EPIC Animal Recovery

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EPIC Animal Recovery Established to reunite lost pets with their families. TEAM EPIC uses proven Recovery techniques & Se



This escapee decided that the HOT street life was not her jam so here she is breaking back into the yard she escaped from! šŸ¤£
After jumping the fence at her sitterā€™s house, Maddie was on the run for six long daysā€¦ her mom reached out to us yesterday, totally distraught and needing assistanceā€¦ They were out of town..
Luckily, there had been a few sightings coming in, so we knew Maddieā€™s approximate locationā€¦. But she was running from those that approached her. This meant a trap was on the menuā€¦
But thenā€¦.. We got a call this morning that was a game changerā€¦ She had been seen only four houses away from the sitters houseā€¦
So we knew she was circling back which made it even more urgent that we got a trap out immediatelyā€¦
After being given the green light this morning to set a Humane trap, Nicole hustled and got one over there w/in just a few hours..
While there, they noticed scratch marks and bite marks on the outside of the gate, as if Maddie had possibly been trying to get back inā€¦.
The trap was set with lots of yummies among other lures but Maddie had her own plan.. šŸ˜

So we asked the sitter to leave the gate open in case Maddie came back, but she needed to let her dogs out before doing so.. So the gate was closed for a little while after the trap was set up. Her plan was to open it after her dogs had been let out..
But SOMEONE has zero patience and was not willing to wait. Maddie broke back into the backyard and was there when her sitter opened the back door. She wasted no time to run inside for some food and air-conditioningā€¦šŸ¤£

Maddie is heading to the vet to help get rid of the fleas and ticks that were along for the ride! YUCK!!
Great hustle Nicole!! This girl is on šŸ”„!!!!


Iā€™m seeing people STILL leaving dogs in their cars.. WINTER IS OVER!IT IS TOO HOT NOW! Please leave your dog at home,.  ...

Iā€™m seeing people STILL leaving dogs in their cars..
Please leave your dog at home,.


What a clever little gal!..


Time was of the essence on Thursday after Minnie made a quick get away. She slipped out quick while a door was briefly opened..
Luckily, she made her way to a comfortable set of woods and stayed put..
She was too scared to come to her mom and dad.. They reached out to us for help, almost immediately!!..
Nicole wasted no time, knowing the situation was dire. This pup found herself next to a very busy road.
The clock was ticking and we had to be careful not to push Minnie out of those woods. Nicole took a trap out and they quietly and quickly got it set up..
Minnie came out of hiding pretty quickly and was already showing interest in the Trapā€¦
She ventured into the trap, then back out again.. In then outā€¦

It was grueling watching her but then BAM!! That door was down and her adventure was over..
29 very long hours cut short by patience and awesomeness!!!

Great work Nicole and Team Minnie!!! Another one safe!!


Just a reminderā€¦If you take your signs down when they are no longer needed, then people will not continue to look for yo...

Just a reminderā€¦

If you take your signs down when they are no longer needed, then people will not continue to look for your pet, and you are clearing the area for the next person that needs to put signs up. šŸ‘šŸ½

If you leave them up and they become tattered etc, then it is more likely that you are negatively impacting those that might need to put signs up in the future. Code enforcement, HOAs etc might not be so lenient after having to clean up after you.



To all you amazing dads.. HAPPY FATHERā€™S DAY!!!Whether your kiddo has 2 legs or 4ā€¦. Or sometimes 3!!You make a differenc...

To all you amazing dads..

Whether your kiddo has 2 legs or 4ā€¦. Or sometimes 3!!
You make a difference every day and you are appreciated!!

Keep up the good work!!

NAIINA IN HOT SPRINGS IS SAFE!!Kristel and I double-teamed this kiddoā€¦. Soā€¦.Wowwwww what a roller coaster!!!.  Let me te...


Kristel and I double-teamed this kiddoā€¦.

Wowwwww what a roller coaster!!!. Let me tell you.. This one had the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster!!
Action, Adventure, Drama & Romance..

