we are both exhausted from our doggie paddle today at Green Leaf Pet Resort in #millstonenj 🐾🏊🏼♀️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#greenleafpetresort #dogfitness #dogfit #fitdog #fitdogs #fitdogsofig #fitdogway #fitdogsofinsta #NJspots #newjersey #thedogmomsofnj #dogmomsofnj #njdogmom #NJDog #NJDogs #newjerseydogs #dogsofnj #dogofnj #dogsofnewjersey #bringthepack #waterdog #doggiepaddle #mydogismy #ruffwear #ruffweardog #ruffweardogs #dogswim #swimmingdog #swimmingdogs
📅 December 20, 2019⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Get your pups tired before the holidays. 🐶🎅🏽
Communication is KEY 🔑
#canineaffection #dogbffs #bestdoggo #bestdogsintheworld #bestdoggie #dogbodylanguage #dogdecoder #dogbehavior #caninecommunication #respectyourdog #dogbehaviour #behavioranalysis #caninebehavior #theotherendoftheleash #Ethology #tailsmatter #dogsneedtoplay #playitforward #hyperpet #obsessedwithmydog #piloerrection #pupfluencer #optoutside #smartpuppy #smartpup #smartpups #cleverpuppy #livelifeoffleash #zukespack
The look of FOCUS 🧐🎯@yogidogyogurt⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#focused #focuseddog #yogidogyogurt #dogyogurt #probiotics #relationshipbasedtraining #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining #happypup #changingthebowlgame #ditchthebowl #slobowls #slobowl #funfeeder #feedingenrichment #puzzlefeeder #playwithyourfood #interactivefeeder #workingforfood #foodmaze #slowfeeder #slowfeederbowl #makemealtimesfun #feedthedog #eatslow #banthebowl #mazebowl #forageforfood #bringthepack
Life is better poolside with your dogs 😘🏊♂️
#dogsonadventures #dogsthathike #moderndog #dogscorner #bestwoof #fortheloveofpets #bestwoof #adventuredoglife #impactpups #animalnorth #petflowpics #dognuts #dogsdotcomcares #swimmingdog #swimmingpup #gofetch #dogfitness #tireddog #petslovewhistle #whistlelabs #dogslovewhistle #shareyourday #dogmodelsearch #dogmodel #modeldog #dogmodeling #dogventures #doggiveaway⠀#EmbarkontheAdventure
"Wherever we go, we search."-Taco 🌮 #vehiclesearch #tacodog #gosniff #searchteam #K9nosework #gooddog #keepcalmandcallalert #futureofdogtraining #dogsofinstaworld #noseworkdogsofinstagram #goodboy #alert #scentdetection #doghandler #caninenosework #scentdogs #scentwork #dogsports #bringthepack #mak9 #Repost
🎥: Pet Karma Dog Training
Everyone is always asking me why do you continue going to dog training classes. Your dogs are both very well behaved. Well, this is what Taco and I are working on right now. This is the exact training Taco is currently enrolled in @pennvetworkingdogcenter
Did I mention I have the smartest pup?
The full segment is on our Facebook if you’re interested in seeing the whole thing! Link in bio.
#pennvetworkingdogcenter #pennvetwdc #sniffing #sniffingoutcancer #cancerresearch #workingdogmagazine #workingdogsofinstagram #workingdogs #workingdogsofig #scentdetection #dogresearch #pvwdc #futureworkingdog #dogsarethebest #dogssavelives #pennvet #detectiondog #cancerdetectiondogs #cancerdog #dogsknowbest #cancerdogsofinstagram #cancerdetection #trustyourdopeness #instadog #giveyourdogajob #k9detection #detectionk9
Taco working the scent wheel.
Kept it short and sweet, for this session. We will soon be back.
Continuing elevator training with Taco pup.