Let your body release those "happy chemicals"
✨ Dopamine - Complete a task, eat good food, get enough sleep/rest
✨ Oxytocin - Play with animals, give a compliment, touch
✨ Serotonin - Be in nature, meditation, get some sun, mindfulness
✨ Endorphins - Watch a funny movie, exercise, laugh
By sitting in the late winter sun watching a fluffy pony sleep, I was able to release a whole bunch of happiness.
It was a true gift to have this experience and to be able to share it with others.
Get out there and enjoy some "happy hormones". What are some of your ideas?
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #equineassistedlearning #happychemicals #happyhormones #dopamine #oxytocin #serotonin #endorphins
With the world all topsy turvey right now, we all need to take some time throughout the day and find small ways to take care of ourselves.
I find that big efforts to "TAKE CARE OF MYSELF" backfire because that is just another thing to add to my list. But if I sneak in a bunch of small things throughout the day, then I feel much better overall and it doesn't feel like more effort.
What we do will depend on our individual lives and preferences. What I do changes based on the time of year, where I am, what I am feeling and needing. Sometimes I just need 30 seconds and sometimes I need hours.
A surefire way for me to recharge recently is to literally lay flat on my back, spread eagle on the ground and stare up into the sky, surrounded by my horses. I love feeling the ground supporting my whole body while I open myself up to the sky. Often a cat will come and sit on my chest. The vibration of their purr is incredibly healing.
A much more accessible method of taking a moment for myself is to do a few rounds of breath work. The easiest to do in any space without it being overt in public, is to take two short breaths in, hold for a second, and then double the length of my exhale. Works a treat every time I need to stop the cycle of overthinking.
I am a huge snacker so grabbing a quick snack makes me happy.
Lastly, I do a quick "Beauty Hunt". It could be a sweet little bird flitting around in a bush, the sun shining through the trees, someone wearing a fabulous outfit, a smile from a friend or even a stranger on the street.
So, act on Casper's nudge and do something for yourself today.
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #horsemedicine #selfcare #breathwork #beautyhunting #caring
Holding space and being completely present for another being is one of the greatest gifts we can give.
Wyn was so gentle with his kid, knowing she needed a quiet presence to help her soothe her mind. No expectations, just unconditional support.
Horses practice heart rate coherence to balance the herd. Through a lifetime of engaging with horses, I have learned this art. We work together to bring a slow and steady heart rate to those around us, creating a peaceful feeling.
At one point, Wyn stood behind his kid and acted as sentry while she rested. It was a beautiful gift he gave her and so lovely to be a part of.
Horsemanship lessons are so much more fulfilling to all involved when you are able to adjust and explore the needs and gifts of all involved.
This was not a planned event and I could never have intentionally created this experience walking into that lesson. I have a loose intention, but have learned to "read the room, or arena" and adjust to allow for things to unfold as they need to.
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #horsemanship #beingpresent #holdingspace #horses
Winter sunshine just hits different. Vitamin D getting soaked up by the cells and some low angle sun in the eyes boosts the body and the mind
I took the cue from the animals to set aside my constant "to-do" list and take some time to literally recharge my batteries.
Just a few minutes soaking up the sun gave me a boost of serotonin l, enabling me to continue my day with a feeling of wellbeing.
I was able to slow down and notice how the sun lit up the guard hairs on the horses, I could feel the vibration of Lunar's purr in my lap.
I noticed the interplay of the warmth of the sun and the gentle cool breeze on my face while my breathing, heart rate, and brainwave patterns took on a long slow wave.
Soon after, I mentally picked up my to-do list again and was physically renewed to tackle some more demanding physical labor.
Try to take advantage of those rare sunny winter days. A few minutes is worth it
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #horsemagic #wintersun #vitamind #soakupthesun
After a particularly challenging day, I literally surrendered and laid down in the pasture.
I asked the Earth to support my physical body, the sky to help me see a new perspective, and the animals to help me regulate my heart rate and emotions.
As my mind slowed down, I was able to feel the ground holding me up while the purring vibration, weight, and warmth of Lunar on my chest helped ground me and really accept the support.
The horses placidly chewing in a strong parasympathetic state was incredibly soothing.
I spent about 20 minutes lying there before Casper got concerned. He stood over me with the saddest and most concerned expression I have ever seen on him. When I didn't move, he forcefully mushed my head with his several times to encourage me to get up. I got the message. Recharge but don't languish. Life is about balance.
How fitting as today is a solar eclipse in Libra (the scales of balance and justice)
Balance is hard. Support helps.
