Christina's Pet Grooming and Boarding

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Christina's Pet Grooming and Boarding This is a professional service for grooming and boarding of dogs, cats or rabbits: Greenville, SC US

Hi friends of LA Underground Cat Network - Cat Rescue Wing , San Bernardino County Lost and Found Pets , San Bernardino ...

Hi friends of LA Underground Cat Network - Cat Rescue Wing , San Bernardino County Lost and Found Pets , San Bernardino County live news group ,

We really need fosters... so this is the situation.
They are RO which means rescue only cats.
They need a rescue and foster to make it out of the shelter. What is best is to foster 2 or more at a time! So many twins in this group that look alike.
They are highly urgent.

I cannot tell you enough how much we need fosters. Devore Animal Shelter euth'd 9 cats on a day that was supposedly an adoption event. This is not working for them. They have ADOPTABLE cats that you can walk in to adopt too!

However, this group are most urgent at Devore Animal Shelter, San Bernardino, California.

Please write to me, comment below or text me if you can foster these cats at Devore and Big Bear Animal Shelters!! Christina: #(864) 553-8780!!

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you soon! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ›ŸπŸ›ŸπŸ›ŸπŸ›ŸπŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

Please message me if you can foster!





***ADOPTED AGAIN 10/15/23***


Poor Kitty Love has been betrayed not once but twice. She has now been adopted and returned AGAIN. She is not stranger to the ACC. She was last adopted in 2019. She was dumped by her owner due to urinating inappropriately. Kitty Love wasn't even taken to the vet. Please help her out.

Brooklyn Center





Animal ID Name Type Mixed Color(1) Color(2) Gender
54914 Kitty Love Cat Yes Tortoiseshell Female
Spayed / Neutered Age Primary Microchip # Rabies Tag Weight Spay / Neuter Due Date Temperature
Yes 9 Years 7 Months 1 Week 985113002486922 19-195453 9 lbs

Veterinary Clinic Software Record #: Weight: 9 lbs
Date of Weighing: 3/13/2019

Date Spayed / Neutered: Schedule Surgery Date:

Stitches Removal/Wound Recheck Date:

Clinic Name:

Previously Spayed / Neutered: Yes

General Vet Notes:

Previous Medical Details:

Known Allergies or Medical Conditions:

Feeding Requirements:


Medical Notes
Notes Date
No Medical Notes Stored

Vet Treatments
Date Administered Vet Treatment Type Amount Given Route of Administration Treatment Result Administered by External Vet
2/14/2019 Fvr-Cp 1 Of 2
Notes: rfl
2/16/2019 Weigh
Notes: 9.4 lbs
2/16/2019 Rabies 1-year SQ
Notes: rhl
2/16/2019 Microchip Implantation
Notes: 985113002486922
2/16/2019 Flea/Tick Treatment - Paradefense
Notes: 0.8 cc
2/16/2019 FeLV/FIV Snap Negative
Notes: neg
2/17/2019 Gabapentin (100mg Capsule)
Notes: 1 cap PO dissolved in water
2/17/2019 Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel
Notes: 0.45cc PO
3/13/2019 Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel
Notes: 0.3 cc in food
3/13/2019 Weigh
Notes: 9 lbs
3/13/2019 Fvr-Cp 1 Of 2
Notes: rfl
3/13/2019 Gabapentin (100mg Capsule)
Notes: 1 cap in food
7/17/2023 FVRCP Annual
7/19/2023 FeLV/FIV Snap
8/19/2023 Flea/Tick - Frontline
9/5/2023 Rabies Vaccine SQ
Notes: rhl

Vet Treatments Due
Date Due Vet Treatment Type
3/16/2019 Flea/Tick Treatment - Paradefense
3/16/2019 Weigh
2/16/2020 Rabies 1-year
7/17/2024 FVRCP Annual
7/17/2024 Rabies Vaccine

