In Loving Memory of our Fur Babies

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In Loving Memory of our Fur Babies This page is for those grieving the loss of a beloved fur baby. Please be nice. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Thank you!



So, don’t see many fish on here. I lost my Weather Loach last night. He was so cool. The first fish to actually let me “...

So, don’t see many fish on here. I lost my Weather Loach last night. He was so cool. The first fish to actually let me “pet” it. He would swim through my fingers and actually let me almost pick him up. His friend kinda misses him I think. May have to get another to keep in company.


So sorry to hear of the loss of Monkey. Our hearts go out to you.


James Bowen, who was a recovering he**in addict, first met a beautiful ginger cat in 2007. At first glance, the cat was clearly abandoned and had injuries, so James took him in. Every morning, James had a positive reason to wake up; Bob.James would take Bob with him on the streets to go busking and....


In loving memory of Vaska. June 2005-- 12 November 2022. We 🧡 you forever.


DJ Ravioli was the greatest DJ in the world to his human, the premiere Cat Rapper Moshow. He has described the cat as his "best friend, other half, my partner in crime, my everything." They made music, played video games, appeared on TV, and did everything together. Sadly, DJ Ravioli has passed over


We sadly got the news that Porp Chop did not graduate after his 84 days of fip injections. I had a bad feeling even before I sent the fip warriors his blood work as his globulins were just a tinge above the upper " normal" range and while they havent told me yet how long he will have to continue getting injections I know they are doubling up on the amount .I suspect it may be for another 84 days although i don't know that yet. And while he isn't clinically cured. He no longer has any fluid around his lungs or in his abdomen and his muscle tone grows stronger each day which really complicates matters as his feralness is really starting to come back out. It has become very difficult if not impossible to give him shots by myself. Last week as i bent over to inject him in his favorite spot in the bathtub , while trying to hold on to him with one hand in the kevler glove and the needle in my other he actually caused me to lose my footing and I twisted my back again so I was in agony all weekend and still am. His strength is remarkable for a little fellow. He has actually bent dozens of needles as he has attempted to get away. So I really am not sure i can continue hurting myself but I will keep trying as long as I can. Anyhow , I now have to re-up his medication for at least another 30 days and likely longer and with the higher dossage , just 30 days will put me well over a thousand dollars which at this point is stressing our finances to the breaking point especially since we still have well over 20 thousand dollars of unrecovered vet bills from this fall. If you can help with a small donation at or through Zelle at [email protected]

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By sending stars during and after our Live broadcasts and on our Reels .

And while I haven't done it now for a several years I guess I am going to start selling my Ancient Coin Collection. Those of you that have followed us for years know that is how I used to supplement the kitties bills by selling ancient coins of Rome and Greece and Egypt and while I don't have the cash to invest in coins to sell right now I fortunately set aside a few if the best ones from my profits as part of my own collection which I knew someday I may need for a rainy day and that rainy day is here now. While I will miss some of them ,the cats come before everything my personal desires. Thanks for your help and love for the kitties . ~ dat Dad


To our favorite mini panther, Cole, forever loved and forever remembered. 🖤♥️
Two days ago the sky got an extra beautiful star because of the sad passing of the most amazing mini panther, Cole. 🖤
Cole was half of Cole & Marmalade and together, with his amazing family, they spent many years not only making us smile, but also educating everyone about how amazing black cats are and even started an entire movement of changing the negative view on black cats some people have.

Dear Marm, Jess and Chris, we are so sorry for your loss of your beautiful boy. 🖤♥️
We are thinking of you and sending our deepest condolences, warm hugs, and healing purrs. ♥️

Love to you from us, Monty, Molly, & Fenjah.


3/1/12 - 10/10/21

I'm so sorry everybody... we'll be saying goodbye to Cole later today 💔

He put up a brave fight that was helped by all of the love you sent his way, but his body can't support itself any longer and he let us know it's time...

We'll be furever grateful for the amazing support you've sent our way over the past 9 years, this handsome house panther had a pawsome life and made a big difference in the world.