This action packed thriller started when Naiina was on a hike with her mom and dad when her dad was stung by a bee and he dropped her leash. Being a retractable leash, that monster of a handle sent Naiina right over the edge.. She quickly slipped out of her harness and across the river & up the mountain she went. Naiina ended up on the property of someone who made it very difficult for us to help her.
Chris (Kristelā€™s awesome hubby) took a trap to them for set up. But the next day we were told to remove our trap..

Luckily, Naiina must have known she was not welcome there and moved over to a neighbor who was a dog lover and very willing to help. She had seen Naiina playing with her dogs.
This is where the romance comes in.
Meet Wade. What a heart throb!! Naiina and Wade were instantly in love. They ran and played nonstop. Eventually, this romance is what led to Naiinaā€™s capture.
Lucky for us, Wadeā€™s mom Angela, had a fenced in yard. Naiinaā€™s mom sat in the yard with Wade on a long line.. After a few hours and a few tricks and one steamy love affair, Naiina followed Wade right into his house. Badabing-badaboom!

This young couple (JhaƱa & Chris) were not about to give up.. So why would weā€¦

UPDATE:  Our team is going through some tough times..  Kristel is saying goodbye to Morgan, her handsome pup tomorrow.  ...

Our team is going through some tough times..
Kristel is saying goodbye to Morgan, her handsome pup tomorrow. ā˜¹ļø
Christineā€™s mom recently passed away.. ā˜¹ļø
Nicoleā€™s Zoey pup, is battling a tumor that is attached to her spleen. ā˜¹ļø
And our epic friend Laura Deaton also said goodbye to her Sydney girl yesterday.

So much sadness.. I know many of us are facing challenges and loss.
Please hang in there.. Itā€™s gonna get betterā€¦. šŸ§”šŸ§”


Please understand that I will not be taking anymore calls or texts today. Please reach out to our FB team through messenger, if you need usā€¦ā€¦.
Today Iā€™ll be saying goodbye to this old man..
Ein has been part of my pack for the last four years. His enthusiasm for that early morning let out always cracked me up. His prance to the door and his ā€œboxy buttā€ always put a smile on my face.
Ein spent his earlier years trying to keep my daughter out of trouble. šŸ˜šŸ§”. Ein was always there for her and they also shared some amazing adventures over the years.. He loved chasing those wild turkeys in Boone! Lol
As he aged and family dynamics changed, we knew Ein would be a better fit on my mountain where itā€™s quiet and he could enjoy his golden years. And he has done just that.
But almost a week ago Ein had a stroke. The vet put him on meds to help but this old guy just has not been able to snap out of it.

I know itā€™s the best thing for him. But as most of you know, that doesnā€™t make this any easier.. So Iā€™ll be sending this guy off to be with the rest of my pack, on the other side.. I have no doubt that they will all be there to greet him..
My heart hurts for everyone who has had to say these goodbyes. I just need to step away for a bit..

šŸ§”Thank you Einy Ein for taking such good care of my kiddo and for gracing my pack with your sweet soul. I will miss you..

Iā€™ll be back to work tomorrow. Thanks in advance..

KODA UPDATE:Vet said Koda looks great considering..  Robert (Kodaā€™s dad) was picking ā€œbird shotsā€ out of Koda as he was ...

Vet said Koda looks great considering..
Robert (Kodaā€™s dad) was picking ā€œbird shotsā€ out of Koda as he was updating us.
So to the as***le that shot Kodaā€¦.. Pick on someone your own size!! All you had to do was call in the sighting. Call AC etc.. Hopefully someone shows you the same bird shot courtesy someday. Jackass!!!!


Sometimes we put so much energy, time and emotion into to these cases, that these kiddos feel like family.. Koda is a prime example..

Robert reached out to Nicole and I earlier to let us know the good news. Simply fantastic. šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”

This evasive kid ran away from his sitter and kept running.. And running..
Sightings were all over the place..
There were so many sleepless nights.
Nicole (& Tom) initially got out there and got a trap set up but Koda didnā€™t stick around.. Cameras were put up, food stations etc.. There was no rhyme or reason for his travelsā€¦. We knew it was gonna be a matter of him finding the right people and place. And that happened today. He found some dogs in Kannapolis to play with and a welcoming human that knew what to do..

