We're two girls from JB and we're part-time pet sitters who offer loving pet care services in your own home when you're on vacation/working hard away from home. Let your pet enjoys a stress-free experience when you're away, while you can put your worries aside and enjoy your vacation or concentrate on your job now!
➨ For friends who would like to have our pet sitting services you're most welcomed to provide us some relevant info to get a quote - number of pet, their need, special need (if any), date, time, house area & etc. 需要宠物保姆服务的朋友,欢迎提供详细资料以获取收费资讯,像是家中宠物数量,照顾方式,特别需求,需要照顾的天数,日期和住家区域等。
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: 016-770 2014 (Call/text/Whatsapp/Line/WeChat)
➨ Our Services 服务
Our pet services provide lots of love, feeding, fresh water, dog walks, kitty litter scooped, fur grooming, playing, bathing, basic cleaning if pet makes the house dirty, medication administration (if any), and frequent update of pet's news. We provide basic care for your home too at no additional cost - mail & newspaper brought in, adjusting lights/shades, plant watering, security checks. We will gladly arrange a complimentary "Meet & Greet" with you and your pets before you're away from home.
我们推荐宠物主人使用宠物保姆服务: 我们可以在您外出时为您的宠物服务 - 喂食,换水,带狗狗散步,帮猫猫清便盆,梳毛,玩耍,洗澡,宠物呕吐或弄脏家里时会做基本清洁,喂吃药,可每天或每隔几天通知主人近况和附上近照。上门的同时也会每天免费帮忙检查主人家里的门窗是否关好,帮忙浇花洒水,把报纸和信件收进家中,或帮忙开及关灯。在主人出远门前会先安排上门打个招呼,和宠物们先交个朋友,并且领取钥匙。
➨ Info 小简介
We are animal lover and fosterer of homeless pets. Since we're a kid we started to live together with animals and grow up together with them. When we're getting older we started to have our own furry kids and started to help homeless animals who live on street and be volunteer of animal shelter. As mom of 12 cats & 7 dogs, we feel sad every-time we can't be with our pets while we're away for holiday or outstation, it's even more unacceptable to leave them in kennel or unfamiliar boarding place, leaving them to feel so insecure & fear with the unfamiliar surroundings and suffer with loneliness. and we can't even enjoy ourselves in the trip. We bet that every pet owner feel the same with us ;)
我们也是流浪动物寄养人和独立救援者,使用我们的服务间接性的您也能帮助流浪动物们。我们自小时候有记忆开始便和动物们一起翻滚 一起长大,长大了理所当然的有了好多自己的猫狗孩子,也开始帮助流浪动物,成为动物收容所的长期义工,似乎每一个小日子都和动物一起渡过,成长。我们也是12只猫猫和8只狗狗的妈咪,在我们的想法里,出国工作或旅行时和宠物分开已经好难受,如果又必须让他们住进宠物酒店里陌生的环境且狭小的笼子里更是让我们觉得无法接受,旅行中也无法好好享受呀。你是不是也和我们一样呢?
OTHER PET SERVICES: Pet taxi services. As we're part-time pet sitter, we apologize when we are forced to refuse some pet sitting applications sometimes. **