Flash's Beagle Brigade

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Flash's Beagle Brigade Flash passed away just short of 20 yrs of age, but his name lives on through his Beagle Brigade!!


We just received a message from someone claiming to be a Facebook admin. They said our page violated copyright infringement, so they are shutting our page down. We don't know if this is true or some kind of a sick joke. I guess if our page disappears, then you know it was true. To be clear, we have done nothing wrong and have in no way, shape, or form violated any copyright rule or law. All content on our page came from us and nowhere else!!

If you don't see our page after this, please know we love each and every one of you wonderful friends!!

Love, Flash's Beagle Brigade
Lord Winston ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ
Wendell ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ
Otis ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ
Ricky ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ
Duke ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ
Little Miss Shelby ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ

Today is my very rainy Gotcha Day. You can tell how enthusiastic I am. I'm told there will be treats later today. I will...

Today is my very rainy Gotcha Day. You can tell how enthusiastic I am. I'm told there will be treats later today. I will awake for those.
Duke ("The Archduke")

Commercial Fail:Why are the Beardbrand guys using Shipstation to ship pots and pans??  It makes no sense to me, but what...

Commercial Fail:
Why are the Beardbrand guys using Shipstation to ship pots and pans?? It makes no sense to me, but what do I know. I'm just beagle, right??
Love, Winston

So, I went to the "Azure Oyster" vet hospital for a routine check-up with my oncologist.  Blood was stolen and my belly ...

So, I went to the "Azure Oyster" vet hospital for a routine check-up with my oncologist. Blood was stolen and my belly was shaved, but I've been through worse. Everything, including blood work and ultrasound results, showed no sign of any tumor growth!! The Blood-Stealer said I was looking pawsitively furrific, both inside and out!!

Hemangiosarcoid cancer can kiss my badonkadonk!!

Lord Winston McSnuggles

Touch my blankie, Old Man, and I will end you!!

Touch my blankie, Old Man, and I will end you!!


I decided to see if Pooph could make wood smells disappear, so I sprayed Pooph on the bedroom door and then I pushed it closed. A few minutes later, Little Miss Shelby ran full speed into the door.
I laffed and laffed and laffed and laffed somemore. Then I was dragged to the hoosegow by Sheriff Mama. I fully expect to be sentenced to time served by Judge Mama.

Still Laffing,

P.S. Shelby is fine.

Oops! Around 3:30 a.m., Mama voiced booming extreme displeasure for two actions of mine. One was standing on her chest w...

Oops! Around 3:30 a.m., Mama voiced booming extreme displeasure for two actions of mine. One was standing on her chest with my left paw and the other was standing on her chest with my right paw.

I'm not sure why she had a problem with me kindly checking up on her. After all, she was making thunderous sleeping noises that had me really worried!! I don't know how I am ever going to figure any of you hoomans out....

Love, Lord Winston

Today is Shelby's 6th birthday!!

Today is Shelby's 6th birthday!!


It's unclear who grabbed it first, but after a brief tug of war, both Winston and Shelby each ended up with about 50% of a mouse that foolishly wandered into our pen. That is all. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
The Beagle Brigade

Lord Winston wants to spread the word that a very sweet bonded pair of beagles are looking to get out of Pound Buddies s...

Lord Winston wants to spread the word that a very sweet bonded pair of beagles are looking to get out of Pound Buddies shelter in Muskegon, Michigan!! This is the wonderful shelter that rescued him!!

Darla (age 3?) and Dee Dee (age 7?). Sweet girls, came in together as strays. They are bonded pair so need to be adopted together. Dee Dee is partially blind and will need to be on eye drops for the rest of her life. But sheโ€™s a happy, waggy tailed girl (as is Darla).

Once again, they are available at Pound Buddies in Muskegon, Michigan.

Phone: 1 231-724-0384


Thank you and please spread the word!!

Love, Flash's Beagle Brigade

DONEโœ”๏ธ         DONEโœ”๏ธ         DONEโœ”๏ธDONEโœ”๏ธ         DONEโœ”๏ธ         DONEโœ”๏ธToday I finished my 6th and final round of cance...