From home to where he was found was about 8 miles. But he traveled several miles during his travels.. Several!!ā€¦.. šŸ˜šŸ§” A LOT!!! šŸ¤£

We are ELATED that Koda is safe and home!!
Special shout out to the amazing Community for keeping the calls coming in!




Can anyone give us contact info for someone that has the capabilities to safely rescue a cat from a tree??


COME HANG OUT WITH TEAM EPIC ON SATURDAY!!!Our friends over at Lake Norman Humane - LKNH are planning an amazing Communi...


Our friends over at Lake Norman Humane - LKNH are planning an amazing Community Day on Saturday, and asked us to come out!!

Look for the bright orange tent!

(Let us check to be sure your petā€™s microchip is still functioning properly and grab your free scent kit.)


GOTTA LOVE THIS!!!!ā€œLOST DOG NEARBY.  PLEASE LEAVE OUTā€What an amazing gesture!  To help a dog that was seen running the...



What an amazing gesture! To help a dog that was seen running the area..

We are hoping the dog that was seen is Jennings.
Charlotte > South End area..

Think of all the animals that could be reunited, if we all pitched in.
Kudos to the person who left this out..



A few months ago, I was asked to possibly help trap Bellaā€¦. But then, no more info came through on her. Come to find out it seems as though she had totally left the areaā€¦ Nobody had seen herā€¦.
Until recentlyā€¦.
Ashley Price Mauney and Debbie Shidal hopped on the opportunity to help Bella and knew that this was urgent.
This all happened very quickly..
Melanie Wilder was also looped in to help get logistics worked out..

This poor girl had been on her own for a YEAR!!

The timing could not have been more perfect.
I had to be in that area for another case, so I brought out the equipment needed.
Ashley put me in contact with Jamie Sales and before I could even get a text message into Jamie, she was pulling up in the parking lot of the Dollar Generalā€¦. (Jamie and her daughter Jana were the MVPs of this trapping.) Jamie and I scoped out the area to find a good place for the trap.. And then guess who walked right in front of my vehicle.. IT WAS BELLA!!! Be still my beating heart.. šŸ§”šŸ§”
Now time to set up.. ā€œLetā€™s get this girlā€ā€¦
And then to put icing on the cake, Myra Griffin showed up to help.
TEAM BELLA was now in full throttle trapping mode.

Bella made it very easy on us. She loved the idea of free food in the trap. Delicious irresistible KFC !! With a few yummies added in..
We could not have asked for a more cooperative pup.. It was grueling watching her near that busy road though.. whewā€¦. Jamie did not miss a beat with trappingā€¦ She followed every instruction perfectlyā€¦ šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸ§”

This was a beautiful effort. A huge shout out to Ashley, Jamie, Myra, Melanie, Debbie, Jana and the folks at the Dollar General! And of course to the community for your support!!!

It is gonna be a bit of a rough road ahead for Bella. After living the life of running the roads, there is definitely going to be some adjusting. But she is a sweet girl and is in a safe place with a plan to be sure her future is bright and that she finds the most loving and suitable new home for herā€¦

*I know there are questions about her previous owners etc. Letā€™s keep this positive and look to the future for Bella and her new beginning.. šŸ§”šŸ§”


HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!Please keep your pets secure!!-TEAM EPIC


Please keep your pets secure!!


REMEMBER BELLA??The pup loose in the Conover area for a year?  W/ harness still onā€¦.SHE HAS BEEN  HUMANELY TRAPPED & IS ...

The pup loose in the Conover area for a year? W/ harness still onā€¦.



OZZIE IN MONROE IS SAFE!!!He might have only been lost for a couple of daysā€¦. BUT..  This family was QUICK to get in tou...


