Windy Thistle Farm Stay Bed & Breakfast

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  • Windy Thistle Farm Stay Bed & Breakfast

Windy Thistle Farm Stay Bed & Breakfast Farm Agritourism, Homesteading Classes, Gardening, Chickens, Fresh Produce, Primitive Camping - Big River Access within 3 miles for Fishing or Floating. Louis

Just one hour south of St.

Windy Thistle Farm update: All the recent rain made everything just jump in growth!  It's lush, I tell you, LUSH here on...

Windy Thistle Farm update: All the recent rain made everything just jump in growth! It's lush, I tell you, LUSH here on the farm.

PRODUCE: We are getting peppers now - Sorano, Jigsaw, Jalopena, Green, and Banana Peppers.

Tomatoes are ripening but are still in the process.

We have flower bouquets in two sizes and might even be able to match colors - pinks or yellows. Each bouquet has at least five different kinds of cut flowers and usually more.

Eggs are here in aplenty.

We're getting yellow summer squash and zucchini as well.

Don't forget the many herbs that are always available in the summer - Basil, Dill, Sage, Parsley, Oregano, Thyme, Yarrow, Lemon Balm, Spearmint, Catmint, and Dried Calendula Petals *add Calendula petals to a bath for softer skin.

Coming soon, Herbal Infused Salts - Basil, Thyme, Dill and Oregano are on the list. I'm thinking of making up Italian Spice Salts.

One of the things I forget to mention is Bouquet Garne's - hand-made bundles of herbs used to make basic sauces and add to roasts and stews. They are usually parsley, sage, oregano, basil, and thyme. Just toss a bundle in while it's cooking, fish it out at the end, and no fuss no muss seasoning! I can make up several different varieties.

While they last, I have goat's milk soap with a Lemon Grass scent. Only four ingredients, goat's milk, coconut oil, olive oil, and the essential oil scent. So good. Lathers well and rinses clean.

All of this goodness is Available for delivery orders. Please make an order for delivery next Friday as we are being overrun with plenty. Everything is gathered fresh on Thursdays so that we offer the best to you and your family!

We've had some problems here at the farm.  Our van, Raven's car and Rainbow's car all went on the fritz at the very same...

We've had some problems here at the farm. Our van, Raven's car and Rainbow's car all went on the fritz at the very same time. Rainbow's car is still acting up but is on the road again. Raven's car sits in the driveway with a new battery and alternator but still won't go anywhere.

The Van is Fixed completely. My Darling Roger replaced the battery and the alternator with the help of our friend, Andy. Shew!

We are back to work! Need eggs? Herbs? Bouquet of Flowers? I have the stuffs. Let me know!

Windy Thistle Update:  It's a great summer here at the farm.  I've recovered most of my health and energy.  I spend most...

Windy Thistle Update: It's a great summer here at the farm. I've recovered most of my health and energy. I spend most mornings out in the garden until it gets too hot and muggy to be out. Our new pup, Dinah, thinks these are the great times, too. I like having a big dog companion again.

The gardens are going gangbusters! It's so lush out there right now, the green is overwhelming. The photo with Dinah shows the garden in May. The next one shows the garden now. One month makes a huge difference.

I haven't talked about our chickens in a while. The winter took it's toll on the birds and we lost a few to old age. That's always sad. We ended up with a hidden roo in our flock so there are three roos in the Mutt Flock now and they are all getting along well. My DIL Donna has a bunch of eggs in her incubator for me. We'll see what hatches. The predator that was eating our eggs has moved on and we're getting about 6 dozen a week again.

I mentioned last month we had a couple of volunteer plants -Hollyhocks and Garlic. We missed two heads when we harvested *two* years ago! We got fourteen heads of garlic from them. Some of them are pretty small but they will all mince up just fine and then it's into the dehydrator they go. Our minced garlic is to die for. Open the jar of dried garlic and the smell is so fresh and full - it's not something you can get from the spice racks at the store. We have more garlic out in our small enclosed garden, too!

