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Our Pets Health Helping you and your pet live a healthier happier life. Because they're family.


✨ Did you know that a seemingly hopeless cancer diagnosis doesn't always mean the end? Discover the true story of a dog's miraculous recovery from a malignant thyroid carcinoma!

1️⃣ Initial tests showed a large neck mass, identified as melanoma, which was later found to be a malignant thyroid carcinoma.

2️⃣ Despite an aggressive surgery, tumor cells were left behind and the dog's life expectancy was only a few months.

3️⃣ Amazingly, after four years, the dog was still cancer-free.

4️⃣ No supplements, alternative treatments, or long-term medications were used—they wouldn’t have impacted the outcome but could have changed to narrative given...

5️⃣ Dr. Alex explores the dangers of misattributing treatments, caregiver placebo, and the pitfalls of cherry-picking anecdotal evidence.

💡This story illustrates how crucial it is to rely on scientific evidence rather than anecdotes when determining the best treatment for our pets. Sometimes, natural recovery can defy all odds, highlighting the power and mystery of the immune system 🐾

💭 Have you ever experienced or heard of a pet recovering against all odds? Share your thoughts and stories below!


In the video I discuss the pharmaceutical industry's exploitation of pet owners and veterinarians through inflated prices for pet-specific medications, despite cheaper human drug alternatives being available.

I outline the strict prescribing rules vets must follow, known as the "prescribing cascade," which makes it illegal for them to use human equivalents even if they are more cost-effective.

This video also provides five practical steps pet owners can take to reduce their pet's medication costs without compromising the vets' legal and professional responsibilities.


The pet healthcare industry faces numerous challenges affecting pets, pet parents, and veterinary professionals globally. In this video we explores the complexities and provides insights into potential solutions...


😱 Did you know that 1 in 4 entire female dogs will develop a pyometra by the age of 10? This is a life-threatening infection of the uterus that often requires emergency surgery!

🐕‍🦺 Here are some key points from our discussion on when to spay your dog:

1️⃣ Spaying can prevent serious conditions like pyometra and mammary cancer, and on average spayed dogs live longer than their entire counterparts

2️⃣ Spaying does have some risks, and if carried out at the wrong time it can increase the risk of cruciate ligament injury and certain cancers in specific dog breeds.

3️⃣ The recommended timing of spaying varies hugely and is based on adult body weight and breed

💡 The overall takeaway is that while spaying offers numerous health benefits, the ideal timing should be carefully considered based on your dog's specific breed, size, and health needs. It's crucial to discuss this with your vet to tailor the decision to your furry friend's situation.

🤔 How do you feel about the timing of spaying or neutering your pets? Do you think more personalized guidance is needed in making these decisions?

Disclaimers: - My views are my own, guests views are theirs, sponsors are noted. - I earn money from linking to qualifying Amazon purchases (and other affiliate programs). Thanks for your support and helping my channel! - Enjoy my educational content, but remember, it's not specific veterinary advice for your pet. Consult a veterinary professional in person for your pet's needs.

00:00 Dog spay controversy
01:34 Pyometra
02:33 Mammary cancer
03:34 Pregnancy risks
04:12 Roaming and trauma
04:52 Life expectancy
05:14 Surgery risk
06:19 Cruciate ligament injury
07:46 Cancer risk
08:43 Incontinence
09:03 Autoimmune disease
09:45 Obesity
10:52 Should you spay your dog?
13:09 When to spay your dog


🚨 Did you know that a lot of our pets are facing an avoidable increase in their risk of complications from surgery and anesthesia because 60% of dogs are classified as overweight or obese? 🚨

In this video I share 5 crucial steps to ensure the safety of your furry friend during surgical procedures and anesthesia. From optimizing your dog's health before the procedure to understanding the importance of pre-surgery medications and day-of-surgery precautions, these steps are essential for protecting your pet's well-being.

Something as straight-forward as implementing day-of-surgery precautions such as fluid therapy, pre-anesthetic blood tests, and proper fasting guidelines can play a crucial role in ensuring your dog's safety.

While we can never make surgery a zero risk event, why wouldn't we all take the action needed to get as close as possible? 🐾

- My views are my own, guests views are theirs, sponsors are noted.
- I earn money from linking to qualifying Amazon purchases (and other affiliate programs). Thanks for your support and helping my channel!
- Enjoy my educational content, but remember, it's not specific veterinary advice for your pet. Consult a veterinary professional in person for your pet's needs.


🐾 Did you know that the risk of a dog dying under anesthesia can vary significantly based on their health and the type of surgery they undergo? In a UK study of 150,000 dogs, there were 14 deaths per 10,000 procedures, with 10 of those deaths occurring within 48 hours of the procedure. This underscores the importance of understanding the real risks our furry friends face when they undergo surgery.

