The Geminites

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The Geminites The world revolves around Gemini and Stewie! Well, they think it does, anyway! Hi, my name is Gemini! I'm 3 years old and I am ADORABLE! So she named me "Gemini"!

My mama found me through a friend in Tennessee and she loved me before she ever met me! She flew all the way from Oklahoma to pick me up, along with my sister, Gypsy. Gypsy lives with my Gma, tho. But I have lots of company here! I got my name from my other mama. The one I didn't get a chance to ever meet. She went to the Rainbow Bridge a couple of months before I came to my furrever home to take

care of some other kitties n puppies, mama told me. Her very favorite song, mama said, was one called "Gemini Dream" by a group called "Moody Blues". Mama told me it was her favorite song, too! I was born with a problem. My back legs don't look like other kitty legs. They're a bit short, I'm told, and they come to a purrfect point! Every day, I'm getting stronger and using them more, tho! I also have a "funny" foot in the front, they tell me. Mama said its "clubbed". But I don't know what that means. It works fine for me! Wish I had more of them sharp thingies on it, tho, like I have on my other front foot! I have a really hard time climbing up on stuff like my brothers and sisters can do and that makes me sad! So mama has built me special places here JUST FOR ME! And she put ramps and steps on the towers and the furniture so I can get up, too! She got me this funny cart to use. Said that my furriends actually bought it for me! ‘Possed to help me get around but I hate it!! I tried it out but it was hard to use. All I know is that my mama LOVEs me!! I have a big brother who is the GREATEST big brother of all times!! His name is Stewie and he's almost a year older than me. He's teaching me everything he knows! For some reason, mama says that's a BAD thing... But he takes good care of me and he has since the day I came here to my furrever home! He gives me baths a lot so I think I must me dirty! I am awfully dark... He lets me try to catch his tail and I love that game! All my brothers and sisters do! We play around and chase each other's tails for a whole 5 minutes sometimes! But I'm the BEST! I have a few other brothers and sisters, too. My brother and sister, George and Gracie are litter mates, whatever that means. I don't see George too much. He mostly runs and hides from me. Gracie just sits and watches me. I try to play with her and, most of the time, she won't play with me. Then, there are my sisters, Beau and Skeeter. They're litter mates, too. They are 9 months older than me. Sometimes they let me play with them. But mostly, I play with Stewie! I have other baby brothers and a new baby sister, too! My baby sisfur, Sammie, is a year younger than me. My brother, Spike, is all BLACK, like ME!! He’s a year younger, too. I got a brother name Sheldon Cooper. He got a broken leg when he was a baby and had to have surgery to fix it. That was when mama found him at the vet and brought him home. He had to have one more surgery to take the pin out and now you can’t tell anything ever happened to him! He doesn’t even walk with a limp and he is SO FAST! He doesn’t like people, tho. Just us kitties!! He’s missing out on a lot of good lovin’!!! Cuz mama gives the BEST kisses!! Mama calls him her “indoor feral”. I got another sisfur who’s another “indoor feral” and is Sheldon’s little girlfurriend! Her name is Gabby. She’s a sweet lil girl who came as a baby but never adapted to mama’s lovin’ either! But she follows Sheldon around all the time! My other new brother, Scooter, is a year old now! He had really bad back legs like me! He had to have them amputated. Mama says he has something called "Spina Bifida" so his back end doesn't work at all. He has to wear DIAPERS! But he sure is fast, just like I am!! He can CLIMB! I can’t even do that!! I love my brother Coot!! I got another baby brother named Pistol and he lives up to his name! He was going to be a foster kitty, but he has a problem that makes his head all wobbly and bobbly, so mama says he gets to stay! He’s fun to play with! But I have to be careful and not play too rough with him. He’s very clumsy and falls off things when he plays too hard! But he’s getting bigger, now, so we have fun playing! We always have kitties and big cats coming in and out of our house and sometimes it gets a bit hectic. But mama said she wouldn’t have it any other way! She says it’s our duty to help the furbabies that don’t have homes. I don’t mind. As long as they leave me alone! I’d rather have my mama all to myself! But I’ll share sometimes…
