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I truly believe that if Steve Irwin were alive today, he would have a dedicated group of people who hated him for how he treated animals.

Steve always treated every species he worked with, as the species they were, not forcing them to change their nature.

More and more I find myself trying to convince people to "let the dog go outside, it's okay if they get a little dirty" or "your snake is arboreal and can't just be confined to a small tub." Or "Your working breed dog is not happy being still and lazy in your one bedroom apartment with nothing to keep them active and thinking."

It seems in this next generation of animal husbandry, we're deciding that all animals are now going to become (and be treated as) our little babies.

Now, is it okay to refer to your furry, feathered, scaly friend as such? Of course!
Is it okay to treat them as human babies...absolutely not at all.

As we see this change taking place, so to do we see more and more stressed out animals. Ones with a lack of structure and mental enrichment...but tons and tons of random toys and bags of treats.

What Steve Irwin did is create an environment that was enriching for the animals he had. Not attempt to force the animals to adjust to his environment.

Taking your Border Collie or herding, working, hunting, breed on a 10 minute walk (as long as you remember, it's not raining or just not feeling upto it) once a day, is not cutting it.

Locking your pyrenees or Shepherd breed in a kennel all day and then keeping'em in a small apartment, but still expecting the dog to be still and always cuddling...not cutting it.

Keeping your African grey parrot in a small enclosure with a few items that you've not not cutting it.

When you bring an animal into your life. It is so important to understand what that animal is and have a structured enrichment routine and appropriate setup for the breed/species before you take in the animal.

Anything less than what your animal needs is a disservice to your best friend.

Be kind to your animals, enrich their lives (in a way that's appropriate for them). Keep them thinking. Keep them exploring. Give them understanding and structure and you will keep them happy.

A simple explanation regarding Bloat which could affect Irish Setters.   Some breeding lines are particularly susceptibl...

A simple explanation regarding Bloat which could affect Irish Setters. Some breeding lines are particularly susceptible but any dog with a deep chest is prone.

I have been asked to share on behalf of Gordon Setter Club of Vic:   The Gordon Setter Club of Victoria is hosting a SET...

I have been asked to share on behalf of Gordon Setter Club of Vic:

The Gordon Setter Club of Victoria is hosting a
on 30th November 2024

which coincides with Dogs Victoria Royal Canin Summer Spectacular weekend at KCC Park.



The man's voice is but a shadow, his words a gentle caress to the memory that lingers in the air.

"Bailey, my loyal friend, my guardian of silent moments, you've crossed the bridge where no shadows fall. In the meadow of my heart, where the grass bends softly in the breeze, you run free, unburdened by the weight of years."

The collar slips through his fingers, falling to the ground with a hush, a silent testament to a love that endures beyond the veil of life and death.

"I stand here alone, yet I feel you all around—the rustle of leaves, the soft earth beneath my feet, the gentle nudge against my hand that is no longer there. You were the compass of my soul, the keeper of my secrets, the one who never needed words to understand."

As night descends, the stars emerge, each a flickering memory, a moment shared, a joy relived. The man looks up, his eyes reflecting the heavens' sorrowful glow.

"Tonight, the sky weeps with me, for it too has lost a star. Yet, in its infinite expanse, I know you shine the brightest, guiding me still, my ever-present North Star."

A tear escapes, tracing a path down his cheek, a river of grief for the companion who walked beside him through life's every twist and turn.

"Farewell, my Bailey, my heart's truest friend. In the quiet of this twilight, I release you to the skies, to the embrace of eternity. But know this, my boy, you are forever etched within my soul, never to be forgotten, always to be cherished."

The man turns to leave, each step a heavy beat in the symphony of his mourning. And there, beneath the old oak tree, as the world holds its breath, a love pure and profound whispers through the leaves, eternal and unending.


The man's voice is but a shadow, his words a gentle caress to the memory that lingers in the air.

"Bailey, my loyal friend, my guardian of silent moments, you've crossed the bridge where no shadows fall. In the meadow of my heart, where the grass bends softly in the breeze, you run free, unburdened by the weight of years."

The collar slips through his fingers, falling to the ground with a hush, a silent testament to a love that endures beyond the veil of life and death.

"I stand here alone, yet I feel you all around—the rustle of leaves, the soft earth beneath my feet, the gentle nudge against my hand that is no longer there. You were the compass of my soul, the keeper of my secrets, the one who never needed words to understand."

As night descends, the stars emerge, each a flickering memory, a moment shared, a joy relived. The man looks up, his eyes reflecting the heavens' sorrowful glow.

"Tonight, the sky weeps with me, for it too has lost a star. Yet, in its infinite expanse, I know you shine the brightest, guiding me still, my ever-present North Star."

A tear escapes, tracing a path down his cheek, a river of grief for the companion who walked beside him through life's every twist and turn.

"Farewell, my Bailey, my heart's truest friend. In the quiet of this twilight, I release you to the skies, to the embrace of eternity. But know this, my boy, you are forever etched within my soul, never to be forgotten, always to be cherished."

The man turns to leave, each step a heavy beat in the symphony of his mourning. And there, beneath the old oak tree, as the world holds its breath, a love pure and profound whispers through the leaves, eternal and unending.

