Callimuir Canines

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Callimuir Canines Qualified puppy and adult dog training in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas.

The “Ditch the bowl” mantra has been around for some time now. I think its underlying meaning, to increase mental stimul...

The “Ditch the bowl” mantra has been around for some time now. I think its underlying meaning, to increase mental stimulation through novel feeding approaches, is well understood and accepted. But do I think a complete “Ditch the bowl” is necessary, or a good thing?

In a word, no. I am not convinced that our dogs need to work for every morsel of food. I also think enrichment and mental stimulation should come from a variety of activities and not just involve food and meal times. I have seen a number of dogs reach a point that they refuse to eat out of bowls or become almost permanently ‘switched on’ through continual arousal from some of these activities.

For most owners, at some point, they will need to feed their dog from a bowl (for example, if you are travelling).

I think moderation is key. But the real test, is to observe how these activities impact upon your dog? Do they appear more calm and relaxed, sleep well etc. after these activities, or do they become wired to the moon, unable to relax and settle.

What do you think of ditch the bowl?

Does your puppy have a desire to chase everything that moves?Next puppy Unchase programme starts Tuesday 3rd September. ...

Does your puppy have a desire to chase everything that moves?

Next puppy Unchase programme starts Tuesday 3rd September.

Book now to prevent this common problem.

Email [email protected] for more info.

Top 5 reasons why puppy biting may be more than might normally be expected:1. Lack of sleep2. Lack of appropriate mental...

Top 5 reasons why puppy biting may be more than might normally be expected:

1. Lack of sleep
2. Lack of appropriate mental stimulation
3. Diet
4. Health problems
5. Accidental reinforcement

If you are struggling with puppy biting, reach out to a qualified professional for advice and guidance.

A common issue reported to me is that a dog will happily offer a trained behaviour at home or in the garden, but not awa...

A common issue reported to me is that a dog will happily offer a trained behaviour at home or in the garden, but not away from there. When I ask where they train their dog, it has only ever been in the home and garden.

You need to train these behaviours in the environments that you will need the behaviour.

This does not need to be huge effort. Stopping for 5 minutes on each of your walks to practice your training takes little additional effort. You do need to be prepared, so bring your training rewards and any equipment you might want for your training.

Here are some of our puppy foundation clients practicing their training outside.

Adolescence is a challenging time for many dogs. There are many biological changes going on, and we can often observe th...

Adolescence is a challenging time for many dogs. There are many biological changes going on, and we can often observe these in the behaviour changes seen in our young dogs.

Working through adolescence requires a lot of patience on our part, and sometimes adaptations to our plans. Sometimes it is back to basics, and that can feel frustrating. But…

It’s ok to take a step back in training, return to foundations. Sometimes we have to go back, to move forwards.

Has your usually confident puppy started to become fearful, almost overnight?One thing to consider are fear periods. The...

Has your usually confident puppy started to become fearful, almost overnight?

One thing to consider are fear periods. The exact timeline for fear periods is contentious, and the timing may vary between breed. Most dogs will have their first fear period between 8 and 11 weeks of age, and another between 6 and 14 months of age. They can last 2-3 weeks.

In this period, your dog will show signs of fearfulness to things both known and not known to them.

We should handle these periods with care. When in this period, avoid challenging your puppy with situations that are evoking fear. Ensure plenty quiet and calm enriching activities are available for your puppy. If your puppy becomes fearful, allow them to create space from what is worrying them.

Being sensitive to their needs in these periods helps prevent any long-term problems.

Here is what Macleod thinks of having his picture taken!Show us your funny dog pics!

Here is what Macleod thinks of having his picture taken!

Show us your funny dog pics!

Do you want the best relationship you’re your new puppy 🐶?Upcoming puppy foundation classes start on 24th August. (There...

Do you want the best relationship you’re your new puppy 🐶?

Upcoming puppy foundation classes start on 24th August. (There is one today too 😊)

Our puppy 🐶 foundation classes

Email [email protected] or Whats App 07890894510 for more information.

Did you know our first puppy 🐶 Unchase programme starts soon!This 3 week programme is designed to give you and your pupp...

Did you know our first puppy 🐶 Unchase programme starts soon!

This 3 week programme is designed to give you and your puppy the skills to learn not to chase things that move in the environment. This includes household objects (e.g. the floor mop 🧹), wheels (e.g. bikes 🚲) pets and wildlife (e.g. cats 🐈, rabbits 🐰, birds 🐦).

Register your interest here:

Do you want to have fun outdoors with your dog 🐕with a group of like minded owners?Our next beginners gundog starts Satu...

Do you want to have fun outdoors with your dog 🐕with a group of like minded owners?

Our next beginners gundog starts Saturday 27th July. This is a 5 session block of classes, where you will learn the foundations for the obedience, retrieving and hunting required from gundog breeds.

Reward based, emotion centred.

You do not need to plan to work your dog to join these classes

Please register your interest here:

Did you know our first puppy 🐶 Unchase programme starts soon!This 3 week programme is designed to give you and your pupp...

Did you know our first puppy 🐶 Unchase programme starts soon!