Donna also gave me a walking onion last year. If you don't know about these, they are perpetual onions that replant themselves. I thought, yeah, it'll be a few years before I need to worry about where I planted it. I was *so* wrong! Look at this plant! We dug out the current garlic bed (except for the garlic that wasn't ready) and we'll put a couple of metric feet of top soil and compost into it and then, all those walking Egyptian Onions will get transplanted there and let to just go crazy where it can't get out!

The flowers look gorgeous. Dinah and I frequently go out to the patio in the mornings and admire the cottage herb garden. It's pretty wild but has so much packed into a little space. I cut flowers daily and the bouquets in the house are gorgeous, too. I find it very restful to just glance at one of the bouquets during the day in the house.

The Basil Garden is doing well, too. Holy Thai Basil didn't like me so much this year, we only have a few of them but look at this! I cut them once a week and they are getting bushy. Fresh basil is such a good thing and we're loving it. I wash it, put it loose in ziplocks left partially open, and toss it in the fridge. The basil (and all the tender herbs and lettuce) stays crisp for about a week. So good!

The big garden is growing well, we have a lot of tomatoes and pepper plants that are blossoming and setting fruit. The varieties are going to be so much fun. We have Reisen, Roma, and Amish Paste and I can't wait! I've also got summer squash, winter squash, celery, lettuce, zinnias and sunflowers out there right now along with a couple of Sunchokes, again from our generous Donna.

We have a lot of projects in the works again. The place is starting to look good, after my year of neglecting it. It's amazing how ragged everything got while I was ill. Life is always a work in progress.

I'm almost out of soap now, so we are going to be holding a soap making class. Beginners or intermediate soap makers will have a great time and get to take some soap home of their own. Classes are $40.00 a person and last about 4 hours. Class sizes are limited to five people, so get a group of your friends together and send me an email! As soon as we have five, I'll set a date!

We have a lot of goodies for sale again - The delivery route is open and delivery days are either Fridays or Saturdays. Our fee is always just $3.00, no matter how much you get.

Eggs: $4.00 a dozen
Herbs, fresh: $3.00 a bunch
Herbs, dried: $2.00 a bunch
Bouquets: large $15.00, small $7.50
Goat's Milk Soap: $3.50 a bar

Herbs: Dill, Basil, Catmint, Spearmint, Yarrow, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley, Lemon Balm, Chives,

Our bouquets are a mix of Cosmos, Salvia - blue and purple, Batchelor Buttons, Calendula, Yarrow, Statice, Snapdragons, Shasta Daisies, and Bee Balm. More flowers are getting ready to bloom, too.

Until next time!

Windy Thistle: More About Herbs.  My friend asked about herbs but most folks don't know why.  She's making herbal witche...

Windy Thistle: More About Herbs. My friend asked about herbs but most folks don't know why. She's making herbal witches brooms to sell to raise money for travel to St. Louis from Springfield so he can get treatment for cancer. She has a gofundme set up but I don't have the particulars. Marie Cozby - if you could share again, I will, too!

I told y'all yesterday that today I would be harvesting a few herbs. I headed out bright and early to harvest some for her. I found that I have abundance. Lo, I do have those herbs and more.

I harvested enough blossoms today for two bouquets so my living room is looking spiffy, too! The bouquets this week have Snapdragon, Batchelor Buttons, Yarrow, Field Chamomile, Daisies, Cosmos, Purple Salvia, and Blue Salvia. It's so refreshing to have the pretty flowers around the house. I sell my big bouquets for $15.00 and the little ones for $7.50.

Then, I got busy and harvested more thyme, both sage leaves and sage flower spikes, dill, basil, parsley, lemon balm, and spearmint. Also, I have the oregano that I am drying from yesterday. A big bunch of herbs is $3.00, fresh or dried - your choice. It's enough for several meals or to dry for your future use.

