Essential Animal Training

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Essential Animal Training I help people connect with and communicate with their animal companions.

You know the story of the tortoise and the hare? 🐢🐇What the heck does that have to do with training fearful equids? 🤔 Se...

You know the story of the tortoise and the hare? 🐢🐇

What the heck does that have to do with training fearful equids? 🤔

Seems like everyone is always in a rush— gotta get hands on, gotta get the halter on, need to brush out that mane, gotta get those feet and teeth done…

I get it!

Your equid needs proper care but the reality is that most of the stuff you feel like they *need* can actually wait for a bit….

Because when you go out to your fearful equid with that “need”, you end up pushing them further away and derailing your progress.

💥It’s too much pressure!💥

When you rush, you end up going slower. 🕑

Instead, slow down and spend more time reinforcing every little try so that you build a strong foundation of trust and solid behaviors that you can pull from to create more complex behaviors as you go.

Slow and steady wins the race. ⭐️

Are You STUCK in the MUD? 💩 Does it feel like you’re starting over every time you walk into your equid’s  pen? 🙄Do you h...

Are You STUCK in the MUD? 💩

Does it feel like you’re starting over every time you walk into your equid’s pen? 🙄

Do you have to warm them up with the same basic training you’ve been doing for *months* before they settle down– and remember that you’re not there to kill them? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Every time you move just a little too fast to touch them, do they jerk away like your fingers are on fire… even though you’ve been petting them every day for weeks? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ve been there. 😓

I know this feels like you’re at an absolute impasse… But thankfully, there is a solution. You know the story of the tortoise and the hare? Do you remember the moral of the story?


Yep, that really is the solution! Sounds simple, right? But what does that mean for YOUR situation?

It means:

✅ Stop trying to touch your equid. I know you want to get hands-on, but the more you hold the intention, the more your equid holds their fear. Let go of that intention and let your equid touch you instead.

✅ Do less of what you’re doing instead of stopping what you’re doing altogether. For example, if your horse spooks at your touch, don’t stop reaching out to touch them. Instead, just don’t reach as far.

✅ Change things up! Instead of drilling the same behavior over and over again, work on something different! Sometimes progress doesn’t happen unless you give it space to happen. Leave it alone and see how far you’ve progressed when you get back to it in a few days or weeks.

➡️➡️ What’s the one thing you have to keep going over, again and again with your equid? Leave a comment sharing your experience below– let’s talk about it!

dON’t  BE cREEPY! 👻You may not even realize you’re doing it… Sometimes, when we’re working with fearful animals, in our ...

dON’t BE cREEPY! 👻

You may not even realize you’re doing it…

Sometimes, when we’re working with fearful animals, in our attempts not to scare them,

❌ We move too robotically.
❌ We’re too quiet.
❌ We end up doing exactly the opposite of what we intended!
❌ We end up freaking our animals out because we’re not behaving naturally, and they KNOW it.

Instead, when you interact with your fearful equids:

💚 Move the way you naturally move, but slower.
💚 Speak the way you naturally speak, but quieter.
💚 Show enthusiasm when you would normally be enthusiastic, but softer.

💖 Be a gentler version of yourself… but be yourself!

➡️ ➡️ Have you caught yourself being creepy around your equids? Tell me about it in the comments!

“The question now is "what type of relationship do you want with your horse?" Do you want a relationship based on fear a...

“The question now is "what type of relationship do you want with your horse?"
Do you want a relationship based on fear and avoidance, on pressure/release, where the best thing you can offer your horse is a break from you... or a relationship focused on seeking you out, wanting to learn, trying new things, being creative, working together, cooperating, and overcoming challenges together.”

Should we use positive reinforcement training? Or stick with traditional R- methods? For a long time the discussions on this were based on "can i still do...?" But i think by now, its been shown well enough, that R+ is equal or greater in training anything you want to train your horse. Anything they are physically and emotionally capable of doing can be taught with R+, often faster and easier than traditional training, though there are some exceptions when there are emotional problems to overcome.

The question is no longer "is R+ effective?", it is. Science knows this and now the R+ community has backed it up in real life application.

