Silent Wave Horse Rescue

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Silent Wave Horse Rescue We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization based in the Pacific NW. We rescue abused, neglected, at-risk equines and work with law enforcement.

We rehabilitate, train, and adopt out our qualified horses. Silent Wave Horse Rescue rescues, rehabilitates, and re-homes equines at-risk of entering the foreign slaughter pipeline, from auctions, law enforcement cases, and owner surrenders. We train our rescues if they are sound and have the potential of a productive life ahead of them, offering in-house training as well as sending horses to accr

edited trainers. We offer lifelong sanctuary to those equines who are senior or medically fragile. We promote humane euthanasia; we offer community outreach and youth and special needs equine connection programs. We also work towards raising public awareness of industrial horse slaughter and educating horse-owners and the public about issues surrounding equine care, equine slaughter, preservation of our heritage wild mustangs and burros, how to avoid sending your equines to auctions, and compassionate horse-keeping practices.

This is tragic for this donkey. I know my opinion won’t be popular because you can’t think heartwarming and fuzzy when y...

This is tragic for this donkey. I know my opinion won’t be popular because you can’t think heartwarming and fuzzy when you know the facts, but Here I’m saying it:
So many people have sent this “heartwarming” story to me. Finally I’m getting a moment from equine care to sit down and write WHY this is a tragedy for Diesel, far from heartwarming and “he’s living his best life”. He’s simply surviving as best he can. And here’s why:
Like our wild horse Oso who fell out of a trailer on a remote Oregon highway, whom we tracked for over two years before finally capturing him, Diesel has aligned himself with small bands of elk to stay safe. Safety in numbers. Oso did the same. We tracked Oso for two years, on foot, horseback, and by air, and we always saw him on the fringes of small groups of elk. This was how Oso survived for over two years on his own, he even “spoke” elk and deer. This was not his chosen life, he had been cruelly taken out of the wild, the only life he knew, been abused and failed by humans, but retained very strong survival skills. However we knew Oso would eventually succumb to the elements or a predator, because he was essentially on his own. So is Diesel. What pains me deeply is that Diesel is a donkey. Donkeys are desert animals, suited to dry foraging and not to surviving harsh winters. They don’t do well on high sugar spring grasses, but elk do. We have rescued enough donkeys and mules who were turned out to “live their best lives” on thousands of acres ranches in dry Eastern Oregon— think SWHR’s Geri Donkey with his 40 lb roll of collapsed neck crest and metabolic issues including PPID—Cushings. He’s on meds for life and we can do nothing about his neck. Heat and cold temperature swings are hard for him due to his metabolic condition, and that’s with the best of care and medication. Molly Mule to whom we had to back up our trailer to the spot along a miles-long fence line where she stopped walking—with her foundered slipper hooves, infections in her eyes, and incredibly high level of PPID—Cushings. We ended up having to put her down. She was only about 20, had been turned out on 2500 acres to live out her life. Mikey Mule, pastured for years, with slipper hooves and the worst arthritis we’ve dealt with—the list is long. Diesel is a desert animal who has been abandoned in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. This is a heavily forested, canyoned, rugged, grassy, and extremely wintry environment in which a donkey whose coat does not shed moisture like a horse’s is left to survive. He’s aligned himself with elk to survive. They alert each other to dangers and predators. But elk are well-suited to the topography and weather here— they can run vertically up and down mountains, which donkeys cannot do. They can withstand temperatures well into the minuses, with precipitation, which donkeys genetically cannot survive. And they don’t succumb to equine maladies which result from high sugar diets of rich grasses, which a donkey most assuredly will. Dying from insulin or metabolic conditions is a slow and horrible process. A slow demise. It begins with laminitis, then founder, once the hoof-pain sets in, the equine can’t keep up with a herd of elk, can’t move around so easily, so they can’t keep their hooves naturally trimmed, so they develop slipper hooves. Their metabolism goes wonky, developing huge pockets of fat deposits around their body. When PPID sets in, they can’t shed their winter coats, they feel horrible, they slowly succumb, very slowly—and that’s if a predator doesn’t take them out of the game of life. Diesel has youth on his side—for now. But this also means he has plenty of time to build up metabolic issues in his donkey body like the donkeys and mules we’ve rescued, who were turned out in their teens—the “gift” of retirement into the wild and a cruel gift that is. Our county sheriff considers that abandonment. Diesel would be living his best life if he would have been abandoned in the desert where he could join donkey herds and spend his long life foraging a proper diet with his own kind, not trying to survive in the mountains on the fringes of elk herds. He needs to be brought in— that is the reality of his sad situation. Shame on his owners for accepting a fate that they caused, and actually celebrating it. He is not living his best life. He’s doomed.