🐶 Neutering surgeries in dogs, such as spaying and castration, carry a much smaller risk of death, with only 1 death per 10,000 procedures. However, the difficulty of the surgery can impact this risk, and the overall health of the dog is a crucial factor. When assessing a dog's health for surgery, the ASA score is used, with higher scores indicating a higher risk of death.

🎓 One key takeaway is the importance of understanding the specific risks your dog faces if they require anesthesia and surgery. Considering your dog's health, the type of surgery, and the urgency of the procedure, can help in making more informed decisions about their care.


Seeing a lot of these at the moment...this was one of 3 on the same day and instant relief for poor Gordon who was a real superstar


We were so honored to join Dr. Alex from Our Pets Health to talk about the importance of professional pet photography! Thank you to Darlene from Pant the Town Photography and Kathy from OKKat Photography for offering your amazing tips and knowledge!


What if I told you that the secret to beating your dog’s allergies could be unlocked with just three simple DIY steps that you can start implementing today?!

In this video, you’ll learn how targeted grooming, diet, and environmental hygiene practices can make a huge difference in managing your dog’s itch and improving their skin quality.

You’ll also discover how Royal Canin Skintopic (video sponsor), a specially formulated diet for dogs with environmental allergies, can help support your dog’s skin health and reduce inflammation.

Royal Canin Skintopic contains a unique dermauxilium complex that is packed with essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, natural antioxidants, curcumin, zinc, and more. It has been clinically proven to help in up to 82% of dogs with environmental allergies.

To find out more about Royal Canin Skintopic and how it can help your dog, just click here - https://www.royalcanin.com/au/dogs/products/vet-products/skintopic-3314

00:00 Simple dog allergy control
00:23 Overlooked dog allergy management action
01:42 How to improve your allergic dog's skin
03:11 Environment matter for allergic dogs
04:34 Don't ignore this dog allergy cause


Is your beloved feline friend silently battling a hidden health threat that could steal precious years from their life?

Discover all about how you can assess your cat for the often overlooked issue of feline obesity (that affects 3 in 5 cats) with a simple, swift, and accurate method to assess your cat’s body condition.

And if the answer is yes then dive into why choosing a diet like Royal Canin’s Satiety Weight Management, this video’s sponsor, can be the difference between the success and failure of your cat’s weight loss journey. A diet where a jaw-dropping 97% of cats will successfully lose weight within three months.

The final action step then ensures your cat will lose weight both successfully AND safely!

Find out more about how Royal Canin Satiety Weight Management can help you to optimize the weight and wellbeing of your cat by clicking here: https://www.royalcanin.com/au/cats/products/vet-products/satiety-weight-management-3943


- The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual cat, dog or other animals of any species.

00:00 Is your cat silently suffering?
00:47 The 3 key questions to answer
01:53 The key to success
03:46 Dangers to avoid


Explore the secrets behind professional pet photography and learn why hiring a specialist can transform your furry friend's portraits into cherished works of art


Just had a wonderful conversation with Evie over at Canine Arthritis Management


Buying a puppy online might seem like a good idea BUT what is the chance that they will be healthy?


I bet you wouldn't have picked these as the longest and shortest lived dog breeds! And while it's great to see just how long some of our furry companions can be a part of our lives, it's heart breaking that some leave us so soon 😢


Discover the 10 most common pet care mistakes that can have a huge impact on your pet's health and learn the action steps needed to avoid them


There are so many pitfalls to avoid when it comes to treating a dog with allergies (or any other chronic condition).

We dive into all this and so much more in the allergy summit that's going live in less than 24 hours...have you got your free ticket yet?

Hi everyone, I'm so excited to be kicking off The Dog Allergy Summit in just a few hours time!Allergies are super common...

Hi everyone, I'm so excited to be kicking off The Dog Allergy Summit in just a few hours time!
Allergies are super common, estimated to affect about 20% of dogs at some point in their life, and the problem is getting worse. If your dog is not currently itchy then they may well be in the future so this really is a topic for every dog parent.
And the end result is all too often long-term irritation and misery for our dogs, compromising their quality of life, and frustration for you, their pet parent.
This is why I jumped at the chance to bring together a group of true experts to discuss all things allergy!
From diagnosis and recognizing common complications through to grooming, supplements, diet, and so much more, we've got you covered!
The launch party will be going live very soon, but if you haven't got your free ticket to the summit yet there is still time! You can grab it at ourpetshealth.com/allergysummit
I can't wait to dive into how to get control of your dog's allergies, and introduce you to all of my wonderful expert guests!


Essential fatty acids are just that... essential!

But there is a lot more to it than just giving your dog a spoonful of cod liver oil every day.

Given at the proper dose, these supplements can improve the comfort of arthritic dogs, and for those with allergies, hydrate the skin and eliminate itch.

In fact they are an essential part of any allergic treatment plan!