The question now is "what type of relationship do you want with your horse?"
Do you want a relationship based on fear and avoidance, on pressure/release, where the best thing you can offer your horse is a break from you... or a relationship focused on seeking you out, wanting to learn, trying new things, being creative, working together, cooperating, and overcoming challenges together.

What goals can we not achieve with R+? Only those that we CHOOSE not to achieve out of care for our horse. When they become our companion, our friend, our partner, our goals and priorities shift. They're no longer a piece of sports equipment we use to reach higher levels of sport. Now we look for fun things we can do together that are fun for both of us equally.

While traditional training can be done kindly, it's always focused on avoidance. The horse working for relief from the things you bring. As opposed to the horse working for something, wanting more YOU in their life. We can achieve almost all the same goals, and many more with R+, so what relationship do you want?



It's almost GO time Kentucky! Wild horses and b***os will be in Liberty this weekend at the Central Kentucky AG Expo. Adoption Event starts Thursday at 8:00 AM ET and runs through Noon on Saturday, March 23rd. Come out and give a horse a home! 🏚️

To learn more about adopting and how you can earn $1,000 if you adopt an untrained wild horse or b***o:

To find more info on the Liberty event (including a listing of all expected available animals):

🚨Calling All Fearful and Feral Equid Guardians!🚨 I need your help…I’m developing a training program for you and your equ...

🚨Calling All Fearful and Feral Equid Guardians!🚨 I need your help…

I’m developing a training program for you and your equid’s specific needs. I’m looking for 10 owners who have fearful and/or feral equids that want to connect with and train them in a gentle, ethical way that builds trust and confidence…

But are struggling to find a trainer they can rely on to guide them and help them get results.

I’d love to get on a quick 30 minute call with you to ask some questions about your life, needs, and current struggles with finding a trainer. There are NO strings attached - I’m not going to sell you anything! I just need to understand more about you–so I can support people like you.

In exchange for your time, I’d love to offer a video coaching call with you and your equid.

I have worked with fearful and feral equids, including mustangs, mules, donkeys, and zebras for over 10 years, and I want to use my expertise to help more people connect and bond with their fearful and feral equids. .

**Please comment ‘ME’ below if you want to get in on this, and I’ll send you a message!**

It’s those times that you lure your dog with a treat to put their head through the harness, but then quickly pull the ha...

It’s those times that you lure your dog with a treat to put their head through the harness, but then quickly pull the harness over their head before they’re ready.

It’s those times that you lure your horse into the trailer with a bucket of grain but once they’re inside, you don’t give them the bucket of grain.

It’s those times when you tell your dog to sit, and then step closer and loom over them repeating “sit, sit, sit”, when they don’t do it right away.

It’s so easy for us as humans to bribe, trick, and threaten our animals. Most of the time we don’t even realize we’re doing it, but our animals sure do!

if you want a good relationship with your animal, be honest, be welcoming, and be consistent. Be someone your animals can trust.

“Life is change. If you aren’t growing and evolving, you’re standing still, and the rest of the world is surging ahead.”...

“Life is change. If you aren’t growing and evolving, you’re standing still, and the rest of the world is surging ahead.” -Louise Penny

I had such a great weekend attending a Masterson’s Method workshop. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but it’s not often that they offer something local to me. It was such a fascinating event!

Made some new friends and got to work on a group of lovely horses. Not sure where this new path will take me but I’m excited to continue learning more of this method!


More fun with Swagger and Ivy Starnes!

Swagger has been very reluctant to let Ivy on his left side, so this is great progress! We’re starting to develop the pieces of a shoulder target and leading on this side.

The wind, Ivy’s jacket, and the things happening around the farm, all make training extra difficult for Swagger so this is a great example of how much his confidence has grown.


This is one of my favorite things in coaching and training - the nuances of understanding how your animal moves, and how the way you move affects how they move.

In this video, we’re working on getting Swagger to step up onto the platform with all 4 feet. The platform is a bit narrow so it’s important to line him up straight so that he is able to place his feet fully onto the platform without slipping off one side or the other.

Once the lineup is successful, then it’s just a matter of building confidence until Swagger is ready to step those back feet up.

Unfortunately, I forgot that Zoom does this weird thing of switching from camera to camera based on whoever is talking so you won’t be able to see all of the moves Swagger makes and have to suffer through looking at my face instead 😅

Introducing touch to fearful and feral equids via touch points!

