Thanks to Layla of @indicas.exotics for this video, they says "Since getting the Arcadia Reptile “Jungle Dawn LED Bar” for some of my enclosures, the plants have been growing like crazy!! I plan on getting these lights for all of my enclosures because not only does it help plant growth but it provides full spectrum lighting and makes your enclosure look so much brighter and lively. "
Thank you 🙌🏻🙌🏻
#ArcadiaReptile #JungleDawn #Plantgrowthlight #reptilerescue #reptilekeeper #reptiles #reptile #bioactive #ethicalreptilekeeping #bioactivevivarium #bioactiveterrarium #bioactivesnakesetup #plants #cornsnake #snakes #snakekeeper
Arcadia Reptile UV lamps are high quality, German-made lamps, guaranteed to be UVB potent for 12 whole months.
#ArcadiaReptile #Reptiles #UVB #reptilelighting #prot5 #shadedweller #reptileuvb #exoticpets #reptilekeeper
What a display 😍 The LLLReptile & Supply Arcadia Reptile table at this past weekend's Reptile Super Show!
#ArcadiaReptile #Reptiles #Reptilesupplies @lllreptilesandiego #exoticpets #reptileexpo #reptilekeeper #reptilelighting #reptileheating
Is Optimised52 + Optimised Indulgence the ultimate duo for tortoises? Our tortoise seems to think so 😂🌺
#ArcadiaReptile #Optimised52 #OptimisedIndulgence #Tortoise #Tortoises #Tortoisekeeper #testudo #reptiles #reptilekeeper
Check Out The Worldwide Reptile Super Survey
We've teamed up with Responsible Reptile Keeping to launch the Worldwide Reptile Super Survey!
The data collected will help governments make sensible laws and ensure reptiles are kept responsibly, so a few minutes of your time can make an enormous difference.
Follow the link in our LinkTree, watch the quick video, and then complete the survey.
You'll receive a free digital magazine and you could even win a big cash prize!
#WorldwideReptileSuperSurvey #DataIsKing #SettingTheRecordStraight #TeamRRK #RRK #ResponsibleReptileKeeping #TheKeeperMagazine #TKM #Reptilekeeping #Reptilekeeper #Responsiblekeeping #Responsiblekeeper #Ethicalreptilekeeping #Ethicalreptilekeeper #ReptileEnrichment #AnimalWelfare #ReptileWelfare #AnimalHusbandry #ReptileHusbandry #ReptileConservation #ReptileAdvocacy #Herpetology #ReptileEducation #Reptilecare #Reptilepets #Companionreptile
OmniGold is a perfect blend of 50% Veg/Plant, 40% Whole Meats and Insects and 10% Fruits/Vitamins and Minerals.
#ArcadiaReptile #EarthPro #OmniGold #Skinks #BlueTongueSkinks #monitorlizard #pufferfish #aquatics #reptiles #skinkfood
We've teamed up with Responsible Reptile Keeping to launch the Worldwide Reptile Super Survey!
The data collected will help governments make sensible laws and ensure reptiles are kept responsibly, so a few minutes of your time can make an enormous difference.
Follow the link in our LinkTree, watch the quick video, and then complete the survey.
You'll receive a free digital magazine and you could even win a big cash prize!
#WorldwideReptileSuperSurvey #DataIsKing #SettingTheRecordStraight #TeamRRK #RRK #ResponsibleReptileKeeping #TheKeeperMagazine #TKM #Reptilekeeping #Reptilekeeper #Responsiblekeeping #Responsiblekeeper #Ethicalreptilekeeping #Ethicalreptilekeeper #ReptileEnrichment #AnimalWelfare #ReptileWelfare #AnimalHusbandry #ReptileHusbandry #ReptileConservation #ReptileAdvocacy #Herpetology #ReptileEducation #Reptilecare #Reptilepets #Companionreptile
Sharing your photos and clips of your animals and setups has been a pleasure. Seeing the range of animals that can benefit from Arcadia Reptile products is fantastic. 💚
#ArcadiaReptile #ReptileKeepers #Reptiles #Snakes #Lizards #MonitorLizards #Tortoise #Lumenize #optimisedindulgence #goldensun #bioactiveterrarium #bioactivevivarium
We all enjoy the odd indulgent moments in life, so why not treat our animals the same? Try Optimised Indulgence today 🐢
#ArcadiaReptile #optimisedindulgence #Tortoise #Tortoisegram #Tortoises #Tortoisefood #Reptiles #reptilekeeper #ExoticPets
EarthPro-CustodianFuel is an easy to use, potent food for springtails and other custodians including isopods and roaches. By accurately feeding our custodians we encourage them to multiply and to become a source of positive nutrition themselves.
#ArcadiaReptile #EarthPro #Custodians #CleanUpCrew #Isopods #DairyCows #Porcelliolaevis #Bioactive #BioactiveTank #PlantedTerrarium #invertebrates
Thank you for a wonderful year! We hope you and your animals have enjoyed the new products.
#ArcadiaReptile #ReptileSupplies #ReptileKeeper #Lumenize #GoldenSun #OptimisedIndulgence #SFG #GeckoFood #Geckos #Reptiles #ExoticPets #Amphibians #YearInReview
This year saw the launch of GoldenSun in USA and Canada! Arcadia Reptile GoldenSun lamps have been specifically created for use with reptiles and to produce an impactful colour temperature. This exclusive new innovation ensures that all of the wavelengths of light usually provided by heat lamps are included, this guarantees that GoldenSun lamps are usable by captive reptiles.
#ArcadiaReptile #GoldenSun #ReptileHeating #Reptiles #Reptilekeeper #ExoticPets