A donkey that ran away from his California home five years ago was recently found alive, living with a herd of wild elk.

Do you ever feel like you’re being watched, you stop and look around…..?The elusive stalker Mikey Mule at the height of ...

Do you ever feel like you’re being watched, you stop and look around…..?
The elusive stalker Mikey Mule at the height of his game—-He was watching us ride in the roundpen, hidden behind his favorite tree on the hill. As I walked up to start evening feeding, I sensed an ethereal presence…..
Dear Mikey is having issues with his knees and hocks, isn’t traversing as much ground like he normally enjoys doing, but I’m glad to see him still doing what he loves—hanging under his signature tree, watching his girl Phoenix’s silly and fun antics with the crazy humans in the roundpen from the best seat in the house, and probably sending little subliminal mulish messages to her. He reminds us of the old man in the park, sitting on his bench, watching kids play and reminiscing… 😍❤️💜

Love this guy whose body is so broken from a hard past, but his stoic spirit drives him on to pack every day living the best life he can. He’s on daily pain meds, the hard ground from dry weather is creating an endless stream of “bed sores” on his joints that bear his weight on the ground when he gets up, we’re treating sores and holes and covering joints to keep the broken skin from expanding, and trying to stay ahead of any infection that can set in, which is a constant challenge. We put down bedding and hay where he naps in his paddock to cushion the hard ground for him, but then he lies down elsewhere where it’s hard and has another open sore on a bony knee or hock….sigh. We turn him out to wander freely which he loves, walking l***s his joints, but he then grazes on cheat grass and gets the seeds lodged in his mouth. He’s the only critter who has free access to a 17 acre emerald green field of rich orchard grass hay growing towards second cutting, but he chooses to stay near his friends, and eat cheat grass. Oh Mikey…..🥰

Feeding part of the sanctuary herd last night under a peaceful pastel sky with a halfish moon, such a soft palette of co...

Feeding part of the sanctuary herd last night under a peaceful pastel sky with a halfish moon, such a soft palette of colors.







Maybe the future of haying too! 🤣🤣

Love 💕 Mikey Mule style Mikey Mule was a senior rescue in 2020 (he should be about 26 now), from a town near La Grande, ...

Love 💕 Mikey Mule style
Mikey Mule was a senior rescue in 2020 (he should be about 26 now), from a town near La Grande, poor guy had deeply neglected hooves at intake which were partly slippered and greatly deformed, he was underweight, and had and still has extreme arthritis in both his hocks. Although we discussed humane euthanasia at intake, he firmly expressed no interest in such ridiculous capers. He lives on daily pain meds, he has the run (or “walk” as is his case) of the ranch in the daytime— including a luscious hay field—a stall at night, and because he’s a hard keeper, he gets all the feed he’ll bother to eat. Sometimes he’s hungry, sometimes he’s not. Mikey is picky, as his name suggests. He chronically moves away from humans because someone in his past did not treat him kindly, but once caught up with and given love and massages, he melts into one’s hands. He’s living his best life in sanctuary at Silent Wave Horse Rescue. ❤️
Oh and, his mouth was not swollen as it looks in these photos, he was just lolling his tongue out 😝. Summer Relaxed
If you’re interested in sponsoring Mikey, please contact us by message or email at [email protected]


Near Sisters, Oregon UPDATE: Found!!

Near Sisters, Oregon UPDATE: Found!!

HAVE YOU SEEN THIS HORSE? A Mustang went missing from its property near Sisters Tuesday night. The public is being asked to keep an eye out for it.

