"To ensure a thriving future, we must actively encourage and support young athletes to compete and develop their skills."
Man did these kiddos show up yesterday 🙌. We had 20 TWENTY kids attend our "Kiddies & Cowhorses" clinic all at varying degrees of experience but curious to learn more about working cattle. 🐮
About 75% of the kids rode our ranch horses, all seasoned on cattle & all also at varying degrees of experience. The other kids brought their own horses and piloted them on cows like seasoned pros! The kids all ROCKED IT!
They listened, they learned, they had fun & I hope they all walked away knowing that working cattle doesn't have to be scary or hard to do! It can be fun & challenging at the same time. We want & encourage more kids to learn the art of working cowhorse!
A BIG thank you to the Board of Directors at East Texas Stock Horse for all your help at this clinic. Another BIG thank you to Corey Baumann - Texas Whitetail Properties Land Specialist for the coffee ☕️, Lauren Anderson for the donuts 🍩.
Thank you to Mae Wood, Raine Buckley, Katie Buckley, & Lily Quick for doing an amazing 👏 job coaching, encouraging, & being good role models for the kids!
Last, to the families that brought your kids out in the cold to join us, we're so appreciative of trusting us with them & hope they all enjoyed themselves!