I use 'This way' but a very similar aspect especially for my reactive dog clients to help the get out of a sticky situation and redirect their dogs into a calmer mindset
So simple, very powerful and so important😀✅but...use it wrong and it will lose ALL it's power .
You wont regret adding this in to your everyday interactions with your dog.
This really is for all dogs✅
However, it is especially important for reactive dogs.
If you have yet to add a movement word in, do it. You will not regret it! 🙂
You will no longer struggle to get their attention away from the dandelion they have been sniffing for 2 minutes (because you really have to get home)....say your movement word and watch the automatic response.
Fantastic !!!
EVERY reactive dog and every dog that we teach a loose lead walking technique soon know the power of a movement word....and it really is powerful !
Practice it when your dog naturally starts to walk, NOT when you want them too (just yet).
They need to understand that it means movement, so practice it when they start to move.
You will be surprised just how often you can slip it in during the day.
Getting up from a nap.
It doesn't take long and if you start to remember every time you begin walking again to say it, you are well on your way to have an automatic response from your dog.
Give it a go, add it in whenever you can and you will be amazed how it can be used....but use it with a little caution.
Don't use it to make your dog walk towards something they dislike.
BUT once understood....you can use it to make your dog move away from something they are triggered by.
Use it to change direction.
Use it to distract away.
Use it to advocate ! 🙂
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