Kislev Beagles

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Kislev Beagles Registered & Reputable Breeder of Beagles
A small kennel striving for excellence and quality My first love was German Shepherds with"Sheba" in 1976. Sharen

Sheba passed away in 1984, the void of her loss was filled with the arrival of Forstwald Eclipse, "Shanny". The breeders of Shanny talked me into becoming a member of the Canine Control Council (CCC), and so in 1984 I began my show career and my Kennel Prefix KISLEV was born. I also became an active member of the Hervey Bay Kennel and Obedience Club. Shanny's show career was cut short by injury so

here entered her litter sister Ember, who I showed with some success. Ember produced a couple of nice litters, from her first litter I kept Kislev Sioux, "Lacey" who produced three litters, she was not a world be**er in the ring but a loved family pet. Then along came "BJ" Aus Ch Pringeuri Knockout "A" who was a constant Best In Group and Best In Show winner. BJ continued his winning ways right up until he was 10 years. It was a very sad day in our household when BJ passed away on August 10, 2000, he was 12 and half. He was a most trustworthy and loyal pet, not just a top show dog. I also showed and titled one of BJ's daughters Aus Ch Ketemarae Echos Elaura. Enter the Beagles in 1993, with the arrival of "Bindy", Aus Ch Castaulan Rosemary at the age of 7 months. Bindy was sold to a pet home, but through no fault of her own things did not work out, so to the rescue was our family. Bindy was entered into her very first show, an Open, just 3 weeks after coming to us. The judge Mr Ian Rassmussen was very impressed with her, as new handlers of Beagles and he, having had Beagles, gave us some pointers and everything went from there. At this show Bindy received Best of Breed, Reserve in Group, Minor in Group and Minor in Show, this was the start of many In Group and In Show wins. Bindy gained her Title at the tender age of 13 months. Not bad for a pet and gaining her title with some big Challenges along the way. Bindy produced our very first home bred champion Aus Ch Kislev Amelee who produced Aus Ch Kislev Casey Jones, Aus CH Kislev Cagney and Lacey, Aus Ch Kislev Dee and Aus Ch Kislev Duchess Kiara. Casey has produced 3 Champions, Kiara to date has produced 5, Dee, 2 , Kiara's son Jack, Aus Ch Kislev Gambling Man AOM (Award of Merit) has exceeded all our dreams and to date he has sired over 20 litters, with 24 Champions TWO Aus Grand Champions. Jack's son Phil Gr Ch HOF Aus Ch Orobay Back To Reality 'Mikey' has excelled all, winning to date MAY 2010 105 Best In Shows combining All Breeds and Speciality, Two of Jack's daughters are now in the Phillipines, Aus Ch Phil Gr Ch Orobay Graceful Melody, 'Melody' and Phil Ch Bayatthemoon Kislev Gold, 'Goldie', both obtaining their Philippines Championship and Melody also her HOF (Hall of Fame). Jack has a daughter making her mark in Poland "Lucky" Cevaytis Calling On Lady Luck owned by Iza Schulmann and Bred by David Boruszkowski. At last count 19 home bred champions. The future of Kislev Beagles looks promising with some lovely litters planned in the forthcoming years, especially from the imported semen of "Parker" Am Ch Windkist A Walk In The Park, sire of the famous "Uno" K-Run's Park Me in First the BIS winner at Westminster Kennel Club 2008. Also from 'Monty' Am Ch Just The Wright The Full Monty. A journey I am looking forward to with great pleasure as the future of this wonderful little dog, the Beagle, is what matters and should matter to all responsible breeders and pet owners.

This little one is looking for his forever home sadly I can’t run on two boys and I’ve had to make a choice.

This little one is looking for his forever home sadly I can’t run on two boys and I’ve had to make a choice.


A high quality dog probiotic and nutraceutical to help improve gut health and intestinal health in dogs, cats, and other pets in Australia. Designed and developed but Evolution Animal Care.

“Miss Stevie” Aus Ch Kislev Leather and Lace has some little bubbas on board due around the 29th February dad is “Bo”Kis...

