Aquarium Enthusiasts, get ready to experience the future of aquarium design with our SR Aquaristik Dining Room Aquarium Table. 🌊🐠
#SRAquaristik #TableTankAquarium #AquariumDesign #AquariumEnthusiast #AquariumHobby #AquariumLife #AquariumCommunity #BuiltInFiltrationSystem #SturdyTabletopDesign #MinimalistDesign #IntegratedLEDLighting #EasySetUp #FishFriends #ModernAquarium #CleanAquarium #HealthyAquarium #AquariumDecor #AquariumCenterpiece #VibrantColors #AquariumStyle #ElevateYourHomeDecor #UpgradeYourAquarium #ShopLocal
When you start an aquascape, what element comes first? Is it different every time, or do you have a signature strategy for beginning a build?
When we designed this particular aquascape, we let the Seiryu Stone guide us. It isn’t hard to tell that the rocks are the focal point here.
Together, Spider Wood and Seiryu Stone give the space an openness that feels natural yet slightly elegant. Rummy Nose Tetras excitedly dash in and out among the Cryptocoryne plants that speckle the scene.
Does your aquascape feel like a work of art? We’d love to see! Share an artful shot of your aquascape in the comments below!
#aquariumhobbyist #throwbacktuesday #freshwatertank #freshwaterfishtank #freshwateraquarium #seiryustone #aquascape #aquariumhobby #aquascaping #hardscape #aquarium #aquascaper #aquascapelifestyle #rummynosetetras #tetras #fishtank #fishlife #tetratank #spiderwood
If you haven't had the chance to step outside and enjoy this gorgeous weather, we hope you’re at least in the company of your favorite creatures today!
Like this itty bitty Amano Shrimp! Who could be bummed with this little guy around?! 🦐
Amano Shrimp are an absolute joy to watch because they always seem to be up to something… always on a mission. 🕵️♂️ In other words, these shrimp are very active busy bodies, with the ability to consume a surprising amount of algae! Sounds like a win-win for you both!
Have you ever shared a special moment with a shrimp - or any of your other underwater creatures? 🐌😊🐟 Tell us everything - in the comments below.
#amanoshrimp #shrimp #shrimptank #aquascape #shrimpkeeping #shrimpaquarium #shrimplife #amanoshrimptank #aquascaping #shrimpbreeding #fishkeeping #fishkeeper #aquariumhobby #aquariumhobbyist #fishhobby #naturetank #aquaticlife #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #natureaquarium #underwaterphotography #underwatercreature #freshwaterfish #freshtwatertank #freshwateraquarium #freshwatershrimp
To all the new Drop Checker owners and beginner hobbyists: this post is for you! We made the world's quickest SRA Drop Checker tutorial! Watch the video to see how to use and install an SR Aquaristik Drop Checker. 👨🔬
Follow along with your own drop checker - or pick up one of our kits at the link!
#dropchecker #co2dropchecker #co2 #aquascaping #naturetank #aquascaper #natureaquarium #plantlover #aquascape #fishtank #co2art #plants #waterworld #aquarium #underwaterplants #aquaticplants #watergarden #freshwateraquarium #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #CO2test #hightechaquarium #hightechtank #aquariumlove #aquariumhobby #aquarist #co2aquarium #co2tank #aquariumcare #aquariummaintenance #fishtank
Make sure you add this one quick step to your weekly aquarium maintenance routine 🗓️☝️: Gravel & Filter Cleaner!
At the start of each week, we add a little Gravel and Filter Cleaner to our Cichlid tank in order to keep our filters and sand clean and clear. Adding this step to our maintenance routine helps to ensure a safe and stable environment for our Cichlids. 👍
SR Aquaristik Gravel and Filter Cleaner biologically removes sludge and debris. By preventing and eliminating sludge buildup, you’ll be creating healthier, cleaner water conditions and giving your tank a stronger biological balance that is easier to maintain. 💦 🙌 ⚖️
Don’t forget: Make “Add SRA Gravel & Filter Cleaner to aquarium” a weekly event!
#aquariummaintenance #aquarium #plantedtank #aquascape #fishtank #plantedaquarium #freshwateraquarium #tropicalaquarium #aquariumhobby #aquariumworld #aquariumlife #aquascaping #cichlids #cichlidtank #cichlidaquarium #fishkeeping #fishkeeper #fishhobby #underwatergarden #natureaquarium #naturalaquarium #naturestyle #natureathome #aquariumfishtank #aquariumsupplies #freshwaterfish #fishhobbyist #fishtankmaintenance #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaristlife
In order to ensure that every day is peaceful and playful for our Platies and Angelfish, we created an aquascape that we knew both species would love. One that is densely packed with plant life, has plenty of hiding spots, and provides them ample swimming room!
We also incorporated some of our beautiful black spider wood throughout, because we just knew these fish would love swimming through the delicate, tree-like branches.
What are *your* fish up to on this rainy springtime Sunday? We’d love to see!