Rest in peace buddy 🖤


Beyond the Rainbow Bridge
All night the cats had been restless. And, unlike the feeling of peace and joy normally found, there was an eerie blanket of discontent and a prevalent restlessness in the Peaceful Kingdom beyond the Rainbow Bridge.
Cats have long been recognized for their ability to sense impending disaster; and many cats, while here on Earth, have saved their humans from fires, floods, and earthquakes.
But, as dawn awakened, the feeling that blanketed the Peaceful Kingdom that early September morning was different, stronger.
Strangely, the cats most upset that morning were not the cats who patiently waited for a human loved one to join them, but were, instead, the cats that had never known the love of a human.
These were the many cats and kittens of questionable ancestry that had been abandoned to roam the lonely city streets and country lanes in search of food and shelter.
They had become toughened from unwanted pregnancy; the never ending struggle for survival; and had died of terrible illnesses, like Feline Leukemia.
Some had no ears, no tails – for many, in their earthly life, had been abused by a human.
Few had ever heard a kind word.
But, on the morning of September 11, 2001, as dawn crept into the land beyond the Rainbow Bridge, the cats noticed that there was a flurry of activity and an almost frantic rush to lay down the golden carpet across the bridge – which was done each time a cat's loved one was expected.
Tigger, a tough old marmalade tiger and the unquestionable leader of the group of unloved and unwanted cats, set off in search of answers about why this unprecedented amount of activity and preparation.
Tigger was told that there had been a horrible disaster on Earth, in a place called America; and that thousands of humans, from New York City, Washington, D.C. and rural Pennsylvania, would soon be expected and that many of them had no loving pet waiting to welcome them.
When Tigger reported this sad story to the other cats – the very ones people would expect to have fear, or hatred, for a human – came forward to volunteer their love, comfort, and hearts (which in the Peaceful Kingdom are pure, loving, and untouched by fear).
One little black cat, named Pippin, asked, "is there to be a little girl? I've always wanted to be cuddled and loved by a little girl." Pippin, of course was assured that, indeed. There were two little girls expected.
Another, a British Blue, said that he had always wanted to give his love to someone from the land of his ancestors, and he wondered if there might be someone from Great Britain among those expected. He, named Mickeymousekat, was promised that 78 British citizens were expected and that surely one, or more, of them would happily welcome his affection.
One of the more startling things that the cats were told was that there would even be a little cat expected that morning – a little cat, moving to California to start a new life but who, instead, had perished in a building called "The Pentagon" along with its loved one.
This saddened all the cats.
And, so it was on the morning of September 11th, as the sound of the first arrivals across the Rainbow Bridge echoed in the Peaceful Kingdom, old Tigger, with a rallying all of "Let's Roll," to all the cats who had never known love, but vowed to love and comfort any new arrival who might welcome the sound of a purr or the warmth of a soft, furry body.
Now, it is said, when the stars dot the darkened night sky and the sound of silence fills the earthly air, if you listen you will hear the soft rumbling sound from the heavens of nearly 3,000 purring cats – which is a sound to comfort and tell the Earth that, in the Peaceful Kingdom beyond the Rainbow Bridge, there is no hatred, no terror and that no one is ever sad, or alone.
© Judith Warren Feltz, Hancock, Md.

To all the wonderful fur babies we have seen leave for the bridge. Not goodbye, just see you later.

To all the wonderful fur babies we have seen leave for the bridge. Not goodbye, just see you later.

Digit, you will be missed sweetie. Prayers for your Mommy.  You will be together again one day.

Digit, you will be missed sweetie. Prayers for your Mommy. You will be together again one day.

Unforgettable, that's what you are
Unforgettable though near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more

Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, that's how you'll stay
That's why, Digit, it's incredible
That someone so Unforgettable
Thinks that I am Unforgettable too

Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, that's how you'll stay
That's why, Digit, it's incredible
That someone so Unforgettable
Thinks that I am Unforgettable too


Hello everyone. I have not been diligent here as I have as yet to have ANYONE post. I have been very discouraged. I had all intentions of this group being a place everyone could go and share things about the loss of a pet and get encouragement and support from other pet lovers. PLEASE if you would like to post, feel free. This is what this page is for. All I ask is you be respectful and polite to each other. We are all human and suffer loss. We all take that loss in different ways and we mourn in different ways and for different times. That being said, post away and show support! We all love our Fur Babies!


Said goodbye to my sweet boy tonight. So Sorry sweet Draco. You are going to be dearly missed by myself and your Sister Luna. See you over the rainbow bridge my baby boy. 🥺😢


Just for fun


Hollywood Hero stopping by to say HI EVERYONE!!

I'm still here. I'm still alive.....and all those Feliway Comfortzone diffusers have long been removed from the house

Sadly that lady from Comfortzone LIED and never did make things Right.

Feliway continues to state no wrong doing....

So I will continue to tell my story of survival


This is my first photo with BUB next our last photo together.