“Miss Stevie” Aus Ch Kislev Leather and Lace has some little bubbas on board due around the 29th February dad is “Bo”
Kislev Hey Bo Diddley

This little cherub is now 16 weeks old and will be looking for his forever home.

This little cherub is now 16 weeks old and will be looking for his forever home.

Baby beagles injoying their new tunnel 🥰

Baby beagles injoying their new tunnel 🥰


Kislev Beagles baby takes down King Kong 🐾🐒💛

We have new additions to the Kislev family 1 girl 6 boys. They are two weeks old today growing like weeds 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

We have new additions to the Kislev family 1 girl 6 boys. They are two weeks old today growing like weeds 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

“Miss Milly” Aus Ch Naekota Al Funngames joined the Kislev team in 2021 gaining her Australian Title very quickly she is...

“Miss Milly” Aus Ch Naekota Al Funngames joined the Kislev team in 2021 gaining her Australian Title very quickly she is a joy to have in our lives and we are hoping for greater things in 2023 and maybe babies later in the year or into 2024.

A few of my favourite photos of some very special Kislev hounds and a couple of ring in that I enjoyed showing

A few of my favourite photos of some very special Kislev hounds and a couple of ring in that I enjoyed showing

Our two young beagle kids Ella and Bo strutting their stuff in 2022 …Bo had a little break from the ring towards the end...

Our two young beagle kids Ella and Bo strutting their stuff in 2022 …Bo had a little break from the ring towards the end of 2022 but hopefully he will be back in 2023. And of course not to be forgotten Miss Milly our Mini Long Dachshund who has been a star through 2022 bring on 2023.

There is always funny moments when getting photos of babies 🥰🤣🤣

There is always funny moments when getting photos of babies 🥰🤣🤣

Our latest litter at Kislev ….all are spoken for 🥰🥰

Our latest litter at Kislev ….all are spoken for 🥰🥰


I am reposting as I don’t think I can repost this article too many times please if you are looking for a beagle read this article and then ask yourself is a beagle (hound) the right dog for my family.

The Partnership with a Hound
I think the frustration with hounds comes from a lack of understanding of them and what their original purpose for being selectively being bred.
Hounds do not believe that they NEED you. You are a lovely part of their day - like a favorite coffee cup or a favorite pair of shoes. If the cup is broken or the shoes are lost, we can get along just fine with another.
Let me explain:
Where other breeds of dogs like Labradors, Shepherds, Border Collies, and a host of others are bred to work WITH man; their original bred temperament is to work alongside man in cooperation to achieve a goal.
The Border Collie follows man's commands to herd the livestock. The Lab follows the hunter's commands to get the quarry - so and so forth. They are a teammates of man. Neither can do their work without the other --- and so they have been bred for eons to have that in their make up --- to be anxious to please. Even the worst behaved Labrador cares when mom and dad are annoyed. It is in their DNA to make man happy.
Hounds... not so much.
Hounds have been bred for eons to be taken out to the edge of the woods or field and be let loose to go out and do what they do with NO INSTRUCTION from the hunter or handler. They go out and do their thing, all on their own. They make their own decisions and do their own work. And when that work is done and they have found their quarry, they command/call the hunter to come to them with those beautiful voices. (Who is working for whom in that scenario?)
Do you see how your hound thinks differently?
Life with a Hound is far more like having a spouse than a dog. It is far more of a "cooperative effort" with all the give and take that implies. Hounds are not going to do what you say just because you have said it. You are secondary to their desire. There has to be something in it for them. There has to be a trade off. If there is no reward or benefit for the Hound, the Hound cares little what you are asking him/her to do. People incorrectly refer to this as being stubborn - or worse, stupid.
Hounds are actually neither of those things - they are just independent and cunning. They prioritize things differently than do other breeds. They prioritize differently and *you* are not always their priority.
They were bred to be this way. It is all necessary to be a Successful hound dog.
When working with a Hound you have to always be thinking:
How do I make myself the priority?
What do I have to give this dog to make me more important than what it smells - or wants?
(and do not expect that anything will ever be 100% successful every time - always be looking for your Hound to act like a Hound.)
We humans always think we are in charge of things. We think that we are top of the chain, the head honcho's...and we naturally approach training our dogs and living with our dogs this way - as though we are in charge.
Your Hound doesn't see it that way.
Your Hound - at best - sees you as a family member or as a sibling (if you are very fortunate - as a parent). Do you walk into your sister or brother's house, start barking orders and they hop to?
Mostly your Hound sees you as a good friend. And what do we do with our friends? When a friend does something for us, we return those favors. There is give and take. When a friendship is out of balance - when one friend takes and takes but does not give - the friendship suffers.
Hounds are happiest when their humans are humble and work with their character. A bond with a hound is not an easy one to create. There is a lot of ground work involved but when it is established and the balance is there, it’s a beautiful thing.
So if you have a hound or want one, love and appreciate them for what they are and not what they aren’t.
(This is a repost from a few different areas on the web where the author is unknown. If anyone knows of the author I would be happy to tag them!)