Medication Amount Dispensed Route of Administration Frequency Date From Date To Doses Administered Vet Name Reason Notes Instructions
Gabapentin Capsule 100 mg 0 tablets Give 1 tablet PO q12h indefinitely, 2 times every 1 day(s) 13-Mar-2019 Discontinued 2-Sep-2023 5 VET 991658
Gabapentin Suspension 200 mg/ML 0 ml PO 0.4ml PO, 2 times every 1 day(s) 15-Mar-2019 Discontinued 2-Sep-2023 0 VET 991619
Gabapentin Capsule 100 mg 0 tablets PO 1 tablet PO, 2 times every 1 day(s) 3-Sep-2023 Indefinite 45 VET-P 991168
Medical Feeding 0 offer variety and encourage them to eat it, 2 times every 1 day(s) 23-Sep-2023 27-Sep-2023 6 VET 991438
Doxycycline Suspension 50 Mg/ml 0 ml 0.8 ml po sid every 1 day(s) 23-Sep-2023 30-Sep-2023 4 VET 991438
Mirataz Transdermal 20mg/gr 0 ml Apply 1.5 # strip to pinna q24h every 1 day(s) 26-Sep-2023 28-Sep-2023 1 VET 991658

Drug Usage
No drugs administered to this animal.

Vet Consultations
Date Reasons Vet Notes Vet Date Resolved
26-Sep-2023 Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 11:09 AM

Recheck URI/anorexia - BAR, very active and attention seeking at front of kennel, no c/s noted, ate some food overnight! Moderate congestion and mucoserous nasal discharge, eupneic.

Plan: Continue doxycycline, medical feedings, mirataz; recheck in two days.

*Note in previous plan to d/c gaba until appetite improved, but was never canceled as medication. Okay to continue gaba since appetite is improving.

VET 991438
25-Sep-2023 Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 3:49 PM

Progress exam

BAR, euhydrated, no c/v/d. Marked sneezing and congestion today, no interest in food. Very affectionate, constantly headbutting throughout exam.


Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge
Nasal Cavity: Moderate congestion, moderate mucoid nasal discharge
Lungs: Eupneic
Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness.
Neuro: Appropriate mentation.


-Start mirtazapine 1.5 # strip to pinna q24h x 4d until 9/28 (first dose given with exam)
-Continue medical feedings q12h until 9/27
-Continue doxycycline 10 mg/kg PO q24h until 9/30
-Discontinue gabapentin until appetite stabilizes
-CTM closely--elected to hold off on supportive care for now due to bright mentation, monitor closely for decline

VET 991658
23-Sep-2023 Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 2:29 PM

URI progressed - BAR and active in kennel, rubbing against bars, coughing reported, sneezing during interaction, moderate to severe mucoid nasal discharge, appetite log indicates not eating today.

URI - progressing

Moved to medical for closer monitoring
Start doxycycline 10 mg/kg PO SID X 7 days
Start medical feedings BID x 4 days
Monitor closely and start supportive care if appetite not improving

VET 991438
18-Sep-2023 Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 4:31 PM

Progress exam

BAR, no c/v/d. No reports of inappetence. At front of kennel headbutting and meowing. Litterbox monitoring log on kennel notes appropriate elimination.


Eyes: Mild serous discharge OU
Nasal Cavity: Mild serous discharge.
Lungs: Eupneic
Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness.
Neuro: Appropriate mentation.