I got a step-sisfur, Onyx, who’s all black like me but doesn’t have any tail at all! Mama says she’s a MANX! She’s gonna go live with her mama Be soon! I’ll miss her! And my youngest brother’s name is Zeb and mama says he’s as bad as Stewie! He’s a real escape artist and breaks into rooms even when the doors are closed! He’s trying to teach me stuff, too, but my paws aren’t as strong as his so I can’t do what he does. I still try tho! I have a brother, Wasabi, and a sister, Bunny, who look a lot different than I do. Mama calls them "dogs"! They just look like funny looking cats to me… And they smell funny!! This page is gonna be fun! Don't you think? Let’s be friends and then let’s talk! Show us pictures of you and your family by posting them to our wall!! We have a special album to share your kitty and puppy pictures in and we also have an album we call our “Rainbow Bridge” album where we put pictures of the babies who have gone over the Rainbow Bridge for you. Got questions? Send us a private message here on Facebook or an email to [email protected]! We have a "resident cat behaviorist" on our site! Her name is Erica Johnson! If you're having a problem or just have a cat-related question, send a message to her using the private message here on the page or you can email her directly at [email protected]! Auntie Erica also helps mama run the page!! So does my Auntie Julie Culp! She’s the lady that found me and told mama about me!! We have a couple of other admins on our page, too. Auntie Laurie Moorehead lives in a city I can’t purrnounce! Albuquerque, NM. She handles our contests and stuff! WOW is she good! Auntie Susan Park lives here with us and helps us out around here! And Bryony McFarlane lives somewhere called the UK and she’s been a GREAT help with my page! Mama and I do a lot of work helping our local Humane Society, so we always have new kitties coming and going in and out of the house. It’s been fun meeting all the new babies!! But it’s been hard to keep track of how many are here from day to day! Seems like they come and go all the time! Mama says we’re saving lives, one at a time! We do a LOT of work with them and I like it cuz I get to make new furriends! We have 2 groups that we’ve started so you can get to know each other! We have a special group just for you to share your own purrayer requests. You can find that at Just click on that link and ask to join and you can be added. Our second group is one to share your birthdays!! We like it because we send each other cards and birthday messages!! That web address is Again, just ask to join and you’ll be added!! Instructions for posting on each are at the top of the pages. And don’t worry, they are private groups! We are always looking for help with the work that we do with the The need never seems to stop cuz mama says we eat and p**p so much! MOL!! If you can help them with a donation, just visit their page to find out what you can do to help! Lots of people ask how they can help! Here’s how! BE A FOSTER! (contact us for details)
Share our page and our mission! Send up your purrayers! Volunteer to help us, or your local shelter! Check out our wish list on Amazon at
Send donations of cash, money order or gift cards (contact us for address). Or use Square Cash or PayPal to send donations, with the email address [email protected]. All donations benefit the Humane Society of Lawton - Comanche County and are tax deductible! Some people have asked if they could send us cards and letters and stuff! We like it when that happens!! If u wanna send one of us a surprise card or a letter:
(Furbaby's name)
c/o Laurie Mansfield
825 NW 41st Street
Lawton, OK 73505
Or make donations directly to our vet, Dr. Bower, at Oak Ridge Animal Clinic. Their information is:
Oak Ridge Animal Center
4102 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73505
Just let them know that you’re making a donation to the “Mansfield herd” and they’ll make sure it gets credited to the correct account!! They’ve been EXCELLENT about charging us a lower fee for all of our fosters that we bring in and care for! And Dr. Bower is the BEST vet!! We so appreciate what he does for us!! He’s a great doc!! But the costs still add up quickly!! So we thank you for even a dollar or two!! And thank you for being Geminites!!


