I caught someone playing with a toy! Super happy to see the change in her❤️❤️❤️
Miss Poppy and all her glory...oh Traveller how I need you with this girl. She's getting it slowly but it would be easier with you my friend. ❤️
14 additional inches of snow with more still coming down. Thankfully we don't have to go anywhere...not that I could get out of my driveway right now 🤣
It's pooootttttyyyy time lol She is doing excellent, even is off leash now in the fenced in area.
This girl knows exactly where the birdseed is stored❤️
Someone has a fantastic appetite ❤️❤️❤️
Good Morning update
Our new girl is doing well. Her burns look like they are healing nicely. She doesn't have much of an appetite, she did eat last nights kibble but wasn't interested in the canned food. This morning, she only had a little kibble and spme water. She did have bad diarrhea last night, but this morning it had more form so that's a good sign. She is resting nicely right now. I'll go to the store today and buy her some chicken and pumpkin to see if she'll like that.
I'll post another update tonight. Thank you all for your support ❤️
Update, to add the rescue's wishlist
Sweet girl❤️ she is now in Griz's old area, I'm sure he'll look down on her and keep her company ❤️
She does have some separation anxiety to be expected with everything that has happened to her. I have the TV going, but if anyone has a radio they are not using, that would be better at night.
I have a camera on her to be able to check in on her anytime I want. We've watched football together today, and still are, hopefully KC loses, not that I'm a fan of the Chargers, lol
She's not a big eater, but hopefully, as she starts feeling better, she will be.
Right now she needs canned puppy food for extra calories, also if anyone has nice thick comforter to sleep on, she needs the extra large washable potty pads to keep her wounds clean, a radio, maybe some chews like bully sticks will help her when I cannot sit with her. She's shown no interest in toys. Also, I would love some help washing her bedding, please.
Her wounds look great, I bought a soft cone, but she is not licking right now. She is not a fan with getting the cream on her burns, but I'll keep trying.
I'll update again tomorrow
Ok, please Welcome our new girl. She has just arrived in rescue and will be going to the vet tomorrow. Huge thanks to Destiny and Ethan for helping her get into rescue tonight! I'll post updates as I have them.
Our cute little bag of bones is here. About half way through the video you'll see her adorable little face. It's her right front leg that will be looked at tomorrow. Seeing the condition she is in this could just be a case of poor diet. I'll post her update tomorrow after seeing Dr Cole.
It's never too cold for these two, but Haboob and I are going inside 🥶❄️🥶
When is it Friday afternoon and you try sneaking out of the office early but your Snoopervisors are watching you 🤣