You know I have seen a lot of post about the loss of a beloved dog lately. My heart always aches for the person when I see those posts. I personally have said goodbye to four recently. As I sit here surrounded by my dogs feeling all this unconditional love I think about the loss of my past dogs. To love a dog is to know a deep pain. We love them knowing that one day will be goodbye. Which will be filled with such heartache and so many tears. You feel in those moment like you will never be able to think about them without feel only sadness. You see them in things daily and the pain lessens but never truly goes away. One day though you can think about them and think about the happy times without it being only sadness. You think about the wonderful moments you shared with them. Life moves on like it does with all loss even though we don’t always know how we are going to move on with it. We get new dogs, experience new moments. You will have dogs that you cherish in different ways. The heart dog, the dog that helps you heal from loss, the dogs that go through every major life event to date and so many more! All of them special in their own way but really we feel all this sadness but the truth is that dog that we grief was just completely happy to spend its life loving you. They love without conditions. Though they take a piece of our heart with them when they leave, each new dogs brings a little glue to put it back together. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”. We are all so blessed to know the love of a dog.