We are combining our passion and knowledge, along with our two collections of pet leopard geckos. Anglian reptiles is made up of three friends James Ruby and Lisa. All profits we make on the animals we sell go back in to our many projects, providing housing, heating and food for our animals. Hopefully next year we shall have a new project to share with you all. Lucky Kitty Gecko Cave is a project
shared between friends James, Ruby and Lisa. We are combining our passion and knowledge, along with our collections of pet leopard geckos. Their care and health are paramount to us. As we have such a wonderful and varied selection of leopard gecko genetics between us, it seemed like an exciting prospect and part of the hobby, to combine them and see what we could breed. That and we all missed seeing our little monsters as cute hatchlings; who wouldn’t want to have hatchlings around if given the choice? We’ve currently got eggs in the incubator cooking away. Once the hatchlings we don’t plan on keeping are ready for their forever homes we shall be posting pictures. If you are interested in having one of our little ones please don’t hesitate to get in contact and we will be happy to discuss details with you. We will quiz potential owners though as we only want the best loving places with correct set up for these diamonds. They will only be available once they are 20g+ and are eating, pooing and shedding well. Soon to be started projects include but are in no way limited to....
The Vikings Balls-This will be a breeding project of royal pythons working with the Albino morph and towards Nuclear's and James is very excited about this one.... Also we are hoping to produce Biohazards in the future so lots of interesting project work to be done here.
Cool Colubrids-This will be our King Milksnake & Hognose (and ratsnakes when we get them) Project. Here we will be breeding for Honduran Milksnake morphs, Albino anaconda Hognose's, Californian Kingsnake morphs and Pastel Albino Kingsnkaes (we are very excited to be working with these little gems and as they are non polyagenic we have so much to look forward to)
These are just what we are working with at the moment but we have more in our sights for the future
As with all our projects the health and well being of the animals comes first and as such we quaranteen all new animals for 6months at houses away from our other animals. As well as having a strict policy of
Our collection has come from trusted breeder friends at Norwich Leopard Geckos, Cambridge Geckos, GC Geckos, RosyPyro, The Barking Gecko, Dreamland Reptiles, PIE reptiles, Hognose UK, Little Kings&Milks.... to name but a few along with a couple of little gems from reptile shows. Our animals are all strong, healthy and full of character as a result. Importantly to us as well, all of our animals are captive bred and are used to being treated as pets. Currently our adult breeder Leo's are:
Fidget-large Aberrant Normal male
Flash-large Mack Snow male (het Typhoon, het Rainwater Albino)
Twitch-large Super Hypo female
Shiver-Jungle Tremper Albino female (hets unknown)
Bob-Red Stripe female (poss Emerine, poss Bandit)
Barrel-large High Yellow female
Tab-Super Hypo Mack Snow Enigma female
Tango-Tangerine female (het Tremper Albino)
Garfield-Blood Aptor male (het eclipse)
Trip-Tangerine female (het Raptor)
Streak-Aptor male (het Eclipse)
Peaches-Macksnow Paternless female
No-Nova female
Va-Nova female
No Name-Macksnow female (het tremper)
Stripes-Raptor female
We also have an ever growing collection of non breeders. As Tab, No, Va and Garfeild all carry the Enigma gene, there is a possibility of their offspring also having it. None of our Breeders display symptoms of the syndrome and so register 0 on the Enigma scale. It is important to us to never breed an animal which displays any Enigma behaviour. If you are interested in a hatchling which has the Enigma gene, but are unsure of what that means, please don’t hesitate to drop us a message and we will be more than happy to chat it through with you. We feed our geckos on a diet of gutloaded mealworms, with locusts and wax worms as intermittent treats. They have a constant supply of calcium powder in their enclosures, and mealworms are dusted with Nutrobal several times a week. Aside from leopard geckos, we have several other projects in the pipelines, which will all have individual names, but come under the Anglian Reptiles banner. So keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of years to see what we are working on. Our other exotic pets include Dave the Jungle Carpet Python, Ziggy the Cali King, Boris the Spider Royal Python, Mischief the Variable Pastel King, Gollywog the Mexican Red Rump, and Bruce the rescue Leopard Gecko.