For those of you having a hard time with Royal Winter Fair Parking security.
For those of you struggling with parking security at the Royal Winter Fair……Grant has discovered if you bark like a crazy dog at them from the window you get priority movement to where you need to go😜. They may even up grade your parking!
Great day at Carp Fair. This is one of my favourite moments. Watching my crew work as a team.
This guy makes me smile everyday. He is the Rico Sauve of our goats! Chatting up the ladies.
It’s been a while since our girls have been out on pasture. I just love watching the goats running through the long grass.
When your dad is dead against a horse! You ride your goat of course!! Derrick Moodie you are lucky she loves goats this much!! This is our physical education component of the day!
The ducklings took their first swim yesterday. They absolutely loved it. Our little Nellie pup has become protective of her little ducklings. The babies would swim to Ryland where ever he moved around the pool.
The incubation of our duck eggs was a success! This little ducking has imprinted with Aubrey. The duckling follows her everywhere. Derrick Moodie
Nellie continues to love her piggies. Everyday she plays in the pen with them. They think of her as a mother since their mother died at birth. Nellie is having a hard time keeping them in line because the pigs have grown so big.
Casanova getting his morning love. This is such a nice buck. His temperament is great and he is such an attention seeker. We just eat him up.
Piglets eating lunch
The piglets have adjusted to eating out of a dish. They are growing so fast.
The view from my office today. We are now bottle feeding the piglets. Their mom died from pregnancy complications last night. These tiny guys need to be fed every 2-3 hours!!