Introducing touch to fearful and feral equids via touch points!

When I start introducing touch to a previously untouchable equid, I start with targeting. The first target I introduce is a nose to hand target. Next are cheek to hand and forehead to hand targets. Lastly, I teach a shoulder to hand target. I call these touch points. Once you have these points, y

🔥The leash is for safety, not for control! 🔥If you’ve worked with me at all on loose leash walking (dogs & exotics) or l...

🔥The leash is for safety, not for control! 🔥

If you’ve worked with me at all on loose leash walking (dogs & exotics) or leading your equids, then you’ve probably heard me say this at least once!

Some of you are out there using the leash to pull your dogs everywhere, without ever connecting with your dogs or teaching them to respond to your voice. What happens when your equipment fails? What’s your backup plan?

When I teach loose leash walking, I like to have people start without the leash. Show me that you can get your dog (or other animal) to respond to your voice and your movement first, then we’ll add the leash.

I will show you how to use the leash to communicate with your dog and how to use the leash to keep your dog safe, but learning how to engage your dog and get them to move with you without the leash is so much more important!

🦓 Happy International Zebra Day! 🦓 Did you know that most progressive zoos train their zebras via positive reinforcement...

🦓 Happy International Zebra Day! 🦓

Did you know that most progressive zoos train their zebras via positive reinforcement? There are places training their zebras for voluntary injections, blood draws, hoof trims, and many other cooperative care procedures!

You can train your zebras via positive reinforcement too! Visit my website and schedule a virtual discovery session with me to see what’s possible ❤️

Did you know that when you sign up for any of my programs, ALL of your animals are included (*with one exception. See be...

Did you know that when you sign up for any of my programs, ALL of your animals are included (*with one exception. See below)?

Even though most people call me for one specific animal they’re struggling with, we usually end up adding in the other animals in the household as well.

Sometimes the other animals directly influence the behavior of the animal I was called in for, sometimes the other animals just really want to join in, and sometimes the human just needs a break from working with the problem child! 😅

Whatever the reason, feel free to introduce me to all of your critters and we can work with any or all of them throughout your program.

*I charge double for spouse training 😉🤣

Too often, when people get a new animal, they think the animal should instantly love them, and even be grateful to them,...

Too often, when people get a new animal, they think the animal should instantly love them, and even be grateful to them, especially if they rescued the animal.

When people consult with me right after they’ve gotten a new animal, I get questions like “Why is he so mean?” Or statements like, “He doesn’t like me”.

What people miss is that the animal is most often just afraid. It’s nothing personal. It really has nothing to do with you at all. The animal’s life was likely just turned completely upside down and they don’t know if they are coming or going. They don’t know who you are or what your plans are for them. As good as your intentions may be, all your attempts to pet them, and hold them probably feel like attacks.

Instead, your first priority should be helping the animal to feel safe. Making sure their needs are being met and that you have a predictable, consistent routine so that they know what to expect and what’s going to happen to them.

Unless the animal indicates otherwise, you should be hands-off. Give the animal their space and let them settle in. Instead of trying to force yourself on them and make them love you, focus on building trust through consistent and respectful behavior.

Poppy is eating her breakfast in a snuffle mat, which she loves. Poppy is a high energy and super smart dog, so adding e...

Poppy is eating her breakfast in a snuffle mat, which she loves. Poppy is a high energy and super smart dog, so adding enrichment activities to her day helps keep her from making everyone else crazy with her mischief 😅😉

Did you know that other species can benefit from snuffle mats as well? What other animals do you think might enjoy this activity?

➡️ Unfortunately, due to the amount of people canceling last minute, or just not showing up, I am no longer able to offe...

➡️ Unfortunately, due to the amount of people canceling last minute, or just not showing up, I am no longer able to offer free virtual consultations.

As of now, introductory virtual consultations are $45. Monthly coaching is as follows:

• Membership in our exclusive coaching community.
• Up to 3 video reviews per week.
• Monthly live group zoom meetings.

• Membership in our exclusive coaching community.
• Up to 3 video reviews per week.
• Unlimited support via text.
• One video analysis or live session per week
• Monthly live group zoom meetings.