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #learningwithhorses. #surrender #support
On a hot smokey day I thought it would be fun to put out a "water buffet" for the horses. Each bucket had a different flavor. Turmeric, Spirulina, and a Chia seed and Salt.
Casper immediately did what Casper does. That boy is always knocking things over, dragging things around, throwing things, opening things.... You get it.
I wouldn't have my Peter Pan Pony any other way.
They really like to go back and forth with the flavors. So far peppermint is an obvious favorite flavor
#horsesofinstagram #barnlife #lifewithhorses #peterpanpony #chaoscreator
A Praying Mantis hanging out on Casper in the midst of a chaotic wind storm stopped me in my tracks.
A Praying Mantis symbolizes stillness, patience, and focus. It was an absolute contrast to the howling wind surrounding us.
This juxtaposition and imagery is helping me navigate this week.
I hope it helps all of you navigate your way as well
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #equineconnection #prayingmantis #windstorm #eal #interspeciescommunication
I love it when the birds hang with the horses. They usually fly off a short distance when I approach but this little one stayed and watched me. It was so curious and sweet
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #horseconnection #birdsandhorses #interspeciesfriendship #interspeciescommunication #animalcommunication
Deep connection with another being is at the core of why we choose to interact with horses.
I have had incredibly profound connections and also very superficial or even clashing connections.
While it is incredible to be with horses and the magic that they bring to our lives, we need to remember that it is not a failure if you don't resonate or deeply connect with each other right away, or even at all.
We certainly don't expect that with other humans.
We may desperately want to connect with our horse but they may not be that into us. As is their right as a sentient individual.
I interact with many horses and people and get to witness the spectrum as well as the navigation of these relationships.
It has helped me to understand and accept individuals for who they are. And even my own self!
Those magical connections are out there. The journey to find them is quite the adventure.
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #equineconnection #horseconnection #magicalmoments #navigatingrelationships #relationships #deepconnection #horsehumanconnection
🔥Good thing we had that wildfire meeting 🔥
Last Thursday, a fire broke out in a field nearby. The wind was pushing it towards our farm.
I was 20 minutes away when my husband called me. I had no idea what I was coming home to.
On the way I called in my evacuation plan for a place to land as well as a friend to come with an extra trailer.
As we assessed the situation, we hosed down around the house and barn so that flying embers would have a lesser chance of igniting.
The tanker planes were on their way to the Gwen fire burning just a few miles south of us and were able to drop retardant. This, along with quick action from the Trot fire department and area farmers put it out quickly. It burned about 40 acres a 1/2 mile from us. Thankfully we did not have to evacuate.
Each day, we are getting new fires and it is terrifying. I am glad that we have a plan in place and so many wonderful people in our community to help out.
While I feel incredibly lucky, I am devastated by the loss of so many homes, animals, and livelihoods from the Texas Ridge and Gwen fires. And now the Lower Granite fire.
We learned a lot with this situation and are making more fire breaks and plans.
Prevention and Preparation are key.
Stay safe out there everyone and please be careful to not cause any sparks!
#equinewisdom #wildfirepreparation #wildfirehorses #thewestisburning #defensiblespace
Having a staff meeting to update the crew on the wildfire plans.
We are on the edge of a level 1 evacuation plan. Air quality is not good so we cancelled lessons this afternoon.
Wildfire season is upon us. We will not get rain for a few more months so it is necessary to plan for the possibility of an evacuation.
In the meantime, we are evaluating the fire defensible space around the property and will cut down excess dry vegetation, limb up low branches, take up dry pine needles, etc with guidance from @idahofirewise
All of the animals here are getting fresh water and low physical activity. I will definitely need to make sure they get plenty of mental stimulation though.
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #wildfireseason #smokeseason #barnlife #horsesofinstagram #ilovemycoworkers
Feeding grain/supplements in hers situation can be tricky due to hierarchy and speed of eating.
Over the years I have tried several strategies but they were all slightly stressful or annoying.
I finally broke down and tried these nose bags.
I put a rubber feed pan in the bottom so that I can feed soaked grain as well as clean it out more easily.
I have each horse's bag adjusted to them and labeled. I put it on as they approach me, usually by hers hierarchy.
Some put their heads down and commence to eating. Some like to wander around while eating. I get to hang out for 10 minutes and relax while watching them.
Some of them come over to me when they are done. I hope to have all of them trained to do that shortly. I have only been doing this for a few days and am super happy with it so far.
#equinewisdom #horsewisdom #horsefeeding #horseseating #horsefarm #lifewithhorses #horsetrack