I do have processed spices/herbs available, too. Yarrow is one that most people don't use but it makes a great wound dressing and will help stop bleeding. I also have dried thyme and oregano, parsley and basil in jars. The dried herbs are $4.00 a jar.

Lots of other stuff is growing and blossoming. We're going to have tomatoes, peppers and other flowers soon, so keep an eye out for the Windy Thistle updates. And remember, if *I* can grow it, you probably can, too.

Windy Thistle:  Wow, the flowers and herbs are going nuts this year.  It's a combination of timely rain and good sunshin...

Windy Thistle: Wow, the flowers and herbs are going nuts this year. It's a combination of timely rain and good sunshine. I'm back to making the weekly bouquet to brighten up the dining room table.

I had to give my Oregano and Thyme a hair cut. I got seven big bunches to dry as a bunch, five dehydrator trays of oregano and two of thyme and another big gallon ziplock full of more oregano.


Tomorrow, I'll be harvesting parsley, dill and basil. Let me know if you want some of that, too! Goodness.. the abundance!


Well, well, well, you just never know what might happen at Windy Thistle Farm. Our bees from last year was a bust, all but one single hive that we named "Freddy Mercury". We piled catch boxes and swarm boxes and unused hive bodies outside our basement door because it was cold and no bees were flying when we put them there.

Seems that it's warmed up a tad. This morning, we found out that we had a second volunteer hive way too close to the house. So, we cobbled together a complete hive body, top and bottom boards and geared up.

We moved that hive about ten feet east and two feet higher in the air to move them away from the back door and to keep their flight path from conflict with the humans and dogs. The bees were very docile and the ones left behind were confused for a little while but they are all going in and out happily now.

What should we name this New Queen?

Windy Thistle Update:  Wow, I am sore!   Raven, Christopher, My Darling Roger and I planted another two rows of the big ...

Windy Thistle Update: Wow, I am sore! Raven, Christopher, My Darling Roger and I planted another two rows of the big garden. We're renaming this "The Rock Garden" because that's what it is! For every couple of inches of dirt, we have an inch of rocks!

It's said that is what grows in Missouri - Rocks! And it's certainly true of our little hill farm. It's a lot of walking up and down slopes, too. We do get our exercise. We get everything ready to go down to the big garden before we head down.

It's a mess, really, from last year when I was ill and no weeding happened to speak of. We've got a fraction of it back now.. possibly 1/3 of what we should have.

These things take time with no plow or tractor. Our tiller caught a rock and is on the fritz with a bent wheel that will need to be hammered out. So, it was back to shovels and hand trowels the get the ground ready. Did I mention that I am sore!?

Bonus, everything we've planted last week, except the Beets, is growing well. I love Beets and try to grow them every year. I've tried a raised bed, a container, a row in the herb garden close to the house so I could watch it, out the in the big garden year after year. And every year, they fail. I fail.

This year, I had great big happy healthy plants to put in the ground. I was so happy. They weren't leggy or weak but strong and proud Beets, ready for their moment in the sun. They survived transplanting and were thriving and that was too much for the local herbivores. I don't know what got them, probably rabbits because they were nibbled down to nubs but left alive.

Some were gone completely but may have been washed out by the torrential downpours we've recently had. Doesn't matter how we lost them, they were gone.

So, I did what any good Beet-loving person would do, I replanted Beets. There will someday be a bunch of Beets large enough to pickle for a taste of summer during the winter and for great salads and to roast with other root veggies.

Anyway, the planting continues, we put in Roma, Reisen, and Amish Paste Tomatoes; Cayenne, Banana, Paprika, and Green Peppers; Chocolate, Autumn Beauty and Henry Wilde Sunflowers; Mixed Zinnias; Purple, Curly, and Leaf Lettuce; Celery; Yellow, Zucchini, Summer Squashes; Cabbage; Borage; and the gift of Sunchokes from Donna. We had planted onions but something ate them root and all when we lost the beets.

