Little 24 hatch Hermann’s tortoise here to remind you don’t forget to eat your veggies! Nom nom nom…
Found a “friend” in my Aldabra enclosure tonight!
A Sonoran box turtle at top speed!
“Monsooning” here today with some super nice Monsoons calicos het ghost hatching out.
Keeping Aldabra tortoises long term takes a LOT! A lot to think about. Space, food, shades, barns, predators, fencing and more. Here’s a grassland I grew out for mine recently as I wanted more food variety. I built a fence to keep them off it initially, cleaned and prepped the area, added native grass seeds, and months later lots of yum to eat!
Though not a reptile this time I figured a fun one I’d share. Bobcat on the property just now right after a storm blew in. Always fun spotting wildlife and when in the yard easy too!
Phil at Arids Only posted an update video of the lavender albino Saharan he bought here a couple months ago. Just incredible! Always makes me happy to see animals I produced thriving in the care of others. I’ll be headed to the Reptile Super Show in LA January 6-
7th 2024. For the first time ever I’ll be bringing lavenders with me so come find my booth, say hello and check out this awesome new project in person. See ya soon!