Find out more by signing up to the free allergy summit I'm hosting in just a few days at ourpetshealth.com/allergysummit

Once you've got your dog's allergies under control, it's important you keep their health optimized.This is where my 3M m...

Once you've got your dog's allergies under control, it's important you keep their health optimized.

This is where my 3M mantra comes in!

You can find out much more about how to get control and keep it in the allergy summit I'm hosting with

And you can get your FREE ticket today at ourpetshealth.com/allergysummit and link in bio


Using heat can be a valuable addition to the treatment plan for many different injuries and diseases our dogs can suffer from.

How you apply this heat is important if your dog is going to get the full benefit from your efforts (and you want to avoid making things worse!)

Get 10% off these fantastic Petietech heated braces for your dog by visiting https://ourpetshealth.com/heatedbrace and using code AFL-ZHHZ


Caring for an unwell pet can be challenging and the pressure to provide the "best" care can be huge, along with the guilt if this is not within our reach.

But, as Dr. Mary Gardner from Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice explains, the most important consideration always has to be quality of life.

The good news here is that there are normally several options that can be explored without compromising this key aspect!


The fact that our pets age faster than we do is an inevitability and we want to ensure they remain as happy and comfortable for as long as possible. But knowing what different options are open to you that will actually make a difference can be really confusing, not to mention expensive.

Today we are diving deep into the world of senior care, palliative treatment, and end of life decisions to ensure your gray-muzzled dog and senior cat has the golden years they deserve.

Veterinarian Dr. Mary Gardner is my expert guest today as we discuss:

- The barriers to good healthcare for older dogs and cats
- The fact that old age alone is not a disease
- Tips on how to know your pet needs extra help
- Your relationship with your vet to ensure a holistic approach
- Focusing on quality of life, not just quantity
- End of life options

Check out the full conversation by searching for "The Call The Vet Show" on google or your favorite podcast app!


The fact that our pets age faster than we do is an inevitability and we want to ensure they remain as happy and comfortable for as long as possible.

But knowing what different options are open to you that will actually make a difference can be really confusing, not to mention expensive.

Today we are diving deep into the world of senior care, palliative treatment, and end-of-life decisions to ensure your gray-muzzled dog and senior cat has the golden years they deserve.

Veterinarian Dr. Mary Gardner is my expert guest today as we discuss:

- The barriers to good healthcare for older dogs and cats
- The fact that old age alone is not a disease
- Tips on how to know your pet needs extra help
- Your relationship with your vet to ensure a holistic approach
- Focusing on quality of life, not just quantity
- End of life options

You can check out the whole conversation by simply searching for "The Call The Vet Show" on your favorite podcasting app


There are so many different options available to help keep your dog as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

And while anti-inflammatories are the mainstay of arthritis treatment, using ALL of the available home care options can add up to make a HUGE difference.

A heat compress is one of the oldest, cheapest, and safest forms of complementary therapy for chronic, long-term joint and muscle injuries and is ideal to use in our dogs for conditions like arthritis.

A graphene heated joint wrap takes this to another level, with options available for multiple joints in dogs of all sizes.

Get 10% off by using the code "ALEX10" and heading over to https://happytrails.petietec.com/?=ytbalex211221


My cats catch too many birds and Molly has recently been lost (thankfully found in a neighbours garage!) so it was high time I got collars that were safe and actually stayed on.

I've tried numerous cheap collars but they never lasted longer than 48 hours before coming off and getting lost.

I decided to splash out and try these premium collars from Supakit. But are they actually any better at staying on my cats, and are they really worth the premium price?


Stop walking your dog!

No, this isn't crazy talk as for many dogs who are anxious or overexcited this is what it can take to reset and allow walks to become the enjoyable time they should be.

Dog trainer Niki French from Pup Talk joined me to speak all about the strategies every dog owner can use to better bond with their dog and make walks fun again!


Antibiotics are no longer working as well as they used to and the implications of this continuing is the stuff of nightmares.

Help stop this reality by being part of the responsible use revolution. The veterinary industry in the UK has halved the use of antibiotics over the last 5 years, and the picture is similar in many other countries across the world.

For a start, in the majority of situations, these 5 common conditions do not need antibiotics


Which treatment option is right for your dog after an ACL tear? While surgery is generally the best choice, there are alternatives.

Dr. Kristin Shaw from CARE explains more on the latest Call The Vet Show episode


Instead of a path leading to breathing problems, arthritis, and slipped disc, Kelly took action.

It was far from easy, but when her weight started to drop, Edie (from Miss Edie the Pug and Edna the Pug) had a change of path to one that meant enjoying zoomies with her sister Edna!

The most impactful action you can make for your pets future health is help them reach and maintain a healthy weight, just like Kelly


Getting stiff and slow is not just getting old...it is PAIN.

But there are so many options to help a dog with arthritis continue to live their best life and every little change can add up to make a huge difference!



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