Double J Boykins

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  • Double J Boykins

Double J Boykins Our goal is to breed quality, happy Boykins. We promote (And follow) the Puppy Culture Method for your pup (and you!)

As breeders we recognize the importance of early development of puppies, and dedicate our time to correctly socializing each pup.

Look at this sale! Although my dogs are well behaved in the car, I am going to get a couple for those times I have beaut...

Look at this sale! Although my dogs are well behaved in the car, I am going to get a couple for those times I have beautiful tomato plants sitting on the floor that my dogs are NOT supposed to jump on that they didn't realize they weren't supposed to 🤣😂 lesson learned....

BEWARE!! Of the page "Boykin Spaniel Puppies, Dream Spaniel Kennels" They have taken all MY personal page updates, pictu...

BEWARE!! Of the page "Boykin Spaniel Puppies, Dream Spaniel Kennels"
They have taken all MY personal page updates, pictures, and litters. They are SCAMMERS! Literally every post is puppies, my children, my updates. I cannot find a way to report them, so if you know how please let me know! Meanwhile I will block them, but by all means if you see a post by them please report them to admins.
Not only is my family and personal privacy invaded upon, but someone is using my puppies and children to scam other people. That. Is. NOT. Okay!!
*picture for attention

Calamity Jane "Katy" sure is killing it as a duck dog!! Thanks to her family for the AWESOME duck retrieving photos! Mad...

Calamity Jane "Katy" sure is killing it as a duck dog!!
Thanks to her family for the AWESOME duck retrieving photos! Made my day!! 🤣😂😄

"Puppy kisses and girl giggles, the sound track of my life." 😍

"Puppy kisses and girl giggles, the sound track of my life." 😍

With it being pretty hard to separate this boy from his beloved dogs I only found it fitting to try my hand at making hi...

With it being pretty hard to separate this boy from his beloved dogs I only found it fitting to try my hand at making him a Boykin for his 6th Birthday cake 🤗
Looking through my phone for pictures of him this past year...99% of my photos of him has a dog by his side 🥰😍
He's always been my dog lover, and constant companion to the dogs.
Happy Birthday Yavy!!!

Little Miss had to sit in the corner today...🙃*Sometimes...our dogs aren't up to par and they just plain embarrass us. I...

Little Miss had to sit in the corner today...🙃
*Sometimes...our dogs aren't up to par and they just plain embarrass us. It's okay! It gives us something to work on.
*Sometimes, athough we know what we need to be working in, but life gets busy and we don't actually work on it. It's okay, they have a way of reminding us at the perfectly wrong time the consequences of not, and gives us the motivation to pick up the slack again.
*Sometimes, we don't have the time to groom them. It's okay. They get just as clean after their bath months on out.

Little Miss went to Missoula with us yesterday to practice her training as we are hoping to eventually do some therapy training. We thought she was ready for more...she wasn't. IT'S OKAY!! I had to swallow my pride, step back, go back to the very basics.
Sometimes I find it hard to not compare myself to other dog people. Not to be ashamed of how I do things, or the times when I am slacking. I am embarrassed at matted ears, and long nails. I know I need to work on training around other people, but don't want them to know how bad we are, so I keep them in the car.
In's okay! It's really no one else's business. This Little Miss Sureshot is a PHENOMINAL dog, and EVERYTHING a Boyking should be! I'm PROUD of her! Being humiliated is not a bad gives me the drive to try to improve.
Us breeders...we have our problems and flaws. We aren't perfect! We are just like the rest of the dog world...we have our times when we are proud of our dogs, and we have our times when we sort of hope nobody notices our slack 🤪 BUT we sure do love our dogs!!
I LOVE this girl of mine!!! We may never make it to getting her therapy dog certificate, but she is one amazing bird dog. She is an amazing companion. She is an amazing camping/hiking partner. She is an amazing kid dog. She is everything I love about a Boykin, and I will not be embarrassed of her🥰 (But yes...I WILL make it a point to get her out of our little bubble and into public circles more! For her own security and sake)

Happy Valentines Day!!I LOVE when my puppies get to be a part of a couples love story!! Little Byrdie was able to witnes...