On the morning of Sunday, December 1st 2019 we lost the purest, kindest and most magical living force on our planet. BUB was cheerful and full of love laying in our bed with us Saturday night, but unexpectedly passed away peacefully in her sleep.. I have always been fully transparent about BUB's health, and it was no secret that she was battling a persistent and aggressive bone infection. Even knowing this, we weren't expecting her to pass so soon or so abruptly without warning. I truly believe that she willingly made the decision to leave her failing body so that our family would not have to make that difficult decision ourselves.

It is impossible to put into words the profound effect that BUB has had on my life, on the lives of thousands of homeless pets, and on the lives of those of you that have cared for her as if she were your own family. She taught me everything that I know about unconditional love, she brought my wife Stacy and I together, she's the reason we have our beautiful children Rosco and Lula, and she has been a constant source of warmth and love in our lives for the past 8 years. To say that our family is devastated would be an understatement.

But most importantly, BUB has made a huge difference in the world of animal welfare, and in the lives of millions of people worldwide. She has literally saved thousands of lives (both pets and humans), she started the first national fund for special needs pets, she was the subject of groundbreaking genetic and biological research, she's helped raise over $700,000 for animals in need, and has spread a message of determination, positivity, and perseverance to people all over the world. And even though my heart is absolutely crushed by her graceful departure from planet Earth, I know that her sprit, magic, and overwhelming energy are still with us, reminding us every day to be better.

Dearest BUB, I will never forget your generosity, your limitless supply of love, or your uncanny ability to bring so much magic and joy to the world. I am forever honored and humbled that you chose me as your caretaker. Please visit all of us in our dreams often. GOOD JOB BUB.


Beyond the Rainbow Bridge

All night the cats had been restless. And, unlike the feeling of peace and joy normally found, there was an eerie blanket of discontent and a prevalent restlessness in the Peaceful Kingdom beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

Cats have long been recognized for their ability to sense impending disaster; and many cats, while here on Earth, have saved their humans from fires, floods, and earthquakes.

But, as dawn awakened, the feeling that blanketed the Peaceful Kingdom that early September morning was different, stronger.

Strangely, the cats most upset that morning were not the cats who patiently waited for a human loved one to join them, but were, instead, the cats that had never known the love of a human.

These were the many cats and kittens of questionable ancestry that had been abandoned to roam the lonely city streets and country lanes in search of food and shelter.

They had become toughened from unwanted pregnancy; the never ending struggle for survival; and had died of terrible illnesses, like Feline Leukemia.

Some had no ears, no tails – for many, in their earthly life, had been abused by a human.

Few had ever heard a kind word.

But, on the morning of September 11, 2001, as dawn crept into the land beyond the Rainbow Bridge, the cats noticed that there was a flurry of activity and an almost frantic rush to lay down the golden carpet across the bridge – which was done each time a cat's loved one was expected.

Tigger, a tough old marmalade tiger and the unquestionable leader of the group of unloved and unwanted cats, set off in search of answers about why this unprecedented amount of activity and preparation.

Tigger was told that there had been a horrible disaster on Earth, in a place called America; and that thousands of humans, from New York City, Washington, D.C. and rural Pennsylvania, would soon be expected and that many of them had no loving pet waiting to welcome them.

When Tigger reported this sad story to the other cats – the very ones people would expect to have fear, or hatred, for a human – came forward to volunteer their love, comfort, and hearts (which in the Peaceful Kingdom are pure, loving, and untouched by fear).

One little black cat, named Pippin, asked, "is there to be a little girl? I've always wanted to be cuddled and loved by a little girl." Pippin, of course was assured that, indeed. There were two little girls expected.

Another, a British Blue, said that he had always wanted to give his love to someone from the land of his ancestors, and he wondered if there might be someone from Great Britain among those expected. He, named Mickeymousekat, was promised that 78 British citizens were expected and that surely one, or more, of them would happily welcome his affection.

One of the more startling things that the cats were told was that there would even be a little cat expected that morning – a little cat, moving to California to start a new life but who, instead, had perished in a building called "The Pentagon" along with its loved one.

This saddened all the cats.

And, so it was on the morning of September 11th, as the sound of the first arrivals across the Rainbow Bridge echoed in the Peaceful Kingdom, old Tigger, with a rallying all of "Let's Roll," to all the cats who had never known love, but vowed to love and comfort any new arrival who might welcome the sound of a purr or the warmth of a soft, furry body.

Now, it is said, when the stars dot the darkened night sky and the sound of silence fills the earthly air, if you listen you will hear the soft rumbling sound from the heavens of nearly 3,000 purring cats – which is a sound to comfort and tell the Earth that, in the Peaceful Kingdom beyond the Rainbow Bridge, there is no hatred, no terror and that no one is ever sad, or alone.

-Judith Warren Feltz




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