Surprise gifts: A lovely lush Hollyhock and two Garlic bulbs that we must have missed during harvest last year. There are at least ten shoots. I'm thinking about digging them up when they finish and just keeping them til next fall. We'll see. I can't imagine the garlic will get any good growth, crowded like they are. Does anyone know if I can separate those shoots at this late date? They're about 18 inches tall.

Next up, Cherry and Black Beauty Tomatoes; Field, and Sweetie Pie Pumpkins, Canteloupe Melons, and Cucumbers into the ground this week, hopefully. This will be the end of my seedlings. Everything else is direct sowed. There is a goodly amount of direct sowing, too but by the end of May, everything should be happily in the ground. And the mad rush to keep ahead of the weeds has already begun.

What's happening in your neck of the woods and what do you know about Garlic?

Well, after weeks of FB misbehaving and not letting me post, it's back to working.   This is the third time I've tried t...

Well, after weeks of FB misbehaving and not letting me post, it's back to working. This is the third time I've tried to post an update.

Windy Thistle Farm Update:

We've gotten a lot of the planting done now and the gardens are looking much better. The first of our herbs are available now, sage, oregano, thyme, dill, chives, yarrow, catmint, spearmint, and lemon balm.

We went to the Lindbergh Flea Market yesterday and sold all of the plant extras I had grown. What was leftover went to my daughter-in-law (love) Donna. She's got such a green thumb, I knew she'd like them or have friends and family to share with.

Some of you might know that I suffered from Long Covid and lost an entire year of working last year. My gardens were in horrible shape and so disappointing. But they are beautiful again and things are thriving and we've opened up a few new places to grow things.

We have a predator chicken who is eating eggs and destroying the others, I haven't caught who it is yet and it could be a black snake that is escaping capture. One of our Jersey Giants has gone broody and is sitting a nest. We hope she gets some to hatch.

So far, lush is the way to describe the farm. Everything, including weeds is growing at a phenomenal rate! The Patio Table has become a great hangout for visitors to enjoy the beauty that is the tiny hill farm of Windy Thistle. Here, take a peek.


Random thought: Have you ever heard that when you go to heaven, all your pets will be waiting for you? I will have a herd of cats, dogs, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, goats, hamsters, parakeets, chinchillas, rats and even a few reptiles meeting me. :D

Windy Thistle Update:  Things are really ramping up here now.  The new soaps are ready - Watermelon, Lavender, and Lemon...

Windy Thistle Update: Things are really ramping up here now. The new soaps are ready - Watermelon, Lavender, and Lemon Grass - mmm, so good.

Our soaps are made of Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Goat's Milk, and Essential Oil Scents. Yep, that's all! It lathers very well. It removes all the farm grime without fuss while being very gentle to the skin. It's not the prettiest soap but it's one of the best! Between $3.00 and $4.00 a bar sold by the ounce.

The First Herb of the Year can be harvested from here on out. It's YARROW - one of the nicest medicinal herbs around. Made into a cold compress, it's just the thing for those aches and pains. Toss a bunch into a hot bath and soak those aches away. Herbs are always just $2.00 a bunch.

A partial list of the plants available right now but not ready for planting outside yet:

PEPPERS: All Hot: Cayenne, Jigsaw, and Paprika. (Other varieties are coming)

TOMATOES: Cherry, Black Beauty, Riesan, Blushing Pink, Missouri Love Apples

I'm excited to get the gardens growing again and all the good things that will be coming!


I have 141 Tomato Plants up potted in their last home before being planted. I have over 60 varieties of other herbs, flowers and veggies still in the starter trays. Probably close to 1000 plants made it. I'm so busy. I bought me a new waterer that works so much better!


I have planted forty-four varieties of Herbs, Flowers and Veggies. I'm about halfway through what I intend on planting. It's so much fun to see them springing up.