Happy Valentines Day!!
I LOVE when my puppies get to be a part of a couples love story!!
Little Byrdie was able to witness the beginning of the rest of her forever family a couple weeks ago on her way to her new home 😍
Congratulations to you lovebirds!!

When you are the last puppy left...💝🩷

When you are the last puppy left...💝🩷

Mable (Annie xJasper pup ) and Ripley (Oakley x Smokey pup) living the Boykin dream!! Thanks for the picture Jennifer!! ...

Mable (Annie xJasper pup ) and Ripley (Oakley x Smokey pup) living the Boykin dream!!
Thanks for the picture Jennifer!! I love that these two girls get to be a part of your family 💜

Puppies are the best baby's ever! (Not to mention that giving Puppies rides, both in wagons, crates, and in vehicles at ...

Puppies are the best baby's ever!
(Not to mention that giving Puppies rides, both in wagons, crates, and in vehicles at this age is very important!)

Love this stage of puppyhood!!!  They are starting to PLAY! I'm starting to see some consistency in personalities starti...

Love this stage of puppyhood!!! They are starting to PLAY! I'm starting to see some consistency in personalities starting to come out. They are starting to figure ways to get outbof confined places (thus becoming a LOT of work! Lol) they are starting to recognize that they actually LOVE people and seek us out 🤗
They are are playing with toys, yet those crazy little shark teeth aren't tearing us to pieces...notice I said YET! 😅



We've gotten a number of posts on the theme of when to place puppies and I just want to make some very general statements on this.

1. The optimal time to place a puppy splits the end of the critical socialization period between the breeder and the puppy owner. So the breeder gets to shepherd the puppy through the first part and do all the "firsts" and the puppy owner gets to customize the socialization experience to their lifestyle. The breeder is typically more experienced and better able to navigate those tricky first intros, but the puppy owner typically has more time and energy to pour into individual socialization and training.

2. That having been said, there is no magic in warehousing puppies for an extended period of time. If the breeder is not going to be willing or able to do active socialization, training and enrichment protocols, the puppy is not going to benefit by staying longer with their litter than traditional placement age. So when you're looking at the breeder, are they doing things like leash walking, outside socialization experiences, and crate and confinement training? Or just keeping a bunch of puppies in a pen with lots of toys and gadgets?

3. For us, this works out to placing puppies at about 10 weeks of age. That gives the puppy owners a solid two weeks to customize the socialization experience. But I will not lie to you, those last two weeks between 8 and 10 weeks are a LOT of work and we take that responsibility of keeping those puppies for that extra time very seriously.

4. And, as I mentioned, developmental differences are 9 weeks our puppies are beginning to look for "their people" but are still very flexible...GSD puppies are beginning to take on their littermates and mistrust novelty...and Norwich Terrier puppies are still nursing. So, no, there is not "an age" that is best to place puppies.

5. I think the operant question is not so much at what age the breeder is placing the puppies as what is the breeder doing with the puppies while they have them? Are they keeping them long enough to complete important protocols? Are the actually doing that work? Are they careful not to place the puppies during a fear period?

6. All that having been said, there are certainly outside limits to this. I think it's safe to say that a breeder who is looking to place puppies at 6 weeks old is not doing what needs to be done with those puppies, at least in terms of what we at Puppy Culture believe should be done. It's just an enormous red flag.

7. But, even then, there are some cases where placing the puppies really early could be a legitimate decision. The example i always use is a giant breed puppy that would have to fly in cargo if you waited until 10 weeks to place the puppy. I would place a puppy at 7 weeks old in an experienced home with a good adult dog before I would have a 10 week old puppy be shipped in cargo. So there is some nuance, here.

