Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs

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Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs Information on dog nutritional needs and how to prepare raw and cooked meals for your dog. http://www.b-naturals.com

"Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs" covers not only feeding raw food to dogs, but also home cooked recipes, and how to mix fresh food with kibble. As a bonus, the last part of the book contains detailed recipes for special need diets, including diets for dogs with kidney issues, pancreatitis, cancer, arthritis, allergies, liver problems and much, much more!

I read a great article today, about what food can do and cannot. It said many things I have been trying to put together ...

I read a great article today, about what food can do and cannot. It said many things I have been trying to put together in my head for an article. I am going to share this with you. The first example the article gives is this:
"a young woman experiencing unpleasant gut symptoms along with irregular cycles, PMS, and ovarian cysts, which would rupture regularly and cause excruciating pain. “It was clear she had hormonal imbalances,” says Hadley. After running a few tests, it was also determined that she had nutritional deficiencies and poor gut health exacerbating these issues."
The article states while food has some influence over hormones, what is most important is good nutrition, good rest and taking care of the gut.
"Hadley had the client focus on a “food-first approach” by adding more nourishment and gut-friendly foods, addressing her vitamin deficiencies, and developing a consistent eating schedule with foods she enjoyed. “In less than six months, she had no more symptoms of PMS or cysts, her acne cleared up, her cycles became more regular, she had more energy, and her bloating and gas were completely gone,” says Hadley."
But she specifies this was not due to any "Superfood" or single ingredient.
"But this success story doesn’t apply to the average person—and no “magic” superfood touted on TikTok can have these effects. It wasn’t, say, the beans or tofu she started eating more regularly that “cured” her s*x hormone imbalances, but sweeping lifestyle changes that focused on a healthy diet, exercise, stress-reduction techniques, and improving her sleep, Hadley says"
My point is that all the articles you read, or advertising for premade dog food OR books of recipes that claim there are one right or super ingredients to bring your dog to good health is baloney and simply marketing. Good health is about multiple components that aren't as difficult as these expensive recipes or prepared cooked diets (which are always too high in carbohydrates for dogs).
She also said, and this is IMPORTANT: "With testosterone and many other hormones, maintaining the right levels is more about what you don’t eat—too many processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats, and alcohol—rather than putting a health halo on any one food."
A good balanced diet, OVER TIME, NOT EACH MEAL, is the key to success. Feed your dog (and yourself!) good nutrition over time (NOT EACH MEAL), along with good exercise, comfortable sleeping quarters that is stress free is the key.
Do NOT stress over perfectly balanced. That ONLY applies to 'fixed diets', like kibble who ingredients never change and are the same over and over. You do not need a book with tens or hundreds of 'perfectly balanced' ingredients. It is about healthy ingredients. Raw, or lightly cooked and not processed, with good variety. ANYONE can learn to feed their dogs. It is no more difficult than feeding your self, your kids or your family. Canine Nutrition is not mysterious, hard to figure out or need a spread sheet or expensive recipes.
And last, she says:
"Most people do not need to stress about “balancing” their hormones through food or supplements. Your body does that complicated task for you, says Halperin. “The truth is, [hormones] are incredibly complex, individualized, and they fluctuate,” she says. There’s no “magic bullet” that will create optimal hormonal health."
And last, this: "Messer agrees. While it's true that foods can impact our metabolic health, our bodies are “pretty resilient,” says Messer, and individual food choices don't usually create drastic hormonal changes. Eating a well-rounded diet rich in whole foods will cover your bases."
This is true for our dogs as well! Our bodies are designed to find the good nutrients in the food we eat and this does not have to be balanced every meal, or have EVERY ingredient perfect. It generally discards what it doesn't need in food and grab the minerals and vitamins needed.
The one detail I do press, especially for puppies and seniors, it to make sure that there is calcium in the diet (calcium citrate or bones) and then, feed a good selection and variety of meat choices, eggs, yogurt or cottage cheese, some fish and treats. Treats don't have to perfect, remember sometimes we eat chip, crackers and other snacks. Those should just be a small part of the overall diet.
Remember, I do nutritional consults to help you get your confidence and feel secure in what you are feeding. It is not complicated. The consults are $99 a session, and you can email me with information on your dog. That would include breed, s*x, neutered or not, any health issues, current diet and any supplements or prescription meds, your goals for your dog and any other information you feel would be important!
[email protected]

Social-media is rife with content pushing superfoods to boost hormonal health. Don't believe all of it.

What Dogs Need I get a lot of questions asking for recipes, what do dogs need in their diet, how can I balance my dog’s ...

What Dogs Need

I get a lot of questions asking for recipes, what do dogs need in their diet, how can I balance my dog’s meals?