• Membership in our exclusive coaching community.
• Unlimited video reviews per week.
• Unlimited support via text.
• Up to 3 video analysis or live sessions per week.
• Monthly live group zoom meetings.

⭐️ Message me for the link to schedule your introductory consultation!

Did you know that letting your dog meander and sniff away from you is much better for both you and your dog than making ...

Did you know that letting your dog meander and sniff away from you is much better for both you and your dog than making them stay right beside you for the whole walk?

Walking directly beside you is great for crossing the street or for passing other people but aside from that, it’s not really doing much for either of you.

A much better option, especially if you want to tire your dog out, is to let them stop and sniff all of the things. Your dog will enjoy the walk so much more and you might learn that the journey really is more important than the destination 😉

When I talk about consistency, I’m not talking about training for X amount of time, X days a week. I’m talking about hav...

When I talk about consistency, I’m not talking about training for X amount of time, X days a week. I’m talking about having structure, clear communication, and predictability.

Too often, the rules are always changing in people’s interactions with their animals. Right now the dog is reinforced for jumping on you because you just got home and you want to cuddle, but later on the dog is punished for jumping on you because your friend is there and you feel embarrassed by your dog’s behavior.

Or, people lie to their animals and try and trick them. You show your horse a bucket of food and use it to lure them into their stall but there isn’t actually any food in the bucket and once you close the door, your horse gets nothing.

Sometimes these inconsistencies are small and seem trivial, but they add up quickly and cause a break down in trust between human and animal.

Instead, it’s better to always be honest with your animals! Be clear and predictable. Create structures and routines that your animals can depend on and always follow through when you use something your animal wants to get them to do something you want.

😳 Are you worried that if you use clicker training with your wild horse that your relationship will end up being purely ...

😳 Are you worried that if you use clicker training with your wild horse that your relationship will end up being purely transactional? 😳

➡️ Ask yourself these questions to determine if your relationship is going to be more than purely transactional.

🐴 Do you feel your chest tightening with excitement and butterflies in our stomach when you think about getting that first touch?

🐴 Do you kind of forget the rest of the world exists when you’re out there with your horse?

🐴 Do you feel frustration and worry that you’re not good enough or not doing enough for your horse when things aren’t going well?

🐴 Do you get defensive and protective of your horse when people say that you’re letting them get away with stuff?

🐴 How can clicker training ever be transactional when you are weaving your heart and soul through every interaction?💞

How we got The Fluff Boys ready for their flight!1. We set their bags out a few weeks beforehand and made them always ac...

How we got The Fluff Boys ready for their flight!

1. We set their bags out a few weeks beforehand and made them always accessible to the dogs, frequently tossing treats inside (when the dogs were otherwise occupied) for them to randomly find.

2. Reinforced the dogs at the bag opening whenever they went in and turned around.

3. Get them used to having the bags closed up and moved around with them inside.

4. Took them out and about in their bags to get them used to stuff going on around them.

5. Added cooling mats! This was a great idea on the owner’s part and made the bags much more comfortable for the boys.

Happy travels!

Does your training look a little something like this game? Full of holes and precariously stacked, ready to topple at an...

Does your training look a little something like this game? Full of holes and precariously stacked, ready to topple at any moment?

Are you skipping over the fact that it it takes you an hour to catch your horse because “He’s fine once he’s caught”?

Are you ignoring the fact that your horse is air snapping and even trying to bite you when you’re putting the saddle on because “He’s great once he gets going”?

Did you miss the fact that you had to circle him like 10 times when you were trying to lead him out to the arena or that he kept swinging his butt out away from the mounting block while you were trying to get on?

Yeah, I know it takes time to navigate all of the nuances and intricacies of training your horse well when you just want to get on but I guarantee that if you take the time to build that partnership with your horse (you know, the one everyone claims they want to have?), you’ll have a much better ride.

Where do you think this fits in with training our animals? How can we explain this concept to them? How are they to some...

Where do you think this fits in with training our animals?

How can we explain this concept to them?

How are they to somehow *know* our wishes, rights, and traditions?

What qualities, abilities, or achievements do you have that you think deserves your animals' admiration?

