Erin Beattie and Aztec. 2024 CopRice Australian Brumby Challenge.

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  • Erin Beattie and Aztec. 2024 CopRice Australian Brumby Challenge.

Erin Beattie and Aztec. 2024 CopRice Australian Brumby Challenge. Share the journey of training an unhandled brumby. Wild to wonderful in 150 days.


Aztec and I are continuing to build on touch incorporating handling of his front feet in preparation for eventual hoof trimming. Aztecs confidence with touch has grown so much that he no longer seeks the release of pressure by stepping away but actively seeks scratches and connection throughout the interaction. So proud of this little guy and all we are achieving.


This little champion did it! Touch is becoming less and less of an issue for Aztec who will now stand quite relaxed and let me rub him all over. There has been a lot of hours and patience (maybe a few tears) to get to this point and I'm so proud of him.

Check out that mane blowing in the wind 🌬️ long enough to fold over now. Such a handsome man 😍

Check out that mane blowing in the wind 🌬️ long enough to fold over now. Such a handsome man 😍

Fascinating reading about the gut brain connection in horses and how it impacts their training and day to day living. Fo...

Fascinating reading about the gut brain connection in horses and how it impacts their training and day to day living. For a healthy gut micro biome I feed Opti-Gut from Biolink 4 plants. Full of high strength multi strain microbials which replenish and balance gut flora improving nutrient absorption and over all health. An easy to use product that's very cost effective and highly palatable for horses. Aztec has been on Opti-Gut for six weeks now and I've noticed an overall improvement in body score and condition with a deep rich red bay colour coming through the winter fluff. Read the article and if you want to do you horse a favour get some Opti-Gut today.

Diligence is the mother of good luck. –Benjamin Franklin


The last few days i have been introducing Aztec some new skills all of which build his confidence and help him to remain relaxed with new stimulus. Using the training stick as a whip I'm creating noise and movement both of which can be very triggering for brumbys especially those who may have been chased or "run" in their wild lives. This activity builds on developing touch in multiple locations as the whip drapes over him and continues to assist in us working towards calmly haltering and unhaltering. Additionally this activity builds a foundation for introducing Aztec to a Rope being swung. When I start a rope horse I always start on the ground swinging the rope and getting them familiar with the sound and movement it creates. This then would progress to repetition from the saddle. Obviously we're not quite ready for that but I think he handled it all quite well. Maybe there's a future as a roping pony ahead of him yet? 🤠

The Wind. 💨 Why does the wind trouble me? Hot or cold its constant presence wears away at me and unsettles me. It shakes...

The Wind. 💨
Why does the wind trouble me? Hot or cold its constant presence wears away at me and unsettles me. It shakes the foundations and rattles the walls of the box society has placed me in? It shows me how insecure I am in the world and whispers the things i need to hear but don't want to listen too. It tempts me with more possibilities and dances the way to not conforming with the world around us.
Wind is movement and change, it is not controlled and can not be pacified. It reminds us of our impermanence and demands our attention. It is a force, a movement, gentle as a cool breeze on your face or fierce as the full gale of a hurricane
Im learning to see the wind as a gift, blowing away what is no longer needed and bringing to me what is. It's sometimes a gentle (or not so) push in the right direction.


The benefit of spending the time getting a good foundation on obstacles means trailer loading can be as easy as this.
This was Aztecs second session working on loading onto a trailer. As soon as Aztec loads I then take him off again gradually increasing the time spent standing in the trailer to build confidence and relaxation.

A weekend full of adventures and play. Aztec is really starting to come out of his shell. Take a look at the condition h...

A weekend full of adventures and play. Aztec is really starting to come out of his shell.
Take a look at the condition he is in not short of a few kgs now thanks to all my wonderful sponsors.

Today we headed out on foot in the rain and explored the farm trying out some rock climbing and checking out the earth m...

Today we headed out on foot in the rain and explored the farm trying out some rock climbing and checking out the earth moving machinery. It was a largely uneventful journey until we decided to play on the stumps at the wood pile. After showing Aztec how to step up on a stump I stood back to give him room unbeknownst to me onto a snoozing (thankfully) large brown snake. Aztec rather calmly accepted my scream jump and followed me in a hasty retreat. 🐍 🫣😂

Who's leading who? 😂

Who's leading who? 😂

Timing is everything. Timing the question right. Timing the release right. Timing the length of the session just right. ...

