This is not only the hardest thing to type but the most devastating thing rolling around my head.
Our sweetheart babygirl Hardy passed away Saturday the 18th of November at 23:35 (I apologize not posting an update sooner but, even still now it’s just so hard to deal with).
These are my words for my sweet babygirl Hardy:
I fell in love with you the moment we rescued you.
The look on your skiddish and scared face not knowing who this big oaf was carrying you to your forever home, and was always your protector.
Your future in our small family of two was I hope everything you could have ever wanted.
You wanted nothing and expected nothing.
You gave us 12 amazing years of fun, laughter and without you even knowing, comfort in our very real and hard times as adults.
The playful puppy you were never disappeared through aging and even through all the health issues that would arise over the course of four years.
You made our road trips amazing, the nights in the hotels hilarious and the pit stops for p*e breaks unforgettable.
From the cold Alberta Farm to the warm embrace of our hearts you never let us down or even made us angry once.
From snatching a rack of ribs off the counter to pooping smack bang on the sidewalk outside a busy Starbucks in Toronto, nothing upset us because you were nothing but loved.
From weekend trips to the mountains of Alberta to the road trips to Niagara Falls, the long drives across countries for relocation to the snuggling in bed on those lazy weekends, we were all together and you made every one of those memories treasured.
I feel that I failed. I was supposed to help you in every way I could.
We both felt we had everything under control, the diabetes, Cushing’s, blindness, hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, Spleen removal and the front short leg issues you were born with but this last challenge was something that even your vet couldn’t have seen coming.
Hardy you will always be loved and always with us no matter where we go or what we do.
Rest now Hardy, and in the cosmos of space and in time we will be together again.
It’s not goodbye, it’s not so long and it’s not farewell.