Some of the most respekted mental coaches in the world say the key to success is 80% in the mindset and 20% in the art. Some mental coaches even go all the way and say the key to success is 100% in the mindset. The most important thing to emphasize is that it is never 100/0. Neither technical training or mental training can stand alone. It is always the interaction between technical training and m
ental training, which creates the best results and the greatest JOY OF RIDING. And that's how our danish company rideglæ (Joy of riding) was born. With Susan Kjærgårds expertise in training difficult and sensitive horses and a carrer as a professional showjumper, combined with Annette Klausens expertise and many years of experience beeing a sought after mental coach, we focus on both the rider and horse aspect of good training. We will help both you and your horse to find the motivation and create a training setup that meets the both of you. You can loose your joy of riding if you loose control and communication with your horses or when you become in doubt about who you are as a rider, and if you are not aware of your inner motivation - and this conflicts with your horse. When you get control of your motivation and understand your horse better, you know exactely how to design your training so that it motivates both you AND your horse. And then you're on the safe road to finding your perfect rideridentity and plenty of riding pleasure. Our mission is: To spread the joy of riding and help you steer clear of all the conflict and frustration that sometimes poision our horse lives.