This was about a half hour ago. I left for one second and Mary yelled for me and there was another baby. Daisy loves all her babies so much.
Here are Daisy's triplets. #3 born just seconds ago. Precious!
Jaden and Reid are learning to jump. Preparing for goat yoga.
#goatyoga #grayhobbyfarm
We love our pet goats. I could spend all day loving them up.
We have a cycle of organic farming here where nothing goes to waste. We feed our animals organically. The , yesterday I cleaned out both the small chicken coops and spread them on the south garden for fertilizer. Then Mary, Sawyer (our neighbor ) and I did the goat barn (mostly Sawyer). All of the goat waste goes into the north gardens and becomes organic fertilizer. The chickens love to kick and scratch in it looking for bugs, etc. It also helps smooth it around the garden for perfect composting. They all ran down there first thing this morning. But as soon as I cracked the door they all started running up to see me so I didn't get much on video. But you can see the organic refuse on the garden. It will be rich soil by summer.