I would like your feedback The Geminites ! We now have Stewie and Buzzby on prescription diets that are eating us alive combined with the vet bills. Is it awful of me to ask for a sponsorship for them? Im thinking even $5 a month would help and only when you can. Thoughts? Comments? Please be kind in your comments. And the first person to spam this post is gonna meet Monkey. That lil s**t will tear em apart!! 😂


When it rains it pours. Buzzby has a bad UTI and crystals in his urine. Means he has to be on CD. First have u priced it? Don't pass out. Second this is gonna be fun feeding special food to 2 now... Seperated from the others of course. Looks like we're done free-feeding. I need a break.


Buzzby had to take a trip to the vet today for a checkup and is staying for a UA. He was screaming so loud when i took him in that i requested an exorcism!! 😂


Our hearts are very heavy today for our friends at Tooga Tales. Momcat's father passed yesterday. Please send prayers for her and the furbabies in their time of grief. We have been so close for so long that my tears are flowing. Sometimes we make the most amazing friends on FB and Momcat is one of those friends that feels like we've known each other forever. My heart just breaks for Tooga and Destiny and Kitty and Rocious and Booga. Kisses and hugs to all of them. 😿

Gotta be Anakin's brother! They're identical! Pretty sure Luke has adopted us.

Gotta be Anakin's brother! They're identical! Pretty sure Luke has adopted us.


I miss Zeb and Spike so much. Be went and picked up Spikes remains. He's home where he belongs. 😥
Would you believe a euthanasia and cremation was over $350???? Everybody gotta make money but DAMN! Spent well over 500 trying to save him but sometimes its an impossible try. God how i miss him...

Spike made his journey across the bridge this morning. No more sickness. ❤

Spike made his journey across the bridge this morning. No more sickness. ❤

Thank you Gail, Kathleen and Tara!! ❤❤❤

Thank you Gail, Kathleen and Tara!! ❤❤❤

Here is the latest update on Spike. We're up to giving him 4 units of insulin twice daily. He has lost almost 5 pounds, now down to less than 9 pounds. He eats good for a day or 2 then goes off food for a couple days. He doesn't groom much anymore. Mostly lays on the floor vent enjoying the AC. No that's SO not cat behavior.

He has another glucose curve test on the 17th. This will be number 3. Hoping we can stick with 4 units this time. Insulin is NOT cheap. We're spending 250 a month on what's starting to feel like a losing battle. His ears are so pale and hot. Poor guy.

Please continue prayers for this boy. He is such a loving cat!! And if u can help even with a dollar to help him our paypal is [email protected] or OakRidge Animal Hospital directly at 580-357-4525 and tell them its for Spike Mansfield. And i thank u so much for your prayers!!

Here is the latest update on Spike. We're up to giving him 4 units of insulin twice daily. He has lost almost 5 pounds, ...

Here is the latest update on Spike. We're up to giving him 4 units of insulin twice daily. He has lost almost 5 pounds, now down to less than 9 pounds. He eats good for a day or 2 then goes off food for a couple days. He doesn't groom much anymore. Mostly lays on the floor vent enjoying the AC. No that's SO not cat behavior.

He has another glucose curve test on the 17th. This will be number 3. Hoping we can stick with 4 units this time. Insulin is NOT cheap. We're spending 250 a month on what's starting to feel like a losing battle. His ears are so pale and hot. Poor guy.

Please continue prayers for this boy. He is such a loving cat!! And if u can help even with a dollar to help him our paypal is [email protected] or OakRidge Animal Hospital directly at 580-357-4525 and tell them its for Spike Mansfield. And i thank u so much for your prayers!!

Has anyone seen Betty? Just can't find her anywhere. 😂

Has anyone seen Betty? Just can't find her anywhere. 😂


Picked up Spike from the vet. Had more to do but the weather is flipping on us plus I'm gonna have to decompress. Almost 200 a month for food and insulin. Come on Rover! I need more cats to care for! Dammit.


So... Bad news for our Spike. Upon recheck he lost 2 more pounds. Did blood work and the poor guy is diabetic. It'll be 2 meals a day consisting of a special diet and 2 insulin shots a day. Back next week for a glucose curve test. 😿

I love this guy so much!

And thank to the 4 of you who have donated!

And thank to the 4 of you who have donated!


We've all seen the kitty memes where they are trained to puke on the carpet and avoid the hardwood floors. My whole house is hardwood flooring. Not to be beat in that game tho, Beau Beau has taught them even a better way to handle the situation. Step one: look for the talest cat tree available and lean out as far as possible and THEN puke. Serves several purposes. First it makes Mom make funny noises trying to get up n attempt to stop it and then watch as Mom is baptised completely with plenty left to send it to that hardwood floor in at least a 2 foot square making sure it makes a fantastic splahing sound. Then call all your cat brothers n sisters n show them how its done. Once all of them are done laughing they run like hell cuz they know darn well that Mom will grumble while she's on her knees cleaning the huge mess. Cats are too smart for their own good!! 😸

For those who don't know me, i lost my partner in March of 2012. In her honor, i put in a large koi pond in the backyard...