They seem to think feeding their dog is difficult, takes a spread sheet, computer program, spread sheet or a ‘special ‘nutrition degree.

I have people show me recipes they were given, either by a book they read, or a that a ‘canine nutritionist’ sold them as a recipe or spreadsheet (i.e. there is no such thing as a canine nutrition degree but there are several weekend certifications). The prices are way out of bounds in most cases. Human nutritionists generally charge $80 to $125 and have college degrees. I have seen some weekend certified folks ask for as much as $350. It is absurd. My initial response is what a racket! Further, many sites recommend continued consults for more and more money. Not even human nutritionists try that racket. It is not hard to feed your dogs, and I can make it very easy for you! It is no harder or any more of a mystery than feeding ourselves.

And please note, feeding a raw or home cooked diet can make your dog much healthier! But no diet will bring longevity. That, unfortunately, is genetic. There is not a magic bullet, and don’t let anyone convince you there is such a thing.

I have seen every variation of these “paid for” diets. While most at least have meat, the bulk add such things as fruit, starches such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, peppers, tomatoes and more, along with fruits, flax, herbs like parsley, thyme and dandelion and celery (and note, dandelion, celery and parsley are all diuretics). The recipes seemed to resemble a human recipe. Others would give their recipes names such as “meatloaf”, “stew “or even “casserole”. The meals that have the brightest colors has an appearance that appeals to people and used as sales points. Many dog owners seem reassured their dog’s meals look like their own (or at least what humans should eat) that appears to have meat, salad and a vegetable. One salient point though. Dogs are carnivores and have the need for three types of ingredients in a raw diet. Meat, bones, and organ meat. Half the diet needs to be meat with bones, and the other just meat and organ meat. Cooked diets need 75% animal-based foods such as muscle meat, organ meat, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese with 25% non-starch vegetables with NO fruit or starches. These can include zucchini, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans, to mention a few. These are simply included for their fiber, to produce formed stools, not for their nutrition or to ‘balance’ a carnivore meal. All the minerals needed are in the meat (naturally balanced) except the cooked diets need 900 mg of calcium carbonate per pound of food served. The bone in the raw diets provide the appropriate amount of calcium.

I see new books written with ‘new’ and ‘better’ recipes, which is absurd. We don’t change nutrition and diets for people, or suddenly come up with better, more advanced, and complex nutrition. We may change ideas on fat amounts, or types of protein for people, but this is not an issue for dogs. Dogs need animal fat and do not get plaque or clogged arteries. Dogs and people do differ. People are omnivores. They can grind food with flat molars and their jaws go up and down, as well as back and forth. That helps fiber foods to digest. Dog’s jaws can go up and down, but not back and forth. They have no flat molars to grind food (ie fibers, such as grains, vegetables, and fruits). Dogs’ teeth are designed to take down prey and rip and tear flesh to eat in great gulps. They are not built to chew and masticate foods.

PLEASE NOTE, according to the NRC (National Research Council), the gold standard for canine nutrition, dogs have NO nutritional need for carbohydrates. NRC is who decides canine nutrition needs and provide these to AAFCO. Although it seems AAFCO appears to ignore much of NRC’s information.

I see ‘nutritionists’ claim dogs need vegetables and grains, as they state dogs eat stomach contents of prey. That is also absurd. Stomach contents are bathed in digestive juices and are too bitter to consume. Dr Mech discovered that when he followed wolves for 25 years. After a killing, the stomach contents, and the skull were left over. The stomach contents are too bitter to be of interest and the skull is the hardest bone in the body. Please remember. Dogs need muscle meat, organ meat and bone. All of these can be ground for small dogs and even bought premade, but larger dogs are quite handy chewing chicken backs, turkey necks, pork neck bones, duck necks and pork tails! No need to add fruit, peppers, carrots, potatoes, or the rest of that nonsense. Give your dog the food they need.

Raw Diets: half of the diet needs to be consumable raw meaty bones such as chicken necks, backs, leg quarters, turkey necks, pork ribs or pork neck bones. The other half is muscle meat (beef, pork, wild game meat, rabbit, goat to name a few, green tripe) with 5-10% organ meat of either liver or kidney. Yogurt, eggs or cottage cheese can be added.

Cooked diets: 75% animal protein and fat based such as muscle meats, eggs, yogurt and some organ meat, with 25% low glycemic veggies such as zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and green beans. Add 900 mg of calcium carbonate per pound of food served.

You may add up to 50% fresh food to 50% kibble. Adding fresh food to any commercial dog food is an upgrade!

I suggest adding Bertes Immune Blend to any of these diets, and fish oil capsules (one per 10-30 lbs. daily.