Edit: Original poster found. Darin Lee of Houndsong Rescue


Certainly not what all Beagles would do but hey old age can hinder us all 😘


Another wonderful handler and beagle working well together we wish Maddie and Magic all the best when they compete in Finland in July


If anyone says a beagle can not be trained then have a look at this video ...the young lass is 7.


A well trained Beagle 💛🐾💛

Nothing to say about this photo but 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Nothing to say about this photo but 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Our new additions are doing very well, they are 4 weeks old tomorrow.Sorry all are spoken for 💖💖

Our new additions are doing very well, they are 4 weeks old tomorrow.
Sorry all are spoken for 💖💖


I wish this was mandatory reading for anyone looking to add a puppy or dog to their family...

BEFORE YOU GET A PUPPY Or ADOPT A DOG - READ THIS! ... and then think long and hard about how you will adjust your life to include your new addition ...

“I am a Dobermann, cataloged one of the most intelligent and most feared dogs, I have served the US Navy and I will not narrate my dark past on the German side. They called me the devil's dog, today they ask me to behave like a Poodle, they have gone so far as to wear clothes ...

I am a Malinois:
Gifted among dogs, I shine in all disciplines and I am always ready to work. Today they ask me to relax on the couch all day.

I am an Akita Inu:
My ancestors have been selected to fight with other dogs. Today they ask me to be tolerant of my peers, and they blame me for my reactivity when one of them approaches me.

I am a Beagle:
When I followed my prey, I gave a voice so that the hunters could follow me. I was leading the dance.
Today they put an electric collar on me to silence me, and they want me to return to the call in a snap of fingers.

I am a Yorkshire Terrier:
I was a rat catcher, fearsome in the English mines. Today they think that I can't use my legs and they always hold me in their arms.

I am a Labrador Retriever:
My vision of happiness is a dip in a pond to bring my master the duck he just shot. Today we forget that I am a sports dog, I am fat and I have to babysit the children.

I am a Jack Russell Terrier:
I am capable of facing a fox larger than me in its own den. Today they blame me for my damn character and want to turn me into a parlor dog.

I am a Siberian husky:
I got to know the great spaces of northern Russia, where I could pull sledges at impressive speed. Today I only have the walls of the garden on my horizon, and my only occupation is the holes I dig in the ground.

I am a Border Collie:
I am cut out to work eight hours a day, and I am an incomparable artist of herd labor. Today they blame me because in the absence of sheep, I try to control bicycles, cars, children from home, and everything that is in motion.

I am...
I'm a 19th century dog

I am handsome, I am alert, I am obedient, I can put up with being in a purse ... but I am also an individual who needs to express his instincts, and I am not suitable for the sedentary life that you want me to carry.

Spending eight hours a day alone on the patio, seeing you a little at night when you come back, and being entitled to any activity just a short walk to the bathroom will make me deeply unhappy.

I'll express it by barking all day, turning your garden into a minefield, relieving myself on the inside, being unmanageable the few times I'll find myself on the outside, and sometimes spending my days on my cushion, then you'll think I'm happy to To be able to enjoy all this comfort while you go to work: in reality I will be in full depression, because it is not the preference of the human, but also that of the dog of the XXI century.

