A Bird with special needs.
Eclectus parrots diet requirement is not as same as other parrot species. So do not feed them the diet that is feed to other parrots. Their dietary needs are different . The reason for this is that they have a longer digestive tract Eclectus parrots are highly sensitive to food dyes, preservatives, and overdose of vitamins and minerals, which results in feather plucking, wing flapping and toe tapping & develop behaviour issues like screeching and aggression.
Eclectus parrots are herbivores and frugivorous and not granivores. In other words, they forage for food among trees / plants eating leaves, buds, flowers and fruits and not grains and hence rarely come to ground to feed ground. Hence an their diet should consist of leafy greens, vegetables sprouts fruits, and nuts.
When offering pellets it is very important that they are preservative and dye-free. Hence 70-80% of the diet should consist of plant source, high in fibre and low on fat. Avoid supplementing their diet with artificial vitamin and mineral supplements.
One more thing that I have observed is that they prefer food at an elevated place rather then placed on the floor of the cage. Resaon could be that in wild they rarely come down to eat.