We have bees!! One of our hives lived through the winter.  I'm counting this as a win, since many hives don't.  Dinah we...

We have bees!! One of our hives lived through the winter. I'm counting this as a win, since many hives don't. Dinah went down the beeyard this morning, trying to escape being brought back inside and lo, the bees were flying.

Luckily, I got the leash back on Dinah before she noticed the bees were within range.

Mmm there will be seedlings!  The onions, statice and black-eyed susans are UP in the trays.  Another 14 seed trays are ...

Mmm there will be seedlings! The onions, statice and black-eyed susans are UP in the trays. Another 14 seed trays are seeded and awaiting sprouting under the grow lights that My Darling Roger set up for me, along with my planting shelves.


Oh, I'm thinking about springtime.  I've looked through all my seeds and I've ordered fresh seeds for some things.  I've...

Oh, I'm thinking about springtime. I've looked through all my seeds and I've ordered fresh seeds for some things. I've washed about 75% of my seed starting trays.

My Darling Roger has put up my grow shelves, just waiting for the grow lights to be put up now and on their timer.

This morning, I cleaned out the 5" pots and am getting ONIONS ready to plant. I'm excited for the growing season to begin.

Is any one else wetting their plants awaiting the green growing things to return? Did you notice how many times I said GROW!

Yes, good things to come.


Carol Russell, Miki Fox, The birds have decided to be beautifully feathered out and laying eggs again. Takers? Still just $4.00 a dozen with a $3.00 delivery fee no matter how many dozens you get. Currently, four dozen available but will be washed. :D

No counter eggs until it stops raining.

Ten thoughts for the New Year that I've learned over the years:1. You can't wear out love by telling people you love the...

Ten thoughts for the New Year that I've learned over the years:

1. You can't wear out love by telling people you love them. You can only increase love. Say it as often as you like! I love you!!

2. Getting more people to love in your life increases it, it never diminishes the love you already have for others.

3. It's not your business what other people think of you and unless they love you, you don't really need to know.

4. Believing in yourself and taking care of yourself first is what enables you to believe in and take care of the people you love.

5. If you have children, be careful to say I love you daily, especially when they don't expect it. Remember that you love them when they get on your last nerve.

6. Call or visit a friend and vent when life gets to be too much. Make it clear that you're not looking for solutions but just to talk. Talk often.

7. Remember work-life balance is not about work. It's about living while you work to support that life. If you aren't getting enough life, change the way you work.

8. Attitude is everything. It can make or break a job, a home, a family, or a country. Cultivate a good attitude, and a can-do way of thinking, and keep positivity in front of everything you do. It pays off.

9. Be honest in your thoughts and believe in your intuition. If you feel something is 'off' trust yourself. Take steps to alleviate problems before they get big.

10. Accept responsibility for your commitments and stay committed. If rotten things happen, talk to the people you have responsibility for and let them know.

What kinds of these things do you know and we all should know?

And Remember: I love you!


Happy New Year, Folks. Stay warm and cozy for this winter but be prepared to be free, easy and breezy come summer!


Merry Christmas, Y'all! :D

That's Southern for I love you all.


It's Yule! I hope this solstice finds you cozy and warmly snuggled in tonight. I hope the new year comes brightly into your life and roses bloom in your yard this coming summer.

No matter what happens, the world turns, seasons come and go and starry winter nights are beautifully still.

My wish for this and every year: PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TOWARDS ALL

MARKET MONDAY! Goodness me!  We’ve been so very busy and so are our HENS!  The ladies have kicked into overdrive and we’...


Goodness me! We’ve been so very busy and so are our HENS! The ladies have kicked into overdrive and we’re getting close to two dozen eggs a day! That’s not a misprint! If you have never tried farm-fresh eggs, you’ll be in for a treat! We also have a new generation of chicks growing up on the farm now. Chicken Theatre is always entertaining.

