Another fun snow video!!!! Murphee having some fun. 😊
Training session with Izzy this morning with the help of Murphee! Working on recall as well as impulse control. She has become very confident with Murphee and is interacting with him a lot better. At first she was very nervous and didn’t get close and would run to me if he did. Now I am using their excitement with each other to work on commands and impulse control. Izzy is doing very well but needs to strengthen her impulse control. Especially with her manner when treats are around! Overall a great training session. Especially with Murphee’s help!
Murphee strengthening his impulse control by staying in a Down and waiting to be released to retrieve the ball!!! Murphee’s absolute favorite thing is to retrieve. This takes a lot of control for him to stay in command while I throw the ball. He has progressed nicely with this exercise!!! It’s a great way for him to learn to control his excitement for a great reward. Nice job buddy!
Working with Murphee off-leash! I wanted to see where his engagement is and how responsive to commands he would be. He did great with staying with me, checking in and coming when called! He needed a little help going into Down but responded great to verbal guidance. We will start with adding distractions and increasing excitement levels. Nice job Murph!
Despite the puddles and mud and occasional down pours we are still working! Elke is doing amazing with her off-leash recall with high distraction. Great job!
Shenanigans and recall training before the rain! Elke is doing a great job with her “come” command with high distractions.
Elke doing an amazing job working on her recall command off leash with Josie as a distraction. We stopped during our morning Walk to have a little off-leash session. She did an amazing job. Very responsive! Josie of course did great too! Josie gets grumbly vocal and her play style isn’t for every dog, Elke did well with her for the brief romp! Fabulous Job Elke!!
Elke has progressed to off-leash recall training! She is quite enjoying being completely off-leash. 😆 She is a very playful pup. You can see that she responds very well to her come when called command. She responds quickly and with enthusiasm even when playing. I have also been doing some Down commands as well. This is helping her strengthen her response following a command when a bit excited, strengthening her impulse control. I will be slowly building on her distraction and excitement levels responding to her recall command. She is progressing very nicely.
Miss Elke working on her recall and doing a great job!!! I have been ecollar conditioning her and have started transitioning her to off the longline. While off property she is still attached to the longline and with minimal distractions. On property we have begun doing a small amount of recall with no distractions off the longline. She is doing really well!!
Elke’s progress on her leash skills and Walk command. She is doing nicely learning the Walk command; being in a loose heel, being focused and engaged. She is still learning an automatic Sit when stopped but is also learning to follow leash pressure more and more every day. She has also done a fabulous job following the Down command while on a Walk and with some distractions! Nice job girl!
Teaching your dog how to walk on a leash makes your walks so much more enjoyable! Your dog knowing what’s expected when a leash is attached and how it helps guide them is paramount to their well being. Good leash walking skills with rules and boundaries, helps build your relationship with every walk you take. *I do not recommend putting handles on your arm like I am in this video. It can be potentially dangerous. I am for this video because it is my two personal dogs with years of established relationship and leash skills.
I’ve been doing a little refresher training with these two goofballs. Recall work has been a top priority. Winnie has been doing a fantastic job! Mowgli is doing well initially but he has trouble making it all the way to me. He usually comes when called with minimal help, but then tends to want to get side tracked. I am working on him coming when called but I am also enforcing him coming all the way to me and sitting within arms reach. He is doing well and responding well to guidance when given. They are also having tons of fun! They are both goofballs and have BIG personalities and are a lot of fun to work with. Especially Winnie who is extremely intelligent.