DOGAWASH caters for small to small-medium dogs in a safe and secure environment. It is not a day care centre and does not cater for dogs that bite, nip, growl or have fleas.
Dogawash washes and grooms dogs and does not double book appointments. When your dog is nearly ready, you will receive a message advising it’s time to pick up your dog. Dogawash is not a daycare centre.
Dogawash works on one dog at a time. It does not have dogs running around as 100% attention is given to your dog. When you work with geriatrics, anxiety, scared, crazy or even unsocialised dogs you can’t afford mixing them with other dogs. If an owner is a little late they will receive a message or call advising whether the dog will be rescheduled depending on how late they will be as late dogs affect appointments for the rest of the day. A cancellation fee may apply
Appointments are necessary, so call Melissa on 0419446997. Dogawash is open 7am Thursday to Monday at 4/18 Owen Park Road, Bellambi