For those who don't know me, i lost my partner in March of 2012. In her honor, i put in a large koi pond in the backyard. Its been 12 years now and there are still many koi and their offspring in its 7 foot deep home.
Lately, its in terrible need of a good cleaning and a new liner. It has 2 waterfalls but only 1 still works. It needs a new skimmer basket in an awful way. Priced them today and nearly fainted! Its going to take roughly 2 to 2 and a half thousand to reline and clean. Ouch.
Its been a very long time since we've reached out for help but this is something i just can't swing at this time.
We have thousands of followers right now. If everyone who's able could kick in as little as just 50 cents we can do it! So im challenging everyone to do just that. Not only would my fish and i feel so much better but Tracy would be grinning from heaven! Our PayPal is Thegeminites@yahoo. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts (and MUD!). Thank you for reading, praying, commenting and sharing!!! Mama Laurie.


Walter is back home after his neuter this morning. He's still a bit under the influence and walking stiff legged but he's getting there! We adore this guy! ❤


Walter update! This boy is something else! He acts like he's been here all his life and my kids treat him that way! He is scheduled for his neuter on Wednesday. Had his FeLV test and shots last week. He's an amazing cat! I can't believe no one's claimed him but I'm kinda glad! ❤


Walter just amazes me. The vet guessed him to be around 2 years old. That could be a huge problem with him being fully endowed! But he walks through my herd like he's lived here his whole life and my cats pay him no mind.
Poor thing has no idea how to play and my cats are getting beat up trying to teach him! He gets way too rough and someone ends up screaming 'uncle' without him backing down. He is scheduled to be neutered next Wednesday. Until then he's on house arrest unless we're watching him closely. He has way too much testosterone right now! So he is mostly confined to Coots playpen until he's fixed. He isn't trying to hurt the rest of them by any means! But he doesn't know when to stop so they ARE being hurt. I can just reach down and pick him up and he goes limp. He feels completely at ease with human contact and that's huge! We already love him dearly!

Walter feels right at home! Got his exam n shots so he's moved in. Still needs neutered so that's the next step. In the ...

Walter feels right at home! Got his exam n shots so he's moved in. Still needs neutered so that's the next step. In the meantime he really is home. Its unbelievable that when i let him out that my cats paid him no mind nor did he notice them! Its like he's been here all his life! And he's very loved!

I could never want for a better cat!! Mine ignore him like he's always berm here and so does he!!

I could never want for a better cat!! Mine ignore him like he's always berm here and so does he!!

All night long Walter screamed loudy. Had kept him in Coots playpen in the livivg room so they can get used to him. That made him louder yet! So he's running around the house like he lives here n not one of my heard or cared! Now to sell plasma or something to pay to remove the baboon butt attacted to those fuzzy orange balls!!!

All night long Walter screamed loudy. Had kept him in Coots playpen in the livivg room so they can get used to him. That...

All night long Walter screamed loudy. Had kept him in Coots playpen in the livivg room so they can get used to him. That made him louder yet! So he's running around the house like he lives here n not one of my heard or cared! Now to sell plasma or something to pay to remove the baboon butt attacted to those fuzzy orange balls!!!


Walter had a FeLV test, shots and a checkup this morning. All good! Only thing left is a neuter. We're saving our pennies! Thank you to our anonymous donor who paid for today's visit!
He is now out with the herd and he's great at ignoring them and all but a couple of mine are being idiots but that'll stop cuz he just blows them off!
It'll get better once those big fuzzy balls come off! 😂


We are taking Walter in today for his FeLv test, first shots and worming. The sooner we get him out of isolation the better!

Will be doing his nueter after we put that money back to do it. God blessed us with the money for the rest through a special Geminites friend a few days ago! ❤❤


Rain/snow mix and 37° and Walter is in a nice warm room with plenty of food and water and lots of love! ❤❤❤

No one has come forward to claim Walter yet. But he's got a home here. I've been letting him come in on the cat-free sid...

No one has come forward to claim Walter yet. But he's got a home here. I've been letting him come in on the cat-free side and he's very comfortable now. He'll have to be neutered, get shots, have a good exam before he can meet my herd.

BUT the weather is about to flip back to winter on Sunday. So I'll be setting up the giant Coot cage for him and I'll bring him inside. Purrty sure he won't mind! ❤❤❤


I have a very friendly little orange kitty who has made himself quite at home here. I live just north of Meadowbrook on 41st Street here in Lawton, OK. He has been hanging around for at least a week. He was obviously someone's baby because he is very tallative and friiendly! I have a herd of my own and if he isn't claimed then i have just added another. As thin as he is he hasn't adapted to street life yet! He is an intact male. Please contact me if you're missing a kitty!



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