Looking for a way to provide your dog with more exercise, socialization, and mental enrichment WHILE gaining rockin' obedience skills? We are currently accepting applications for new Enrichment Daycare participants! Learn more about the program and schedule a Behavior Consultation on our website to join in the fun 💫
How does it work?
Dogs enrolled in daycare are dropped off at the Summit K9 facility in the morning during the specified drop off window. While at daycare, dogs are worked individually and in groups throughout the day, building key training skills, enjoying physical and mental outlets, and learning effective inter-dog socialization skills. Between sessions, dogs rest in kennels to allow them to relax and reset!
The number and length of activity sessions will depend on the target skills/activities set for the individual day and dog, and will vary. On days where dogs receive more structured obedience work in the early portion of the day, we will provide more unstructured play or enrichment time to create an enjoyable, balanced, and well-rounded experience for the dog.
At the end of the day, dogs will be picked up by their owners during the specified pick up time window, and will receive a brief update on how the day went.
During their time at daycare, dogs will rotate through sessions that focus on:
🌟 Training & Skill Building
🌟 Conditioned Relaxation & Rest
🌟 Socialization & Play
🌟 Enrichment & Mental/Physical Exercise
Rather than providing a traditional, free play version of daycare, the Summit K9 Enrichment Daycare program subscribes to a more structured, training-based model that ensures the highest level of safety, comfort, and enrichment for enrolled dogs. Dogs in this program will receive far more than a few play sessions with other dogs throughout the day.
Though this program is open to all dogs, and would provide excellent enrichment and training work for stable, outgoing dogs, this is also an ideal program for dogs that may otherwise fail to thrive in a more traditional daycare setting.
This program has been a fantastic match for many dogs who are:
🌟 Mildly anxious, fearful, or low confidence
🌟 Easily overwhelmed by other dogs
🌟 Reactive to dogs or strangers
🌟 Easily overstimulated or overexcited
🌟 “Too much” for traditional daycare settings
Due to the highly individualized nature of this program, we are able to accommodate dogs that need specialized handling by experienced professionals. Dogs enrolled in our programs will be integrated into group work slowly and methodically to ensure that it is a safe, productive, and pleasant experience for all participants.
Enrichment Daycare rates start at $39.99/day. Full information on rates can be found on our website.
To learn more about Enrichment Daycare, please visit summitk9training.com/daycare
The Summit K9 Enrichment Daycare Program is a great alternative to traditional daycare services! This program reflects our values and philosophy as dog trainers and caregivers, and is designed with the dog’s needs and drives in mind. Enrichment Daycare programming is offered Monday through Thursda...