The Lord's Lead Line

The Lord's Lead Line Using our horses and ponies who have their own testimonies to share, we minister to children and the Who Is The Lord’s Leadline For?

Using our horses and ponies who have their own testimonies to share, we minister to children and their families to help bring healing, understanding and even some fun! At this time, the children we work with are bullied, abused, neglected, adopted, have selective mutism, eating disorders or sensory processing disorder. Our Sessions Promote:
• Development of motor skills and coordination
• Improv

es balance
• Strengthens muscles
• Improves flexibility and joint mobility
• Increases head and trunk control
• Improves confidence
• Enhances communication skills

To find out more about us and the wonderful work God is doing through this ministry set up an appointment to visit us in our Quakertown, PA. location or to learn how you can help, Email us at [email protected]
You can read some of the amazing stories of the people and horses who serve the Lord at Romans 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Absolutely 100% Truth!Now go forth and have a gorgeous,  honest, blessed day! 🌞🙏🥰X0X0 😘 Barn Mom

Absolutely 100% Truth!

Now go forth and have a gorgeous, honest, blessed day! 🌞🙏🥰

X0X0 😘 Barn Mom

When you feel overwhelmed, down, defeated, hopeless... 🥺Never give up! Be positive! 🥳Always surround yourself with peopl...

When you feel overwhelmed, down, defeated, hopeless... 🥺

Never give up! Be positive! 🥳

Always surround yourself with people who will uplift and edify you! 😇

Nothing is impossible with God! 👑
[Even catching that laser pointer!] 😉😆

Have a blessed day, everybuddy! 😘

X0X0 🩷 Barn Mom

Woke up with this on my heart to share: Do you know what you are meant to be and do today? No? Neither do I.. Just let g...

Woke up with this on my heart to share:
Do you know what you are meant to be and do today? No? Neither do I..

Just let go and let God. Be still and listen for that still small voice.....

Let Him be a lamp unto your feet lighting each step along your path.

Have a Blessed Day Everybuddy!

💜 x0x0 Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

All Efforts of Worth and Excellence Are DifficultEnter by the narrow gate….Because narrow is the gate and difficult is t...

All Efforts of Worth and Excellence Are Difficult

Enter by the narrow gate….Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life…. —Matthew 7:13-14

If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all efforts of worth and excellence are difficult. The Christian life is gloriously difficult, but its difficulty does not make us faint and cave in— it stirs us up to overcome. Do we appreciate the miraculous salvation of Jesus Christ enough to be our utmost for His highest— our best for His glory?

God saves people by His sovereign grace through the atonement of Jesus, and “it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). But we have to “work out” that salvation in our everyday, practical living (Philippians 2:12). If we will only start on the basis of His redemption to do what He commands, then we will find that we can do it. If we fail, it is because we have not yet put into practice what God has placed within us. But a crisis will reveal whether or not we have been putting it into practice. If we will obey the Spirit of God and practice in our physical life what God has placed within us by His Spirit, then when a crisis does come we will find that our own nature, as well as the grace of God, will stand by us.

Thank God that He does give us difficult things to do! His salvation is a joyous thing, but it is also something that requires bravery, courage, and holiness. It tests us for all we are worth. Jesus is “bringing many sons to glory” (Hebrews 2:10), and God will not shield us from the requirements of sonship. God’s grace produces men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, not pampered, spoiled weaklings. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to live the worthy and excellent life of a disciple of Jesus in the realities of life. And it is always necessary for us to make an effort to live a life of worth and excellence. (Oswald Chambers)

I didn’t write this but I felt it to the very core of my being! ❤️‍🩹Your calling is going to crush you!If you are called...

I didn’t write this but I felt it to the very core of my being! ❤️‍🩹

Your calling is going to crush you!

If you are called to mend the brokenhearted, you are going to wrestle with a broken heart. 💔

If you are called to heal God’s little ones, you are going to experience your own share of trauma. 😢

If you’re called at all to the lost and broken of this world. The throw aways. To preach and teach the gospel, you WILL be sifted for the wisdom that anoints your message. ✨️

If you are called to empower, your self-esteem will be attacked- your successes hard fought. 👍

Your calling will come with spiritual warfare and a sifting - BOTH are necessary for your mantle to be authentic, humble and powerful. ✝️

Your crushing won’t be easy because your assignment is not easy - and you can’t minister POWERFULLY what you haven’t walked out. Read that sentence again. 👑

When you’re feeling the weight of it coming down on you, RUN to the Father who longs to be your comfort. 🙏

Let him whisper your true identity over you while resting under the shadow of his wings. 🕊

Position yourself against his heartbeat. Let him renew your strength and set your eyes forward. 👑

No olives, no oil. 🫒
No grapes, no wine.🍇
Your oil is not cheap my friend.