Two last minute openings for a fabulous trail clinic—don’t miss this opportunity!La Pine, OR

Two last minute openings for a fabulous trail clinic—don’t miss this opportunity!
La Pine, OR

Have two last min openings for our trail clinic next weekend, May 31st & June 1st! Don’t miss this opportunity to have a fun filled weekend with your horse, working on desensitizing and riding our mountain trail course. PM us for more info or to snag one of these spots!

Silent Wave Horse Rescue is in need of qualified foster homes! Would you like a companion horse who gives you all the be...

Silent Wave Horse Rescue is in need of qualified foster homes! Would you like a companion horse who gives you all the benefits of having a horse without the costs? We cover veterinarian and farrier costs if you can offer a great home to one of our super sweet and wonderful rescues!
The more horses we can find foster homes for, the more horses in need we’re able to help. Contact us today!
Clementine, Oso, and Geri Donkey in the photos are living out their lives at our main facility, they’re not moving, but they’re asking if you can take in one or more of their horsey friends to spread the love 💕 !
Contact us on Facebook or by email at: [email protected]
We’re located in Grant County, Eastern Oregon but we’re willing to extend outside of our county/region.



Eastern Washington

Eastern Washington


Ultimo has accepted an orphan foal that lost its mother earlier this morning. They are both doing well and we hope they continue to heal each other’s hearts.


Last night Smart Little Ultimo lost her foal. If anyone has an orphan foal needing a mother, please reach out to us. She is located at Idaho Equine West, near Walla Walla, Washington. The mare must remain at our ranch south of Pendleton. We are not willing to send her to another location.

Yesterday morning at SWHR, we had a rare foggy morning which brought an ethereal feel to our pastures and paddocks, then...

Yesterday morning at SWHR, we had a rare foggy morning which brought an ethereal feel to our pastures and paddocks, then to boot we experienced an even more rare FOGBOW 🌈🌫. It created a little magic 🪄 ❤️
Rosie, Oso, and Blossom are our beautiful supermodels 🤩

Fantastic clinics in La Pine, OR! They’re amazing, taught by one of the best instructors and trainers we’ve ever known.C...

Fantastic clinics in La Pine, OR! They’re amazing, taught by one of the best instructors and trainers we’ve ever known.
Charlene Mehl is unique in the way that there are great horse trainers and there are great riding instructors, but it’s rare to find both in one package. She’s booked out far into the future for training, so if you find an open slot in a clinic, grab it so you can experience a wonderful combination of training and instruction, enabling YOU to take your horse and yourself to a new level of partnership while having a truly fun time!

Statement from a true Athlete and Horsewoman. Way to go Skylar, congratulations on how far you and Tornado have already ...

Statement from a true Athlete and Horsewoman. Way to go Skylar, congratulations on how far you and Tornado have already made it—the sky is your limit when the time is absolutely right. You’ll be there! This is how equine sport should be. 🙏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️

Statement from Skylar Wireman on withdrawing Tornado from today’s final round at FEI World Cup Finals:

I have made the very difficult decision to withdraw from the final round of the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup Finals. Tornado, my horse is 100% well, sound and fit and I would like to explain why I have withdrawn. I came here knowing this would be an incredible learning experience and hoped to be competitive. I am at the start of what I want to be a long and successful career as a jumping athlete and to compete against the very best in the world has been an honor, and I have learned so much. I hope I have proven that I deserved to be here and that I will give my all to jumping clear rounds and being a winner. While I want to ride every round and grow my experience level, I care deeply about my horses. I love Tornado more than anything.

I came here with a horse that is 10 and is very much still learning and his welfare will always be at the very heart of every decision I make. Without our horse we are nothing, and they put their complete trust in us. Tornado was a rock star in the 1st Round of the World Cup Finals finishing 10th amongst the legends of our sport. He jumped his heart out in the 2nd Round on Thursday. Tornado is inexperienced at this level and having studied our round on Thursday and talked extensively to my coach and many others whose opinions and experience I have high regard for, I will not risk his welfare or his future in the sport by asking Tornado to jump a course he might not be quite ready for. The course today will be big and technical but fair for this level of competition: I knew it would be but I knew Tornado and I had the potential to jump it; that potential is still there but we need just a little more experience to realize it.

