Original denotation of breed: YUGOSLAVIAN SHEPHERD DOG - SHARPLANINA
Country of origin: Serbia/Macedonia
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs. HISTORY:
The shepherd dog of Sarplanina is Yugoslav dog breed from ancient times in all South-Eastern mountain regions of Yugoslavia.
Most frequently found in the region of Sarplanina (Shara mountain), hence the name, now it is breed throughout the country The breed was registered with FCI in 1939., reg. In 1957., at the request of JKS , FCI accepted the change of name into Yugoslav Shepherd Dog - Sarplaninac. It had probably come from Asia to Europe and the Balkans, alongside the cattle herded by the peoples migrating that way. However, it has remained unchanged in type only in the previously mentioned regions, where extensive sheep herding is still the predominant type, with this dog as an irreplaceable herding dog and guard againts wild animals. Doyen of Serbian and world kinology, Dr. Slobodan Pavlovic (1912-1994), wrote standard of Sarplaninac breed. In 1928. Sarplaninci were first time taken from Sarplanina in need of King's army. General appearance :
Strong, well-built dog, above the average height, of completely harmonious build. Covered with long, thick and rather rough coat, which presents the impression of compact build. Dog with strong constitution, calmly tempered, well-natured but very sharp. Devoted to his master and uncorruptible dog. Height:
Average height of the male is 62 cm and 58 cm for females. Taller dogs are desirable. Males under 56 cm and females under 54 cm are eliminated from gaining a positive mark. Average weight of an adult male in working condition is between 35 and 45 kg, and of a female between 30 and 40 kg. Length:
The body is slightly longer than its height (male 8-10% and female 10-12% longer of height). HEAD
The head is proportional to body size and approximately 25 cm long (or 40% of the withers height). The skull is slightly longer than the muzzle, covering 58% of the total length of the head. The female has a slightly longer muzzle (57%:43%). Seen from the profile forehead topline is slightly convex, and muzzle topline is flat, slightly converged respectively. Skull:
The forehead is dry, wide, with an obvious central forehead line. Viewed from above and profile, skull is slightly convex and rounded. The eye-arcs are gently expressed. Stop:
The transition between the skull and the muzzle is moderately defined. Muzzle:
The muzzle is shorter than the skull, with wide and deep base, gradually and gently narrowing towards the tip. The nostril is straight and wide. The profile of the under jaw crossing from a slanting arc to a straight line, which diverges with the nostril line. Nose:
The nose is wide and black pigmented. Lips:
The lips are of the medium thickness, nestled, the upper lip slightly exceeding the lower one. The corners of the lips are closed. Teeth:
The teeth meet in a scissors bite. Dentition must be complete
The eyes are almond-shaped, neither protruding nor falling in, dark or light brown, with a calm, but piercing and fearless expression. The eyelids, like all visible mucous tissues are black pigmented. Ears:
The ears are fixed into the imaginary line which connects the top of the nose and the inner eye-corners, or slightly lower. They are hanging, set by on the head in a "V" shape, medium long, reaching the inner corners of the eyes and covered with a short, dense coat. Neck