DONEโœ”๏ธ DONEโœ”๏ธ DONEโœ”๏ธ
DONEโœ”๏ธ DONEโœ”๏ธ DONEโœ”๏ธ

Today I finished my 6th and final round of cancer treatments!! Like my Dollies said when they attached my sooper dooper classy personalized bandana:


Guess what?? All five of my Dollies wrote me a personal note, right on my bandana. I will treasure it always!! I know each of them were vying for my affection, but you know what? I think all three of these Dollies are keepers, and so are my other two unphotographed Dollies, but I didn't want to cause problems in their workplace, so hearts had to be broken. For the greater good, I fibbed and told them I was spoken for. I know the five of them were crushed, but in my absence, they'll have plenty of time to commiserate in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Remember, furever and always,


After all, I might be done with that part of my treatment, but I will be continuing with my homeopathic meds and supplements. It's still a very uphill battle, but I'm already defying the odds.

Thanks fur all your love and support!!

Lord Winston "Winner" McSnuggles
1st Earl of Stanwood

Whoa, Little Ricky's badonkadonk started doing this after he dropped a deuce yesterday.  Dad said he couldn't help but n...

Whoa, Little Ricky's badonkadonk started doing this after he dropped a deuce yesterday. Dad said he couldn't help but notice the location of Rick's malady seems pretty ironic. (If you know Dad's nickname for Rick, then you also know why.)

Even though it goes back inside on its own in about an hour, Mama took Ricky to our Blood-Stealer. We think Rick is now officially "old" becuzz he has to have Medduhmucil sprinkled on his fuud.
Love, The Beagle Brigade


An all-time Flashy fave of ours!

Love, Flash's Beagle Brigade

Sumbuddy took my 2 a.m. hour.  I want it back!!Love,Lord Winston

Sumbuddy took my 2 a.m. hour. I want it back!!
Lord Winston

No posts lately becuzz it's hard to feel like trying to write funny stuff.  That's becuzz this past Sunday was the secon...

No posts lately becuzz it's hard to feel like trying to write funny stuff. That's becuzz this past Sunday was the second anniversary of Flashy crossing Rainbow Bridge. We'll always love you, Flashy!!

Wendell, Winston, Otis, Ricky,
Duke, Shelby, Mama, and Dad

Okay, Everybuddy, I've had my say about full body hooman deos, so fair notice, my next point of contention is going to b...

Okay, Everybuddy, I've had my say about full body hooman deos, so fair notice, my next point of contention is going to be Mr Frank Thomas and his ability to see ghostly side pieces. Watch him carefully at the golf driving range. You'll see him eyeballing that ghost!!
Lord Winston

One year ago, Duke graduated from fizzicle therapy and started living his best life!!

One year ago, Duke graduated from fizzicle therapy and started living his best life!!

Point 2: After 12 hours, soap and water leaves an odor score of 5 outta 10, but her special sauce leaves a typical hooma...

Point 2: After 12 hours, soap and water leaves an odor score of 5 outta 10, but her special sauce leaves a typical hooman completely odorless?? What poor lady or feller decides this?? If you know any of 'em, tell 'em our local landfill is hiring, iff'n they want to advance their station in life. By the way, I think the Old Man could test the limits of the veracity of that claim of hers, but I digress....

Point 3: This 72 hour odor free thing....
Do any of us really want to be around any of her devout users after 71 hours and 59 minutes?? That would be like the final minute of what any bomb squad technician goes through. We would be mere seconds away from that odor bomb detonating and flooding an odorless area with a 10 out of 10 stench unknown to most.

Point 4: Since my first comments on the subject a while back, is anyone surprised that every single deo manufacturer now offers complete bod products that last 3 days??

Maybe my cancer treatments are making me have a shorter fuse than normal, but maybe they aren't. All I can say is I'm being the most authentic and honest Lord Winston I can be. If I remind you of the Flashman, then I take that as a compliment, however, it was never my intent.

I have more to say on other topics of hooman existence as well, but I will reserve those comments for a further point in time.



Okay, hoomanz, fess up. Whom amongst you determined the upper limit of the Odor Score scale? Seriously, what most desperate and downtrodden of all hoomanz was in such a lowly place in their life that that they were willing to determine what constitutes, for example, a 10 out of 10 crotch score??
Lord Winston


In my last post, I shared my thoughts about the King-O-Burgers upcharging fur extra pickles. Furry furry soon, I'll be sharing my thoughts about all these new-fangled hooman "whole body deodorants."
Spoiler Alert: I'll have much to say....