HOW TO USE HERBS: We have dried herbs now and we’re setting up a How to Use Herbs Class. We’ll go over Bouquet Garne use, flavorful dressings, and common usage for teas. Folks will take home jars of the tea of their choice and a dressing freshly made as well as some fresh herbs in a garne to take home to experiment with. If you’d like to get in on that class, send me a DM.

We’re harvesting Chamomile flowers now for the teas. We’ll be drying other herbs for winter use and as they become available, I’ll list them. Right now, we have dried oregano, thyme, dill, sage, spearmint, lemon balm, and yarrow, $2.00 a bunch.

EGGS - $4.00 a dozen, please stipulate European (unwashed) or American (washed) when ordering. These are delicious free-range eggs with high dark yellow yolks, and thick whites laid by happy chickens!

HERBS: $2.00 - freshly picked the morning of delivery. We have Basil, Dill, Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Spearmint, Catmint, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, and Tansy.

BOUQUET GARNI: $5.00 – a bundle of seasonings for soups, stews, and Italian sauces, all washed and tied into a bundle that you just toss into your pot and take out before serving. All the herbs needed are provided: Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley, and Sage, all ready and freshly made on Friday Morning.

FLOWER BOUQUET $10.00 - approximately 20 stems of various flowers, whatever is beautiful. Lots more of the really showy flowers are starting to bloom, so bouquets will include Salvia, Statice, Snapdragons, Hollyhocks, among other gorgeous flowers.

GOAT'S MILK SOAP: $3 to $4 sold by weight. UNSCENTED, EUCALYPTUS, OR LAVENDER. This superfatted soap lathers well, rinses cleanly, and leaves your skin soft and hydrated because all the cream and glycerin are still there. Ingredients: Goat's Milk, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and essential oils scents and is made the old-fashioned cold process way.

DELIVERY FEE is just $3.00, no matter how much you order. We'll stop taking orders on Thursday Evening and your goodies will be on your doorstep Friday.

The ROUTE: Cedar Hills, MO North on Hwy30/Gravois Road to Watson Road, East to Hwy 55, South to Hillsboro, West on Hwy B to Morse Mill, and all points in between. If you live outside the delivery area, we'll figure out a place to meet up with you.

You can order by DMing Eileen Stewart or replying here.

Curious about the farm? We welcome visitors on Sunday Afternoons so come on out

MARKET MONDAY! I’m a day late again!  My mother has been in the hospital, so please excuse me!  She’s doing better, no w...


I’m a day late again! My mother has been in the hospital, so please excuse me! She’s doing better, no worries. :D

We have dried herbs now and we’re setting up a How to Use Herbs Class. We’ll go over Bouquet Garne use, flavorful dressings, and common usage for teas. If you’d like to get in on that class, send me a DM.

We’re harvesting Chamomile flowers now for the teas. We’ll be drying other herbs for winter use and as they become available, I’ll list them. Right now, we have dried oregano, thyme, dill, sage, spearmint, lemon balm, and yarrow, $2.00 a bunch.

EGGS - $4.00 a dozen, please stipulate European (unwashed) or American (washed) when ordering. These are delicious free-range eggs with high dark yellow yolks, and thick whites laid by happy chickens!

HERBS: $2.00 - freshly picked the morning of delivery. We have Cilantro, Basil, NEW Dill, Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Spearmint, Catmint, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, and Tansy Get the Cilantro while you can, it’s a delicate plant and is heading quickly into Coriander.

BOUQUET GARNI: $5.00 – a bundle of seasonings for soups, stews, and Italian sauces, all washed and tied into a bundle that you just toss into your pot and take out before serving. All the herbs needed are provided: Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley and Sage, all ready and freshly made on Friday Morning.