-Mild URI
-Chronic aural hematoma AS
-Hx inappropriate elimination

-Continue gabapentin 20 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely
-Placed monitoring log and under the weather sign

VET 991658
8-Sep-2023 Blood Work Interpretation
Other Lab Interpretation
Vet Notes: 9:12 AM

CBC: Hct 25.6 (L); reticulocytes 14.3 (L)
CHEM: wnl
T4: wnl
UA (collected from litterbox): USG 1.054; pH 6.5; proteinuria 2+; crystalluria 3+ struvite

-Mild non regenerative anemia - rule out chronic inflammation vs infection vs other
-Concentrated urine with struvite crystalluria - recommend canned food diet, ideally prescription urinary diet for dissolution of crystals

VET 991438

5-Sep-2023 Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 3:25 PM

Progress exam

BAR, no c/s/v/d. Growling and hissing, sedated for radiographs with 0.2 mg/kg butorphanol, 10 mcg/kg dexmedetomidine IM


Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge
Ears: AD clear, AS marked dark granular debris with chronic aural hematoma
Nasal Cavity: No nasal discharge.
Lungs: Eupneic
Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness.
Neuro: Appropriate mentation.

Abdominal radiographs: No evidence of bladder stones, no other visible abnormalities

-Chronic aural hematoma AS (r/o ear mites)
-Hx inappropriate elimination

-Continue gabapentin 20 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely
-Send out CBC/Chemistry--unable to obtain urine for UA, placed nosorb
-Cleaned AS--unable to reach most of canal due to malformation of pinna. Topical ear medications not started due to behavior, applied selamectin

VET 991658

3-Sep-2023 DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 3:54 PM

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 9 years
Microchip noted on Intake? yes

History: Owner surrender, reported to be urinating inappropriately

Subjective: BARH, no c/s/v/d

Observed Behavior - Hissing, tail flicking, swatting - limited exam performed

Evidence of Cruelty seen - No

Evidence of Trauma seen - No


BCS: 5/9

EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted, left pinna fibrotic (chronic aural hematoma), difficult to examine left ear canal, right ear WNL
Oral Exam: limited oral exam - mild dental tartar
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Female spayed, no MGT, no discharge
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities

Assessment: ~9 year old FS cat
-hx inappropriate urination (r/o stress/behavioral vs. FLUTD vs. UTI vs. bladder stones vs. other)
-chronic aural hematoma AS

Prognosis: Fair to Good

-Intake tasks
-Start gabapentin 100 mg PO BID indefinitely
-Recommend sedated lateral abdominal rad (to check for bladder stones) + left ear exam/cleaning/treatment as needed + CBC/Chem/T4/UA (schedule LVT tack 9/5 to coordinate with DVM for sedation)

SURGERY: Already spayed

VET-P 991168
15-Mar-2019 Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 1:01 PM

HX: Gabapentin requested by feline behavior, noted to quickly escalate without cause

SO: QAR, purring and attention seeking, fair appetite and unremarkable defecation
Visual exam only
MSI unremarkable
No cough, sneeze or discharge noted

A: Shelter setting anxiety

P: 20mg/kg gabapentin PO BID
VET 991619
13-Mar-2019 DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 4:35 PM

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 5y
Microchip noted on Intake? yes
Microchip Number (If Applicable): 985113002486922

History :
2/16/19: Owner surrender, apparently healthy

Returned to shelter today

BARH, no c/s/v/d

Observed Behavior - Hissing, tail flicking, biting at net.

Evidence of Cruelty seen - No

Evidence of Trauma seen - No


BCS: 5/9

EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: No calculus/gingivitis
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Female spayed, scar noted on previous exam, no MGT, no discharge
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities

Clinically healthy

Prognosis: Good

-Start gabapentin 20 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely

VET 991658
LVT-E 991059 17-Feb-2019
16-Feb-2019 DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 12:43 PM

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 5y
Microchip noted on Intake? no
Microchip Number (If Applicable):

History : owner surrender

Subjective: BARH, normal appetite, no elimination concerns

Observed Behavior - hissed, swatted at the towel, cried and violently resisted, had to be sedated

Evidence of Cruelty seen - no

Evidence of Trauma seen - no


P = wnl
R = wnl
BCS 5/9

EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: unremarkable adult dentitions
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: female spayed scar noted, no leakage or discharge
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: visually normal

