Let’s get into the dog show at the Pawty. The guests just loved @
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Please visit us at www.kingspawfectworld.com
Take a look at the lounge chairs in the VIP section for the pups.
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#kingspawty #petparties #petphotography #petsofinstagram #petgrooming #petparty #petbirthday #dogmom #dogparty #dogsofinstagram #petlover #doglover #puppylove #doggrooming #atlanta #Atl #dogsofatlanta #paws #furryfriends #atlantaparty #puppylover #dogpark #dogtraining
Please visit us at www.kingspawfectworld.com
There were custom hats for the pups and individual acrylic names on each bone as well as barkuterie boards.
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#kingspawty #petparties #petphotography #petsofinstagram #petgrooming #petparty #petbirthday #dogmom #dogparty #dogsofinstagram #petlover #doglover #puppylove #doggrooming #atlanta #Atl #dogsofatlanta #paws #furryfriends #atlantaparty #puppylover #dogpark #dogtraining
Please visit us at www.kingspawfectworld.com
There were custom hats for the pups and individual acrylic names on each bone as well as barkuterie boards.
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#kingspawty #petparties #petphotography #petsofinstagram #petgrooming #petparty #petbirthday #dogmom #dogparty #dogsofinstagram #petlover #doglover #puppylove #doggrooming #atlanta #Atl #dogsofatlanta #paws #furryfriends #atlantaparty #puppylover #dogpark #dogtraining
Please visit us at www.kingspawfectworld.com
Let’s get into the detail of King’s custom hat made by @artyhats and the customized bowl, ice cube and dog bone with acrylic name tag.
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#kingspawty #petparties #petphotography #petsofinstagram #petgrooming #petparty #petbirthday #dogmom #dogparty #dogsofinstagram #petlover #doglover #puppylove #doggrooming #atlanta #Atl #dogsofatlanta #paws #furryfriends #atlantaparty #puppylover #dogpark #dogtraining
Please visit us at www.kingspawfectworld.com
That old saying isn’t true, you can teach a dog new tricks. 🙏 Dog’s pray too, at least my dog does! My sister taught King to pray. I love my 🐶! 🐾 Book your free consultation! #barkday #dogbirthday #dogbirthdaypawty #dogbirthdaypup
#pupcakes #puppypawty #bookyourpawty #petbirthdays #petbarkmitzvahs #petholidaypawtys #petyappyhour #doggieweddings #petpublicevents #petfundraisers #petrescues #doggieadoptions #petanniversaries #petmemorials #petmeetandgreet #thedetailsmatter #atlantanonhumancompanioneventplanner www.kingspawfectworld.com