"Hold those pickles.
Hold that lettuce.
Speshull orders don't pupset us...."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you all know that catchy jingle, however, it's in need of some serious modern day revisions. That's becuzz there's something new that's being left out of those decades-old lyrics. You see, if you order extra condiments on your Whopper, so you can actually "have it your way,", be prepared to fork out extra moolah. In Mama's case, she was charged 30 cents extra per burger, just becuzz she ordered extra pickles on both burgers!!

Also, anticipating one question many of you astute online friendz are sure to ask: Nope, they absolutely did not give her a 30 cent credit when she requested they hold the onions on her burger!!

If this affects our treat budget, then the Beagle Brigade is going to be mighty peeved!!

In an unrelated matter: Yep, you read that correctly. Dad's idea of a fine dining Valentine's Day dinner fur Mama was at the King-O-Burgers. Nothing but the best fur the Old Man's bride, right?? Ain't the Old Man quite the romantic fella??

Lord Winston



Thank you, Aunt Maggi!! Aunt Maggi sent Winston his very own small nobby blanket, so he can enjoy the goodest nib nib ni...

Thank you, Aunt Maggi!!
Aunt Maggi sent Winston his very own small nobby blanket, so he can enjoy the goodest nib nib nibs without soaking Mama's comforter anymore. He said it does give him the bestest nibs of any material so far! Also, Winston and I really enjoyed sleeping on it. Guess what? As I pawlissed him, I didn't pulverize any of it!
Love, Shelby


An "Oldie, but Goodie" from Flashy!!
(FYI: He was not a fan of Phil.)

All along, it was right in front of me!! You see, earlier today, I couldn't find Ducky anywhere, but guess what?  I thou...

All along, it was right in front of me!!

You see, earlier today, I couldn't find Ducky anywhere, but guess what? I thought it impossible, but I found something even better!! I'm going to go so far as to say it provides a heretofore unparalleled gnawing experience!! Yep, believe it or not, Mama's bed cover gives me the bestest nib nib nibs ever - even better nib nib nibs than Ducky!! Yep, you heard me right. Also, apologies to any Beagle Babe or Dolly of mine who may have, upon hearing this news, succumbed to the vapors.

Oh yeah, one more teensy morsal of info fur all of you. Fur some unknown reason, Mama apawrently isn't exactly pleased by this gnawing development, but dad said if I avoid chewing holes in their bed cover, then Mama will probably get used to it.

Lord Winston


Becuzz of how hyped up Dad was before, during, and after last week's Detroit Lions vs Los Angeles playoff game, Mama insisted he wear a fingertip pulse meter during the Lions vs Buccaneers game. Boy-o-boy, did it provide her lots of interesting results.

96 bpm = 1/2 Hour before
the Kickoff
118 bpm = At Kickoff
136 bpm = Max. bpm in 1st Half
119 bpm = Halftime
142 bpm = Max. bpm in 2nd Half
(Start of the Buc's
last offensive drive)
112 bpm = After D. Barnes'
72 bpm = 1ยพ hrs after the
game ended.

After reviewing all these numbers after the game, Mama emphatically proclaimed that Dad should NOT and, therefore, will NOT watch the next Lions' playoff game against San Francisco.

Right after she said this, all we could do was stare dumbfounded at each other. Then, after a few seconds, Dad and the 6 of us just burst out laughing. We all laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed some more!!

Mama was not amused....

It is believed by most of the Brigade that it was at this point in time that she muttered "Idiots" as she walked away from all of us, but some Brigade members contend that she muttered "Ass-Hats." After some brief discussion, we could not reach a consensus about that. Then again, we really don't care becuzz our beloved Motor City Dawgs, our Detroit Lions, are in the NFC Championship!!

The Beagle Brigade

(Yes, some of you friends previously saw this in the comments the other day, but many other friends didn't, so there ya go........)


Love, Flash's Beagle Brigade


Ricky and I were having a great time playing until Little Miss Bossy Pants decided to interrupt. She made it very clear that her need to lick Ricky's ears was more important than our need to play. Yep, she's 100% blind........ and still 100% bossy!


"...Down the field & gain,


After the first snow of the new year, Lord Winston decided to fraternize with his loyal subject (and partner in crime), Richard Keith.





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