FLOWER BOUQUET $10.00 - approximately 20 stems of various flowers, whatever is beautiful. (larger bouquets can be ordered) Hollyhocks and Snapdragons will be the focus this week with Daisies, Yarrow, and Honeysuckle.

GOAT'S MILK SOAP: $3 to $4 sold by weight. UNSCENTED, EUCALYPTUS, OR LAVENDER. This superfatted soap lathers well, rinses cleanly, and leaves your skin soft and hydrated because all the cream and glycerin removed from store-bought soap is still there. Ingredients: Goat's Milk, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and essential oils scents and is made the old-fashioned cold process way.

DELIVERY FEE is just $3.00, no matter how much you order. We'll stop taking orders on Thursday Evening and your goodies will be on your doorstep Friday.

The ROUTE: Cedar Hills, MO North on Hwy30/Gravois Road to Watson Road, East to Hwy 55, South to Hillsboro, West on Hwy B to Morse Mill, and all points in between. If you live outside the delivery area, we'll figure out a place to meet up with you.

You can order by DMing Eileen Stewart or replying here.

Curious about the farm? We welcome visitors on Sunday Afternoons so come on out!

MARKET MONDAY! It’s been a busy week at the farm.   Chicken theatre is going full swing and so are our gardens.  No vegg...


It’s been a busy week at the farm. Chicken theatre is going full swing and so are our gardens. No veggies to speak of yet but lots of other goodies. I’m harvesting Chamomile flowers now for a tea later on this summer. We’ll be drying other herbs for winters use and as they become available, I’ll list them.

EGGS - $4.00 a dozen, please stipulate European (unwashed) or American (washed) when ordering.

TURKEY EGGS - $.50 – We thought Henrietta was done but she is not. So, we have four more turkey eggs for that home baker who wants the richest baked goods around.

HERBS: $2.00 - freshly picked the morning of delivery. We have Cilantro, Basil, NEW Dill, Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Spearmint, Catmint, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, Tansy Get the Cilantro while you can, it’s a delicate plant.

NEW: BOUQUET GARNE: $5.00 – a bundle of seasonings for soups, stews, Italian sauces, all washed and tied into a bundle that you just toss into your pot and take out before serving. All the herbs needed are provided: Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley and Sage, all ready and freshly made on Friday Morning.

FLOWER BOUQUET $10.00 - approximately 20 stems of various flowers, whatever is beautiful. (larger bouquets can be ordered) Hollyhock and Snapdragons will be the focus this week with Daisies, Yarrow and Honeysuckle.

GOAT'S MILK SOAP: $3 to $4 sold by weight. UNSCENTED, EUCALYPTUS, OR LAVENDER. This superfatted soap lathers well, rinses cleanly and leaves your skin soft and hydrated because all the cream and glycerin removed from store-bought soap is still there. Ingredients: Goat's Milk, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and essential oils scents and is made the old fashioned cold process way.

DELIVERY FEE is just $3.00, no matter how much you order. We'll stop taking orders on Thursday Evening and your goodies will be on your doorstep Friday.

The ROUTE: Cedar Hills, MO North on Hwy30/Gravois Road to Watson Road, East to Hwy 55, South to Hillsboro, West on Hwy B to Morse Mill and all points in between. If you live outside the delivery area, we'll figure out a place to meet up with you.

You can order by DMing Eileen Stewart or replying here.

Curious about the farm? It's a magical place! We welcome visitors on Sunday Afternoons so come on out!

MARKET MONDAY! Here's what is available this Friday for delivery. EGGS - $4.00 a dozen, please stipulate European (unwas...

MARKET MONDAY! Here's what is available this Friday for delivery.

EGGS - $4.00 a dozen, please stipulate European (unwashed) or American (washed) when ordering.

TURKEY EGGS - $.50 each These eggs are the size of two chicken eggs. Available only for this week. Henrietta has stopped laying for the year. We have four.

