At Night Stalker Guardians we breed, raise and work family/home companion and protectors. Raising and working Dogs with a passion for nearly 30 years, we continue to train in the knowledge and understanding of what a true protective/companion should be and to produce the genetically sound, loyal and protective Family/Home Guardian that the Dog was intended to be. We produce and work the dog to bu
ild the natural bond between a man and his family. Our breeding and conditioning program targets the development of loving, companions toward their family, coupled with a serious suspicion and protectiveness toward those with harmful intentions. Its our firm belief that the communication between both human and dog is what makes this possible for the purpose to live a fulfilling life together as a team and valuable part of the family. The Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010) states this.....
"But evil men and deceivers will add to their evils, as they go astray and deceive" As society continues in a downward spiral of madness, the need for competent family and personal protectors is on the rise. We are now facing those that possess pure evil intentions in their hearts and spirits. Drug abuse epidemic is on the rise causing individuals to do evil toward others without any thought or conscience. In times past, the dog was an effective "deterrent", it must now reach a higher level of "protection". We believe that the dog was created to serve mankind with a purpose, and we believe the Night Stalker Guardians purpose is to be that loyal, deterrent and protector. As we continue to train, we apply the continual education that we receive from the dog and the scenario to our training into the development of the human/dog relationship and team that will offer a true defense against the evil that is pressing in upon us. At Night Stalker Guardians, we focus on the everyday person that is making their way in this life and to develop the companion that will guard against those that have absolutely no regard for your life and labor. Night Stalker Guardians have found their forever homes in multi-family units, the student that lives alone, the victim of domestic abuse, the single parent, the older couple, the widow and widower, and those that need an edge of defense against that criminal element that has subtly infiltrated that lifelong neighborhood. Night Stalker Guardians is a registered trademark.