I am so grateful to those that have supported Tornado, to my family Shayne Berridge-Wireman , my groom Alicia Marie, my coach Peter Wylde and the USEF who have put a warm blanket of support around all of us here in Riyadh. I look forward to representing the team in the future!

There are still 2 spots available in the Spring Trail Clinic at Lone Star Ranch Training & Rescues LLC put on by premier...

There are still 2 spots available in the Spring Trail Clinic at Lone Star Ranch Training & Rescues LLC put on by premier trainer Charlene Mehl! Don’t miss this excellent and rare opportunity to partner with your horse on great adventures, learning to safely navigate anything that nature (or humans) can throw your way. So much fun and unique challenges for you and your horse!
La Pine, OR

Silent Wave Horse Rescue has been closely involved with the long term rehabilitation of a horse that had a severe barbed...

Silent Wave Horse Rescue has been closely involved with the long term rehabilitation of a horse that had a severe barbed wire injury 5 months ago, followed by a sequestrum in his knee that was a result of the injury. This has been a very involved process for us since the beginning of January 2024 and the horse has been at our facility post-surgery for his recovery and rehabilitation. A sequestrum is a necrotic piece of bone—dead bone-—in this case in his knee joint. It inhibits healing. We’re working directly under the expertise of one of our amazing vets at John Day River Veterinary Center. This has preoccupied us for 3 months now and will continue for a few months more. This horse’s options were becoming quite dismal when we were asked to step in to help, euthanasia was on the table. He’s an 8 year old athletic barrel racer who belongs to a youth— both he and his young owner needed a chance for him to heal and continue their partnership. This is part of SWHR’s rescue outreach programs—we help owners and their horses in dire need and this is where your donations also go— into helping every horse we can. He’ll go back to his owner after his lengthy rehabilitation is complete. We want to return him to the athlete he was one year ago. This morning he was able to have a satisfying roll, which is awesome to see.
His rehab involves daily bandage changes and Range of Motion exercises, massage. He’s been on stall rest for 5 months so, as an athlete, he’s lost conditioning, he has stiffness in all parts of his body, and he needs to take the rehab process very slowly to avoid re-injury.
The process with this very patient trusting gelding began with complete immobilization of the affected leg in early January, then surgery in February, recovery at our facility from surgery including rounds of antibiotics, and then daily rehab including range of motion exercises and hand walking—with a few bumps in the road since he is…a horse. Neck cradle is imperative in the healing process to keep him from cannibalizing his own wound.
A huge thank you to the daily oversight of excellent equine veterinary diagnostic, soundness, and rehab skills of Dr. Jandy Torland of JDRVC. We could not do this without on-speed-dial veterinary expertise and this lovely horse would not have had the chance for a normal life that he now has.


Think about it 🤔

Our crew lives outside and seems to thrive as a result. Horses 🐎 living like horses 🐎

Pacific Northwest area—please keep your eyes open for this very recognizable truck! Some lowlife stole the truck of this...

Pacific Northwest area—please keep your eyes open for this very recognizable truck! Some lowlife stole the truck of this wonderful nonprofit organization—let’s help them get it back. They’ve helped countless dogs and their owners. Please share!

UPDATE: THE TRUCK HAS BEEN FOUND. It's a good news/bad news situation, though, because the truck is wrecked. Portland Police recovered it and towed it to a lot. Tomorrow morning we'll get a copy of the police report and start working with our insurance company. It's likely we'll have to replace our trusty Fido truck. Special thanks to Titan at PDX Stolen Cars, who told us it had been recovered, and to our local media who covered the story. FOX 12 Oregon KATU News Kgw News Channel 8

Our Fido truck has been stolen! It's so recognizable, we are hopeful that it will be found very soon. It disappeared early today from Vancouver, WA, but could be anywhere in our region. If you see our Fido truck, please report it to the police.

License plate: OR 430FZG
2013 Toyota Tundra, Oregon plates 430FZG

Oso’s more interested in dinner than that spectacular sunset behind him 😍🌄

Oso’s more interested in dinner than that spectacular sunset behind him 😍🌄

Happy Easter from Silent Wave Horse Rescue 🐴 🐰🐣💐🌞

Happy Easter from Silent Wave Horse Rescue
🐴 🐰🐣💐🌞



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