He might have only been lost for a couple of daysā€¦.
BUT.. This family was QUICK to get in touch with us!! And they wasted no time implementing our suggestionsā€¦
The neighborhoods in the area were on high alert. Signs went up and calls were coming in.. Although attempts to catch Ozzie didnā€™t work, he found his way back to the pet sitterā€™s house.. That grill must have gotten his attention!! Because shortly after they got it going, Ozzie showed up. Just in time for a burger! šŸ§”



This cutie pie wandered away from home and after having no luck finding her, her mom immediately reached out to our awesome friend Jessica Clearwater Mason. Jessica put her in touch with us.
We were lucky enough to have availability yesterday to help with herā€¦ Her mobility and health were a concern so we didnā€™t want to wait.

Maybe Alice found a rabbit hole??ā€¦
Lucky for her, it landed her on a very nice personā€™s farm, 1/2 a mile from home.

I was less than 5 miles away when they returned Alice!! HOW EXCITING!!! I was so close that there was no way I was going to head home without stopping by and checking on her.. She was exhausted and had some raw spots on her foot padsā€¦.But happy to see her Mom!!

Such a sweet girl!! Her mom reports that Alice is doing great! Resting well..



This worldly pup goes by the name of Atlas..Atlas was lost for 9 days in Harmony, N.Cā€¦.He broke out of the kennel at the...

This worldly pup goes by the name of Atlas..
Atlas was lost for 9 days in Harmony, N.Cā€¦.

He broke out of the kennel at the boarding facility he was staying at, but luckily stayed nearby.
After not having any luck catching him, his family reached out for additional help..

There were many layers to this situation, so Nicole began advising and I hopped in to assist, as this case became a bit more ā€œinvolved ā€œ..

So Joe, Atlasā€™s dad, spent the day there. He came armed with a ton of hot KFC and scent articles. Hot food was placed up high so the wind could kick that smell out. The Colonel would be proud! šŸ¤£

Traps had already been set up by the facility, but they had not had any luck.
We needed to see what their set up was like, so we had a conference call with the owner of the facility and got the ā€œif you mustā€ thumbs up for Joe to get pictures of the trap. We wanted to build on whatever they already had going on..

Once Joe got to the trap, he realized that no pics were needed. Because guess who was in the trap!!! YESSS!!!
Atlas was trapped!!! Joe approached slowly but Atlas was unsure and growled. So Joe took his time and once Atlas got a good whiff of his dad, he snapped out of it and began wagging his tail and crying! šŸ§”šŸŗ

Our theory is that Atlas got wind of all the good smells and as he headed towards his dad, he passed by the trap and it was enough to snag him!! This kiddo was HUNGRY. Thankful that he was trapped!!

Way to go Joe!!

WELCOME HOME OZZIE & HOUSTON!!Check out these two handsome fellas!!Ozzie from Belmont had just been rehomed when he deci...


Check out these two handsome fellas!!

Ozzie from Belmont had just been rehomed when he decided to skip out on his new beginning.. Ozzie had no idea how much his new family cared.. They wasted no time and reached out for our help immediately. Nicole started advising and got their signs designed and sent over. As soon as the flyers went up the sightings came in. They missed him on the first call but later that night another call came in. After trying to grab Ozzie, the pup ran into a fenced in yard. Thankfully, they had their other dog with them and as they played, they were able to get Ozzie secured.

And then thereā€™s Houston from Chester, SC..
Look at that faceā€¦. After running away and leaving everyone worried sick, he decided to come back home on Motherā€™s Day!!.. This is all because his family didnā€™t hold back and went full throttle on their efforts!!.. Flyers, scent trails and lots of bacon on the grill..
This kiddo would have even made Toucan Sam proud! Way to follow your nose, Houston!
It always nose.. (-;
Great coaching Nicole!!
Way to go!! šŸŗšŸŗ




A lot of folks are asking when EPIC will be back to work.. šŸ§”šŸ§”

Her X-rays came back perfect. The TPLO surgery was a success!!..
Thanks to the amazing team at Western Carolina Veterinary Surgery!! Thanks Dr. Crouch!!!!

EPIC just had her second PT session at WagHab in Asheville!!..
She is doing great with her new diet, exercises and the awesome underwater treadmill!!
EPIC will be back to work soon!!