If you still have questions, I do nutritional consults. And I teach YOU how to make your dog’s meals. I don’t sell recipes; I teach you how to do it and in a simple and understandable manner. No spreadsheets, no computer-generated programs, just common sense. You can contact me on this at [email protected]. One fee, $99 and usually one consult does the trick. No hidden costs.

I also have a book with all this information in an easy-to-read format.


AND, I have written articles once a month since 1998 and they are no cost and you can find them here: https://k9nutritionwithlew.com/newsletter-directory-by-topic

Bone Appetit! Please all the sources above, feeding your dog is quick and easy. It does not take rocket science, spreadsheets, or special programs. Your dog will love you for it!

Lew Olson started sharing her canine health information to her readers in the form of Newsletters in 1997 and over the past 23 years, she has shared 215 of them with her readers. This month we compiled and organized Lew’s Newsletters into in alphabetized categories. We have done this a couple of t...


Don't make your dog angry! I can help you with how to feed a raw diet, cooked diet or fresh food and kibble mixed. I don't give you a recipe, I actually TEACH you how to do this! I help build your confidence, and I am here to answer follow up questions. A consult is $99. It is a 30 minute phone call with a few follow ups to make sure all is going well! Send me an email with detailed information about your dog. Past diets, current diets, supplements if any, any medications and health considerations, breed, s*x and if intact. Email to [email protected]. Payment through Paypal or Zelle.
I work with helping people switch diets, but I also help with diets for dogs with special needs. That includes liver, heart or kidney issues, cancer, itching and scratching, Addisons and Cushings diets, IBD or IBS, allergiers and much much more!
Hope to hear from you soon!

Need recipes for raw diets, home cooked diets, for puppies, seniors, special health need diets? Look no further! Here it...

Need recipes for raw diets, home cooked diets, for puppies, seniors, special health need diets? Look no further! Here it is, jammed packed with diets (cooked or raw) for dozens of age, health or performance needs!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

Do Dogs Need to Fast? Does Feeding Only One Meal a Day Prolong Life? These and other myths debunked.

Do Dogs Need to Fast? Does Feeding Only One Meal a Day Prolong Life? These and other myths debunked.

NewScientist published an article in 2021 stating feeding dogs once a day may prolong age. The study was done by volunteers who claimed to have only fed their dogs once a day. People have grabbed this and ran with it, proclaiming it was true and now a fact.

Still Time to Order by December 25th!!!

Still Time to Order by December 25th!!!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

I will be raising my consulting fee on nutrition from $79 to $99 Jan 1, 2024. If you were thinking about scheduling a co...

I will be raising my consulting fee on nutrition from $79 to $99 Jan 1, 2024. If you were thinking about scheduling a consult with me, now is the time! I don't use this time to give specific recipes, but instead I teach you how to do it yourself! We go over by phone your dogs past diets and supplements, the health history, breed and age and I help you find the best solution for the issues and your goals! We also have a couple of followups to make sure the plans worked or it we need to work on plan B. Email me today at [email protected] with detailed information about your dog, send payment to Zelle (ro 7133035639, or use PayPal with the friends and family method) to my email and we can get started! I can't wait to meet you!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

A Raw Diet AND the Supplements Listed Here are Super Helpful!

A Raw Diet AND the Supplements Listed Here are Super Helpful!

There has been much written recently on canine brain function and cognition. I have even seen supplements on the market to ‘improve your dog’s brain function

Still Time to Order in Time for Christmas!

Still Time to Order in Time for Christmas!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

Don't forget to order "Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs" for Christmas and Holiday Presents! They will appreciate it, ...

Don't forget to order "Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs" for Christmas and Holiday Presents! They will appreciate it, but not as much as their dogs! Recipes, tips for finding the right ingredients, special chapters on specific illness that need specific diets, diets for puppies, seniors, adults, feeding for health and fertility for dogs and females, not to mention chapters to learn about the differences of canine and human nutrition and what dogs REALLY NEED!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

If you have joined Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, and are not familiar with it, please note I am the FB owner. I wr...

If you have joined Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, and are not familiar with it, please note I am the FB owner. I wrote this book to help people with all the questions and learning they wanted about feeding their dog. Most of what I say here and the advice I give can be found in my book. I wrote this book around 2010 and revised it a few years later. You will find it invaluable, It tells step by step how to make a raw diet, cooked diets, mixed kibble and fresh food diets, diets for renal, liver and heart issues, diets for thyroid issues, cancer, Cushings and Addisons, DIabetes, IBD, Colitis, Crystals and stones, yeast and MUCH MORE! It also dispells several myths about feeding dogs!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

For all your canine nutrition answers, for diet, nutrition, recipes for raw, home cooked and coming kibble and fresh, re...

For all your canine nutrition answers, for diet, nutrition, recipes for raw, home cooked and coming kibble and fresh, recipes for special health issues and learning about canine digestion!

