Just a few premade and custom nameplate designs.
All nameplates can be customized with your pets name, warnings
“reactive dog”
“stay back”
“do not interact”
“service dog, DO NOT SEPARATE”
or even “aka’s,” contact info, you name it we can do it.
How to attach a nameplate to your kennel, crate or livestock enclosure.
We will work with you to find the perfect location that works for your set up. Here are some options we have as well.
Holes can be drilled in these locations with the following attachment options.
📍holes can be drilled in the upper outer corner of your nameplate.
📍 two holes can be drilled in the upper center of the nameplate.
📍 holes can be drilled in the outer center of the nameplate.
📍 holes can be drilled in a location that you have specified works for your set up.
📍 for a hole free option we also offer thin cabinet magnets with double sided strong adhesive.
To attach your nameplate we offer
▶️ zip ties
▶️ ring and clip attachment
▶️ strong thin cable that screws into itself.
Feel free to reach out with any questions! 😍