8. My final comment, and I have warned about this before, do not bring up "it's illegal where I live to place puppies before x age." The people who write those laws are not breeders, don't know dogs, and don't know what's best for puppies. I'm sorry for you if you live in a place that is governed by an ignorant animal rights cabal. But the fact that "it's illegal" does not somehow legitimize or lend credence to that practice.

9. And, OK, my final final comment is that I get how frustrating this is as a puppy seeker. I am trying to help my sister find a kitten of a specific breed and it's just really frustrating to navigate the waters of breeders who are ethical in the sense of health and good genetics but really just warehouse kittens and sell them. If you have a very specific breed in mind it's really just dumb luck if you find a breeder who truly does it all. I don't really have an answer, just sympathy for your position ❤.

First time puppies were allowed to roam the house on their own...don't even ask what happened...

First time puppies were allowed to roam the house on their own...don't even ask what happened...

3 and half weeks old! Puppies eyes and ears are open. I have a couple barkers and I'm hearing growling 🤩Looking forward ...

3 and half weeks old! Puppies eyes and ears are open. I have a couple barkers and I'm hearing growling 🤩
Looking forward to seeing their personalities cone out 😃

Meet my new lil helper 'C**t'. No...he is not all cuddles in the laundry basket...this little pistol (quite literally wi...

Meet my new lil helper 'C**t'.
No...he is not all cuddles in the laundry basket...this little pistol (quite literally with his name now lol) is definitely going higher places! He uses his nose CONSTANTLY and really isn't much of a cuddler 😅 but...he is smart as a whip!
Looking forward to doing life with him 🥰😍

Ya'll better keep your eyes out for this dude to make a big splash (quite literally!) Husker is from my last Oakley×Smok...

Ya'll better keep your eyes out for this dude to make a big splash (quite literally!)
Husker is from my last Oakley×Smokey litter. With his breeding, and the work that his life partner Tony Peres is putting out for a wonderful companionship I can bet they guy will make the Boykin world proud!
What a beautiful dog!

Once again we hit our due date to the T 🥰😍🤩

Once again we hit our due date to the T 🥰😍🤩

Same goes for socialization to children...just because they've been around children does NOT mean it is a good experienc...

Same goes for socialization to children...just because they've been around children does NOT mean it is a good experience. Correct Socialization needs to be done in a way that stimulates and rewards experiences, not something that they are forced to endure, or worse yet, traumatizes your dog because of other dogs, children, noise, water, gun shots, or any other form of 'Socialization ' 'exposure '

Dogs read energy. However many dogs playing misread situations as they are usually in a hyper aroused state. Pushy play.....some dogs just don't read the subtilties of play.
Pushy dogs have an over bearing play style with others. Some dogs react badly to pushy play styles.....and they can react very badly.
Many dog fights are started or involve dogs that have developed unwanted play styles or behaviour when playing.

There are a few areas of dog behaviour which are very misread by humans and play is certainly one of them.

Pushy play is usually (but not always) paired with hyperarousal.
Remember that dog that enters a dog park and just goes manic and runs at dog after dog after dog.....or maybe you have noticed that calm dogs sometimes change their whole play style.
You may have noticed that after a few minutes of play....things or both of the dogs play styles change and many change into pushy/rude play.

You can help this by stopping play when it is GOOD play, before an issue...not when it turns and there is a big issue.
Unfortunately many dogs have become reactive from pushy dogs and letting the play "turn"....or worse they are left to "sort it out".

I am all for dogs teaching others how to play.....but if the dog that is teaching has a rude play style the student will learn nothing but how to cause some very big issues.

If dogs are left to "sort it out" they will and the results are usually horrendous. Many people that have the pushy dog don't mind or don't notice that their dog has a problematic play style.

So...if you can, stop the play before it turns.
Read the signals ALL dogs give and save yourself an incident.