#angelfish #aquariums #aquascape #fishtank #fish #petfish #platies #platyfish #platy #peaceful #relaxing #aquarium #aquadesign #fishkeeping #fishhobby #spiderwood #aquascapedesign #aquaplants #aquaticplants #plantedtank #naturetank #natureaquarium #freshwateraquascape #freshwaterfish #plantedaquascape #aquascaping
A Bio Pellet Reactor is a very useful tool to have in your reef keeping arsenal. It helps produce and sustain healthy populations of ammonia-killing bacteria that are necessary for your aquarium, which in turn helps to remove nitrates and nitrites from the water.
If you’re curious about Bio Pellet Reactors but unsure where to start, the SR Aquaristik Bio Pellet Reactor is an incredible all-in-one reactor! The flow through reactor spins, keeping MPX biomaterial in suspension, thus optimizing performance. It also includes a controllable DC pump with a minimal footprint! Check it out at the link and if you’re still on the fence, we’re here to answer any of your Bio Pellet related questions! Send us a DM!
#biopellet #biopelletreactor #filtermedia #aquariumequipment #mediareactor #aquarium #reeftank #reefaquarium #marinetank #marineaquarium #reefkeeper #reefkeeping #aquariumhobby #aquariumhobbyist #aquariumfiltration #filtrationsystem #saltwatertank #saltwateraquarium #saltwaterequipment #biomedia #aquariumtank #aquariumsetup #aquariumsystem
Congrats to the SR Aquaristik Aquarium Makeover Contest Winner: @blackboxaquas! They won $250 worth of hardscape from us and we cannot wait to see what they do with it in their already dazzling aquascape!...#contestwinner #contestwinnerannouncement #giveawaywinner #aquascape #contestants #aquariummakeover #aquariumhobby #aquariumhobbyist #giveawaywinners #hardscape #aquascaping #aquariumwood #aquariumrock #aquariumshop #smallbusinessbigdreams
It's Water Change Wednesday, everybody! 💦 🤗 Water changes are a great way to remove all those nasty toxins and chemicals ☢️ (along with all the fish waste and uneaten food) that’s been accumulating all throughout the week.
If you’re a dedicated hobbyist, like we are, then you love any chance you can get to make your tanks look bright and alive again! 👏
There’s no better feeling than when you’ve finished a water change and you can finally sit back, relax, and really admire all the hard work you’ve put into that little world. It’s that moment right after a water change that you can feel proud and at ease from knowing your fish are healthy, safe, and swimming in clean water again! 😊 💙 🐟
What day of the week do YOU get elbow deep in your tank?
#waterchange #waterchangewednesday #waterchangeday #aquarium #aquariummaintenance #aquariums #aquariumhobby #aquarist #aquascape #freshwatertank #freshwaterscape #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #plantedscape #aquariumlife #fishtank #aquascapers #aquariumhobbyist #fishkeeping #fishkeepinghobby #cleantank #aquariumcleaning
How often should you clean your protein skimmer? 🧼 🧐
Since protein skimmers tend to get REAL dirty, REAL quick, we like to give our skimmers a good cleaning at least once a week. We also make sure to schedule a time to clean out the body every couple of months. 📅 👀
The SR Aquaristik PRO Skim In-Sump Protein Skimmer works efficiently and quickly to remove organic waste and excess proteins from our aquariums. If you’re in need of a new skimmer, look no further!👇
#skimmer #proteinskimmer #reeftank #reef #reefingainteasy #reefing #saltwatertank #saltwateraquarium #fishtank #sump #saltwaterlife #aquariumhobby #eatsleepreefrepeat #reefing101 #saltwaterreeftank #marineaquarium #marinetank #coralreeftank #reefkeeper #reefkeeping #reefmaintenance #aquariumskimmer #reeftanklife #reeftanksetup
LAST CHANCE! You have until this Friday to enter our Aquarium Makeover Contest! Follow the steps and make sure you get your post up by midnight on Friday!
Can't wait to see everyone's entries! Good luck!
#entertowin #contest #giveaway #aquariumsupplies #hardscape #aquarium #aquarist #aquariumhobby #aquariumhobbyist #aquascape #driftwood #fishtank #fishtankdecor #aquarium #SRAquaristik #aquascaping #aquariumlife #contesttime #giveawaycontest #aquariumkeepers #aquariumkeeping #newaquarium #newaquascape #aquariummakeover #giveawayalert #giveawaytime #aquascapers #aquariumstore #aquaticstore #smallbusiness
We designed our Aquascaping Tool Kit to have all the essentials a hobbyist needs to keep their scapes well maintained and looking fresh!
Our 6 piece Stainless Steel Aquascaping Tool Kit comes with Straight Scissors, Straight Tweezers, a Sand Flattener, Curved Scissors, Curved Tweezers, and Curved Forceps - all tucked inside a sleek carrying case!
Want to view our whole collection of stainless steel aquascaping tools? Visit the link below!
#aquascaping #aquascapetools #planttrimming #trimming #aquaticplants #plantedtank #aquascapetoolkit #scapingscissors #scaping #curvedscissors #aquascapinglove #aquariums #aquariumplants #aquascapers #freshwaterfishtank #aquascapinghobby #aquascapedesign #aquascapingmakestheworldgowround #aquascapingworld #aquascapehobby #plantedtankhobby #aquariumgallery #plantlovers #freshwateraquarium #freshwaterplants