Off leash training session!
#mbk9#doberman #dobermanpinscher #offleashtraining #dogtraining
Merry Christmas my loyal Guardian!
MBK9 #germanshepherd #germanshepherdsofinstagram #workinggermanshepherd #workingdogs
Truffle training session unedited, working on the heel command automatic sit and sit and stay.
#mbk9#poodlesofinstagram #smallbreeddogs #maltipoosofinstagram #dogtraining
DB retrieve over the jump.
I start by teaching the dog to go around the cone no jump first.
I also work on holding and retrieving the DB without the jump.
Then I add the jump to the go around the cone exercise , first Just the frame of the jump then building the jump up.
Then I start to move the cone in different positions to teach the dog no matter what to always comeback in the middle of the jump and not to go around.
Then eventually I add the DB , this is actually the easiest part of the entire exercise.
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdog #dogjumping #dogtraining
My way of training Dogs requires trust , it took few days with this Little guy but now it’s mine lol🔥🔥🔥🔥👊👊😎
#mbk9#canecorso #canecorsopuppy #workingdogs #dogtraining
The appropriate use of the leash it’s probably my primary tool for training!
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #focusheeling #dogtraining
Working on adding distance.
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #dogtraining
Same play time for the big puppies!🔥🔥
#mbk9#germanshepherd#malinois #workingdogs #dogtraining #
Finally we moved into the new location, we have a huge outdoor training area that will allow me to work with ATOS on some distance and duration on exercises.
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs#dogtraining
Switching from focus on the handler to focus on the target!
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #dogtraining
First day training ATOS to switch position, this Dog it’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #dogtraining
Opening up and preparing a couple of youngsters for future serious work.
Training the dog it’s the easy part of my job , it’s training the Human that can get complicated lol
#mbk9#dogtraining #germanshepherd #trainingtheowners #workingdogs
My Special one !Atos 🥰🥰🔥🔥#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #dogtraining
Backchaining the retrieve.
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #retrieve#shutzhund #dogtraining
I consider very special any dog that I train and care for, but there is always (THAT ONE ) lol 🥰🥰🥰Sweet Lucy!
#mbk9#germanshepherd #sweetdog #lovelucy #dogtraining
Family stay together and train together.
Lucy and Pepper
Ball dropper it’s a great tool to have !
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #balldropper #dogtraining
Some DB retrieve work today! ATOS needs to drop couple of pounds that he put on during summer 😂😂😂 too much pasta I guess !
#mbk9#germanshepherd #workingdogs #shutzhund #dogtraining