Let's talk about this photo.  IT'S CUTE, EXCEPT IT'S NOT!

Let's talk about this photo.

Let's talk about this photo. It's cute, except it's not. I see a dog who cannot get up without telling the child to get off. How do you think a dog is going to do that?

The 7 Golden Toddler Dog Rules:
#1: If a dog walks away from you, you DO NOT FOLLOW.
#2: Always leave room for the dog to walk away from you.
---that right there is 90+% of dog bites eliminated---
#3: We do not climb on the dog.
#4: We do not grab or pull on the dog.
#5: We do not hit or throw anything at the dog.
#6: We do not touch the dog's food.
#7: We do not go into the dog's kennel.

I promise these are not overly difficult concepts for littles, nor will they rob a kid of their bond with the family dog. It will deepen that bond, while keeping everyone safe.

"Oh, it looks like Moose is walking away from you. She is saying she wants a break. Let's play with this instead!"

"It's Moose's dinner time! Let's give her space to enjoy her yummies."

"That is Moose's room(kennel) and only she is allowed to go in there."

"If Moose wanted a break, could she walk away from you right now? No she really couldn't. Let's move away from the play house. You can keep playing but now she can leave when she wants a break."

In conclusion, ***parent your child or your dog will do it for you, and you will not like how they do it.***


My dogs live here, they're here to stay.
You don't like pets? Be on your way
They share my home, my food, my space
This is their home, this is their place.

You will find dog hair on the floor,
They will alert you're at the door.
They may request a litte pat,
A simple 'NO' will settle that.

It gripes me when I hear you say,
Just how is it you live this way?
They smell, they shed, they're in the way.
WHO ASKED YOU? is all I can say.

They love me more than anyone.
My voice is like the rising sun,
They merely have to hear me say,
'C'mon, time to go and play."

Then tails wag and faces grin,
They bounce and hop and make a din,
They never say, 'No time for you,
They're always there, to GO and DO.

And if l'm sad, they're by my side.
And if I'm mad, they circle wide.
And if I laugh, they laugh with me.
They understand, they always see.

So, once again, I say to you,
'Come visit me,' but know this too..
My dogs live here, they're here to stay.
You don't like pets? Be on your way.
They share my home, my food, my space
This is their home, this is their place.


Show dogs are regular dogs. In fact, most show dogs are better socialized, better behaved, and less reactive than most 'normal' dogs. And you don't have to take my word for it - ask a vet what they think.


A well socialized dog ISN’T one who plays happily with tons of other dogs. ❌
A well socialized dog IS one who had learned to be calmly neutral around other dogs. ✔️

Calm socialization doesn’t happen by allowing your excited puppy to “greet” every dog, friend, stranger, or person they see.

Calm socialization is created slowly over time. It’s taught by exposing a young dog to the world neutrally - as in sit on a bench and watch the world go by.

Calm dog to dog socialization is done by practicing being near other dogs, and NOT playing, rushing, sparring, or even sniffing.
Calm & neutral socialization takes time, exposure, calm, and patience on our part.

A successful adult dog is calm and neutral when out in public. And that starts by NOT allowing your puppy to be the centre of a 3-ring circus when in public.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR IRISH SETTER PUPPY OWNERS Dear Customer, Congratulations on acquiring your Irish Setter. Please find th...


Dear Customer,

Congratulations on acquiring your Irish Setter.

Please find the instructions for your particular model listed below:
Although your Irish Setter comes fully assembled, due to particular issues during production, we do occasionally have issues with components such as screws. They invariably are either loose or missing altogether.

Mode 1: This is the sleep mode, activated for the majority of the day as the Irish Setter ages. This is normal and you should not worry about it, just accept the peace and quiet while you can.

Mode 2: Anarchy. Although we have tried to ease the effect of anarchy mode, it’s not always possible. There are inherent issues with the timer settings of anarchy mode in regards to there being none. Should your Irish Setter suddenly go from comatose to running around the walls, we cannot stop this feature.

Sunlight: Do not allow your Irish Setter to stay in the sun too long. They can burn if left unattended but they also recharge. Too much of a charge and mode 2 can be activated without warning.

Energy consumption: This has been an ongoing issue as their energy consumption is too direct. We have tried to put baffles, non-return valves and diversions in place but none seem to work adequately. Safe to say what goes in comes out, in both solids and gas. The gas, although noxious, can only inhibit breathing of the owner for up to ten minutes.

Naming: Your Irish Setter comes untitled as we feel owners should use names of their own. If you are unsure, we have listed below a few names our owners like to use:
You’re kidding me
Is that yours?
Don’t you dare
Ok, you
Put that down
Get that out of your mouth

The zipper: We ask you not to try to open an Irish Setter’s zipper on their back as this will invalidate your one-hour warranty. Rumours that they are merely toddlers in a dog suit is highly contested.

Software: Your Irish Setter is pre-installed with the highest software and hardware. This includes the loyalty chip, the love every one chip, fun chip and, of course, the highly popular mayhem chip. They are all running on the Whatthehell operating system 12.2. Although this has been in circulation for many years, we have found it simply cannot be improved upon.