This 3 week programme is designed to give you and your puppy the skills to learn not to chase things that move in the environment. This includes household objects (e.g. the floor mop 🧹), wheels (e.g. bikes 🚲) pets and wildlife (e.g. cats 🐈, rabbits 🐰, birds 🐦).

Register your interest here:


I still come across people who have been advised not to worry about these additional mental stimulation and enrichment activities, they are not needed for working dogs, you will ruin a working dog with these activities...

Well done RAF Lossiemouth for supporting and meeting their dogs needs, showing that meeting these needs is important for happy and effective working dogs.

Remember to check your puppy’s equipment as they grow. Collars and harnesses can quickly become too tight.Also, do check...

Remember to check your puppy’s equipment as they grow. Collars and harnesses can quickly become too tight.

Also, do check bed sizes!

Found their welly boots…. 🐾👢

Found their welly boots…. 🐾👢

In our puppy foundation classes you will learn exercises to keep your walks enjoyable, to keep your dog safe out and abo...

In our puppy foundation classes you will learn exercises to keep your walks enjoyable, to keep your dog safe out and about, café manners, and how to prevent common behaviour problems.

📧Email [email protected] for more information

Scent work has so many mental and physical health benefits for our dogs. These include:🐕Promoting a healthy calmness and...

Scent work has so many mental and physical health benefits for our dogs. These include:

🐕Promoting a healthy calmness and feel good hormones.

🐕Promoting team work and relationship building between you and your dog.

🐕Building confidence in dogs who may at times struggle with daily life.

🐕Building resilience in dogs who may at times have big feelings they are dealing with.

🐕Offers a great low impact activity for dogs who may have physical impairments or are getting older.

Have you done one of our scent work courses? What benefits did you find for your dog?

Excuse me...Important notice so you don't miss out! Please remember to check your junk folder if you have sent an email ...

Excuse me...

Important notice so you don't miss out!

Please remember to check your junk folder if you have sent an email enquiry. We respond to all enquiries 😊

If you provide a mobile contact number you will even receive a text notification to say that an email reply has been sent.

Mental stimulation for dogs is important throughout their life. We are often really good at it when they are puppies; we...

Mental stimulation for dogs is important throughout their life. We are often really good at it when they are puppies; we need to keep those shark teeth busy and out of trouble! But as puppies mature into adult dogs, we can sometimes slip into forgetting about these needs.

All things that involve licking, chewing and sniffing are usually good options for most dogs. This might be feeding some of your dogs food in items such as snuffle mats, kongs or lick mats.

We also want to keep providing novelty; new things to explore, sniff, touch, investigate. This could be buying some dog safe herbs for the garden or taking a walk in a new environment.

Continuing to learn new skills is also part of this. Whether you do this through training classes or you buy a book, your dog will enjoy using their brain and learning new things. Scent work, trick training, agility, hoopers, gundogs, obedience can all be great activities for engaging your dogs mind.

Even with our older dogs we want to continue these activities. Declining health and physical function may change what or how we do it, but it is still important for our older dogs.

What do you do each week for mental stimulation with your dogs?

Our classes cover basic skills likes sit, down, recall, walking nicely on the lead. But we progress these exercises in a...

Our classes cover basic skills likes sit, down, recall, walking nicely on the lead. But we progress these exercises in a structured way to ensure you and your dog are successful at each level. We have a system for introducing distractions which means you can work through these without nagging your dog with “Leave it”!

Following a systematic plan for progress is much more likely to bring success and ensure you have a lifetime of enjoyable walks ahead of you.

Email [email protected] for more information

Choosing a dog walker can be really difficult, especially in a market which has exploded since the pandemic.Here are som...

Choosing a dog walker can be really difficult, especially in a market which has exploded since the pandemic.

Here are some pointers to look for when selecting a walker:

🐾Check how your dogs are transported on walks; are they safe and secure and does it meet the legal requirements.

🐾Check that the walker is insured and what their own terms and conditions are. A responsible walker will have a set of T&Cs covering things such as adverse weather (including reduced or no walks in a heat wave), health (no sick dogs to be walked with others to avoid the spread of contagious disease) and the behaviour of your dog (walkers are great, but they are not there to train your dog or deal with behaviour issues).I would also expect a dog walker to have a Pet First Aid qualification (ideally completed face to face, I’m not sure how you practice wound dressing and bandaging remotely!).

🐾Check how the walker organises their walks; how do they select which dogs will suit what groups? What do the dogs do on their walks? Are they on or off lead. Some of this may come down to your personal preference but dogs running freely for an hour together may not be the best type of walk for your dog. If you are working on your dog being calmer and more relaxed in canine company, you might want to select a walker who manages the ‘energy’ on walks as well as which dogs are in the group. This might include a mixture of off and on lead time, provision of mental stimulation activities designed to bring energy levels down, or encouraging some sniffing time.

🐾Where the dog walker uses for walks may also be important. Are their walking locations safe for dogs? Does the walker take care in these locations. For example does the walker keep dogs close by if off-lead in public spaces? Do they avoid flood waters known to spread parasites like giardia?