Upper profile neck line is gently convex or straight in the upper part, and the bottom neck line is straight. The neck is medium long. Because of its dense coat, neck appears shorter, deep, wide and muscular. It is well linked with the head and body, without rapid transition between them. The neck is gently raised in relation to the line of back. The skin is tightly stretched, without loose folds of skin. The coat is dense, long and rough, creating a mane where the head meets the neck, which visually widens and deepens this part of the head. Body
General Appearance:
Upper line of the body is straight, or gently lets down from the withers to the hips. Back line where hips are higher than withers, is tolerable with dogs brought up in mountains. Body is slightly longer than the height. Withers:
The withers are gently expressed and broad. The neck and withers are strongly connected, with a gently transition between them. Back:
The back is straight and broad, not too long. The loin is shorter, broad and muscular. Hips:
Hips are medium long, slanting backwards, broad and well muscled. Thorax:
The thorax is deep, and its bottom line reaching at least until the elbows, medium long with gently rounded ribs. The breast is broad and muscular. The width of the thorax should be at least 20% larger than height. Abdomen:
The abdomen is tight and muscular. The bottom abdominal line is gently rising backwards. The loin is relatively short with expressed transitions. Tail:
The tail is long and reaches at least to the hock. The hip line continues following the upper line of the tail, without rapid transitions. The tail is powerful at its base, gradually becomes thinner towards the tip. Covered with thick hair which is longer on the bottom parts, giving a bunchy impression. The tail is saber-shaped, raised high when in action, and when anxious, carried in an arch over the back line. FORELEGS
Appearance :
Generally viewed, the forelegs have a proper posture, in proportion with the trunk, the height of the elbows comprising 55% of the ridge height. The individual parts of the forelegs are in proportion with one another as well as with the general appearance of the trunk. Shoulder Blades:
Sufficiently long and wide, well connected to the thorax, slanting gently, making an angle of 65 degrees with the horizontal axis. The upper arm is muscular, more falling than the shoulder blades, making an angle of 55 degrees with the horizontal axis. The elbow angle (between upper arm and shank) is approximately 145 degrees. The elbow is broad, with a proper posture, set slightly closed to the thorax. Shank:
Vertical, with strong bones, long and muscular. The hind part of the shank is richly coated. The paw ankle is wide, with gradual lines of transition. Pastern:
Gently slanted, strong and broad. Paws:
Powerful, with convex toes compactly closed together, spoon-shaped. Nails are strong, with black pigment, finger-tips and pads have dark or black pigment, strong but flexible. HIND LEGS
Viewed from behind the posture of the hind legs is proper, slightly wider than the forelegs. The profile also shows proper leg posture, and angles being sufficiently closed. The thigh is well muscled, with strongly rounded muscle structure, slanted, forming similar angle with the horizontal axis as the shoulder blade. The angle of the knee is more open than the one of the shoulder (approximately 125 degrees). The knee is strong and wide. The shank is slanted and strong, with a sufficiently deep muscle structure and with expressive "flags" of coat. Hock:
Broad and enough open (with an angle of approximately 130 degrees). Hind Upper Paw:
Strong, slightly more slanting than the front upper paw, with rare cases of dewclaws, which should be removed. GAITS
The step is rich, long and easy. It prefers the medium long, but high trot. When galloping it is somewhat heavier, but with long and rich jumps. SKIN