Assessment healthy

Prognosis: excellent

Plan: behavior consult


VET 991619


Animal ID: 54914
Animal Name: Kitty Love Age: 9 Years 7 Months 1 Week
Tag Number: Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female Spayed / Neutered: Yes
Handler: 991261 Observer:
Behavior Assessment Date: 9/6/2023
Retest Date: 10/6/2023
Retest Reason:
Next Test Date:
KNOWN HISTORY: Most previous known history:
Previously lived with: 2 adults
Behavior toward strangers: When around strangers she is shy for a moment but then she will warm up. When playing with adults she is gentle.
Behavior toward children: She has not spent time in the home with children so it is unknown how she will react.
Behavior toward cats: She has not spent time in the home with other cats so it is unknown how she will react.
Behavior toward dogs: She has not spent time in the home with dogs so it is unknown how she will react.
Bite or Scratch history: Kitty Love does not have a bite history.
Litter box training: Kitty love has been urinating outside of the litterbox for the past few months. He owner did not seek medical attention for this issue. Her owner stated that she will urinate on the floor and on the walls in the home. Her owner had one litter box in the home that was uncovered with clumping litter. It was kept in the hallway in a quiet location with easy access. The owner has tried cleaning the entire box daily but this did not help.
Energy level/descriptors: Medium
Other notes: Owner described her as friendly and affectionate. She has been kept indoors only She likes to spend time in the same room as her owner. She likes to fetch things like bottle caps and stuffed toys. He owner plays with her 2x per day. She likes to scratch on the couch and has never had her owner scratching post.
Lived Indoors
Previously lived with: 2 adult, 2 children
Behavior toward strangers: Kitty makes an appearance but keep her distances. But after a few minutes she approaches and rubs for attention.
Behavior toward children: Around the children Kitty is relaxed and not bothered. She allows to be picked up and petted.
Behavior toward cats: Unknown
Behavior toward dogs: Unknown
Bite or Scratch history: none
Litter box training: Yes
Energy level/descriptors: The family described Kitty as friendly but can be sometimes shy with a high energy level.
Other notes: She likes being pet and will rub for attention. If there are any loud noises she will try to hide and meow.
Hissed, swatted at the towel, cried and violently resisted, had to be sedated
Laying on her kuranda bed low and tense when approached. When the kennel door opens she looks around and comes forward. She continuously solicits attention and allows all petting but will whip her head and hiss after some time. May be getting over simulated or may just be conflicted. Needs time to adjust.
Cage Condition: Cage is slightly re-arranged
Reaction to assessor: Kitty Love is standing in her litter meowing at the assessor when approached. She comes forward and rubs on her kennel bars.
Reaction when softly spoken to: Kitty Love continues to meow at the assessor with dilated eyes.
Reaction to cage door opening: Kitty Love appeared relaxed but more alert.
Reaction to touch: Kitty Love comes out of her kennel and climbs on the assessor multiple times to solicit attention. She allows all petting and leans in but after some time will get overstimulated and pat the assessor.
Reaction to being picked up: Kitty Love allows the assessor to pick her up with no issue multiple times.
VOCAL: Quiet
People oriented
POTENTIAL CHALLENGES: New home adjustment period
Inappropriate elimination
Potential challenges comments: Please see behavior flyer for more information.
BEHAVIOR SUMMARY: Kitty Love was hunched in her cat den as the assessor approached, body and face hidden from view. Kitty Love did not respond when spoken to or as the kennel door opened. Kitty Love tolerated petting from within her den while flattening her ears and turning her head to watch the assessor's hand with wide eyes and dilated pupils. As the assessor is removing the hand from her kennel, Kitty Love pokes her head out of her den to watch with wide eyes and a tense expression. Pick up was not attempted at this time to reduce stress.

