile ago causing a new hotspot next to healing wound on his ankle
My boy is high maintenance


Today was my boys annual vet visit.
A few shots then a blood draw for heartworm.
Then refill his monthly medication plus a round of antibiotics for some raw spots getting infected and the possible uti.
I say possible because I asked not to test urine to save 150 bucks.
Want to guess the total ….
This is crazy and having a high maintenance for baby can happen a few times a year.


So today is Gemma’s last dose of antibiotics
And right on time Reddmen has an issue
Started to see blood drops on the floor last night and more this am
I had to do a full body check
No wounds anywhere
Finally confirmed it yup blood in his urine again
Still in sticker shock after his sissy’s last vet bill not looking forward to another go round with them
Gonna try to cut cost and see if they will take my word for it to save 150 for them to look at his urine


So in between dealing with Gemma Reddmen almost did me in today
The little sh*t pushed past me out the door
It’s been 3-4 years since he has done that
He is a little sh*t he won’t listen and he just runs and runs
All I could think of is he is going to hit by a car if he goes one more block
So I dialed Sam as I was chasing and screaming like a mad woman after him
Through neighbors yards back and forth across the street
I thought I had him twice and missed hitting the ground
He heard Gemma barking and turned back towards home
Thought this is it he is cornered I got him
Nope then he went around house to porch door where Gemma was
One failed grab more tears and yelling then soft tones
Then the little sh*t went to the door and I pushed him in
Omg I am out of shape he thinks he is a greyhound running for the big money he is so fast and doesn’t tire
So this was right before I was taking Gemma to the vet
I was still sweating and ugly crying face as I checked her in
Omg what a day


Off topic sort of
Reddmen is super stressed
His sissy is sick and it is affecting him
He has started his ocd licking which can cause issues
She has a vet appointment later today for stomach issues
Reddmen isn’t eating much since she isn’t eating at all
He doesn’t want to leave her side
For 8 years he gets more attention due to his vwd
She usually has his back and now the table has turned


Found some random blood drops on the floor today they were dry so hard to tell if it’s from today or yesterday
Checked my boy head to nails and tail didn’t see anything
He was a little weird about me following him around outside to watch him pee
I guess he has performance issues lol
But I just need to see if it came from there

Our boy is so spoiled But he should be

Our boy is so spoiled
But he should be

Reddmens favorite summer treat Frosty paws for the win Too hot out for the pups

Reddmens favorite summer treat
Frosty paws for the win
Too hot out for the pups


With the nice warm weather it was a good day for a bath for my boy.
Clean and fresh and ready for a new flea tick and mosquitoes collar.
Prevention is key less bites less bleeding and infection issues.




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