~Author Unknown

X0X0 ❤️ Patti [Yeshuazgirl]
AKA Barn Mom

Happy Mother's Day!May your day be filled with fun, family,  food, friends, fellowship and festivities!X0X0 🥰 Barn Mom  ...

Happy Mother's Day!

May your day be filled with fun, family, food, friends, fellowship and festivities!

X0X0 🥰 Barn Mom

Morning Musings:When you think you're not enough. . God says, I formed you and breathed life into you. 🌬I have planned y...

Morning Musings:

When you think you're not enough. .

God says, I formed you and breathed life into you. 🌬

I have planned you and known you since the foundations of existence. 🪐⭐🌌

Hand knitted you in your mother's womb.

My daily loving thoughts towards you are more numerous than the grains of sand over all the Earth! 🌎🏖

I know the number of your days and every hair on your head.👶

I see each tear that falls and will never waste an ounce of your pain. 💔

I have a plan and purpose for your life!
Even when you can't see it. 🤍

Know that I am speaking it to your heart and soul over and over again. ❤💨 💬

Listen to my still small voice. 🗣
Do not listen to this harsh world. It is all corrupt and passing away. 🪦

My voice is the only one that matters.
I love you and gave all for you. ✝️
Love God. 👑

Selah (think on these things)
AKA Barn Mom
Patti (Yeshuazgirl) <


The pastor says they sit front and center. The gay boys. Sometimes they hold hands. And some folks have said he should address the issue. But the pastor tells me he doesn’t know what to say. And then there’s the man who sneaks in the back door. Fresh off the street. After the service starts. And leaves before alter call. The people sitting close complain about how bad he smells. Of beer and smoke and sweat. But the pastor tells me he doesn’t know what to say. And then there’s the young mama who wears dirty clothes and lets her four children come in and eat all the donuts and drink all the watered-down juice. Some church staff say they “…eat like little pigs. Like they haven’t eaten in weeks.” While the Mama just stands there and lets them. And the elders say something must be done and said. But the pastor tells me he doesn’t know what to say. And there’s the w***e sitting among the faithful. And everybody knows her. She sits with a painted-up face, cheap perfume, and a broken heart. And those who sit close, well, they all treat her for what they think she is. And at the last staff meeting, her name came up. Something must be done about her. But the pastor tells me he doesn’t know what to say.
The pastor is a good man. Holy and just. And he wants to do the “right and loving” thing. And he wants to “look like Jesus”. And he asks me if I have any thoughts on anything he could say.
Yes, sweet Pastor. I do.
Start with this and say it Louder than any other words:
“Welcome to Church. This is a place of love and hope and safety and forgiveness. We will be food for the hungry. Living water for the thirsty. We are so glad you are here. You are invited. You are loved. Come on in—we’ve been waiting on you. Welcome here. We are the church.”
Say that. To the called and to the called-out. To the leaders and the greeters. To the dirty and the clean. We are all the same. We are.
May we blow the dust of religion out of our souls and choose affection instead. May our words and actions and reactions be a sanctuary for all.
Jesus broke many laws to love. So, Jesus, be our voice. Be the only words we should ever speak. I believe this with all my heart. Years ago we were kinder. Everybody looked out for one another. We need to go back to that. It takes us all. We gotta do better at looking out for each other instead of breaking each other down. I'm going to make a say, that out of my family and friends, less than 4 will take the time to put this on their wall.

Our God laid out the Universe by the expanse of His hand. Knitted you in your mother's womb, breathed life into you, kno...

Our God laid out the Universe by the expanse of His hand.

Knitted you in your mother's womb, breathed life into you, knows all your days and number of hairs on your head, His daily loving thoughts towards you are more numerous than all the grains of sand over all the Earth and calls you beloved!

Be strong in these dark days and keep your eyes fixed on the LORD.

x0x0 Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

🙏💗👑 Are you ever tempted to just nod your head and stare wide-eyed, mouth agape as you listen intently to someone speaki...

Are you ever tempted to just nod your head and stare wide-eyed, mouth agape as you listen intently to someone speaking ill about someone else?

