Please spread the word for this lost cat. Midna was LOST on March 2, 2025 in Humboldt County, CA 95503 near Cutten Elementary, Eureka, Ca
Message from Owner: Missing kitty in Cutten by Cutten Elementary. Tuxedo kitty named Midna aka Meemer. She must have gotten out this morning and I've been looking for hours and crying my heart out. She's my whole world. She is my emotional service animal for cptsd. She is a black and white fluffy girl wearing a sparkly pink collar. She is skittish and only rolls around outside once in a while so she isn't smart outside.
She has beautiful yellow green eyes, and a dot on her chin that looks like a goatee.
Please if you see my baby, please call Holly at or Aubree at
Description: Long haired tuxedo girl kitty. With a black dot on her chin that looks like a goatee.
For more info or to contact Midna's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71316532
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