HERBS: $2.00 a good handful bunch - freshly picked the morning of delivery. We have Cilantro, Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Spearmint, Catmint, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, Tansy

Bouquet of Flowers $10.00 - approximately 20 stems of various flowers, whatever is beautiful. (larger bouquets can be ordered)

GOAT'S MILK SOAP: $3 to $4 sold by weight. UNSCENTED, EUCALYPTUS, OR LAVENDER. This superfatted soap lathers well, rinses cleanly, and leaves your skin soft and hydrated because all the cream and glycerin removed from store-bought soap is still there. Ingredients: Goat's Milk, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and essential oils scents and is made the old-fashioned cold process way.

The delivery fee is just $3.00, no matter how much you order. We'll stop taking orders on Thursday Evening and your goodies will be on your doorstep Friday.

The ROUTE: Cedar Hills, MO North on Hwy30/Gravois Road to Watson Road, East to Hwy 55, South to Hillsboro, West on Hwy B to Morse Mill and all points in between. If you live outside the delivery area, we'll figure out a place to meet up with you.

You can order by DMing Eileen Stewart or replying here.

Curious about the farm? We welcome visitors on Sunday Afternoons so come on out!


MARKET MONDAY on TUESDAY because we took the grandkids to Arkansas! Here's what is available this Friday for delivery.

EGGS - $4.00 a dozen, please stipulate European (unwashed) or American (washed) when ordering.

TURKEY EGGS - $.50 each These eggs are the size of two chicken eggs. Available only for a short time, because Henrietta only lays eggs for a month.

HERBS: $2.00 a good handful bunch - freshly picked the morning of delivery. We have Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Spearmint, Catmint, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, Tansy

Bouquet of Flowers $10.00 - approximately 20 stems of various flowers, whatever is beautiful. (larger bouquets can be ordered)

GOAT'S MILK SOAP: $3 to $4 sold by weight. UNSCENTED, EUCALYPTUS, OR LAVENDER. This superfatted soap lathers well, rinses cleanly and leaves your skin soft and hydrated because all the cream and glycerin removed from store-bought soap is still there. Ingredients: Goat's Milk, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and essential oils scents and is made the old-fashioned cold process way.

The delivery fee is just $3.00, no matter how much you order. We'll stop taking orders on Thursday Evening and your goodies will be on your doorstep Friday.

The ROUTE: Cedar Hills, MO North on Hwy30/Gravois Road to Watson Road, East to Hwy 55, South to Hillsboro, West on Hwy B to Morse Mill and all points in between. If you live outside the delivery area, we'll figure out a place to meet up with you.

You can order by DMing Eileen Stewart or replying here.
Curious about the farm? We welcome visitors on Sunday Afternoons so come on out!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00


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Windy Thistle Love

This is just the beginning of what is going to be a very cool adventure. Let me introduce myself - I'm Eileen. I like to think I am a Jill of all trades because I've worn so many hats in my life. I'm about to wear a new hat, though and that's what this blog is about. I’m married to a very down to earth and loving man who is always up for trying something new.

It's been a dream of my husband and I to run a bed and breakfast in some sleepy little town. We have been keeping an eye out, looking here and there and have decided that we'd like to resettle about an hour south of St. Louis, Missouri in the Missouri Ozarks Foothills. So, we finally found just the right spot. It’s an American Rambler – started as just a one room cabin and then was added on over the years until it’s a three bedroom house.

The area we are in is one of Missouri's hidden gems. It combines the natural beauty of the Missouri woods and the wonderful fishing and swimming on the Big River within three miles so our guests don't have to stay on the farm - they can explore the beautiful area around us.

Unlike a B&B, a farm stay's much more of a working model farm and while a fine country breakfast is part of the deal, picnic lunches and filling simple dinners can be available and snacks are available at all times. It can be a romantic getaway, too, with breakfast in bed. Then, the day can be filled with a variety of farm chores for someone to watch or get their hands dirty and help, as the guests like it or they can just sit back on the porch.