🐾What equipment the dog walker uses for walks may also be a consideration. If you don’t like/ use slip leads then do you want a slip lead on your dog when out with a dog walker?

🐾What is the walkers experience with dogs? I don’t think you need to have ‘loads’ of dogs to be a responsible dog walker. But you do need to have some hands on experience with your own and or family/friends dogs.

🐾In terms of “qualifications”, I am not convinced by any of the offerings out there for dog walkers. I think assessing how responsible and reliable they are by applying criteria such as those above and recommendations (from people you know!) is more likely to lead to you finding the right dog walker for you.

Our beginners gundog classes cover basic obedience outdoors (heel work, sit stays, recalls, stop whistle etc.), learning...

Our beginners gundog classes cover basic obedience outdoors (heel work, sit stays, recalls, stop whistle etc.), learning to retrieve (and the different types of retrieve) and learning to hunt (on cue, not that self-employed kind that leaves you pulling your hair out!).

All these skills are useful and relevant for gundog breed owners, regardless if you want to work or compete your dog.

Contact us at [email protected] for information on our next block of classes.

Our puppy foundation classes cover appropriate socialisation, which is complex and could look differently depending on t...

Our puppy foundation classes cover appropriate socialisation, which is complex and could look differently depending on the individual dog. Some are naturally more confident and outgoing, others are more shy.

We run our classes to ensure all dogs and their handlers have their needs met and this is done in a safe manner which is also fun for the owner and their dogs.

Email [email protected] for more information

Our beginners gundog classes cover basic obedience outdoors (heel work, sit stays, recalls, stop whistle etc.), learning...

Our beginners gundog classes cover basic obedience outdoors (heel work, sit stays, recalls, stop whistle etc.), learning to retrieve (and the different types of retrieve) and learning to hunt (on cue, not that self-employed kind that leaves you pulling your hair out!).

Our classes are relaxed, fun and everything taught with reward based training methods. Our groups are social and we encourage you to meet up with your peers to practice between sessions.

No alpha rolls, hanging your dog or throwing your dog to the ground here (yes, that actually still happens…).

Contact us at [email protected] for information on our next block of classes.

Picture to show just how relaxed we are sometimes!

Adolescence! It can be a trying time, for both our dogs and us. “Underneath the hood” there is a lot going on and we do ...

Adolescence! It can be a trying time, for both our dogs and us. “Underneath the hood” there is a lot going on and we do need to appreciate this is a normal biological process (however frustrating!).

Top tips for surviving this period of development are:

Reign in expectations when your dog is having an adolescent day. Go back to basics, accept it for being one of those days. Shorten or even avoid public walks if they are proving challenging on ‘those days’ and focus on having fun and play in the garden.

Ensure your puppy is still getting sufficient rest. As our puppy’s hit 4-5 months they are becoming lovely, more trustworthy, and often we loosen the management. Then adolescence hits. Its ok to bring back the management in this period of development and use your crates/pens to ensure good periods of sleep, and keeping your puppy out of trouble.

Ensure your puppy’s mental stimulation needs are still being met. Do you still have a variety of chews available? Do you still provide kongs, snuffle mats and lick mats as you did when they were younger pups? Are they getting plenty opportunity to practice more calming behaviours? Scent work or a simple treasure hunt for their food in the garden can help meet these needs.

How did you cope with adolescence? What tips do you have for your fellow owners just entering this period?

Our classes teach our handlers how to train their dogs through understanding how their dogs learn and why modern dog tra...

Our classes teach our handlers how to train their dogs through understanding how their dogs learn and why modern dog training approaches benefit them and their dogs. We cover the common mistakes and myths about training to ensure you have success from the start.

We are here to support our handlers to learn how to train their own dogs.

Email [email protected] for more information

Got some news to share 🙌 Really proud of this. I passed a few months ago but with everything going on delayed announcing...

Got some news to share 🙌

Really proud of this. I passed a few months ago but with everything going on delayed announcing.

We are thrilled to introduce our first Scottish Licensed Un-Chase! Trainer.

Carrie Harrold is a fully qualified and registered trainer with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers UK (Member number 01408). She is the proud owner of Callimuir Canines.

Carrie delivers puppy foundation, scent work, and gundog training to clients in the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire area of Northern Scotland, U.K.

She will be rolling out the Un-Chase! programme from Summer 2024. Carrie will be offering starting a puppy chase prevention course, and moving on to classes for adult dogs to put in place the skills to learn to Un-Chase! wheels, wildlife and livestock.

She will be offering a snake avoidance course from Winter 2024, to make sure you and your dog are safe on your hikes next spring.

If you live in Aberdeen or the Aberdeenshire area, reach out to Carrie. Details in comments.

Next lot of Puppy class are on the 22nd June 9am, email for more information.Please do chec...

Next lot of Puppy class are on the 22nd June 9am, email [email protected] for more information.

Please do check your spam emails when information is being sent over. If you can provide a phone number when showing interest as well. Thank you 😊

Some of our puppy graduates for the last lot of puppy foundation classes. Well done 👏

Some of our puppy graduates for the last lot of puppy foundation classes.

Well done 👏



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