Tiny Tails and Scales Rescue

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Tiny Tails and Scales Rescue We are a registered 501c3 foster-based small animal and exotic rescue located in Washington State.

Chester ✨️Senior hamster Chester was caught grabbing a midnight snack! Since he is over 2 years old, he isn't awake as o...

Chester ✨️

Senior hamster Chester was caught grabbing a midnight snack! Since he is over 2 years old, he isn't awake as often as he used to be. Generally his awake hours around 11 to 4 or 5 am. We never wake hamsters as they really don't like being disturbed in their slumber. 💤

Chester is living it up in his foster home and being spoiled with a large enclosure. Technically, he is still available for adoption to a family that has senior hamster experience, an established veterinary relationship with an exotic vet, and someone who can meet his needs as he ages. 🏠

Link to Adoption Application: https://forms.gle/NimR2RkTonYKriMZ7

Esperanza update 💫Her hair is growing in and she isn't greasy any more! We did 2 baths so far to help clean her off. We ...

Esperanza update 💫

Her hair is growing in and she isn't greasy any more! We did 2 baths so far to help clean her off. We had to clear her ears out and got SO MUCH gunk out it was insane. Today she has been very demanding with her feeding and asking for lots of snacks. 🎶

Guess what? She is allowed to eat some lettuce now! The vet did a lettuce test with her on Thursday and said she is okay to have some. We have to tear it in small slivers and go slow so she doesn't choke. She can't tear with her front teeth so we have to do most of the work for her. She is a little lettuce monster and is SO happy to have some, we have to cut her off so she doesnt get an upset tummy otherwise she would just keep eating and eating. 🥬

Bacon 🥓 We are awaiting some blood work results to come back. So far the bleeding has stopped which a great. His xrays s...

Bacon 🥓

We are awaiting some blood work results to come back. So far the bleeding has stopped which a great. His xrays showed that his secondary s*x organ has moved or adjusted which could be the cause of blood. Unfortunately if things keep changing we may be forced to do surgery. With his age and lungs we are worried to do any sort of anesthesia. More to come once we get labs back and he finishes his antibiotics. For now he is OK, eating fine and behaviorally normal. 🏥

He is asking for people to send him treats while he recovers, please! Any of the oxbow treats are good, but he does really love his vitamin c! 📦


UPDATE: Leela has found a new home!!! 🎈🎊🎉URGENT 🚨 🚨🚨COURTESY POSTINGRecently Leela was found outside malnourished. The k...

UPDATE: Leela has found a new home!!! 🎈🎊🎉



Recently Leela was found outside malnourished. The kind people who found her have taken her in temporarily to get her vet care and rehabilitated so she may find her forever home. Unfortunately, the place she is living has threatened to evict her caretakers if she is not rehomed immediately.

Could you be a foster for Leela? Maybe even a forever home?

Leela is roughly 8 years old pit mix and currently located in Tacoma. In her current home she has gotten along with cats. We are unsure about how she will be with small children or other dogs. While that is unsure, one thing is for certain; she’s an absolute sweetheart ❤️

If you are able to help please contact us through our email and we can direct you to her caretakers.

[email protected]

Bacon 🥓Bacon is one of our many sanctuary animals. He has permanent lung damage from a history of pneumonia and upper re...

Bacon 🥓

Bacon is one of our many sanctuary animals. He has permanent lung damage from a history of pneumonia and upper respiratory issues. Luckily over the past few years he has been doing just fine with one lung that has minimal function. A few months ago we did an xray to check lungs and heart and found a small pebble sized mass near his privates. A few weeks later we did another xray to make sure it wasn't growing and wasn't a bladder stone. Results came back as not a stone but likely a small mass we just needed to monitor. 🩻

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, and we found blood in his urine. He went to the vet and had a second vet look into his case. He was diagnosed with a secondary s*x organ that is not common, but not unknown. This organ increases his chance of a urinary tract infection so we assumed that was why the blood all of a sudden. Well tonight we just found his cage COVERED in blood. Not a little blood, like a very concerning amount of blood. 🩸

We have other animals going to the vet tomorrow so now Bacon gets to tag along. We REALLY hope this is nothing crazy. Luckily his behavior is normal and he is eating fine. 🏥

Ways to help us help animals like him:

Venmo: TinyTailsAndScales Pin:5077

Cash App: TinyTailsAndScales

Esperanza update 1/22 💫When we first got her, she had to be kept in a soft bed that could hold her up as she was so stif...

Esperanza update 1/22 💫

When we first got her, she had to be kept in a soft bed that could hold her up as she was so stiff she couldn't stand, sit, or lay down. We upgraded her to a soft hide with support around her as she got better so she could sit up right and be more independent. Well, today, she has decided she is super miss independent and climbed out of her bed and made it to the other side of her cage. The progression she has made in just over a week is absolutely AMAZING! 👏

Sybils first meeting with Bandit (brown) went well! We sure hope this girls get along. They are about the same age and s...