Although timid initially, Kitty Love has adjusted quickly to the shelter environment. Kitty Love was rolling on her kuranda bed as the assessor approached, ears forward, paws up and face soft. Kitty Love made eye contact with a relaxed face when spoken to and she continued to roll back and forth as the kennel door opened. Kitty Love hopped down off of her bed to greet the assessor as the kennel door opened and she allowed all petting while leaning in, raising her tail and stepping outside of her kennel. Kitty Love's tail is pilo-erect along the base but she does not escalate further, even when lifted and placed back into her kennel.

Kitty Love interacts with the observer, appreciates attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting. This cat is showing behavior appropriate for cat parents with either an average amount of cat experience or demonstrate a basic understanding of typical cat behavior. Adopters should be thoroughly counseled on inappropriate elimination.

Animal Name: Kitty Love
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
This animal came from:
Origin Address
Is this cat having litter box issues? Yes
If yes, Please elaborate: Kitty love has been urinating outside of the litterbox for the past few months. He owner did not seek medical attention for this issue. Her owner stated that she will urinate on the floor and on the walls in the home. Her owner had one litter box in the home that was uncovered with clumping litter. It was kept in the hallway in a quiet location with easy access. The owner has tried cleaning the entire box daily but this did not help.

Basic Information: Kitty love is a 9 year old spayed tortie cat that was surrendered by her owner due to litter box accident. The owner adopted Kitty Love from ACC 5 years ago. Kitty love has not seen a vet since being adopted from ACC.
Previously lived with: 2 adults
How is this cat around strangers? When around strangers she is shy for a moment but then she will warm up. When playing with adults she is gentle.
How is this cat around children? She has not spent time in the home with children so it is unknown how she will react.
How is this cat around other cats? She has not spent time in the home with other cats so it is unknown how she will react.
How is this cat around dogs? She has not spent time in the home with dogs so it is unknown how she will react.
Behavior Notes She is not bothered if she is brushed or held. She will struggle to get away when being put into a carrier or has her nails trimmed.
Bite history: Kitty Love does not have a bite history.
Energy level/descriptors: Medium
Has this cat ever had any medical issues? No
Medical Notes No reported medical concerns
For a New Family to Know Owner described her as friendly and affectionate. She has been kept indoors only She likes to spend time in the same room as her owner. She likes to fetch things like bottle caps and stuffed toys. He owner plays with her 2x per day. She likes to scratch on the couch and has never had her owner scratching post.


***WAS SAFE - ADOPTED 3/15/19*** - Kitty Love was adopted from the ACC in February and was sadly returned. This cute girl needs a new loving home. A volunteer writes: Kitty Love is the perfect name for this exquisite green eyed sweetie pie. She was receptive to a head rub right away. Her appreciation gained immediate momentum as she actually rolled on her back with joy. She enjoyed treats, being petted and playing with her toy mouse. Such an adorable friendly Kitty Love will not last so do not hesitate to come in and take her home.

Brooklyn Center


Kitty Love - 54914
Animal ID 54914
Type Cat
S*x Female
Spayed / Neutered Yes
Color Tortoiseshell
Age Mature Adult
Found Location BROOKLYN, 11229
Breed Domestic Short Hair Cross
Date Found 3/13/2019
Animal Identification
Animal ID: 54914


***WAS SAFE - ADOPTED 2/18/19***

**NEW PHOTO ON THREAD** A volunteer writes: Kitty Love is the perfect name for this exquisite green eyed sweetie pie. She was receptive to a head rub right away. Her appreciation gained immediate momentum as she actually rolled on her back with joy. She enjoyed treats, being petted and playing with her toy mouse. Such an adorable friendly Kitty Love will not last so do not hesitate to come in and take her home.

Kitty Love was surrendered to the ACC by her owner. She is a 5 yr old spayed female who would do best with an experienced foster or adopter. Please help Kitty Love today!

