I listened to this Podcast by a Veterinary Behaviorist called Separation Anxiety-To Crate or Not to Crate. I felt it is important to share since so many people do believe that putting a dog into a crate when they are showing signs of anxiety, which might be diagnosed as separation anxiety is the solution. I have even heard advice to buy a stronger crate if the dog attempts to escape the crate which can result in injury to a dog that is at a high level of anxiety. Separation Anxiety is a team effort and a discussion with your veterinarian is the first step towards a diagnosis and solution. After you take a listen to this short podcast and find it useful, please share it with anyone who you may know who has a dog who might be suffering with SA.
Episode 53 – Separation Anxiety – To crate or not to crate, that is the question Welcome to the first episode in this second year of The Pet Behaviour Chat Podcast! This episode was inspired by a Facebook post I saw in one of our local dog groups where an alarming number of people ...