Sybils first meeting with Bandit (brown) went well! We sure hope this girls get along. They are about the same age and size so we are hopeful it works out! 🤞

Sybil 🪷Sybil was returned to rescue a few weeks ago after her previous cage mate had passed away. Sybil is now about 5 y...

Sybil 🪷

Sybil was returned to rescue a few weeks ago after her previous cage mate had passed away. Sybil is now about 5 years old and was on the hunt for a new best friend. Luckily we knew of a great family that was looking to adopt a piggy around her age for their lonely female. Sybil is now in foster her foster to adopt home and we hope the girls like eachother and bond! 🏡

Kumo 🤍Kumo was living in a garage and battling mites for months. The owners reached out asking if we could take him and ...

Kumo 🤍

Kumo was living in a garage and battling mites for months. The owners reached out asking if we could take him and help him with his mite issue since they were unable to fix it. Luckily, he did have a huge setup, but living in a garage is not a good life. When we first got him a few weeks back, he had a ton of hair loss and dry patches all over. We have treated him quite a few times for mites, but he is still having skin issues. 🐹

He is such a very sweet old man. He doesn't use his wheel anymore but enjoys long naps, whimzees, and an occasional treat. His veterinary visit is scheduled, and we sure hope to get some answers to help his skin. His fur has grown back quite a bit, but it's still oddly dry and patchy. 🏥

We are running low on a few hamster supplies and could use some help! We need paper bedding (like carefresh) and Higgins Sunburst hamster food. 🙏



Introducing Mariposa 🌼Mariposa was Esperanza's cage mate. They are currently seperated due to Esperanza's condition but ...

Introducing Mariposa 🌼

Mariposa was Esperanza's cage mate. They are currently seperated due to Esperanza's condition but we let them see eachother often and they seem to love eachother. 💕

Luckily Mariposa doesn't seem to have any significant issues. She had a GIANT mat that I removed immediately to give her some relief. I am sure that was so very uncomfortable her her to live with. She has a funky hair cut for now but I'm sure she will be absolutely gorgeous again in no time. Her coloring is so very pretty! We are supplementing her with extra vitamin c and we slowly introduced veggies. She sure loves her veggies now and SCREAMS extremely loud when she hears dinner being prepared. She didn't eat hay for the first few days but now she demolishes it as soon as we put a fresh pile in her cage. I am so thankful she seems to be okay and not suffering like Esperanza. 🥬

Esperanza update! ✨️She is doing quite well. I have to say I was skeptical she would make any sort of recovery with how ...

Esperanza update! ✨️

She is doing quite well. I have to say I was skeptical she would make any sort of recovery with how horrible her condition was. Three vets saw her and gave hope that she could pull through, so we decided to fight for her. She had a few firsts yesterday: 1)she drank water 2) she WALKED!! 🚶‍♀️‍➡️

Her walking was only a few steps and she is still wobbly, but able to walk a tiny bit. She isn't a huge fan of us having her walk, but we know with time it will be less painful. Her back feet are less stiff and her front feet are starting to heal. There are still a few pockets of puss on her feet that are slowly going away, or almost ready to drain. Only time will tell how her condition will improve, but she is giving us hope! 🙏

Thank you everyone for supporting her and helping with her veterinary care, we couldn't do this without YOU! ❤️

Happy Tails 🎉 Hamlet and Pigcassso have been adopted! These boys are so sweet and calm. We are excited for their family,...

Happy Tails 🎉

Hamlet and Pigcassso have been adopted! These boys are so sweet and calm. We are excited for their family, and the kiddos couldn't wait for them to come home! We think this will be a great fit for everyone. 🏡

Happy Tails! 🎉Bell and Pepper have found a loving home! Bell was transferred to us from Tacoma Humane society. Bell had ...

Happy Tails! 🎉

Bell and Pepper have found a loving home! Bell was transferred to us from Tacoma Humane society. Bell had a daughter with her and she was quite pregnant. We were happy to get these guys out of the shelter and into our home. We are even happier now that everyone in the family has found loving homes! 🏡

Happy Tails! 🎉Alfie and Marlon have been adopted! They have a family willing to make changes to help better thier future...

Happy Tails! 🎉

Alfie and Marlon have been adopted! They have a family willing to make changes to help better thier future. We are so happy for these boys to get lots of space and a caring family! 🏡

Officially introducing Esperanza 🌸Yesterday she got a bath, nail trim, ear clean and some water therapy.  When we first ...