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Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

I love Love LOVE getting updates and pictures of my precious 'babies'...I consider every new family part of my enlarged ...

I love Love LOVE getting updates and pictures of my precious 'babies'...I consider every new family part of my enlarged Boykin family 💜 it's time for YOU ALL to get to know each other!!

Please introduce everyone to you and your your Double J Boykin! Also feel free to tell us why you chose a Boykin, and how your pup/dog is doing in their roles :)

It's so fun to see my dogs littermates and bloodlines...and hear their quirks that resembles mine :)

*picture for attention. Cody went to his new home last weekend. He is participating in a boys camp program and part of the program includes the ability to train and show (or do hunt tests with) bird dogs to teach patience, skill, and teamwork, as well as give unconditional love. I can not wait to see when he and his new lifetime partner comes out of the program. Hopefully with some titles under their belt! *A match made I'm Heaven 💝

So proud of this little girl...killing it at 18 weeks! Smokey x Oakley puppy(This was sent to me last week)

So proud of this little girl...killing it at 18 weeks!
Smokey x Oakley puppy
(This was sent to me last week)

"Is this thing REAL?!?!"

"Is this thing REAL?!?!"

They say "Every boy needs a dog, and every dog needs a boy" but what about girls!?!💜💞

They say "Every boy needs a dog, and every dog needs a boy" but what about girls!?!💜💞

Happy National Dog Day!!!

Happy National Dog Day!!!

This is something everyone should see. This xray is of a 2 week old puppy.When you get your 8/10 week old puppies, pleas...

This is something everyone should see. This xray is of a 2 week old puppy.

When you get your 8/10 week old puppies, please keep this image in mind. Their bones do not even touch yet. They plod around so cutely with big floppy paws and wobbly movement because their joints are entirely made up of muscle, tendons, ligaments with skin covering. Nothing is fitting tightly together or has a true socket yet.

When you run them excessively or don't restrict their exercise to stop them from overdoing it during this period you don't give them a chance to grow properly. Every big jump or excited bouncing run causes impacts between the bones. In reasonable amounts this is not problematic and is the normal wear and tear that every animal will engage in.

But when you're letting puppy jump up and down off the lounge or bed, take them for long walks/hikes, you are damaging that forming joint. When you let the puppy scramble on tile with no traction you are damaging the joint.

You only get the chance to grow them once. A well built body is something that comes from excellent breeding and a great upbringing-BOTH, not just one.

Once grown - around 12-18 months depending on their breed, you will have the rest of their life to spend playing and engaging in higher impact exercise. So keep it calm while they're still little baby puppies and give the gift that can only be given once.


They say dogs don't climb treee?!?! 10 +feet and on her way up!

I have two sweet females available 🥰 They  will be 8 weeks old this Sunday Possible meet-up or delivery depending on dat...

I have two sweet females available 🥰 They will be 8 weeks old this Sunday
Possible meet-up or delivery depending on dates and location :)

Triple registered with BSS, AKC and UKC

All recommended DNA testing(+ extra) and OFA testing done with the exception of the sires hips (scheduled for September )

These girls are both pretty laid back. They've had a good start in life. Has had ENS and EST done. Correctly socialized and stimulated to the best of my abilities. They've been on a number of rides and been correctly exposed to water and birds.
They have a good start on potty-training and are used to their crates.

PM me for more information or adoption fees :)

A big shout out to Winnie who earned her Dock Diving Master title during her first NADD meet! Her PR of 17'2" was less t...

A big shout out to Winnie who earned her Dock Diving Master title during her first NADD meet! Her PR of 17'2" was less than a foot shy of the Elite title requirement.
A big thanks to her awesome family, Marc and Chantell, for giving her this opportunity to make a big splash --quite literally 🥰


So proud of litte Winnie!! 🥰 A 9 month old Smokey X Annie pup.
This was her first dock diving lesson...and she hit 15'!


36 Little Thompson River Road



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