What if we teach our animals the behaviors we want them to perform insted and stop trying to make them guess the behaviors we *think* are respectable?

🌅As we step into a new year, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has liked, commented on, and shared m...

🌅As we step into a new year, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has liked, commented on, and shared my posts over the past year. Your support makes it possible for other people who need my help to find me!

2023 was kind of tough for me and there’s been many times I’ve thought about stepping away from the animal industry entirely and doing something else. It’s hard to keep going when you feel like you’re not really making a difference, which is why I’m so grateful for the people who reach out to let me know that I have made a difference, at least for them 💛

My plan for the new year is to focus on our new community, Mindful Equid Guidance, and help more people deepen their connections with their animal companions.

🌟See you in 2024!🌟

One of the pitfalls of being cute and fluffy is that people want to pick you up and squeeze you All. The. Time. That may...

One of the pitfalls of being cute and fluffy is that people want to pick you up and squeeze you All. The. Time.

That may be ok for when you’re handling babies, but once your animal hits sexual maturity, they may not be so willing to put up with your touchy feel-y ways anymore!

Teaching your animal from a young age that they have some autonomy in how they are handled will go a long way to keeping them handleable into adulthood.

Even older animals can change their minds about being handled if you start asking for consent and offering them choice in when and how they are handled.

Struggling with an animal you can no longer handle? Message me to set up a consultation and lets get your pet enjoying some cuddles again!

Did you know that resource guarding is a natural, normal, and even healthy behavior? Every species does it, including an...

Did you know that resource guarding is a natural, normal, and even healthy behavior? Every species does it, including and especially humans!

Animals can guard food, water, space, toys, their people, their friends, and anything else that they deem a resource.

Deciding everything is yours and taking stuff away from your animal whenever you feel like it can cause or worsen this natural guarding behavior, making it very difficult to live with said animal.

Instead, help your animal feel safe and confident by leaving them alone when they have a resource they’re guarding, offering them something else whenever you approach them when they have something, and trading up whenever you absolutely have to take something away.

🤔 I’m betting that when you brought your new horse home, your first thought wasn’t, “I can’t wait to show them I’m the h...

🤔 I’m betting that when you brought your new horse home, your first thought wasn’t, “I can’t wait to show them I’m the herd leader and teach them to respect me!”

But then your new horse didn’t immediately live up to your expectations, you were struggling to do the things you wanted to do, and the comments from people around you started…

➡️ “She doesn’t respect you. You have to make her respect your space!”
➡️ “She’s just trying to get away with it. You have to show her who’s boss!”
➡️ “She doesn’t see you as the herd leader. Round pen her so that she know you’re the leader!”

Things with your new horse are just getting worse, every interaction is a fight for dominance, and you’re thinking maybe you got the wrong horse and you should sell her and get a different one.

💥The problem isn’t the horse.💥

The problem is this absurd idea that horses are going to arrive and be exactly what we want them to be the instant they arrive, completely disregarding the fact that they have thoughts and feelings of their own.

The problem is the people around you spouting these tired old ideas that horses do everything in a bid for some imaginary higher social status and not because they’re scared, confused, grieving, or just don’t feel well.

It’s time to take a step back and reconsider everything you *think* you know about horses. Is that really the relationship you want? Because it doesn’t have to be. You can follow a different path to get where you want to go with your horse. One that doesn’t include power struggles, miscommunication, and fear.

If you’re ready for a true connection with your horse, message me for the link to join our new Mindful Equid Guidance community, opening in January.

Although we may sometimes use food to lure a behavior, food in training is most often used to reinforce a behavior after...

Although we may sometimes use food to lure a behavior, food in training is most often used to reinforce a behavior after the behavior has happened, not to get a behavior in the first place.

When my learners tell me that they were able to get a behavior without food, I know they are still trying to use the food as a bribe instead of as a reinforcer.

The behavior comes first, and then the food happens to ensure that the behavior is more likely to happen again in the future.


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00




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Pet Training & Behavior Consulting

For animals that bite, are difficult to catch, behave fearfully or cannot be handled, I offer in-person and virtual training and behavior consulting services. Working with all domestic and exotic pets, I can coach you in training your animals no matter where in the world you are or what kind of pet(s) you have!