We've all fallen into the trap of gossip! Before you allow yourself to be drawn into gossip, STOP! ✋
Do Not participate!
It is never OK.
It is damaging and not how Christians should behave.

x0x0 💜 Barn Mom
Patti (Yeshuazgirl)



Let's end 2023 and start 2024 with positivity and kindness, leave a positive word I can carry into 2024 that starts with the 1st letter of your name.

It can only be 1 word.

Then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you.

Happy Birthday to my LORD and savior Jesus Christ! 🙏⭐️Thank you for sacrificing it all so that I may have ever lasting l...

Happy Birthday to my LORD and savior Jesus Christ! 🙏⭐️

Thank you for sacrificing it all so that I may have ever lasting life with you for THAT is the true gift.

Emmanuel.. God with us... The greatest, most impactful event and story in all of history!🙏✝️👑

Emmanuel.. God with us...
The greatest, most impactful event and story in all of history!


Selah [Think Upon These Things]Have a blessed day everybuddy!X0X0 💖 Barn Mom AKAPatti (Yeshuazgirl) 🙏💜👑

Selah [Think Upon These Things]
Have a blessed day everybuddy!

X0X0 💖 Barn Mom
Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

Everyone has a story...📒Your life experiences, in large ways, shape the person you become. . 🤴👸Take time to actually lis...

Everyone has a story...📒
Your life experiences, in large ways, shape the person you become. . 🤴👸

Take time to actually listen to others 🗣👂
Value genuine relationships🫂 prune off ✂️those that would seek to drag you down but... in everything..


X0X0 ❤️ Barn Mom
Patti (Yeshuazgirl) <

Gifts Of Gold, Frankincense and MyrrhBy Patti Cianflone (Yeshuazgirl) When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly ...

Gifts Of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
By Patti Cianflone (Yeshuazgirl)

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:10–11)

These gifts to the King of kings and Lord of lords, was an act of worship. The Kings of the East that came to see the Christ child.
Jesus was actually a toddler when they arrived. . .

Not a babe in a manger as some songs profess and more likely born in the Springtime (thus the shepherds in the fields with their sheep) instead of residing in the shepherd's keep/sheep gate.

The gifts these kings brought were for Jesus' burial.
Gold to purchase a burial tomb.

Precious frankincense and myrrh to prepare His body to be laid to rest.
They knew why Jesus was born.

They had the full picture of His purpose, His mercy, grace, love and sacrifice.

Thus, why they fell down at the presence of a toddler and worshipped Him in awe and wonder.

They were Maji. Majestic in their own right. They were Earthly kings.
They knew the responsibility and sacrifice that comes with that mantle.

The responsibility for the well-being of their people.
They knew that this Child, was the King of kings. Lord of lords over all humanity.

They knew His purpose, mission and ultimate sacrifice.
Thus, they worshiped Him in awe and reverence.
They came at the beginning.

Guided by the Father, the star that traveled with them.
They bore Him gifts.
Gifts for His end.

So we all may have new life.

Selah (think upon these things)
Barn Mom
AKA Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

Live with integrity! Be direct but, kind! Don't hold grudges!Love the the un-loveable!OK now go forth, practice and have...

Live with integrity!
Be direct but, kind!
Don't hold grudges!
Love the the un-loveable!

OK now go forth, practice and have a great day!

X0X0 💕 Barn Mom

WHY I KEEP THE OLD HORSES A young man stood in the entrance way to the stable trying to understand the connection with h...


A young man stood in the entrance way to the stable trying to understand the connection with horses that his girlfriend seem obsessed with. As we chatted he hesitated for a moment before asking the question. "Why do you keep all these old horses?" he said. "They aren't being used anymore, why don't you take them to auction like other stables do?" he added. I smiled and looked out to the south. Trying to explain it isn't always about economics, I began my sermon.

"The ribbons may be faded, the applause silenced, but the memories of good rides and victory passes never leave." He cracked a smile as I went on. "Some of these horses I've bred, raised and trained. Many I have purchased. Some have been donated back to farm by their owners when they could no longer ride them. All have worked hard; all have trusted me with their welfare." I smiled back at him and then continued. "They are in fact an extension of myself. I care for them as I would like to be cared for." I went on. "Just because our bones are aged and some of us don't stride as easily or gracefully as our younger counterparts, we are wise." My visitor strained his ears to listen for more. "When they have aches and pains, I treat them. When they are tired, I rest them. And when I can no longer ease suffering, they are laid to rest by my veterinarian." I looked to the gravesite as I went on. "You see this horse business is an emotional business. It is unlike any other job you will have. These horses are a gift that are lent to us for a short time. We have a duty to care for them and not betray them. They have a history with humankind and I don't mean being displayed on a dinner plate." I continued with my sermon sadly acknowledging that the kill pen is the last stop for many unfortunate horses. "When you take on a horse, you take on a financial responsibility. It shouldn't be an impulsive purchase. You can never tire of it and throw the horse away when you are done with it." My visitor's face was softening as I pointed to a headstone. "I have a conscience that makes me at ease in my heart knowing my old friends have lived and passed on the lands they freely roamed and enjoyed. I gave them dignity in life and death and loved them all." As I turned back to face the young man, I noticed a small tear roll down his cheek. I think he got my message.