Timing is everything. Timing the question right. Timing the release right. Timing the length of the session just right. Timing has been a big thing for me this week. Sometimes my timing is perfect and I nail everything. But to be completely honest Most times it's a bit off and occasionally completely wrong. It frustrates me and I'm sure it confuses Aztec to no end. I'm working on having compassion for myself and remembering that it is a learning journey and that no one is an expert overnight.
But the thing that is the biggest hindrance to timing ironically is time. I only have so many minutes/ hours to train in, or I only have so many days left till the challenge finishes. 🫣the pressure we place upon ourselves influences our focus and how we use our time. Expectations drive our actions and blind us to the feedback we receive. The push to achieve removes the timing and ultimately changes the relationship from reciprocal to dictatorship. This is a rather long winded way of me saying I Didn't quite get it right today but tomorrow is a new day 👍🏼

I haven't had much of a chance to work with Aztec over the last 4 days so tonight I thought I would revisit what we fini...

I haven't had much of a chance to work with Aztec over the last 4 days so tonight I thought I would revisit what we finished on on Thursday which was being touched All over and down to all four feet with the training stick. Aztec was relaxed and accepting of this on the first attempt. He now seeks out face scratches and for the first time allowed me to scratch and run down both sides of his neck at liberty. Training goal achieved and then some so we headed out for a sunset stroll and munch. Total training session time: 5 minutes. Walking and munching: whose counting anyway🤷🏻‍♀️😍

Here Aztec and I are working on furthering his acceptance of being touched all over his body with the training stick. St...

Here Aztec and I are working on furthering his acceptance of being touched all over his body with the training stick. Starting at his neck and face where he is quite comfortable and gradually progressing down his front legs and along his back. Part of my initial training with Aztec was to encourage him to engage with the training stick and to use this as a safety to let me know when he needs a break. You will notice him purposefully nudge the stick or seek reassurance from me with a little nose to fist bump. Loving how he is progressing and the partnership we are building.

A big day of learning yesterday starting with ponying off another horse. Aztec was quick to take this on and by then end...

A big day of learning yesterday starting with ponying off another horse. Aztec was quick to take this on and by then end of the session he could lead along comfortably at tuckers flank. Following Aztecs escapee adventures on Thursday his halter had become loose and ended up coming off at the end of the ponying session. I decide to rope Aztec off my horse and then attempt to halter him from the ground. It took a lot of bravery from both of us and some crafty training stick work but not only did we get the halter on we managed to get some neck rubs in and both of us left the experience feeling proud of ourselves. I'm very thankful to have had my husband Dean there encouraging me and offering advice when I felt things were getting a bit hairy. The extra set of eyes and support helped me get out of my comfort zone and achieve big things!

First time hard tying today. I use an old snaffle bit when teaching a horse to hard tie initially as it allows for the l...

First time hard tying today. I use an old snaffle bit when teaching a horse to hard tie initially as it allows for the lead rope to slide though and minimises the risk of the horse pulling back. Short sessions (this one lasted about 10 minutes) and good company help make the learning easier. Aztec got to hangout with my other Kosi brumby Rohan today. It amazes me how different these horses are in size and shape considering they came from very close to each other with the Park. Such a diverse and versatile breed!


It's been a big few weeks with Aztec. I've been sick with the Flu for 2 weeks so haven't had a chance to film much so I've tried to condense what we have been up to into a shorter clip.
Using a neck rope I worked with Aztec to establish confidence giving to pressure and practicing leading. I also used this time to introduce the halter however I elected to halter Aztec in the race outside the yards as touch remains a difficult question. Following haltering we have continued to build on leading and have started to head out on some adventures around the farm. Even though touch remains a big ask each day I am seeing progress and can now consistently rub Aztec on the nose muzzle and cheek. Surprisingly having a roll on the lead on our first outing out is not a big deal 😂🤷🏻‍♀️such a quirky little chap.

Welcome on board Crossroads Trading at Ballan. Crossroads is our local go-to stock feed and rural supply store that has ...

Welcome on board Crossroads Trading at Ballan. Crossroads is our local go-to stock feed and rural supply store that has an extensive range of equine feed, supplements and equipment as well as all your other farming and rural living needs. Crossroads trading have been involved in the 2022 Australian Brumby Challenge and were keen to to come on board again this year. Many thanks to Bernie, Asha and the team for their support of Aztec and I.