Brooklyn Center

Kitty Love 54914

Care Center Location: Brooklyn

ZIP Code From: 11385

Intake Type: Owner surrender

Medical Behavior: Orange

Age: 4 years (updated to 5 yrs)

S*x: Spayed female

Weight: 9lbs

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 5y
Microchip noted on Intake? no
Microchip Number (If Applicable):

History : owner surrender

Subjective: BARH, normal appetite, no elimination concerns

Observed Behavior - hissed, swatted at the towel, cried and violently resisted, had to be sedated

Evidence of Cruelty seen - no

Evidence of Trauma seen - no


P = wnl
R = wnl
BCS 5/9

EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: unremarkable adult dentitions
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: female spayed scar noted, no leakage or discharge
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: visually normal

Assessment healthy

Prognosis: excellent

Plan: behavior consult


**** PLEASE NOTE **** KITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a RESCUE!!!! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE contact a RESCUE ASAP!!!

For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:

If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or message our FB page with our experienced volunteers that will do their best to guide you through the process.

* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*

If you can get to the shelters in NYC:

(212) 788-4000 (wait through the prompts to reach a live person)

Email - [email protected]

hAnimal Care Centers of NYC (ACC)

If you are within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC and cannot get to the shelter: You must apply to a New Hope rescue shelter partner.

Here's a list of New Hope shelter rescue partners (must contact individual rescues):

For approved adopters,

there is free transport within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC.

The NYC ACC foster program:



***Safe with shelter foster

URGENT 4PM KITTEN!!! Thackery can be euthanized by vet services at any time without further warning, even before the rescue deadline! MUST have a commitment by 4PM TODAY 9/9! If you can help, send an email immediately to [email protected].

05 week old female kitten

Plea from HCPRC:
Deadline 4pm 9/9
Thackery A2329307, Deadline 4PM, $5 deposit
Thackery is a 5 week old female kitten weighing 1.28 pounds. Thackery was returned from foster, they can no longer care for her. She is eating on her own and appears healthy. She loves snuggling with her new dog friend, see picture below. Medical attached. If you are interested in Thackery please let us know by 4PM today.

Interested in Fostering? Email [email protected]
Rescue Partners Email [email protected]
And copy UCTB at [email protected]

That is absolutely unacceptable, unthinkable and unreasonable. Shame on the Democratic party!!!!I hope they are stopped ...

That is absolutely unacceptable, unthinkable and unreasonable. Shame on the Democratic party!!!!
I hope they are stopped today!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸ›ŸπŸ›ŸπŸ›ŸπŸ›ŸπŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…
If anyone can donate to this organization, to stop them!

VA Secretary McDonough - a White House official - wants revenge. We exposed his secret plan to torture 7 cats in painful new experiments at the Stokes VA lab in Cleveland.

URGENT: just two days ago, McDonough doubled down on his kitten experiments. In a letter to Congress, he calls it a "justified use of taxpayer funds." He's lying!

DEADLINE: we must push back on all 535 Members of Congress, or lawmakers will believe him. But our rapid response budget is low, and the VA always starts kitten experiments in September- that's RIGHT NOW! Rush an EMERGENCY donation to fight back and save the "Stokes 7!"


Stop VA Secretary Doug McDonough from purchasing and torturing 7 more kittens in a new round of cruel taxpayer-funded experiments!


***Melon renamed Yoshi was adopted πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

***Safe with shelter foster

***HCPRC Update: Melon is still in need. See original plea below. If you are available please let us know!

This animal has a specific need, and we are requesting assistance. This animal is not currently at risk of euthanasia but may become at risk if their condition or situation worsens and if no help is offered timely. If you are a Rescue Partner and can help, send an email immediately to [email protected]. Current Fosters email:[email protected]
To sign up to foster go to
Interested in Adopting if allowed? Email :[email protected]
All updates will be posted on Urgent Cats of Tampa Bay page.