BE AWARE!!!This is so sadā€¦.  And sickening..Not only dogs will partake in these snacks, but also wildlife.  Please also ...


This is so sadā€¦.
And sickening..
Not only dogs will partake in these snacks, but also wildlife. Please also be cautious of any ā€œcommunityā€ dog water bowls..

Letā€™s look out for each otherā€™s pets and our beautiful wildlife.. šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”

Dog treats with fish hooks in them are found on the Appalachian Trail... more on the BRC 13 News Hour tonight at 5:30 & 6:30PM

SALLY IS SAFE!!Sally the Sharpei was on the run for 15 very long days.  Her mom did a great job with signs and the sight...


Sally the Sharpei was on the run for 15 very long days. Her mom did a great job with signs and the sightings came rolling in..

After being seen for a couple of days in one spot, we got a trap set up. But Miss Sally was not ready to give up. More sightings came in and Sallyā€™s mom even got eyes on her girl. But Sally was too scared and ran. Although her mom really wanted to move the trap, we asked her to trust us, so we left the trap where it was. Sure enough this slick chic made her way back to the trap area and didnā€™t hesitate for one minute. She went right into the trap.
Donna, thanks for trusting us!!

No more adventures for this sweetie pie..

PSAā€¦.On Monday, April 29..In Charlotte, N.C., 8 law enforcement officers were shot, 4 of which have succumbed to their i...

On Monday, April 29..

In Charlotte, N.C., 8 law enforcement officers were shot, 4 of which have succumbed to their injuries..
These were both local CMPD officers and U.S. Marshals..

Our thoughts are with their families, colleagues and the entire Charlotte community during this incredibly difficult time.
We stand in solidarity with all who serve and protect us, recognizing the profound sacrifices that they make.
Thank youā€¦


On Monday, April 29, 2024, an armed suspect opened fire on law enforcement officers in the 5000 block of Galway Drive in the North Tryon Division. Four Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officers were shot, one of which succumbed to his injuries. Additionally, four officers from the U.S. Marsha...

DUMBOā€™S STORY..  Long but a great story!This isnā€™t your Disneyā€™s Dumboā€¦. This guy is the real dealā€¦He is a survivorā€¦. On...

Long but a great story!

This isnā€™t your Disneyā€™s Dumboā€¦. This guy is the real dealā€¦
He is a survivorā€¦.

On April 13.. Dumbo was in a van during a police chase near North Mills River Campground.. The van crashed and gunfire was exchanged between the driver and officers. This young shepherd found himself in the middle of a firefight.
(No more details on this incident. We want to focus on Dumboā€™s story)

After escaping the situation, Dumbo was seen by witnesses running away. He was covered in blood and holding a hind leg up. Some said they saw blood coming from his mouth. He was in bad shape. After about 30 minutes, the neighbors gathered and decided to look for Dumboā€¦. There was enough blood that he left a trail going up the mountain. They followed that trail until it eventually stopped and they had no luck finding him.
Sara, his owner, and others came and also looked for him all day the following day, again with no luck. Everyone assumed the worse. Especially after hearing reports of heavy coyote activity in the area that night..

The following Sunday evening, Tanya Alstott (Lost Pets Advocate) and Chris Ware (a volunteer w/ Labor of Love Rescue & Transport) reached out to clue me in on the situation. My heart sunk to hear what had happened. We made plans to take Seeker out the next day to see if she would have any luck following the blood trail.
On Monday (4/15), Chris messages us saying that it was hailing and raining. I knew between the weather and the activity in the woods, that Seeker would have her work cut out for her. We waited for the storm to pass and then we headed out.
We met up with/ Chris and her awesome hubby, Ben and a few of the neighbors. Time was ticking if we were going to beat nightfall. So we hustled and got K-9 Seeker launched. Seeker immediately picked up the blood trail. I could see some of the blood that was still in place along the trail. She was on it. She ended up taking us to a manā€™s garage where there were a couple of 4-wheelers. And as we suspected, this man had been on his 4-wheeler in the area. He most likely had driven through some of the blood and had it on his tires and that is what Seeker had followed. After a few minutes of resting, we put Seeker back to work. She took us back to the same area but then the bottom fell out. We were caught in a horrible downpour. We could not see anything. So we called off the search. Thankfully the weather cleared up just in time for Jared (Thermal Drone Services of NC) to run his drone. We got zero hits.
With heavy hearts, we called it a night. We were all soaked and exhausted..