Officially introducing Esperanza 🌸

Yesterday she got a bath, nail trim, ear clean and some water therapy. When we first got her late on Friday, her back legs were straight back, she was flopping all over and really had a hard time even holding her head straight. After she got some vitamin injections at the vet and food every 2 hours for the last few days we can already see improvement. She is able to sit up on her own, her legs are back to where they should be and she is even trying to move around. She also is pooping WAY more normal pellets now, she is peeing lots and eating plenty. 🛁

I had to run an errand yesterday and when I got home it was her feeding time and she greeted me with wheeking. She was hungry and telling me to hurry up!! 😱

For now she is still not mobile so we have her in lots of blankets to hold her up and keep her in eyes view whenever we are home. She needs her bedding changed frequently so she doesn't get any more urine scald. The bath and some cream really helped with her skin and I can tell she already feels better. Her feet are filled with puss and extremly painful, so we know even if she could walk she probably wouldn't. We hope the antibiotic she is on helps with that soon! She has a LONG LONG road of recovery in front of her, but she is a fighter! 💪

Thank you to all that have donated towards her care. We are picking up some additional medication for her tomorrow that the vet thinks will help. For now we are managing her pain quite well and keeping a very close eye on her. 👀


The names haven't been determined for our newest intakes. We are so focused on their health that I have no capacity to think of a name right now. They both need special names. Strong, survival names for the pain and suffering they have endured.

The most critical gal here is in probably the WORST condition we have ever received a piggy in. Out of the hundreds of animals that have come into my care, this definitely is the in the top 3 of worst cruelty cases.

Everything wrong with her was preventable. Everything wrong with her was treatable.
Everything wrong with her is heartbreaking.

The second we picked her and her sister up in the 10 gallon tank (I am terrified to think they lived in), we knew something was wrong. She screamed when we touched her and she didn't move. She is UNABLE to move at all. She is covered in f***s and urine scald. Her nails are horrible and covered in a layer of f***s. She is skin and bones, clearly starving. She is in so much pain, and basically half of her is hairless.

We immediately called and begged our vet to see her. It was 6pm on a Friday night and they were closing, but with our good standing with them, they knew we wouldn't ask if we didn't need help immediately. They took a look at her and also said this is THE WORST condition she could be in and still be alive. How she is alive I am unsure. She had overgrown teeth and being unable to move we have no idea how she got any food. They said she has a horribly advanced case of scurvy.

She is on quite a few meds and we are feeding her small amounts every 2 hours around the clock.

I spent hours cuddling her and loving on her while in tears over her condition. How could someone allow her to be in such bad condition. Why not tell us sooner so we could have stepped in? Why not take her to the vet? So many questions I will never get the answer to. All I care about now is keeping her warm, safe and fed. She will know what love is with us and I am determined to do whatever I possibly can to help her.

As long as she has fight to live, we will be here fighting with her.

Ways to help:

Venmo: TinyTailsAndScales Pin:5077

Cash App: TinyTailsAndScales

We are dealing with a medical emergency and will be delayed for the next few days in responding to emails. Little Miss h...

We are dealing with a medical emergency and will be delayed for the next few days in responding to emails. Little Miss here is NOT doing well and we are doing whatever we can to save her. 🥹

Stay tuned for the story and updates. 🐽

It's finally Friday! 😴Pheonix here taking a good, comfy snooze while preparing for the weekend! 🗓Pheonix has permanent a...

It's finally Friday! 😴

Pheonix here taking a good, comfy snooze while preparing for the weekend! 🗓

Pheonix has permanent airway damage so you can hear him breathing. Luckily it doesnt bother him and he has even gained weight over the last few months which is great for him! His brother Onyx has recently been losing quite a bit of weight so he is being worked up by our amazing veterinary team to try and figure out what is going on. We don't have answer ls yet, but behaviorally he is normal. Since the boys are about 5 years old as of this year, we are taking every precaution to keep them healthy in their senior years! ✨️

The boys are not currently availabile for adoption as we work up Onyx's weight loss, but we hope they can become adoptable again soon. They will go as a special needs adoption due to Pheonix's chronic issues. 🏥



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A hamster named Harold

The hamster obsession all started with an old man hamster named Harold. Harold had belonged to a international student that needed to move back home. She had posted on a local animal group that she was looking for a home for him. I had never owned a rodent, my mom wouldn’t have allowed that. Being an animal lover, I took on my first hamster. Ever since the day I got him, I knew I loved hamsters. He started a hamster craze, and I was out to learn all I could about these little guys. As time went on, I would see other animals like gerbils, mice and rabbits that also needed a refuge. Some pregnant, others beat up and some already deceased. Since 2017 I have been rescuing animals and doing what I could to educate pet owners on proper care. There is no shame in giving up an animal, especially when there are so many groups and organizations to rescue. I learn something new about pets each day as I have expanded my horizon of rescuing to include reptiles. My first experience with a leopard gecko was quite something......Stay tuned for more rescue and adoption stories!