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals


As much as most dog owners would like to believe it, there is no magic formula for longevity. It saddens me to see someone making money on this myth.
A raw diet helps with health, but it does not do miracles.
Some supplements are helpful (some more than others) but none offer magic properties.
Vegetables carry no magic properties to prolong life for dogs (as carnivores, no) but not even us humans.
If there were magic answers, people would be doing these things for themselves. Please use common sense.
Genetics is probably the most influential thing for longevity, health and immune system!


Fermented vegetables, is this a good idea? It still seems to be a marketing craze. Should dogs eat fermented foods? My answer is no. Here is why:
fermented foods are vegetables. They add little or no nutrition for dogs. Dogs need animal based vitamin A as well as animal sourced iron. Dogs
fermented foods are vegetables. They add little or no nutrition for dogs. Dogts need animal based vitamin A as well as animal sourced iron.
Fermented foods produce yeast. While this can cause yeast issues in dogs, worse it produces gas and larger stools with more odor.
Fermented foods cause histamine release in dogs. This can cause allergic reactions, itching and hair loss. And histamine can also cause Mast Cell Cancer.
You want to add things to your dog's diet? Good things include whole milk yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, muscle meat, canned mackerel, salmon or sardines packed in water and my dogs love dehydrated lung, chicken or beef jerky! Dogs need animal protein for good health and yogurt helps put some probiotics in their system! Bone Appetit!


PLEASE DON'T FORGET! I do private consults when you have questons, specific diet issues, or trying to figure out how to put together a raw or homemade diet. I charGE $65 and you can email me with the health history of your dog, past history, breed, s*x and age and any other pertinent details to [email protected]. I take Paypal or Zelle. And I help talk you through the issues, educate you on diet, changes that are needed, why and how to do it! I can help with puppy, adult, or senior dogs and their diets! Email me today! Simply send me an email with your dog's health history, past diet(s), age, breed and your goals.
If you book now, the price stays stable. The cost of a consult is being raised to $75 the first of August.

Let's celebrate Dad this week!  Take 10% off your total order--no minimum or maximum.  Feel free to use the code twice i...

Let's celebrate Dad this week! Take 10% off your total order--no minimum or maximum. Feel free to use the code twice in case you forget to order something. Just use the code LUVDAD at checkout. Happy Fathers' Day to all!
From Bob & Nancy

Holistic, natural remedies for dogs and cats. : - Berte's Special Needs Packs By Type By Condition Berte's Immune Blend Berte's Products Berte's Fish Oils Berte's Daily Blend Vitamins Berte's Sea Vegetation Berte's Beneficial Bacteria Books arthritis, cancer, holistic, animal, care, cat, diabetes, f...

Looking For the Perfect Supplement?https://b-naturals.com/collections/immune-support/products/bertes-immune-blend-1-lb

Looking For the Perfect Supplement?

Berte's Immune Blend is a mix of vitamins, digestive enzymes, probiotics. It is formulated to maintain and support a healthy immune system. Most dogs find this blend very tasty so we recommend that you keep the container out of their reach! Size: 1lb or 5lb Use: Mix with food twice daily in these am...

If you want to know more about feeding your dog, you need to get my book: If you want more details, I do individual Nutr...

If you want to know more about feeding your dog, you need to get my book:
If you want more details, I do individual Nutritional consults. They are $65 for a half hour one on one phone call. You can email me about a consult at [email protected] !

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised Edition: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

Jan 7, 2022 Friday is free freight Friday at B-Naturals. And please read this newsletter in 2005, that is still applicab...

Jan 7, 2022 Friday is free freight Friday at B-Naturals. And please read this newsletter in 2005, that is still applicable for today.

The history of commercial dog food is short in comparison to the length of time that dogs have been companion animals. The use of bagged and canned foods became popular in the United States after World War II. Most people born in the last fifty years do not have any memory of feeding dogs in any oth...

Helpful Tips and Solutions!

Helpful Tips and Solutions!

Most dog owners have experienced their dogs having issues with constipation (dry hard stools, or trouble passing the stool) and diarrhea (loose stools and/or with frequent bowel movements). Most of the time either of these issues are temporary. It may be due to stress or something they ate, and it t...

If you want more information on most dog diet and health issues, this B-Naturals newsletter has over 10 years of newslet...

If you want more information on most dog diet and health issues, this B-Naturals newsletter has over 10 years of newsletters listed by topic!


Lew Olson started sharing her canine health information to her readers in the form of Newsletters in 1997 and over the past 23 years, she has shared 215 of them with her readers. This month we compiled and organized Lew’s Newsletters into in alphabetized categories. We have done this a couple of t...



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