If you like me, if you dream of me forever, if my beautiful blue eyes or my athlete look make you want to possess me, but you can't give me a real life of a full dog, a life that is really worth living, and if not you can offer me the job my genes claim ... then quit me.
If you like my rhythm but are not ready to accept my character traits from rigorous genetic selection, and you think you can change them with your only good will ... then quit me.

I'm a 19th century dog, yes. But, deep there, the one who fought, the one who hunted, the one who pulled sleds, the one who led a herd still sleeps. And sooner or later, you will wake up. For better or worse.”

Elsa Weiss Éducation Canine / Cynopolis
Translation edited by Razas Poderosas y de Trabajo.

Today we celebrate a special boys birthday 17 today “JJ” Kislev Jacque O Hearts.

Today we celebrate a special boys birthday 17 today “JJ” Kislev Jacque O Hearts.


The Partnership with a Hound
I think the frustration with hounds comes from a lack of understanding of them and what their original purpose for being selectively being bred.
Hounds do not believe that they NEED you. You are a lovely part of their day - like a favorite coffee cup or a favorite pair of shoes. If the cup is broken or the shoes are lost, we can get along just fine with another.
Let me explain:
Where other breeds of dogs like Labradors, Shepherds, Border Collies, and a host of others are bred to work WITH man; their original bred temperament is to work alongside man in cooperation to achieve a goal.
The Border Collie follows man's commands to herd the livestock. The Lab follows the hunter's commands to get the quarry - so and so forth. They are a teammates of man. Neither can do their work without the other --- and so they have been bred for eons to have that in their make up --- to be anxious to please. Even the worst behaved Labrador cares when mom and dad are annoyed. It is in their DNA to make man happy.
Hounds... not so much.
Hounds have been bred for eons to be taken out to the edge of the woods or field and be let loose to go out and do what they do with NO INSTRUCTION from the hunter or handler. They go out and do their thing, all on their own. They make their own decisions and do their own work. And when that work is done and they have found their quarry, they command/call the hunter to come to them with those beautiful voices. (Who is working for whom in that scenario?)
Do you see how your hound thinks differently?
Life with a Hound is far more like having a spouse than a dog. It is far more of a "cooperative effort" with all the give and take that implies. Hounds are not going to do what you say just because you have said it. You are secondary to their desire. There has to be something in it for them. There has to be a trade off. If there is no reward or benefit for the Hound, the Hound cares little what you are asking him/her to do. People incorrectly refer to this as being stubborn - or worse, stupid.
Hounds are actually neither of those things - they are just independent and cunning. They prioritize things differently than do other breeds. They prioritize differently and *you* are not always their priority.
They were bred to be this way. It is all necessary to be a Successful hound dog.
When working with a Hound you have to always be thinking:
How do I make myself the priority?
What do I have to give this dog to make me more important than what it smells - or wants?
(and do not expect that anything will ever be 100% successful every time - always be looking for your Hound to act like a Hound.)
We humans always think we are in charge of things. We think that we are top of the chain, the head honcho's...and we naturally approach training our dogs and living with our dogs this way - as though we are in charge.
Your Hound doesn't see it that way.
Your Hound - at best - sees you as a family member or as a sibling (if you are very fortunate - as a parent). Do you walk into your sister or brother's house, start barking orders and they hop to?
Mostly your Hound sees you as a good friend. And what do we do with our friends? When a friend does something for us, we return those favors. There is give and take. When a friendship is out of balance - when one friend takes and takes but does not give - the friendship suffers.
Hounds are happiest when their humans are humble and work with their character. A bond with a hound is not an easy one to create. There is a lot of ground work involved but when it is established and the balance is there, it’s a beautiful thing.
So if you have a hound or want one, love and appreciate them for what they are and not what they aren’t.
(This is a repost from a few different areas on the web where the author is unknown. If anyone knows of the author I would be happy to tag them!)

Edit: Original poster found. Darin Lee of Houndsong Rescue






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