Tanya, Chris and myself were making plans to run Seeker again. We just were not ready to let it go quite yet. It was time to put up some signs and take another look around. The day we planned to go back out was another day of bad storms. So we had to put it off again.

And then the most extraordinary thing happened.. on April 23, Someone saw Dumbo!!! EIGHT DAYS LATER!!!
They even had the wits about them to get a picture!!! Tanya sent that to Chris and I am pretty sure I could hear them both screaming from across two counties!!

Chris got out there immediately with food and water to try and keep Dumbo in the area. Sara and her friend Rachel started the drive from TN to see if they could have any luck. I headed that way after getting home from a search, with cameras in hand. And then more calls were coming in. Folks were seeing him. And unfortunately chasing him. We tried to reiterate the importance of not chasing.
Chris and I set up food stations with cameras, based on the sightings that were coming in. Tanya continued to support our efforts with coordinating info/sightings etc and getting us the info needed as efficiently as possible.
Everything was set up. So we all left the area to give Dumbo a chance to settle and hopefully and find the food. It had been a long day and the area was too unsettled.

The next day, Sara came back to the area with reinforcements. Vicki, her cousin from Pennsylvania, had made the trip to come and help.. Dumbo was very familiar with her. And friend Rachel was also back on scene.
At this point Dumbo was all over the place. Still being ā€œfollowedā€.. But at least still being seen. Chris headed over to check the cameras.. And to check in on things and reiterate what should be done etc.. And the next thing you know, there he was. And there they went. The chase was on. And even though they knew better, their emotions got the best of them.. Sara and Vicki took off after him. Leaving Chris and Rachel to look on. Chris tried to stop them but it wasnā€™t happening.. They had no luck catching him..
At this point, Chris calls me to update me on what had happened. She had to leave..
Shortly after, I headed over to try and set up a cell camera, which didnā€™t work. (Not enough. cell signal there)
I wonā€™t go into detail about what transpired during our conversation, but this time they listened.
They then left to go back to TN to get Minion. Minion is Dumboā€™s best bud. They came back that night and got a hotel room so that they would be ready to go the next morning.
The next morning (4/25), I get a text from Vicki saying they were heading out.. They did exactly what we talked to them about and got everything set up and ready. After only 5 minutes, they saw Dumbo slowly making his way out from around the wood shed. They stayed calm and continued to play with Minion. Dumbo made his way to their car and was about to get in (they had left the doors open for him), but then he heard Minion barking.. It was a matter of seconds before he was in the arms of his family. Vicki scooped him up and got him secured in the car immediately. They wasted no time getting him back to TN and to the Emergency vet.

Dumbo lost 27lbs in 13 days. He has a fractured leg from a bullet and also has a bullet lodged in his shoulder which will be removed. His jaw is also fractured from a bullet and 4 teeth damaged. He will be needing surgery for this as well, as soon as he is strong enough.

This poor guy has been through hell.. But WOW!! Just WOW!!!! Against all oddsā€¦.
We wish this handsome fella a speedy recovery and nothing but chill days ahead..

A huge shout out to Chris and Tanya.. One heck of a team!
Many thanks to all the neighbors who helped and to all of you who have donated to Dumboā€™s Vet bills.

And of course Dumboā€™s family for ā€œā€Manifesting that SH!T!!!!!!ā€ YAHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!

We love you Dumbo!!!!

DOUBLE THE TROUBLE!!These two kitties are SAFE thanks to Nicoleā€™s coaching and quick thinking!!Are you sitting down for ...


These two kitties are SAFE thanks to Nicoleā€™s coaching and quick thinking!!