Should you have any queries you can reach us on 118-what-have-I-done

Thank you.


Living with a very old dog means feeling your heart speeding up every time you see them a little more still than usual a...

Living with a very old dog means feeling your heart speeding up every time you see them a little more still than usual and approaching with the fear that they have stopped breathing.

Living with a very old dog means being aware that some of the things you'll do together may be the last.

Living with a very old dog means thinking ′′ this is their last summer ", ′′ this is their last July ", ′′ This could be the last morning".

Living with a very old dog means they bark at any noise at any time, not because they know what they are barking at, but its they feel they need to bark and let us know.

Living with a very old dog means, you have to lift them up into the truck, the bed, the couch, the stairs.

Living with a very old dog means putting off commitments because it's important to be close to them.

Living with an old dog means we trip over them because they are so sound asleep they don't hear us approaching them.

Living with an old dog means accidents in the house, it is ok they don't mean to do it.

Living with a very old dog means feeling guilty because you know you could have done more, giving them more runs, more travel, more hugs, more caresses, more everything.

I would like to say that living with a very old dog also puts us in the face of our own death, fragility, and vulnerability.

Living with a very old dog means we got to experience life with a very old dog, which is one of the best joys on earth!


💭 Thursday Thoughts 💭

Seeing a dog being dragged away from an interesting smell is one of the saddest things you can witness 😭

Our dogs NEED to sniff, it's not just something they like to do, it's absolutely crucial for their wellbeing 🙌

Sniffing is how our dogs explore the world. Of course they use their other senses too, but their sense of smell is one of the most important ones to them ❤️

A dog's nose is a very powerful tool ⭐

So to see a person physically drag their dog away from a smell seems so unfair ✖️

Would you be okay with someone bigger than you, physically dragging you away from your favourite TV show, an interesting book, your phone, a magazine, a breaking news update, scrolling through social media, reading a newspaper, interacting with other people, or any other way in which you gather information about the world around you? 🤔

And worse still, would you accept this if you had no idea why you were being dragged away from these things? 🥴

Sniffing and exploring new scents is your dog's main way of interacting with the environment they are in, so please remember this before you try and move them along, or stop them from sniffing at all ❤️


So yummy


Is it legal to let your dog lean out the window? Can your dog ride in the front seat? These are Victoria's road rules for driving in cars with dogs, explained.

When I am old...I will wear soft grey sweatshirts...and a bandana over my silver hair...and I will spend my social secur...

When I am old...

I will wear soft grey sweatshirts...
and a bandana over my silver hair...
and I will spend my social security checks on my dogs.

I will sit in my house on my well-worn chair
and listen to my dogs breathing.

I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer night
and take my dogs for a run, if my old bones will allow...
When people come to call, I will smile and nod
as I show them my dogs...
and talk of them and about them.....the ones so beloved of the past
and the ones so beloved of today...

I will still work hard cleaning after them,
mopping and feeding them and whispering their names
in a soft loving way.

I will wear the gleaming sweat on my throat,
like a jewel, and I will be an embarrassment to all...
especially my family...
who have not yet found the peace in being free
to have dogs as your best friends...
These friends who always wait, at any hour, for your footfall...
and eagerly jump to their feet out of a sound sleep,
to greet you as if you are a God,
with warm eyes full of adoring love and hope
that you will always stay.

I'll hug their big strong necks...
I'll kiss their dear sweet heads...
and whisper in their very special company...

I look in the mirror... and see I am getting old...
this is the kind of person I am...
and have always been.
Loving dogs is easy, they are part of me.
Please accept me for who I am.

My dogs appreciate my presence in their lives...
they love my presence in their lives...
When I am old this will be important to me...
you will understand when you are old
if you have dogs to love too.

-Author Unknown


First morning giggle, borrowed from Michele Denham-Verduzco




I love this idea!!!!!

Burkes Backyard Roadtest on the Irish Setter It's fun to watch so many irish setters just enjoying a day out running aro...

Burkes Backyard Roadtest on the Irish Setter

It's fun to watch so many irish setters just enjoying a day out running around together

Don Burke spoke with breeders and owners of Irish Red Setters to see who these dogs would suit as pets.

An Irish Setter With russet fur and fiery grace,The Irish Setter claims his place.A loyal friend, a hunting hound,His be...

An Irish Setter

With russet fur and fiery grace,
The Irish Setter claims his place.
A loyal friend, a hunting hound,
His beauty and his skill astound.

With every stride he takes the lead,
His nose upon the scent will feed.
He'll run for miles, without a rest,
His stamina is truly blessed.

And yet, when evening falls at last,
He'll curl up close, his day is past.
He'll wag his tail and give a sigh,
As if to say, "It's been a good day, why deny?"

So here's to the Irish Setter's charm,
His heart so true, his spirit warm.
May his breed endure for many a year,
And always bring his humans cheer.

An interesting read from American Kennel Club ~ I

An interesting read from American Kennel Club ~


This Breed Magazine about the Yorkshire Terrier features articles, tips, and information provided with help from breeders, owners, handlers, club members, and judges who have agreed to share their expertise about the breed with us.



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