Plea from HCPRC:
Rescue Request for Assistance

Melon is a friendly, 2-year-old, neutered, 10lb who came in as a possible hit by car stray from the field. X-rays show multiple fractures of left ischium and ilium. Complete diaphyseal fracture of the right tibia. It is recommended that this injury be an orthopedic surgical repair of the right femur. If no rescue commitment, amputation of the right leg will be performed once pelvic fracture is healed. If you are interested in Melon, please let us know as soon as possible.

Rescue Partners Email [email protected]
And copy UCTB at [email protected]


**We are so sad to report that due to Adrian Young's medical condition, he was euthanized today. The other kittens were rescued by Rescue Pets of Florida (Formally ResQCats, Rescue Cats of Florida)! Please honor pledges (tax deductible) via Pay Pal to [email protected]. The rescue has also requested that pledges be paid as soon as possible and the transaction ID # posted in the comments. Thank you!


Must have commitment and pick up by 4:00PM

No Doubt Band
Deadline 4PM
$5 deposits
Rescue/Shelter Foster

Plea from HCPRC: Deadline 4PM!

Tom, Tony, Adrian and Gwen are 8 weeks old and weigh 1.30-1.65lbs. They appear healthy and ate the wet food we provided. Medical attached. If you are interested in helping this band please let us know as soon as possible. $5 deposits each.

*Kittens are extremely fragile. If transport will take more than 30 minutes, plea come prepared with supplemental heat support. We recommend keeping kittens away from AC vents.

If you would like to shelter foster, please email: [email protected]
Rescue partners: please send email to [email protected] and copy us at [email protected]



SANNE (aka Mustard)
5-month-old female
Intake date 9/7/23
Available for adoption starting 9/12/23
From Victoria & Baseline in Highland along w/ PARLY

(909)386-9820 - press 2 for Devore Shelter, then press 3 to speak with a shelter agent (rescues press 1 to speak with a rescue coordinator)

WE DO NOT WORK AT THE SHELTER! We voluntarily take videos and pics. Feel free to ask us questions, but for the most up to date information please call or visit the shelter. We are not a rescue and do not coordinate rescues. Please network to help reunite with owners or find adopters and rescues.


***Safe with shelter foster

***HCPRC Update: 9/21:

Urgent Rescue Request for Assistance

Gallo has shown marked improvement with fiber response dry diet and Metamucil added to canned food. Kennel has been kept much cleaner, haircoat is cleaner and softer, and patient is having semi-formed stool that is only in the litter box. Cat does continue to vomit frequently - cause unknown currently.

Updated medical attached.

***Available for adoption

***HCPRC Update: Rescue Request for Assistance
Gallo is a wonderful, sweet boy who still has horrible diarrhea, leaking from his a**s. He is, otherwise, bright & alert & in good spirits. Vet Services will continue to review for improvement.
Updated medical & diarrhea panel attached.

***Available for adoption

This animal has a specific need, and we are requesting assistance. This animal is not currently at risk of euthanasia but may become at risk if their condition or situation worsens and if no help is offered timely. If you are a Rescue Partner and can help, send an email immediately to [email protected]. Current Fosters email:[email protected]
To sign up to foster go to
Interested in Adopting if allowed? Email :[email protected]
All updates will be posted on Urgent Cats of Tampa Bay page.

link to video

Rescue Request for Assistance

Gallo is an 8-year-old, neutered, 6lbs, who came in as a stray reported lethargic & had diarrhea. Radiographs show decreased serosal detail in abdomen (poor BCS vs abdominal fluid), slightly mineralized debris in stomach, increased soft tissue opacity in cranial mediastinum (fat vs lymphadenopathy vs other). Repeat radiographs show radiopaque material in the stomach has passed. The intestines are diffusely gas and fluid filled. He is eating, drinking, urinating normally, but still has severe liquid diarrhea. Gallo may benefit from an internal medicine consult due to non-resolving GI issues.
Medical, bloodwork, X-rays attached.

Interested in Fostering? Go to Current fosters Email [email protected]
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