One thing that has become apparent when working with Aztec is that his default response to new situations is to flee. This is deeply rooted in early life traumas which he has shared with me and we have been working through energetically. My aim for this session was to get Aztec to "search for an answer instead of an escape." The answer I am looking for is that he can rest with me and allow me to approach with outstretched hand for touch. This was initially very challenging and frustrating for him as you can see with the head shaking and foot stamping. Notice however that my body language and energy levels do not change no matter his response and I hold space for him to try and figure it out. I have not tried this approach with other brumbies as I believe each horse requires an individualised approach to their training. However I do honestly believe that Aztecs early years didn't allow for him to fully learn how to self regulate under pressure and that this is what we need to work on to take our next steps forward. You can see as the clip progresses the repeated licking and chewing in both rest periods and during movement which signals a return to parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) activation from sympathetic (fight/flight). This allows for the integration of new information.

Everyone else wishes they were tucking into CopRice Cool Conditioner pellets for breakfast.

Everyone else wishes they were tucking into CopRice Cool Conditioner pellets for breakfast.

Very excited to welcome on board Opti-Gut for horses a pro biotic from Biolink. Opti-Gut uses high strength multi strain...

Very excited to welcome on board Opti-Gut for horses a pro biotic from Biolink. Opti-Gut uses high strength multi strain microbial's to assist in replenishing gut flora and improving nutrient absorption. It is 100% natural and proudly Australian made and owned. I had the pleasure of spending time with Graham and Mel from Biolink yesterday and introducing them to Aztec. These guys really know their product and happily share their knowledge on gut microbiomes and have numerous case studies to support this. Aztec has started on small portion of Opti-Gut once a day which will be titrated as his body score improves.

A massive thank you to Coprice Equine for the sponsorship of all the brumbies in the challenge. I received my feed today...

A massive thank you to Coprice Equine for the sponsorship of all the brumbies in the challenge. I received my feed today and have begun gradually introducing it to Aztecs feeds. Someone's tucking straight in 😀


And we have consistent contact! 🥰These videos show great examples of waiting out the uncertainty and allowing Aztec to make the next move. There was a lot going on today at home; a pony being ridden, dogs barking and my beloved videographer sitting in a bucket that her pony was using as a scratching post😂. I love that Aztec kept his focus on me and stepped up to interact despite all the activity. In the last part of the video you can see we are achieving consistent contacts and he is so much more confident engaging with me.


Small incremental steps don't make for interesting watching but recording it in time lapse shows it for the dance it can be. I do love how this little horses courage and confidence is growing each session and he is so much more relaxed within my presence.

This is becoming my mantra. Each day I step into the pen it's hard not to have expectations on what I want to achieve an...

This is becoming my mantra. Each day I step into the pen it's hard not to have expectations on what I want to achieve and I have to remind my self to be patient, present and observe. It's tough especially when you are in a time limited horse training competition. Aztec is not the only one learning to do hard things. 🥰


Playing around with getting used to being close to me today. Aztec is quick to utilise his flight instincts but remains curious and tries really hard to be brave and come close. 🥰


Part of what I do when taking a horse through a training journey is to support them in releasing trapped emotions or energetic blocks using reiki and the emotion code. Something I noticed when Aztec arrived was the large quantities of unformed manure he was producing which continued through out the first week. While this may have been a stress response I would have expected this to settle down after a few days. Using a dousing pendulum I complete an energetic anatomical assessment asking yes/no questions. The pendulum will swing in a circular motion for yes and back and forth for a no.
My energetic assessment showed energy blocks in the colon and re**um and over activity of the solar plexus chakra which I reset energetically. The solar plexus chakra governs the gastrointestinal system and digestion as well as the liver. Over activity of this chakra can result in ineffective digestion and accelerated movement of food and poo through the GI tract.
The following morning when I cleaned Aztecs yard I found 5 fully formed manure piles and an empty feed bin for the first time in a week. He has maintained formed manure piles to date and continues to display a very healthy appetite.


For the remainder of the week Aztec and I have spent time consolidating draw and developing confidence in interacting with the whip and being closer to me. This little clip shows how it's sometimes One step forward two steps back. After consistently bumping the whip Aztec struggled to maintain focus and relaxation with this question (there was a bit going on around the farm). By returning back to offering the whip from a distance and reading his body language we could rebuild his confidence and continue to progress. Sometimes the body language is quite subtle, a slight turning of the head or the focusing of the eyes away from the stimulus to something a bit more obvious such as waking away. By retracing steps and going back to Aztecs comfort zone I can create confidence going forward whilst reviewing each step of the process.
The end result was Aztec showing increased interest in engaging with the whip allowing me to briefly rub him on the muzzle. Great way to finish a session with everyone smiling 😀😂SOUND ON!


This video shows further advancement of the draw. Now I can approach Aztec head on to engage forward movement and maintain the draw in a circle around the arena. These practices form the basis of teaching a horse to lead. Very proud of this little chap and how giving he is.


Mount Wallace Victoria



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