Our President, Tiffney Dunaway, began over a decade ago by exposing sinister craigslist schemes whereby people posing as forever homes took in pet pigs to slaughter them for food. She was the first to publicly expose the abuse of Darlynn's Darlins, and recently started a petition against them for continued crimes. She was one of the first to publicly expose Napier Family Farms prior to the county
shutting it down. She testified against Peace At Last farm rescue and obtained custody of its 150 animals (about 200 after all babies were born). She testified against a certain home owner for abuse keeping pigs in urine and f***s filled crates all day, successfully having the owner's pigs confiscated and rescued. She won a lawsuit against another pig owner for trying to adopt under false pretenses. She took in most of the Monticello 200 pigs after the owner began refusing to work with other rescuers. She exposed a herd of starving cows in Live Oak Florida which led to an animal investigation and changes that benefitted the animals. She recently exposed Gina Cook a prolific animal abuser and helped rescue the 20 suffering animals in her care. She recently mediated a situation whereby rescuers and a pig owner were engaged in strong disagreement over recently exchanged animals. She is currently keeping abreast of the Cori Dee trial whereby 600 precious animals were missing in her care and likely killed, having sent a letter to the prosecutor offering her expertise testimony. She is in the process of posting findings from three other investigations.