Medium thick, flexible and tightly stretched on the body, with no wrinkles. All visible mucous tissues have dark or black pigment. COAT
The head, ears and front parts of the legs are covered in thick and short coat. The neck, body, the back parts of the limbs and tail are covered in long and slightly rougher, almost straight coat. Under the long outer coat, there is shorter, much finer and thicker undercoat. The length of coat on the withers is 10-12 cm, and should not be shorter than 7 cm. COLOR
The dog is self-colored. All shades ranging from white to dark gray, almost black, are acceptable. Most popular is the grayish-green and dark gray color. Multicolor is not allowed. In pigmented dogs, small white marks on the breast and toes are allowed, but not desirable. In all pigmented dogs the dominant color is most intensive on the upper parts of the head, neck and body. In the bottom body parts the pigment gradually fades into lighter shades of the bottom leg parts (dirty gray or yellowish). These transitions into lighter shades must not be sharp, or to avoid a multi-colored impression. WEIGHT
The male in working condition should weigh approximately 35-45 kg, and the female 30-40 kg. FAULTS
Insufficiently wide head skull, slightly longer muzzle, insufficiently developed jaws, insufficiently wide and broad chest, too flat or too rounded ribs, light defects in leg posture, slightly shorter coat (while the hair on the rare parts of legs is still well expressed), white marks on the chest and paws, slightly shorter tail, "rabbit paws", as other lighter faults. Serious Faults:
Too long (pointed) muzzle, too expressed stop, ears are set-on too high and insufficiently folded over, level bite, the back is saddle-like, the tail is carried sideways, lymphatic build as all other serious faults. Disqualifying:
Absence of premolar teeth, greater disproportion between length and height, insufficient height at the withers, insufficiently long coat (under 7 cm), multicolored coat, tiger-like color, no pigment in the visible mucous tissues and eyes, degenerative phenomena overshot and undershot bite, obvious "O" and "X" leg posture, congenitally short tail, docked tail, very sagged back and other degenerative phenomena. STANDARD RASE
Jugoslovenski Ovcarski Pas - Sarplaninac
Standard br. 41
Chien de berger Yougoslave de Charplanina
Klasifikacija FCI: grupa II
Sekcija - Pinceri i snauceri, molosi i svajcarski pastirski psi
2. Molosi
2.2. Tip planinskih pasa bez radnog ispita
Sarplaninski ovcarski pas je jugoslovenski pas koji se gaji od davnina u svim jugoistocnim planinskim podrucjima Jugoslavije. Najbrojniji bio je na podrucju Sarplanine, po kojoj i nosi ime, a sada se gaji u citavoj Jugoslaviji. Ova rasa je registrovana kod FCI 1939. godine pod brojem 41 i iSTANDARD RASE
Jugoslovenski Ovcarski Pas - Sarplaninac
Standard br. 41
Chien de berger Yougoslave de Charplanina
Klasifikacija FCI: grupa II
Sekcija - Pinceri i snauceri, molosi i svajcarski pastirski psi
2. godine pod brojem 41 i menom Ilirski ovcar. Godine 1957. na predlog JKS, FCI je usvojio izmenu imena Ilirski ovcar u Jugoslovenski ovcarski pas - Sarplaninac. Poreklo sarplaninca moze se samo nagadjati. Verovatno je u jednom ili vise navrata u migracijama naroda iz Azije dosao u Evropu i na Balkansko poluostrvo, zajedno sa stokom koju su ti narodi gonili. Zadrzao se u osnovnom tipu samo u onim podrucjima, gde je ovcarstvo ekstenzivnog tipa jos uvek zastupljeno u velikoj meri i gde ovaj pas jos i danas sluzi kao ovcar i branilac stada od divljih zveri. Opsti izgled i osobine
Opsti izgled:
Snazan, dobro povezan pas, iznad srednjeg rasta, u celini skladne gradje. Prekriven je dugom, gustom i dosta grubom dlakom, sto daje utisak zbijene gradje tela. Snazne konstitucije, mirnog temperamenta, dobrocudan ali vrlo ostar pas. Odan svom gospodaru i nepodmitljiv. Visina:
Visina grebena muzjaka iznosi prosecno 62 cm, a kuje prosecno 58 cm. Pozeljni su visi psi. Psi ispod 56 cm i kuje ispod 54 cm iskljucuju se od pozitivne ocene. prosecna tezina odraslog psa u radnoj kondiciji iznosi 35-45 kg, a kuje 30-40 kg. Duzina:
Trup nesto duzi od visine grebena (u muzjaka za 8-10%, a u kuja za 10-12% visine grebena). Glava
Glava je srazmerna velicini tela i iznosi oko 25 cm (ili oko 40% visine grebena). Lobanjski deo glave je nesto duzi od njuske i cini u proseku 58%, odnosno 42% ukupne duzine glave. U kuje je njuska nesto duza (57%:43%). Gledana iz profila, linija cela je blago ispupcena, a njuska ravna, medjusobno obe linije su blago konvergentne. Lobanja:
Celo (lobanjski deo glave) je suvo, siroko, srednja ceona linija izrazena, gledano odozgo i sa strane celo blago ispupceno i zaobljeno. Ocni lukovi slabo izrazeni. Potiljacno ispupcenje nije izrazeno. Stop:
Prelaz izmedju lobanjskog i licnog dela glave je slabo izrazen. Njuska:
Kraca od lobanjskog dela, u osnovi siroka i duboka, postepeno se i blago suzava prema vrhu. Nosnik je prav i sirok, profil donje vilice iz kosog luka prelazi u ravnoj liniju, koja je divergentna. Nos:
Sirok i crno pigmentisan. Usne:
Srednje debljine, priljubljene, a gornja neznatno prelazi donju. Uglovi usana zatvoreni, bez zvala. Zubalo:
Makazasto i potpuno. Oci:
Bademastog oblika, ni buljave, ni upale, tamno ili svetlo kestenjaste boje, smirenog su, ali prodornog i neustrasivog izraza. Ocni kapci, kao i sve vidljive sluzokoze, crno su pigmentisani. Usi:
Usadjene u visini zamisljene linije koja spaja vrh nosa i unutrasnji ocni ugao, ili su neznatno nize usadjene, oborene i uz glavu nosene, u obliku slova"V", srednje duge I dopiru do unutrasnjeg ocnog ugla iste strane, prekrivene kratkom, gustom dlakom. Vrat
Gornja profilna linija vrata u gornjem delu vrata je blago ispupcena ili ravna, a donja je ravna. Vrat je srednje dug. Zbog guste dlake izgleda kraci, dubok, sirok i misicav, sa glavom i trupom dobro povezana i bez naglih prelaza. Vrat je blago uzdignut u odnosu na liniju ledja. Koza je pripijena - bez podgusnjaka (fanona). Dlaka je gusta, duga i ostra, na prelazu glave u vrat obrazuje izrazitu ogrlicu, sto prividno povecava sirinu i dubinu ovog dela glave. Trup
Izgled u celini:
Gornja linija trupa je ravna ili se blago spusta od grebena prema sapima. Kod pasa odgajenih u planinama tolerise se i neznatna nadgradjenost, iako ona nije pozeljna. Trup je nesto duzi od visine. Greben:
Blago izrazen i sirok. Povezanost vrata i grebena cvrsta, a prelaz blag. Ledja:
Prava i siroka, ne suvise duga. Slabinski deo kraci, sirok i misicav. Sapi:
Srednje duge, koso unatrag polozene, siroke i dobro obrasle misicima. Grudni kos:
Grudi su duboke, a njihova donja ivica dopire najmanje do lakta, srednje su duge, sa blago zaobljenim rebrima. Prsa su siroka i misicava. Obim grudnog kosa treba da je najmanje 20% veci od visine grebena. Trbuh:
Pribran, misicav. Donja linija trbuha blago se penje prema zadnjem delu. Slabine relativno kratke i naznacenih prelaza. Rep:
Dug i dopire najmanje do skocnog zgloba. Linija sapi nastavlja se gronjom linijom repa bez naglih prelaza. Rep je u osnovi snazan i postepeno se stanjuje prema vrhu. Odlakan je gustom i na donjem delu dugom dlakom, koja ga cini kitnjastim. Rep je sabljast u akciji vise u afektu iznad ledjne linije, podignut i u luku povijen. Prednje noge
Posmatrano u celini, prednje noge su pravilnih stavova, skladne u odnosu na trup, a visina lakta iznosi oko 55% visine grebena. Pojedini delovi prednjih nogu u skladnim su odnosima jedan prema drugom i sa trupom posmatrani, u celini. Plecka:
Dovoljno duga i siroka, dobro je povezana sa grudnim kosem, balgo je ukosena i sa horizontalom zaklapa ugao od 65 stepeni. Nadlaktica misicava, od plecki polozenija, zaklapa ugao sa horizontalom oko 55 stepeni. Lakatni ugao (izmedju nadlaktice i podlaktice) iznosi oko 145 stepeni. Lakat sirok, pravilno postavljen, neznatno udaljen od grudnog kosa. Podlaktica:
Okomita, snaznih kostiju, misicava, duga i na zadnjoj strani ukrasena dugom dlakom - zastavicama. Zglob saplja sirok, dubok sa blago izrazenim prelazima. Dosaplje:
Blago ukoseno, snazno i siroko. Sape:
Snazne, izbocenih cvrsto pripijenih prstiju, kasikastog oblika. Nokti tamno pigmentisani, cvrsti, jagodice i tabani tamno do crno pigmentisani, cvrsti, ali elasticni. Zadnje noge
Stavovi zadnjih nogu gledani od pozadi pravilni i nesto siri od prednjih nogu. Gledano sa strane stavovi su takodje pravilni a uglovi dovoljno zatvoreni. Butina je misicava, snazno zaobljene muskulature, koso polozena i zaklapa sa horizontalom slican ugao kao i plecka. koleni ugao je nesto otvoreniji od ramenog (iznosi oko 125 stepeni). Koleno cvrsto i siroko. Potkolenica koso postavljena, snazna, sa dovoljno dubokom muskulaturom i sa izrazitim zastavicama. Skocni zglob:
Sirok je i dosta otvoren (ugao oko 130 stepeni). Zadnje dosaplje:
Snazno, nesto strmije od prednjeg, zaperci se retko srecu, a treba ih uklanjati. Hod
Korak izdasan, dug i lak. Najradije se krece u srednje dugom ali vosokom kasu. U galopu je nesto tezi, ali sa dugim i izdasnim skokovima. Koza
Srednje debela, elasticna, uz telo i pojedine delove dobro pripijena, bez nabora. Sve vidljive sluzokoze crno ili tamno pigmentisane. Dlaka
Glava, usi i prednji delovi nogu obrasli su kratkom dlakom. Vrat, trup, kao i zadnji delovi ekstremiteta i rep pokriveni su dugom, nesto grubljom i skoro pravom dlakom. Ispod duge dlake nalazi se kraca, finija, vrlo gusta i obilna poddlaka. Duzina dlake na grebenu iznosi 10-12 cm, a ne sme da bude kraca od 7 cm. Boja
Pas je jednobojan. Dozvoljene su sve nijanse boja od belog do tamnomrkog, skoro crnog. Najpozeljnija je sivozelena i tamnosiva boja. Sarenilo nije dozvoljeno. Kod pigmentiranih pasa dozvoljene su ali nepozeljne male bele oznake - belege na prsima i prstima. Kod svih pigmentiranih pasa osnovna boja najvise je izrazena na gornjim delovima glave, vrata i trupa. U donjim delovima boja (pigment) postepeno slabi i prelazi u donjim delovima nogu u svetliji (prljavo sivi, odnosno zuckasti) pigment. Ovi prelazi u svetlije boje ne smeju da budu oiviceni i da daju utisak sarenila. Tezina
Tezina muzjaka u radnoj kondiciji treba da iznosi 35-45 kg, a kuja oko 30-40 kg. Mane
Nedovoljno izrazena sirina lobanjskog dela glave, nezto duzi licni deo glave, slabije razvijene celjusti, nedovoljno izrazena sirina i dubina grudi, pljosnata ili suvise zaobljena rebra, manje izrazeni nepravilni stavovi nogu, nesto kraca dlaka (pri cemu su zastavice ipak dobro izrazene), bele belege na prsima i sapama, malo skracenje repa, zecije sape, kao i ostale lakse telesne mane. Teze:
Preduga (siljasta) njuska, jako izrazen stop, visoko usadjene i nedovoljno preklopljene usi, kljestasto zubalo, sedlasta ledja, nosenje repa u stranu, limfaticna konstitucija, kao i sve teze telesne mane. Diskvalifikacione:
Nedostatak premolara, velika nesrazmera duzine i visine, nedovoljna visina grebena, nedovoljna duzina dlake (ispod 7 cm), pojava sarenila, tigravost, depigmentacija vidljivih sluzokoza i ociju, degenerativne pojave - brahignatija i prognatija, izraziti O i X stavovi nogu, urodjeno kratak rep ili bezrepost, jako ulegnuta ledja i druge degenerativne pojave.