Are you sitting down for thisā€¦

Feyre in AL was lost for 53 days!!! HOLY CRAP!!
53 DAYS!!! šŸ˜ƒ
Her owner, Christian was AMAZING and went wayyyyyy beyond what was asked of him. And because of this, his family is whole again. He never gave up!! He set traps, cameras, lots of scent trails, etc and pushed through all of the challenges that comes with a recovery of this length..
Way to go Christian!!!

Mr. Mooseā€¦.
7 Days of hanging out with a feral colony came to an end when someone reported seeing Moose when they were doing their feedings.. Moose didnā€™t come across as a normal feral cat because he was very loving and social with the people that were feeding themā€¦
They put a call into Mooseā€™s mom and she rushed over to find out it WAS Moose. A MILE AWAY FROM HOME!! But Moose was not interested. He was enamored with his new found friends. Nicole has learned that sometimes you just have to roll with what is working and be patient.. No need to always change things up. If itā€™s not broken, donā€™t fix it!!.. Nicole had Mooseā€™s mom take a carrier over for them to put Moose in and within 30 minutes, Moose was in the carrier and on his way home..


šŸ§”šŸ§”Great coaching by Nicole!


GOT SCENT???Please consider adding SCENT ARTICLES to your checklist before traveling or parties etc etc..  it makes a di...


Please consider adding SCENT ARTICLES to your checklist before traveling or parties etc etc.. it makes a difference!!

(After you create scent articles for each pet) šŸ˜€

IMPORTANT: remember when youā€™re doing thisā€¦ That you need to change your set of gloves each time you do one for a different petā€¦. And if you really want to be on top of things, then make sure you wash your hands between each pet as wellā€¦

Keep those kiddos safe!

ELLIE IN BOONE IS SAFE! No cement ponds for this Miss Ellie Mae..  Her walkabout is OVER..This kiddo took off across the...


No cement ponds for this Miss Ellie Mae.. Her walkabout is OVER..

This kiddo took off across the gnarly Hwy 105, after a Pittie pup.. 105 is a VERY dangerous road!!! This smart girl decided she was gonna stay on that side of the road..
On day 4 Ellieā€™s family reached out for help, after Ellie ran from her dad.. They had been getting sightings but after seeing her dad and taking off, we knew a trap was in order.. Nancy Smith Pepper (our awesome Boone gal!) got our trap ready for them and it was ON!!

After mapping, it was pretty clear where we needed the trap set up.. A camera was set up the first night but no luck. The first thing Wednesday morning, the trap was set with some goodies but no luck. Hours went by with no sign of her. This was concerning because the last time she was seen she was running away..
Zero sightings came in on Wednesday..
Thursday morning came.. No Ellie on cam or in the trap..
I had her mom go quickly and refresh the food at 7:30 Thursday morning..
At 8:07am, Ellie was in front of the trap..
At 8:08am, Ellie had been safely captured and returned home to her family..
Great job to ALL involved!!!

I could not be happier with this handsome guy..For those that donā€™t know, K-9 Joker is a west coast boy.  From L.A.He is...

I could not be happier with this handsome guy..
For those that donā€™t know, K-9 Joker is a west coast boy. From L.A.
He is a Westside German Shepherd Rescue alumni.. Joker came across my FB feed and I locked in on him. šŸ§”šŸ§”
Sometimes I just laugh and say he put a spell on me from Cali..
For those that know me well, know that I swore I would never have another black search dog or a male search dogā€¦. wellā€¦. And here we are.. šŸ¤£
He is no doubt a ā€œheartā€ dog.. And no doubt has a bright future as a search K-9.. He is so confident and enthusiastic (borderline arrogant lol) and Iā€™m so excited to get him working..

His training was slowed down a little bit, just by things being so busy here and Epicā€™s injury and what notā€¦ But he is back in the harness and as you can see, wears it well.. šŸ§”šŸ§”
He might be a Joker, but his skills are no laughing matter..

Check out EPIC Animal Recoveryā€™s video.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:30
Thursday 08:00 - 19:30
Friday 08:00 - 19:30
Saturday 08:00 - 19:30
Sunday 08:00 - 19:30


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