-Author unknown

Triple L Ranch LLC 📸:
Pogo 29 Years Old
Nugget: Approx. 35 Years Old.

Pondering why people so readily are more willing to believe the negative about someone rather than positive. Examining m...

Pondering why people so readily are more willing to believe the negative about someone rather than positive. Examining my own heart with this fact as well..

Remember, there are always 3 sides to any story...
yours, theirs and the truth...
Folks if you hear a negative report about someone or situation, it is the responsible thing to investigate to find the truth. Until you know facts, don't perpetuate gossip. Instead, speak no ill.

Selah (Think on these things)
~ Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

Amen! 🙏❤️‍🩹

Amen! 🙏❤️‍🩹





YES!! We so underestimate the true power of prayer spoken earnestly, faithfully, even desperately, silently. Jesus Chris...

We so underestimate the true power of prayer spoken earnestly, faithfully, even desperately, silently.

Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us and made the way for us to petition the Throne of the Heavenly Father.
Washed us clean of our sins. Cast them as far as the East is from the West!

[Hint: The East & West never meet but continue in one direction forever].

So never undervalue prayer.
Never underestimate the pure power of a heartfelt, sincere prayer.

Now Go forth and have a blessed day!

X0X0 Yeshuazgirl

You Can Do It! 👍Whether You Think You Can. Or Think You Can't. You're Right! ~ Henry Ford Attitude Is Everything! Now Go...

You Can Do It! 👍
Whether You Think You Can. Or Think You Can't. You're Right!
~ Henry Ford
Attitude Is Everything!
Now Go Forth & Conquer Your Day! 🥰
X0X0 💗 Barn Mom

As you go through your day today, give thanks to the Lord. 🙏🩷✨️If you are going through a trial, pray for wisdom in how ...

As you go through your day today, give thanks to the Lord. 🙏🩷✨️

If you are going through a trial, pray for wisdom in how to deal with your situation.

Do not be quick to anger but rather respond with gentleness and peace.

A peacemaker actively works toward peace. Whether it's to provide peace between two people or two nations, our world is in much need of those who represent the heart of God to bring peace to broken relationships. Those who assist in such efforts will find joy in the experience of seeing people reconciled to one another and to God. Every believer should be a peacemaker in the sense of spreading the good news that peace with God is possible.

Blessed are the peacemakers..

Have A Blessed Day Everybuddy!

X0X0 ✝️ 👑 🌿
Barn Mom



Thank you LORD for all of our blessings and the people and animals that you have entrusted to our care. 💕👑✝️Blessed Beyo...

Thank you LORD for all of our blessings and the people and animals that you have entrusted to our care. 💕👑✝️

Blessed Beyond Measure!

Morning Musings: What if...What if people supported each other instead of tearing each other down.What if we could agree...

Morning Musings:
What if...
What if people supported each other instead of tearing each other down.
What if we could agree to disagree and put aside our different views and be friends anyway.
What if we all weren't so easily offended
What if we truly hated the sin but loved the sinner
What if we all treated each other as we would like to be treated.
What if we put God first in our lives again
What if we helped each other in hard times.
What if...

What What ifs would you add? Please feel free to share below..

XoXo 💗 Barn Mom AKA
Patti (Yeshuazgirl) <

Women of Purpose, Stop competing, and start Covering... Stop gossiping, and start working together!This is not the hour ...

Women of Purpose,

Stop competing, and start Covering... Stop gossiping, and start working together!

This is not the hour to betray one another...

This is the time to UNITE,
if we are going to win the FIGHT!!

Remember the grace God has given you… and afford that grace to others because they need it, too!

Love covers a multitude of sin. Love defeats the enemy!!

You are not called to compete with each other, you are called to complete each other!

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you,” (John 15:12).

~David E. Taylor~

X0X0 💗 Barn Mom
AKA Patti (Yeshuazgirl)


Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm




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